Online calculator masonry: the correct calculation

Brick as a building material is quite popular for the construction of private facilities. To calculate the exact number of pieces, to take into account the type of masonry and the thickness of the binder composition, useful online calculator brickwork. It gives close to the true value takes into account the nuances and allows you not to pay too much.

Online calculator brickwork
Brick House - a reliable as a fortress

nuances of design

Undoubtedly, private object security load-bearing structures are not as important as in an apartment building. Therefore, to save on the brick in critical structural components will not work. In addition, sufficient thickness brick exterior wall iMPORTANT:

  • to save heat;
  • soundproofing;
  • the stability of the object in the unstable climate and soil conditions.

Savings can bricks in the first and second case, if use bottles (building "garbage", gravel, broken bricks) which are laid in the intermediate space between whole bricks.

Using waste for construction purposes
Using waste for construction purposes

In all three cases, the online calculator for masonry - a key tool calculations.

Format brick and masonry techniques

standard options this building material - 250h120 mm. The only difference in thickness, on which the brick is divided into the following types:

  • Single - 65 mm. Advantages of laying one stone - wall aesthetics and ease of use. Such a brick can fit comfortably in the hand. However, reduced heat and sound insulation. In addition, the increased consumption of mortar.
work goes
work goes
  • Bastard - 88 mm. Used where there is a curly masonry or required dimensions different from the standard.
Framing brick arch
Framing brick arch
  • Double - 138 mm. It is considered the most favorable standard size bricks - unit cost 1.5 times more than a single. For two standard will have to pay double the price. For such a clutch will take less of the solution, it does not lose heat retention properties and sound insulation.
Double brick - a monumental wall
Double brick - a monumental wall

Naturally the number of bricks required depends on the mode of laying. For example: bed - the most resistant species, but also the most expensive. stretcher It is used where the architectural elements you want to select. header - masonry ties rows of bricks laid on the bed, or a similar spoon, framed by design.

brick Calculation - Formula

For online calculator bricklayings need the following values:

  • The dimensions of the wall. Area outputted by the formula: length times the width. In addition, the calculator allows you to take into account the existence of door and window openings. Naturally summarize all the values ​​obtained when the walls erected of bricks, a few.
  • masonry type. Wall thickness can be built as a half-brick or brick 3.
  • The stock material. It is always necessary to lay a certain% reserve for unforeseen cases of marriage or damage.

It remains only to press the "Calculate" and our algorithm will show the amount of brickwork to one wall, the number of bricks and the volume of the solution. For clarity, we recommend to watch the video below: