For fans of hiking and cycling the main problem - the weight of the backpack. Lunches can be replaced with light sublimated products, take a minimum of clothing, and Multitools for survival in extreme conditionsBut there is a thing without which it is almost impossible to do - water. Well, if your path is through the countryside, where there are natural sources. And if he goes through the desert expanses, where dozens or even hundreds of kilometers there is no spring? Science has prepared a way out for you, and it's - samonapolnyayuschayasya Fontus bottle. What it is and how it works - in this material from edition.

Read article
- 1 Water from air: is it possible?
- 2 Principle of operation samonapolnyayuscheysya bottle Fontus and its device
- 3 Modification 1 - Fontus Airo
- 4 Modification 2 - samonapolnyayuschayasya bottle Fontus Ryde
- 5 Price question: How much is Fontus bottle?
Water from air: is it possible?
Learned from Austria Christoph Retezar has adopted the basic laws of physics and studied in detail the process of condensation of moisture from the atmosphere. He did not invent anything new, just focus on how to make a device for condensing extremely compact and self-contained.

Note! In the atmosphere of our planet is 13 thousand cubic meters of water suitable for drinking.
Principle of operation samonapolnyayuscheysya bottle Fontus and its device
The principle of operation is simple condensation effect due to the temperature difference. You are free to visualize this process, if you put a glass bottle in the freezer the refrigerator for a few minutes, and then eject it.

A bottle Fontus a temperature difference creates tiny radiator. If the bottle is in the so-called "ideal" conditions, i.e. at high atmospheric humidity, it is filled to 500 ml per hour. But in practice, humidity, especially in desert areas far from ideal, so it will take a lot more time.
Gadget creators continue their development in order to increase the efficiency of the device and reduce the terms of its content in a non-standard humidity.

To the condensed moisture is not exposed to dust or insects, it is provided with a protective container filters. There remains only one question - as produced water, but if the question is about salvation from dehydration, it is not so critical. But think about it, developers - in their plans to equip a bottle of carbon fiber filter.
But the energy source for the operation of the apparatus may be different, and this enables the use of two modifications of the device.
Modification 1 - Fontus Airo
This device, which can take along in a backpack into the mountains or hold as a component part of an emergency kit boat in the sea.

Battery has outputs for charging the phone and walkie-talkie, so that it will also become an important part of the rescue package. The power source is configured in a flexible manner so that it can be easily folded or wrapped around the container.

An interesting detail: at the bottom of the jar Fontus Airo are encapsulated minerals that enrich the water necessary for human substance.
Modification 2 - samonapolnyayuschayasya bottle Fontus Ryde
Fontus Ryde has Unlike Airo energy source. It is adapted for cycling fans and is powered by the motion of bicycle parts.

Price question: How much is Fontus bottle?
While these bottles did not generally available, the producers only submitted their prototypes. It is expected that the jar for cyclists would be worth about $ 200 and a bottle of samonapolnyayuschuyusya Fontus with Airo solar battery It can be purchased for $ 350.
On the one hand, the price is prohibitive. But let's look at it from the other side. Can we say that the ability to survive in extreme conditions is worth it? Undoubtedly, yes, samonapolnyayuschayasya Fontus bottle handy if you are in trouble.

And returning to the pattern: not only are immutable laws of physics, but also the laws of the market. As soon as the demand for such a product, and there are manufacturers. Something tells us that the ubiquitous Chinese will not wait long, and conduct market research. So it is obvious that the price of a bottle samonapolnyayuscheysya Fontus will move significantly towards reduction and after a few years, every traveler can afford to take such a device on the road.
And you had some unconventional ways to get water? Share your experiences in the comments, this is very interesting!