House with a loft: photos, projects and planning features

Modern house with attic, Photos, projects which can be found online or order their development specialists, allows a more efficient use territory of the plot. Moreover, without appreciable increase in costs as in the construction of two-storey building. even gable roof already increases the usable area of ​​buildings on 50-67%, and the use of sloping roof increases the efficiency by almost half. In the attic can be located study, Shop and even bedroom or children's room.

House with a loft: photos, projects
Use of the attic for the office

Read article

  • 1 Features of the projects of country houses with attic
    • 1.1 Pros houses with attic
    • 1.2 disadvantages options
  • 2 Projects one-story house with a loft: photo
    • 2.1 Ready projects of houses with attic of foam blocks
    • 2.2 Small house with attic: 6x6 layout
    • 2.3 The house 9 9 with a loft: photos, features
    • 2.4 Options designed homes 10 to 10 with a loft: photo
    • 2.5 Other variants of the house with a loft: photo projects
  • 3 Houses with a loft: a photo with the drawings
    • 3.1 Features planning staircases
    • 3.2 The drawings and the roof circuit
    • 3.3 Rafter system for attic
  • 4 The interior of the house with a loft inside: photo
  • 5 results

Features of the projects of country houses with attic

When choosing a home attic photo projects and the various options, it should be borne in mind that this solution has both advantages and disadvantages. The former is larger, so the attic floor is extremely popular. But do not forget about the disadvantages, especially noticeable if the space in the lower part of the building is sufficient for living in it people.

Pros houses with attic

The advantages of building with attic are:

  • increase the space in the house. So, for the size in terms of 6 to 8 m attic floor will provide longer 48 square meters. m square, and from 70 to 80;
  • the possibility of its use only in the summer. So, even the projects of country houses with attic and veranda provide in this area storage winter and extra space for relaxing (or creativity) in the summer;
Neuteplonnaya attic
Neuteplonnaya attic
  • minor costs time and money. House with a loft built quickly, does not require too durable foundation and the same amount of material as a two-storey building.

It should be noted, and aesthetic characteristics of this design concept. With improved attic the appearance of the building. And inside the room looks more original than the usual room - due to an inclined ceiling and the almost complete absence of walls.

disadvantages options

On the downside attic should include changes in the structures that are required when you select this option:

  • necessity Floor decking of the presentAnd, therefore, more durable ceiling overlap first floor - the same as for a two-storey building;
  • increased demands on thermal insulation of the floor - if the attic is not done for the cottages, and for high-grade apartment building, it is required to insulate as well as the lower part of the building. For use during the cold season must-do in this area heating;
  • communications holding - in the first place, water and sewerage. This will make the attic really living.
Bathroom in the attic
Bathroom in the attic

Certain difficulties arise in the design interior attic floors. Especially that the inclined wall may be not only advantages but also disadvantages. They do not allow to place them along the furnitureStuck wallpaper or perform most of the other types of finishes. Some psychologists say that accommodation in rooms with angled ceiling evokes a feeling of discomfort.

Projects one-story house with a loft: photo

Project house with an attic floor is the ideal solution for the owner of a small cottage or infield. The same option is suitable in cases where the increase of the building due to the first floor do not allow the features of the territory. Lack of full second floor will save on construction, and the presence of attic - add extra living space.

The finished projects of houses with attic located in the bottom of the publicly available "day area" (living room, kitchen, Dining room) and the hardware unit comprising a boiler, a bathroom and even garage. A space on the additional attic floor provides so-called "zone night." It includes a bedroom, dressing and, possibly, additional restroom.

Bedrooms in the attic
Bedrooms in the attic

Ready projects of houses with attic of foam blocks

Considering different options of materials for the construction of buildings with an attic floor, it can be concluded that the most popular is the development of the project at home foam blocks with a loft, a photo which can be easily found on the Internet. This building is characterized by the construction of high speed and lower cost of construction materials. Unlike wooden structures, Concrete blocks have no shrinkage, as compared with brick - much better handled, allowing you to create non-standard building solutions - from the bay windows to the turrets.

The house with an attic of foam blocks
The house with an attic of foam blocks

The advantages of this choice of material for the home garret include and light weight units, and their increased frost resistance and fire resistance. In addition, the foam blocks are among the most environmentally friendly type of materials and have a high vapor permeability, which allows optimum support humidity inside the building. And to build one house with an attic floor - it means to make a choice in favor of reducing the cost of operations and increase the comfort of living in such housing.

