If you plan to perform balcony finishing or verandasShould correctly choose the material. External exposure could negatively affect the appearance and life of the formed coating. Given the choice, the best one can be decking larch. We offer to meet the technical characteristics of the material and the characteristics of the installation work.
Beautiful and durable floor coating
Read article
1 Applications of decking planks larch
2 Features decking boards from larch
2.1 Decking "corduroy"
2.2 Smooth Decking
3 Classes and grades of decking boards from larch and specifications
4 Standard sizes of the larch decking boards
5 Advantages and disadvantages of larch decking boards
6 Manufacturers, the quality of which should be trusted
7 The main criteria for selection of decking boards from larch
8 Installation of decking of larch with their hands
8.1 Materials and tools needed to work
8.2 Substrate preparation
8.3 installation log
8.4 Laying boards
8.5 Finish decking planks of larch
9 Care terrace board from larch
10 How much is the decking of larch: average prices and consumer reviews
Applications of decking planks larch
High performance and availability on the surface of decking characteristic peaks and valleys greatly extend its possible field of application. Decking having high anti-slip properties, is often used in floor coverings device for concert stages, dance, and sports facilities.
High performance extend possible area of use
High moisture resistance and resistance to significant temperature fluctuations makes possible use of the material for interior decorationOperated in conditions of high humidity. This is ideal for bath or saunas. With terrace boards are made near the site pools, Wharves, piers, arbours terraces and other outdoor structures.
Fit for outdoor areas
Features decking boards from larch
The relief of the outer surface of the terrace boards can vary. The selection can be made between goods and smooth "velvet". Consider the features of each type.
Appearance planks may be substantially different
Decking "corduroy"
These products have a corrugated surface with a characteristic texture. This design ensures anti-slip properties of the coating formed, even in the presence on its surface a large amount of dirt and water. The presence of grooves allows timely removal of water that makes the actual packing of such material around basin.
"Velvet" has a relief surface
Smooth Decking
In similar articles coated "anti-slip". The formed coating looks quite effectively. However, in high humidity conditions may arise some difficulties, because the smooth surface is easy to slip.
Attention! For safe operation of the coating should be promptly covered with a special compound that achieve the maximum "anti-slip" effect.
Walking on a smooth surface is associated with certain difficulties
Classes and grades of decking boards from larch and specifications
The suggested material manufacturers is divided into various grades, which determine its technical characteristics, in particular: the number of knots and sapwood. The highest quality class is Extra decking. The most expensive material on the front side is not allowed to have knots or any other defects.
Extra class has no defects
Class "Prima" allows the presence of small flaws on the surface. In most cases, the panel uniform. However, some elements can appear one knot.
Next comes the division into classes:
"BUT", Which practically does not have any defects. These panels can be operated practically without any additional treatment;
"AT". Such decking has a smooth surface, which can be present several knots;
"AB". The material has no defects, but a part of the elements of one batch may differ in color;
"FROM". Products of relatively low quality. There are a large number of knots.
Attention! The most popular among consumers is "AB" material grade through high quality boards, and the average cost.
Grades boards determines the possible number of defects
Standard sizes of the larch decking boards
Geometric parameters of the decking boards standardized. Its width is 90-140 mm and the length may be 3-6 m. Last size depends on the characteristics of the raw materials for the manufacture of decking.
Most demand panel 140 mm
The thickness of the lumber may vary within a wide range. The most popular products are the transverse dimensions of 28, 35 and 45 mm.
Attention! The thicker the elements, the more expensive will cost the purchase of lumber.
The thicker the material, the more expensive it will cost his purchase
Advantages and disadvantages of larch decking boards
Made to meet the technological requirements and quality of raw materials, decking larch has the following advantages:
resistance to mechanical stress and strain. The material has a high compression ratio and resistant to stretching;
high elasticity;
beautiful appearance. A characteristic texture and the texture of the material allows to generate a presentable coating;
resistance to biological effects due resinous structure;
low thermal conductivity. Material warm to the touch, making it comfortable to use in daily life;
savings on operating costs. You can abandon the annual application protective coatings and other compounds that increase the service life of wood, the choice of material with specific characteristics;
possibility of operating in conditions of high humidity;
perform any installation work.
The main disadvantage of terrace boards from larch is a change in the structure under the influence of ultraviolet light. To avoid this, it should be timely cover form a coating or varnish impregnated. Moreover, compared with conventional boards, the material has a relatively high cost.
Timely impregnation will prolong the life of the floor covering
Manufacturers, the quality of which should be trusted
Quality material offered by many manufacturers. If you decide to purchase the decking of larch, pay attention to the production:
Relazzo. The company has more than half a century, offers quality lumber, manufactured using a unique technology. The material can be used over a wide temperature range;
Thermory. Estonian company offers high-quality heat-treated boards. Processing special oils provide presentable appearance and high reliability of the material;
Legro. Hungarian company's products are practical and presentable appearance;
Grinder. German manufacturer of products manufactured using a unique technology, which guarantees the durability of the panels. The manufacturer offers a limited range of colors;
MultiDeck. Italian used equipment for the manufacture of decking. Material presented in a variety of colors;
Vestwud. The company offers high-quality decking under the trademark «Terrapol»;
LignaTek. Russian producers have a relatively low cost;
Pollywood. Predlagaemayay Russian company board contains about 70% larch and 30% of the polymer;
Terrapol. Production is located in Russia.
