Those who want to add uniqueness interior and focus on a specific area that can help textured paint for walls. Great choice of compositions will make it easy to choose the best option for your home. We offer to meet with the existing species and their distinctive features.
Accents and add a unique interior is simple
Read article
1 Distinctive features textured wall paints, photo in the interior
2 Types textured paint
2.1 Textured paint for interior decoration: the use of features
2.2 Textured paint for exterior
3 Advantages and disadvantages of textured paints
4 Options textured paints painting design
4.1 Standard texture decorative paints
4.2 Textured wall paint with unusual effects
5 Leading manufacturers of textured paints
6 Which is better to buy a textured paint for the walls: the choice of taking into account the characteristics of the base
6.1 Washable textured wall paint for kitchens and bathrooms
6.2 Textured paint for living rooms
6.3 Textured paint for facade work
7 Textured painting the walls with his own hands: milestones
7.1 Preparatory work
7.2 Methods for applying the textured paint: especially the use of different tools
7.2.1 Applying textured paint roller or sponge
7.2.2 Application textured paint with a trowel or brush
7.3 Additional treatment
8 How much is a textured paint for walls: a review of prices
Distinctive features textured wall paints, photo in the interior
The basis is textured paint and acrylic polymers. The finished mass is obtained sufficiently dense. Introduction of the special form of particles allows embossed. Depending on the desired effect manufacturers add a marble or granite chips of different size, sand, polymer fibers or granulated gas silicate.
Attention! additives kind has a significant impact on the cost structure.
Offer see photos of the interiors with walls covered in textured paint:
Types textured paint
The material composition may be substantially different. Manufacturers administered special additives to provide particular properties of the formation. Because of this there is a division into compositions for interior and exterior. Please find their features.
Operating conditions impose requirements for the composition
Textured paint for interior decoration: the use of features
For interior decoration of living rooms, you can use any textured paint for interior decoration. Most often, preference is given to acrylic and silicone compounds. However, you can use and mineral compositions.
when making interior can be decorated not only the walls and ceiling completely, but some areas. Using these compositions are made columns or pilasters beams. Offer see interesting solutions that have been used in the design of various facilities:
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Textured paint for exterior
For facades manufacturers offer a wide range of products. Choosing a suitable option for outdoor use, should pay attention to formulations, which are based on:
vinyl. The binder acts as vinyl plastic or excipient. Such material is relevant only if the exterior. Formed coating shows low permeability, but has higher adhesion. It can be applied to any base, protecting them from the negative external effects. Composition of the complex;
acrylic. A large range of colors. Ease of application. The possibility of formation of intricate reliefs. The coating is exposed to ultraviolet light;
silicone. Modern textured paint used for forming durable coatings permeable to water vapor, allowing the base to protect against moisture and other negative factors. It helps to mask defects;
polymers or silicates. Liquid glass is the main component used in forming the paint coating on the facade. At high water vapor permeability exhibits good adhesion to the substrate. It repels dirt and protects from external factors;
mineral components. The basis of the cement. Because of the low resistance to temperature fluctuations at the surface after the winter may cause cracks, which limits the use in facades.
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Advantages and disadvantages of textured paints
It should be noted the following advantages:
versatility. The compositions can be used for interior design and facades of buildings;
possibility of masking the irregularities and defects of a base;
forming a uniform coating without any visible joints and seams;
possibility of use on any base;
ease of use. Application textured paint can be done with his own hands;
ease of care. On the surface it is easy to remove impurities;
moisture and vapor resistance makes it possible to finish the walls in rooms with high levels of humidity;
resistance to mechanical impact;
safety as a part of no harmful components.
The possibility of forming different textures
Among the shortcomings textured paint for interior and exterior use should be noted:
high consumption. For registration 1m² may require 0.6 - 1.5 kg of the composition;
significant financial investment.
Due to the large flow rate requires more material procurement
Options textured paints painting design
at applying textured paint with his own hands a different pattern can be formed on the surface. We offer to meet with conventional invoices and coatings with interesting pattern.
