The main action in the planning of the number of material for production repairs It was and still calculation of area premises or a separate surface. No labor it will not be, unless the parties rectangle smooth and tolerance, such as ridges or niche, does not exist. However, it often turns out that the room has a trapezoidal shape, while there are additional columns and niches. Then the calculations are complicated. In this case, you can use the calculator for a quad room area, which allows us to calculate the necessary parameters without the mess.

Calculator for the quadrangular floor space
How to use
Any difficulties in working with the online calculator does not. But still need to gently bring all the data - only in this case the result is true.
To begin to enter in the width corresponding opposite walls, which differ from each other. If room flat rectangular or square, you must enter the same parameters. Continue to make the width of the third wall (the fourth is equal to it, and therefore it is not necessary to make). Thus it is obtained that the calculator 3 logged parameter.
We note the number of niches in a room that can increase the area. After measuring their overall length, enter it in the appropriate field. The same action is carried out and wide. Similarly we act with projections, which can reduce the size of the room. At last, after all the parameters entered, press the button "calculate the area of the premises." It is expressed in m2.

Tolerances and explanations
No tolerance to the total value does not need to do. The only amendment - is that, at least two of the walls in the room must be the same length. If they are different (this also happens) all, it is better to split the area into 2 triangle and use another calculator to calculate the area.
Remember that the correct calculation will help to purchase the right amount materialAnd therefore quite important. Provided by the program allows you to avoid errors in calculations. In addition, it is quite easy to use.

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