Calculate the required size and the amount of material for gables home is not difficult, but the school curriculum geometry forgotten, and to seek the necessary formulas to perform calculations is not always conveniently. It takes time, and is easy to make a mistake. In this case, you can use this programAs an online calculator area calculation such elements. It is very convenient and simple, to the same option eliminates errors.

A calculator for calculating the square of the pediment
How to use online calculator and you need to do
Difficulties in using there are no programs. But it should be understood that the need for accurate measurements. Now we try to understand the sequence of actions to be performed.
First of all measure the lower part roof (Its bottom) and top (if it has a trapezoidal shape). If at the roof shape of a triangle, then the value "0" is entered in the appropriate field. Next, measure the height of the figure and also enter the data. Now it should be noted there are roof windows and doors that should be excluded from the total area. If any open additional fields in which you enter the dimensions of exclusion.

It remains only to click on the "Calculate" button, after which the program will result in m2.
Tips for working with the online calculator
It often happens that the line roof is a broken line. In this case, we divide gable figure 2 - the upper triangle and the lower trapezoid. These calculations one and the other will simply need to add up.

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