😰 6 errors, which do not give sleep finisher

There is no perfect repairs! How would not pre-planned works, it is the case of unforeseen situations, for correction which takes a lot of effort and time. Forewarned is forearmed. Today Editorial HouseChief is Top 6 errorsWhich often allow finishers during the repairs. Be sure to pay attention to these issues at home and will certainly Check your builders.

PHOTO: myremontnow.ru finishers not always have the necessary skills to perform quality repairs apartments
PHOTO: myremontnow.ru finishers not always have the necessary skills to perform quality repairs apartments

Read article

  • 1 Poor quality rough finish: not aligned walls and "inundated" corners
  • 2 Problems with the floor screed
  • 3 Laying tiles
  • 4 Laying of laminate
  • 5 Incorrectly matched paint for walls
  • 6 Difficulties in decorative plaster
  • 7 conclusion

Poor quality rough finish: not aligned walls and "inundated" corners

The quality of the draft works - is the key to beautiful interior and the ability to continue to change the final finishing with minimal costs. This "body" repairsWhich then puts on beautiful odyozhki. There is not only important professional decorators, but the quality of materials.

All finishers must check the level in the first place, the angles:

  • 90 Β° C angle is important for further finishing, e.g., tiles for placement furniture;
  • variations in the thickness lead to excessive overspray which would affect further finishing.

If you get such an error, one way out: a rough finish to delete and start again. It will not work to close my eyes, with the lights on you will always see the error on the wall.

PHOTO: newstroy.com.ua Be sure to check each phase of the finishers.
PHOTO: newstroy.com.ua Be sure to check each phase of the finishers.

Problems with the floor screed

Lack of experience dressers leads to a rather serious problems. You can see a lot of commercials for repair technology, but the real knowledge comes only with experience. The most common mistake when casting subfloor - wrong calculation of water. A little too far with its quantity, and the bottom of the second repair is provided to you from the neighbors. And the strength of your coverage in this case we are not talking.

PHOTO: pol-exp.com After drying, a floor will be covered with cracks.
PHOTO: pol-exp.com After drying, a floor will be covered with cracks.

Laying tiles

About tiling you can talk a long time, we note the most common mistakes finishers:

  • discrepancy seams;
  • poorly aligned adhesive composition;
  • incorrectly cut tile, so you have to spend money to buy new tiles;
  • incorrect tile layout;
  • poor quality grouting.

This is only a fraction of the error when laying tile, so choose carefully finishers and be sure to review the guidelines and examples of their work. Experts advise: better to move repairsBut wait for the real professional. Haste will cost a lot and effort and money.

PHOTO: moscow.flamp.ru docking tiles, wall and floor with an offset is also unlikely to enjoy the customer.
PHOTO: moscow.flamp.ru docking tiles, wall and floor with an offset is also unlikely to enjoy the customer.

Laying of laminate

At first sight, in laying laminate nothing complicated, so many do this work themselves or hiring non-professionals. But here too there are many pitfalls. First of all, important to know the exact technology. If it disrupt, over time, they begin to creak and slats can warp. Laminate must retreat from the wall 1.5-2 cm gap is subsequently closed Baseboard.

You already take a final floor finish, and you can not always see that the permitted margins. As a result, temperature differences from the floor begins to "walk" underfoot.

PHOTO: stroyday.ru one way out: to disassemble everything and put in compliance with technological standards.
PHOTO: stroyday.ru one way out: to disassemble everything and put in compliance with technological standards.

Incorrectly matched paint for walls

Paint Selection - a very important moment, especially if required to achieve a certain shade. it fraught repeated repainting of surfaces, Which is very expensive. Finishers are required to submit to you a few samples of the final color before applying the composition of the wall.

It is desirable to pre-paint a small section of the wall, which is not so evident, and see how the shade after drying. If everything works, only then you can start general painting.

Important! Wall painting before trial must be aligned and primed. The resulting color on the surface into the palette may differ from in-store.

PHOTO: gidpoplitke.ru If you want to achieve a certain pitch, it is better to book this service in a shop. Employees will select a shade of tinting tables manufacturers.
PHOTO: gidpoplitke.ru If you want to achieve a certain pitch, it is better to book this service in a shop. Employees will select a shade of tinting tables manufacturers.

Difficulties in decorative plaster

Suppose you have chosen decorative plasterWe found a master who bring to life your idea. But before performing the trim, instructed him to show his abilities in a small fragment of the wall. Sometimes the result is radically different from the pictures on the Internet. Such work requires high professionalism of the master, so she paid accordingly. This dictates the very strict requirements for it.

PHOTO: dekoriko.ru You must be sure in advance in the professionalism of the master, not to have to redo everything.
PHOTO: dekoriko.ru You must be sure in advance in the professionalism of the master, not to have to redo everything.

Related article:

6 errors, which do not give sleep finisherIf repairs are threatened: 12 tips on how to choose the best team of decorators and protect themselves. Start looking for specialists should start using "word of mouth", ie not rely on nice reviews from the internet. What other advice we have in store - read the publication.


Today, when choosing a materials for finishing the first place is environmentally friendly, resistant to mechanical stress and practicality. Also, you should pay attention to the compatibility of the color palette used not only among themselves but also as disclosed selected different hue light. And most importantly, supervise every stage of the work, it is much easier to fix some points in the process of finishing than redo it completely.

Tell us in the comments, what you finishers errors encountered during repairs.

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