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Small house with attic: 6x6 layout

Standard house plan with a loft 6 6 involves the construction of the building, designed for 3-4 people. In this part of the residential area will be located at the top of buildings, as the small size of the bottom allow to place in her only economic bloc. The benefits of the project at home with a loft 6x6 include:

  • minimum time for manufacturing building (within 1-2 months, depending on the material);
  • savings on utility bills - heating such a small area (30-35 square. m on the ground floor of 15-25 square meters. m - in the attic) require no more energy than a two or three-room apartment;
  • minor construction costs - especially if selected frame houses 6x6 with a loft designs. A good option would be and the building of foam blocks.
Building with an attic floor 6 x 6. Plan
Building with an attic floor 6 x 6. Plan

When properly selected layout of the house 6 to 6 with a loft inside can accommodate enough space for comfortable living and storage space. space can be used to create a pantry stairway on the attic floor. The kitchen is usually combined with the living room. BUT restroom and tub are made as one common unit arranged on the ground floor.

Home 6 x 6 garret sectional
Home 6 x 6 garret sectional

Planning arrangement of rooms in the building with the constant presence of people, or by selecting a finished project country house 6x6 with a loft, should provide not gable, and a broken line roof. This will increase the size of the top of the buildings, turning it from the attic space of similarity to the zone to live or a summer vacation. To further increase the space will help the device front of the house terraces.

Photos of house with attic 6 x 6
Photos of house with attic 6 x 6

The house 9 9 with a loft: photos, features

Building size of 9 by 9 meters of the building allows you to put in a lot more rooms and areas as compared to the compact 6 x 6 buildings. For this plan home with a loft, a photo of which are often found in construction companies directories can provide large family accommodation - from 4 to 8 people. Total area of ​​the building reaches the rooms of 120-150 square meters. m, depending on the type of roof and sizes flight of stairs.

The house is a 9 x 9 with attic
The house is a 9 x 9 with attic

Typical arrangement of premises for such a house is as follows:

  • on the ground floor there is a spacious living room and a kitchen-dining room;
  • on the second floor have 2 to 4 bedrooms, balcony or terrace;
  • hardware unit (boiler room, Storage room) suit on the ground floor, and the bathrooms are made in both the upper and the lower part of the building.
Plan of the house with an attic floor 9 x 9
Plan of the house with an attic floor 9 x 9

On the ground floor often make the porch for relaxing in the warm season. And, thanks to the large size of the building, enough space remains on the first floor for the bath accommodation. If the tenants of the house with a mansard own just one car, it can be placed inside and a small garage (Selecting area 3 x 9 m). For two or more cars garage construction It is separate from the main building.

Penthouses for building a 9 x 9
Penthouses for building a 9 x 9

Options designed homes 10 to 10 with a loft: photo

Photo of the building 10 x 10 m with an attic
Photo of the building 10 x 10 m with an attic

Almost all the projects 10x10 house with an attic of the foam block is not much different from building 9 to 9. However, by increasing the total area of ​​25-35 square meters. m building will provide additional space even one or two tenants. Number of bedrooms increases inside the house - in the attic, takes from 50 to 80 square meters. m, they may already be from 3 to 5.

The first floor and attic of the house, 10 x 10 m
The first floor and attic of the house, 10 x 10 m

This increases the cost of construction and the cost of warming, Conducting communications and roof. But the increase in budget is fully justified in comparison with both smaller in size of the building with a loft, and a two-story houses.

Penthouses for buildings 10 10
Penthouses for buildings 10 10

If the space for occupants of such buildings is sufficient and on the ground floor of the attic of this size allows to place the home theater and guest rooms. Heating in this case the attic is not carried out, which allows to use it only in the summer. In cold weather, this space serves as a place to store clothes and other things - in this part of the floor is given to cabinets.

Using the attic of a large house for storage
Using the attic of a large house for storage

Other variants of the house with a loft: photo projects

In addition to the most popular options for the size of the buildings with an attic floor, you can use dozens of others. Starting from planning the house 8 by 10 with a loft, a photo which you can see below, and finishing projects 9 x 12 and 10 x 12 meters. Buildings larger area rarely do with attic - enough space inside and no additional rooms. Although, unlike compact houses such buildings allow you to conveniently place the ladder assembly, the dimensions of which do not affect the overall territory.