A variety of textures opens up broad opportunities for creativity
Standard texture decorative paints
Before painting the walls of textured paint should define the texture of the coating. Most often, preference is given to the following types:
embossed textureFormed due to the presence in the composition of textured paint special filler. To form such a coating may even people with no experience of finishing work;
Mizuri. The composition is administered acrylic modified starch. It allows the coating to form a smooth curved waves. The presence of the characteristic pigment provides a glossy shine. To form their own is quite difficult;
"Marseilles wax". Used to create a stylish and elegant interior. It presupposes a certain professional knowledge and skills. It allows for a realistic simulation of aged stone or bark. Additional processing special wax allows for color saturation;
"Marseilles wax" looks very impressive
Atacama. A special technique and application of a composition comprising metal pigments and silica sand, can achieve the effect of light reflecting;
"shagreen" - imitation of rough paint deposited on the plasterMetal, concrete. Externally layer similar to sandpaper or orange peel. Texture of coating depends upon the size of impurities included in the ink composition.
Formed texture is determined by the particle size included in the textured paint
Textured wall paint with unusual effects
Besides the standard coating textured paint for walls allow to form a layer with different effects. Effectively look formulations pearl effect or silk. This type is relevant for small spaces, which are to be filled with light. Silk plaster is mostly bright colors. The direction of the light flux changing data covering shade, so they are also sometimes called "chameleon".
Attention! Externally coating similar to spanned silk fabric with a characteristic pearlescent generated pigment additives.
Equally effectively looks "wet silk", including cotton or cellulose fibers with polymeric pigments of different colors. This decor will help create a special atmosphere in the room. In the rays of light pattern shimmers, changing hue.
It looks spectacular and the granite dye gets its name from the realistic simulation of the invoice, not the presence in the granite chips. Used for forming paint of different shades to be applied to the surface with a spray gun.
The characteristic reflections are created with paint of different colors
Leading manufacturers of textured paints
If you decide to buy paint for textured plaster, pay attention to the products of the following manufacturers:
Amourcolor. The company offers eco-friendly water-based high quality, allowing to form a wear-resistant coating. The selection can be made in favor of a characteristic Tactite mosaic or suede surface, Escenta, allowing to choose an appropriate halftone or Perlata, exhibiting luster of pearls;
"Lakra". In the catalog of domestic products on favorable terms can be found with different paint texture, including Mizuri;
VGT. The release of paint products, this Russian company is engaged in more than a quarter century, offering its customers compositions for interior and exterior use. Features formed coating is completely adapted to the difficult climatic conditions in Russia;
Blancolor. French manufacturer offers a variety of formulations for wall decor. For example, Effets Platre Cires makes it possible to achieve the effect waxed stucco;
Clavel. The manufacturer offers a wide range of colors compositions providing formation in the wall decor imitating brocade, silk, velvet;
"Alpina". The company offers textured paint for interior and exterior walls.
Find the composition for any wall
Which is better to buy a textured paint for the walls: the choice of taking into account the characteristics of the base
Selection of an appropriate structure should be made taking into account the conditions of its operation. Offer to find out, what should I buy a textured paint for the walls, depending on where the painting will be performed.
Place application makes demands to the composition
Washable textured wall paint for kitchens and bathrooms
Special conditions of operation and increased demands on the purity of the invoice makes washable paint for the walls in demand in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Manufacturers offer compositions based on acrylic, silicone and latex. They can be configured via matte and glossy coatings with different texture. The composition is easy to apply and to clean. To remove contaminants is sufficient to use a damp cloth. Grime clean detergent compositions without abrasive
Tip! Choose a composition having a reasonable cost for you and the right color.
Textured paint for living rooms
For bedrooms, Living room or hall you should choose a textured paint for silk or velvet. color solution It will depend on the stylistic direction and execution of the rest of the interior. Ceiling suitable light-colored composition. However, do not use paint with considerable relief.
Textured paint for facade work
For painting facades should select the appropriate brand. Formed layer must withstand the adverse effects of weather conditions and different environmental factors.
