If you plan equip your siteTherefore, you will always be interested in paving tile for tracks in the country. Prices for this type of finishing material fluctuate within a wide range, allowing you to choose the right option for your family budget. We offer to meet with existing species.
Give the finished look of the site is easy
Read article
1 Advantages and disadvantages of outdoor tile for tracks
2 Types of paving slab: a distinctive feature of the material
2.1 Vibrocasting Pavement
2.2 Vibropressed Pavement
2.3 Ceramic and stoneware paving tiles
2.4 Polymer paving tiles
3 Tile Selection Options for garden paths
4 Design techniques in the country paving the example of the popular models of paving slabs
4.1 Paving tile CA 300 × 300 × 30 mm embodiments styling
4.4 Paving tile 12 of bricks 50 × 50 × 5 cm: the idea to translate
4.5 Paving slabs East 40 × 40 × 5 cm: colors
5 Features of laying paving slabs in the country: an algorithm of actions
5.1 Substrate preparation
5.2 Technology laying paving slabs
6 Which is better to buy paving tiles: the opinion of our editorial
7 Paving tile for tracks in the country: the price and the best place of purchase
7.1 Where better to buy a paving slab: the best solution
Advantages and disadvantages of outdoor tile for tracks
The choice in favor of this material is due to:
large assortment. You can always pick up the tiles for the garden suitable shape, texture and color;
presentable. Beautiful appearance of each element will ensure perfect framing area with the implementation of the most complex design project;
Easy to install. You can perform installation work on their own;
absence on the finished track puddles. Excess moisture is removed quickly enough through space tile;
wear resistance. Outdoor tile tracks is not afraid of ultraviolet, precipitation and temperature variations;
long life. Durable material able to serve at least 15 years;
maintainability. Damaged components may be replaced with new ones if necessary.
Large assortment provides opportunities for creativity
The main disadvantage is the high price of most high-quality and durable materials.
Price improvement may be sufficiently high
Types of paving slab: a distinctive feature of the material
Manufacturers offer various kinds of paving tiles. Choosing the right material for the tracks on his country, should focus not only on the price, but the features. We offer to meet with the existing varieties in order to make it easier to choose the appropriate option.
Each type has its price and features
Vibrocasting Pavement
In the manufacturing process the elements vibrocast concrete mixture placed inside the vibrating constant shape to provide sufficient density. Then, the blank is sent in the form of a warm room, waiting for half a day and recovered.
This manufacturing technology allows to generate a product with a smooth surface. The shape and color of an element can be anything. However, the strength characteristics of such products is relatively low, which considerably limits the possible area of use. Such tile tracks for giving bad retain their characteristics at low temperature, but is cheap.
block shape can be very diverse
Vibropressed Pavement
During vibrocompression concrete mixture poured into the mold and then placed into a special vibrating equipment. Generated pressure enhances the density of the material. The method does not allow to form elements of different shapes and colors, but it is always possible to form an interesting pattern.
The finished products have the high performance. They are wear-resistant, not afraid of low temperature, almost like a stone. Due to the porous structure of the material it has shock absorbing properties, which makes possible its use in the device areas intended for the storage of transport.
Production technology reduces the proposed range
Ceramic and stoneware paving tiles
Ceramics, granite was prepared by pressing. As raw material protrudes from the first clay with the addition of a certain amount of sand and minerals. The compressed preform is annealed. It is matte and glazing. The first option is preferred to give, as a uniform color throughout its thickness.
Ceramic elements will add brightness garden
Gres is also obtained from the composition of which main component is a clay. Under the influence of heat fusible vitrified clay. The result is a monolithic product, whose color depends on the quantity and characteristics of the dye added to the raw material. For outdoor durability such garden tiles exceeds ceramics, capable of absorbing a minimum amount of moisture. The thickness of the finished articles is at most 12 mm. They can be polished and nepolirovanymi. From a security standpoint second option is preferable, since the polished surface is easy to slip.
With a small thickness of high strength
Polymer paving tiles
For formation of these products is a mixture consisting of 60-70% fine sand, plastic fillers, heated to melting temperature. This results in articles having a low coefficient of thermal expansion. To impart the desired color in the coloring matter introduced. Due to the high strength characteristics Polymer blocks can be used in the formation of tracks with different operational load. They have a reasonable price.
Color and pattern may differ materially
Tile Selection Options for garden paths
Choosing a road tile to testify, it is worth considering:
garden location. For regions that are sufficiently strong and frequent cold, preferably granite or vibropressing products capable of withstanding temperature fluctuations;
load. If mounted platform will call in vehicles, the choice is made in favor of vibro-pressed blocks of high strength characteristics. For the formation of the beautiful walkways can be used vibratory casting products;
Attention! For the device of footpaths suitable articles having a thickness of 3 mm.
price. To give, in terms of cost, preferably block-making products;
color. Bright blocks get their color by adding special dyes. Cheap additives frequently reduce the density of the material and reduce its strength.