Building 8 x 10 attic
Building 8 x 10 attic

Projects large houses with attic require increasing the number of toilets. Now, on the second floor you have to be separate toilet and bathroom - and even two, as the number of people living in the building can reach 8-10. To increase the convenience of the residents can be provided two separate lifting on the attic floor - and even two entrances to the building itself.

Houses with a loft: a photo with the drawings

Drawing up of the design documentation before starting the construction of the building with an attic floor includes not only the layout of rooms, but also individual designs drawings. Particular attention should be paid to schemes roof, Roof system and a flight of stairs. This part of the building will differ from those elements of buildings with one or two floors.

Features planning staircases

when planning stairs to consider approaches to it from different parts of the building. The dimensions of the design determines the frequency of use of the attic floor:

  • with permanent residence in it of people (with the presence of the heating and sanitary) stairs It is made of two spans from the middle pad and binding device railing;
  • for the upper part of the house during the summer season and the small size of the attic in the plan allowed the construction of a small screw (to save space), a half-meter width of the stairs.
Stairway to loft
Stairway to loft

For a large building stairways on the attic floor can be two - on opposite sides of the house. structure width may be up to 1 meter, which allows for even two-way movement. It is recommended to have a flight of stairs so that it remains parallel to the slope of the slope of the roof - it will put sufficient headroom during ascent.

The drawings and the roof circuit

The design documentation of the building with a loft should include detailed description and schematic illustrations roofIncluding its geometric shape, slope ramps and geometry. For the project must be accompanied by information about roof insulation, the quality of which depends on the energy consumption for heating and microclimate in the attic area of ​​the cold season. Material and thickness of the insulation is selected through calculations. To do this, you can use special programs - including online applications - but to calculate the design can only be a specialist.

Scheme mansard roof
Scheme mansard roof

Despite the importance of taking into account the thickness of the insulation, even more important stage is the design of roof system. Because of the fact that the attic will be used for temporary or permanent residence, the roof structure is different from the conventional house roof. And the process of system construction will take much more time.

Rafter system for attic

For sloping roofs (most often selected for buildings with attic) rafters must withstand serious loads - wind and snow. For its accounting using special formulas and tables.

Table accounting for wind load
Table accounting for wind load
Table accounting for snow load
Table accounting for snow load

And the process of the construction consists of the following steps:

  1. Installation at the edges of the building of the first two pillars, on which the system will be based;
  2. Check the verticality of the location of posts and tying twine to them, which will act as a benchmark for other supports;
  3. Install the remaining racks;
  4. Installation runs and Docking to the posts;
  5. Installing the lower row of the rafters according to the drawings of the building. For this purpose, sloping rafters;
  6. Apparatus upper portion via hanging Truss small size.
Scheme truss system
Scheme truss system

Roof trusses are made of a special pattern and reinforced braces. And in order to avoid sagging ceiling beams, which must continuously withstand a heavy load, they are connected to the rafters with the help of suspensions. The final stage is the construction sheathing over which the roofing is placed.

Development projects single-storey houses with attic and garage It requires a special relationship to the roof structure. Due to the fact that the slope of sloping construction too great to continue the roof in the direction of the garage extension will not work. A change in the angle of the roof can lead to deterioration of the aesthetic characteristics of the building. Therefore garage may overlap only for the one gable roof embodiment. For the more common version with sloping roof covered garage separately.

Location garage at the house with a mansard roof and a broken line
Location garage at the house with a mansard roof and a broken line

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The interior of the house with a loft inside: photo

To projects of small houses with attic provide not only extra space, but also a place for a comfortable stay, be sure to take into account such features:

  • the need for quality hydro- and insulation. Although because of this reduced volume of the attic, but in the room did not get any water or cold;
  • for finishing the walls should be used lightweight building materials and small furniture. If this rule is not followed, to a ceiling and walls may crack;
  • for dividing the space into several rooms, it is desirable to use gypsum plasterboard - easy enough and, at the same time, durable material.

Due to the fact that the "walls" of the attic floor are inclined, they do not get to finish wallpaper and quite difficult to use tiles. One of the popular choices are finishing wood paneling. A gable roof and does not require the use of additional finishing materials.


The use of the attic allows owners of any house - and a compact and spacious enough - to solve the problem with the extra space without the construction of the second floor. The same option is suitable for the garden. And even small difficulties in the construction of this structure are not comparable with the expenditure of time and resources to complete a two-storey building. Engaged in designing the construction of the house with an attic floor alone is recommended only when the gable roof. Polyline roof requires the involvement of experienced specialists who are able to take into account all the nuances.