Tip! Refuse to purchase textured paints based on acrylic, can not withstand UV rays, in favor of the composition of the same color on the basis of vinyl.
Textured painting the walls with his own hands: milestones
If you decide to perform a textured painting the walls with his own hands, not only should prepare the necessary materials, but also to get acquainted with the work performance technology. Often, for the formation of the characteristic textures required to perform acts with a certain force and in a strictly predetermined direction. We offer to meet with the sequence finishes, so you can design your home beautifully.
Discover the specific features of the formation ahead texture
Preparatory work
By the process of applying your own hands textured paint for the walls to be prepared:
the floor was covered with foil and cover the ceiling, so that the process of coating them with no dirt and splashes. Secure the covering material by using the film;
remove from the wall old we clean and decorative coating base;
Plasterer wallTo prevent the occurrence of cracks and dents;
layer is applied primer to enhance adhesion characteristics of the wall and leave to dry for at least 5 hours. On the duration of the drying influence of temperature and humidity conditions in the room.
Irina Rosenstein
Designer studio "Cozy Home"
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"When choosing the primer color to consider coloring the basic composition."
Tools and materials should be prepared to begin work
Methods for applying the textured paint: especially the use of different tools
Before figuring out how to paint the walls of textured paint, understand the desired result, and the tool used. For the application of the composition can be used not only by roller or brush. Form a beautiful structural coverage by using a trowel and sponges. We offer to meet the basic methods for applying texture paint.
Applying textured paint roller or sponge
If you decide to use a roller, applying textured paint process is as follows:
Description of the action
Prepare tool. On squeegee we wind the rope and carefully anchoring her.
Apply the composition prepared on the wall with a spatula and uniformly distribute over the surface.
Moving the platen in the downward direction, creating a characteristic pattern.
Using a spatula remove protruding parts of the relief, which can fall off during subsequent operation.
To enhance the effect applied to the wall structure of mother of pearl.
If you decide to use sponge painting is performed as follows:
prepared base paint in the desired color;
sponge dipped in paint in a contrasting color;
tightly pressing the tool to the surface, achieve the desired effect.
The sponge should be carefully pressed against the base
Subtleties of application by roller and sponges can also be seen in the following video:
Application textured paint with a trowel or brush
To achieve the "wet silk" effect, you can use a carefully chosen composition. Desired pattern is formed using a trowel. We offer watch the following video to better understand the intricacies of the process:
If you decide to use a brush, we offer to watch the video, which is shown in detail how to apply textured paint for walls with this tool:
Additional treatment
To strengthen the effect can be obtained by further processing. Most often used to decorate the walls of appliances:
stencilEnabling by means of special patterns create a beautiful image;
"Star dust". With a brush with stiff bristles on the surface of painted wall applied paint droplets in a contrasting color;
contrast. With the help of masking tape are indicated by figures, which will be filled with paint of a certain color;
aged surface. On the not yet fully dried surface with a sponge or brush to apply the composition of contrasting color.
Tip! To enhance the effect of indoor wall paint coat.
Additional treatment efforts to create the effect of
How much is a textured paint for walls: a review of prices
If you are impressed by the photo textured paint for the walls in the interior and on the facade of the building, we offer to meet with the average at the finishing material prices:
VGT invoice
18 kg. For outdoor and indoor applications. Flow rate of 0.9 kg / m². Drying 48 hours. Polymer.
White House
9 kg. Consumption of 1 kg / m². For outdoor and indoor applications. Polymer base.
Textured paint "Lakra"
18 kg. For outdoor and indoor applications. Acrylic. Flow rate of 0.7 kg / m². White.
alpina EXPERT
Flow rate of 0.6 kg / m². Water. The high degree of diffusion.
Alpa Coatings Element R-1
Forms a durable coating. Flow rate 1 l / m² 1.7. Without smell
Feedback on textured paint for interior and exterior Olecolor:
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textured paint for interior and exterior Olecolor
Feedback on textured paint for interior and exterior Alpa Coatings Element R-1:
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textured paint for interior and exterior Alpa Coatings Element R-1
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