Operating load - the main criteria when choosing
Design techniques in the country paving the example of the popular models of paving slabs
The same material can be placed in different ways. Offer to get acquainted with design techniques, which you can always use, carrying out paving tiles in the country a certain shape and size.
laying process may vary significantly
Paving tile CA 300 × 300 × 30 mm embodiments styling
Externally Pavement California 300 × 300 × 30 mm similar to the regular, laid "brick". Pattern mimics the square in the center and four long brick. The name of the material received in the US state of honor, which is especially popular this option paving.
The name of the material was due to the characteristic shape. It can be prepared by vibropressing and vibratory casting. It has high strength characteristics. Weight of a single element - 3.6 kg.
Shaped products allow to form a beautiful pattern, simulating sea wave. made of high-strength concrete. It has high performance. Weight of a single element - 3.05 kg. Offer see photo of tracks in the country of paving slabs:
Paving tile 12 of bricks 50 × 50 × 5 cm: the idea to translate
Due to the large sizes (50 × 50 × 5 cm) pavement tile bricks 12 stacked relatively rapidly, forming a smooth beautiful coating. With it you can create not only a monochromatic image, but also colorful. The latter option is preferred for improvement of a large area.
Paving slabs East 40 × 40 × 5 cm: colors
Paving tile East size of 40 × 40 × 5 cm are presented in different colors. You can always choose the right option for your site. Due to the presence of a pattern, a single color coating is formed more often. Although there are other options for styling.
Features of laying paving slabs in the country: an algorithm of actions
If you decide to perform Laying of paving slabs in the country with their own hands, Check your installation work. Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of the base to the finished coating has turned out perfectly flat and has served long enough. We offer to find out how to achieve this.
Laying can be done with their own hands
Substrate preparation
Getting to the preparation of base under the concrete slabs for tracks, the mold must be removed and form a trench 17-20 cm deep. According to her it is necessary to establish the perimeter of the guide, in the calculation of the width of which is required to take into account the dimensions of the curb. Preparing a sand cushion: sand is poured and spread evenly over the surface of the base of the future.
Attention! At the walkway leading to the house, there should be a bias from a building to provide water drainage.
The thickness of the cushion should be about 15 cm at 20 cm depth of the trench. One cube enough sand for forming the sand layer 7 squares. Sand thoroughly tamped, using special equipment or tools. Compacted layer abundantly wetted with water and leveled.
Tip! In the absence of gasoline tamping fabricate a tool of timber.
The base should be carefully prepared
Technology laying paving slabs
Laying tiles for sidewalk is as follows:
each element is laid in place, upsetting with a rubber mallet and controlling its spatial position. If there are deviations, under the item pour sand or remove the excess on the contrary. Between adjacent elements leave a gap of 5-7 mm;
We set the border. Its upper surface is to be flush with the formed track. Between the blade and the stacking border leaving a gap equal to the joint width;
close up the seams. Dispersed on the surface of the formed dry sifted sand. Using wide brush with stiff bristles fill sand tile gap. Track shed water to compact the sand.
The position of each element is carefully controlled
Which is better to buy paving tiles: the opinion of our editorial
Selecting the appropriate option will depend on the financial capacity of the project design and operational load. Preference is given to products trusted manufacturers and has positive feedback.
Attention deserves Products:
«BRAER». The manufacturer uses the technology of modern double-block-making, realized on an automated line. An innovative method of coloring allows you to get the product in many colors. You can always pick up a product the right color and shape;
Review of paving tile «BRAER»:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_1402245.html
Pavement «BRAER»
"Factory" Gothic ". Production is carried out on modern equipment. In the catalog producer represented pavers and a number of related products. The manufacturer offers a rectangular, square and triangular tiles and products more complex configuration. Shall release tactile tiles, focused on the visually impaired;
Brikus. The company offers a diverse collection of high demand. An affordable price is a collection of «Profi». «Natur» refers to the average price category. Elite class is represented by a collection of «Premium»;
"LSR". Russian manufacturer offers high quality clinker of different colors.
Review of paving tile "Old Town":
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_4559380.html
Pavement "Old Town"
Tip! If you want to be ready to track turned out beautiful and precarious, note vibrocasting tiles. If we need a reliable cover, the best choice would be vibropressed elements.
Paving tile for tracks in the country: the price and the best place of purchase
The cost of the product depends on the technology of its production, size and design. The better the tile, the more will have to pay for it. Offer to find out where to buy paving tiles to its price was not excessive for the family budget.
The price depends on the place of purchase
Where better to buy a paving slab: the best solution
The cost of the same product may differ materially. If you buy paving tiles directly from the manufacturer, you can significantly reduce costs for the purchase of material.
Share in the comments, some sidewalk pavers for tracks in your country, indicating the prices in your area.