Quality material is in the catalogs of many manufacturers
The main criteria for selection of decking boards from larch
When choosing a lumber board should carefully examine: on the surface should be no mechanical damage. Decking must comply with the stated specifications, and have the desired geometric parameters.
Attention! Make sure that the width of the board remains the same throughout the length of decking.
When selecting a suitable option has a value wood moisture level. The indicator must be in the range of 8-12%.
When choosing, make sure the material according to the specs
Installation of decking of larch with their hands
The simplicity and stability of the geometrical parameters decking considerably simplifies assembly work. installation is possible, if desired, independently. Please find the sequence of work.
Installation work can be done independently
Materials and tools needed to work
For paving except the finishing material must be kept in stock:
screws, by which the fastener is made of decorative elements to the supports;
end straps;
a stub. If the installation will be made hollow boards.
Of the tools you may need:
construction level;
For tightening fasteners need screwdriver
Substrate preparation
base installation should be carried out on a carefully prepared base. It should be leveled and to ensure sufficient strength. the base is carried out taking into account the performance of the jobsite. It is possible to give preference to the concrete screed, columnar foundation or metal joists.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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«If the place of work is growing grass, it must necessarily be removed. "
When working outside of the building is mounted drainage system for the timely removal of moisture. The slope of the base should be 2 ° and be directed parallel relief planks.
The substrate should have a slight slant
Attention! If the base form with a slope is not possible to be formed Stroebe dewatering.
installation log
On the prepared base mounted lags. can be used for their manufacturing aluminum profiles or wood timber. Last cheaper but has a shorter life span.
Work is carried out in the following sequence:
Description of the action
Perform layout, determine the place of fastening lag. The maximum spacing between the support members must be 40 cm. If the joists are placed diagonally or subjected to considerable strain, the distance should be halved to 20-25 cm.
Fasten the supporting elements, carefully providing for the gap between the end wall and lags 10-20 mm for expansion panels in operation when changing air temperature.
Control the spatial position of each frame member, and the entire construction. Flatness is unacceptable. This will affect the characteristics of the coating to be laid.
Laying boards
Laying process involves the following steps:
Description of the action
Bring the board to the place of work and leave for at least two days to acclimatize.
By using logs screws fasten the starting clip. Set in a groove starting first clip board.
The following mounting clips locate in the groove planks and fastened with screws.
We set the second and subsequent board formation providing gaps of 2-4 mm depending on the length of the board. The junction of the two boards should always be placed on a lag.
If the edge of panels stacked in favor of the lags of more than 50 mm, cut it off immediately after use.
Finish decking planks of larch
After finishing work we wash off the dirt, once on the surface, and make out the ends of the decking. Can be used:
end caps mounted in the cavity;
end strips affixed by means of screws;
the composite area.
A method of processing ends chosen individually
More detailed information on the intricacies of the installation work can be found in the following video:
Care terrace board from larch
To form a coating has served as long as possible, while maintaining its presentable appearance, it is necessary to properly care for them. If the coating is tarnished, it is worth:
apply oil for wood protection. For this double coating is cleaned and then coated with several layers of oil per year. As a result, it is able to not only get rid of dullness, but also highlight the natural color of the wood;
use special cleaners, if gray powder yet formed. Thanks to a particular composition manages to open the wood pores and clear the top layer. The composition is usually supplied as a powder which is poured onto a pre-cleaned and humidified base, and then rinsed in 20 minutes;
Apply carbonator to restore the lost color. Preferably use with the cleaner.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
Ask a Question
«To prolong the life of the larch flooring, avoid contact with the surface active agents and abrasive. "
Timely processing retain presentable appearance of the coating
How much is the decking of larch: average prices and consumer reviews
Before buying the necessary amount of material you should definitely familiarize yourself with the average prices in the decking of larch. Cost varies within a wide range depending on the size, processing and producer. We offer to meet with the average quotations:
Decking Velvet (Larch), 140 × 28, Class AB
Humidity of 10-12%. The length of one panel of 2-6 m.
Decking Velvet (Larch), 140 × 28mm, grade C
Humidity of 10-12%. The length of one panel 2, 3, 4 m.
Decking Larch 28mm × 140mm × 4000mm Prima
Generates 0.56 m² deck. The surface of the "Velvet" type, milled into a fine scar.
Decking Larch 45mm × 140mm (extra) (larch)
The length of 1-6 m. No visible defects.
Review of Terrace boards of larch Transsles "Velvet":
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_2160397.html
Decking Larch Transsles "Velvet"
Review of Terrace boards of larch RealWood:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5256372.html
Decking Larch RealWood
Share in the comments, some decking board you prefer, and how long you have served flooring.