👷 Plates of overlap: the dimensions of GOST standards, labeling and other features

For the construction of any building, including apartment buildingNeeded slabs. Dimensions and marking made according to GOST, allow us to determine their type and technical characteristics. We offer a look into the existing species and their distinctive features.

Overlap - an indispensable element of any building
Overlap - an indispensable element of any building

Read article

  • 1 Areas of use
  • 2 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 3 The main types of slabs, their specifications and dimensions
    • 3.1 The apparatus and marking honeycombed (multivacuum) slab
      • 3.1.1 Technical characteristics of the hollow floor slabs in accordance with GOST 9561-91
      • 3.1.2 Standard dimensions according to GOST slabs (PC)
    • 3.2 Device and marking PPP - threaded concrete slabs
      • 3.2.1 Specifications
      • 3.2.2 Sizes slabs manufactured according to GOST
    • 3.3 The apparatus and marking ribbed plates
      • 3.3.1 Specifications and labeling
      • 3.3.2 The dimensions of the ribbed floor slabs, installed on STATE
    • 3.4 monolithic slabs
  • 4 What is necessary markings and dimensions: expert advice in choosing the floor slab according to GOST
  • 5 Features storage and transportation
  • 6 How much are RC-overlapping plates - Review of prices depending on the type and size

Areas of use

Concrete slabs for the floors are horizontal load-bearing structures, the price and size of which depend on the characteristics of the structure being built. Typically, they are used for the separation of adjacent floors, departments attic or basement of the residential area. On this basis there is a division on the boards by type:

  • intercommunication;
  • attic;
  • basement.
Large assortment allows you to select the appropriate option for any structure
Large assortment allows you to select the appropriate option for any structure

Such concrete products act as stiffening members, providing rigidity and structural stability. They take the operational load of the parts of the building located above and distribute it to the other support elements which are directly connected.

👷 Select slab: the required dimensions and marking according to GOST
The products possess sufficient rigidity

Advantages and disadvantages

overlap-concrete slabs manufactured in accordance with the GOST, regardless of the size and price offer the following advantages:

  • small construction time. Concrete products already has sufficient strength, and therefore there is no need to wait solidification concrete;
  • availability. Compared to similar products of this size reinforced concrete slabs have a lower cost;
  • good ones sound insulation characteristics. Round cavities help to reduce the coefficient of sound conduction;
  • reliability. Thanks to the reinforcement can withstand external load;
  • a large assortment. Manufacturers offer a variety of sizes with different strength characteristics.
Installation is performed in the limited time
Installation is performed in the limited time

The disadvantages include:

  • the need to use special equipment when performing assembly work;
  • heavy, limiting the use of such products in the construction of some buildings. For example, the use of such concrete products should be avoided during the construction of wooden house;
  • the need for installation screed to ensure uniform load distribution.
👷 Select slab: the required dimensions and marking according to GOST
Special equipment is required for installation design

The main types of slabs, their specifications and dimensions

Manufacturers offer slabs of various types and sizes. We offer to meet with the main species, and their distinctive features labeled. This allows you to select the appropriate type and size for Building your own home.

Manufacturers of products made of various types
Manufacturers of products made of various types

The apparatus and marking honeycombed (multivacuum) slab

Hollow core slabs commonly used in the construction residential homes and administrative buildings. Regulatory requirements establishes requirements for the labeling of slabs, their dimensions and specifications. Let us examine this in more detail.

The presence of voids reduces weight
The presence of voids reduces weight

Technical characteristics of the hollow floor slabs in accordance with GOST 9561-91

The presence of longitudinal voids promotes weight loss products and improve its thermal insulation characteristics. During construction of the cavity is used for the device of utilities. GOST 9561-91 applies to hollow core slabs, made from heavy, light and dense silicate concrete. The presence of voids promotes weight loss products.

This normative document spelled out the requirements for such products and their field of use. Is a list of Standard, which must necessarily be taken into account in the production of hollow-core slabs. Products must have a sufficient level of frost, moisture and fire.

A special manufacturing technology guarantees high strength characteristics
A special manufacturing technology guarantees high strength characteristics

Labeling involves the presence of three alphanumeric groups, separated by a hyphen:

  • panel type, its length and width in dm;
  • load bearing capacity. If the product is pre-strained, further specified steel grade and, if desired concrete form (C - Silicate A - light);
  • additional information reflecting the ability to operate under special conditions, as well as structural features of the product, for example, the presence of embedded parts.

Standard dimensions according to GOST slabs (PC)

Dimensions of hollow core floor slabs (PC) must meet the requirements of GOST. They are manufactured with holes having a diameter of 140 - 203 mm. standardized:

  • length which can be 1.68 - 12 m;
  • width, adjustable within 0.98 - 1.48 m;
  • thickness, which depends on the panels modification. On average, this parameter is 22 cm. In massive models, for example, 6 pcs, thickness reaches 30 cm. We made of lightweight concrete - 16 cm.
Standardized length and width
Standardized length and width

Attention! GOST weight hollow slabs depends on the size of the items themselves and diameters of holes and can be 0.75 - 5 m.

Device and marking PPP - threaded concrete slabs

Poster panels are the latest generation of products. Special stands are used for their manufacture. Are arc-shaped void. Used for the device intercommunication structures at various facilities. Companies are marked in different ways: PPP or BOP.

High strength characteristics - a guarantee of long life
High strength characteristics - a guarantee of long life


High performance products provide a special production technology. Formed of concrete M400 - M550 with class F50 frost resistance and water resistance W2. To provide sufficient strength characteristics, a pre-tense fittings of steel termouprochnonnoy BP-2. It also contributes to a significant cost increase.

Compliance with technical requirements - high quality guarantee
Compliance with technical requirements - high quality guarantee
Mikhail Starostin


Mikhail Starostin

Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"

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"Bench model is allowed to mount in an upright position. They are used for the construction of frame structures. "

Sizes slabs manufactured according to GOST

formless molding method allows for release of products of different lengths in increments of 10 cm from 3 to 10.8 m. This allows the RC-plates overlap dimensions taking into account specific peculiarities project. The thickness may be 16 - 30 cm, depending on the geometric parameters of the product. The most widely used product thickness of 22 cm. All sizes of slabs, which can be in accordance with GOST, are contained in the reference tables.

The table contains data on the size and weight of hollow core slabs
The table contains data on the size and weight of hollow core slabs

The apparatus and marking ribbed plates

In ribbed products provides vertical reinforcement ribs used as supports. They actively use in civil and residential construction, except private houses. In the latter case, the use of hollow instead of ribbed slabs economically more justified.

Ribbed slabs have a characteristic shape
Ribbed slabs have a characteristic shape

Specifications and labeling

In cross-section ribbed plate similar to the letter "P". Their distinguishing feature is the strengthening of the special edge beams. Thanks to this product have increased carrying capacity, making it possible to use in the construction of multi-storey buildings and structures for various purposes.

Marking fin products includes:

  • letters and numbers, which characterize the geometric dimensions and weight;
  • factor reflecting the load-bearing capacity;
  • type and class of reinforcement;
  • type and grade of concrete;
  • additional properties.
👷 Select slab: the required dimensions and marking according to GOST
The necessary data can be found in the look-up tables

The dimensions of the ribbed floor slabs, installed on STATE

The dimensions of the ribbed floor slabs normalized GOST. The length may be 2 - 12 m. The most popular is the size of 3.6 -. 7.2 m width may be 100, 120, 150 and 180 cm.

According to regulatory requirements height is 22 cm. By special order overlap RC-slabs with a thickness of 16 cm.

Length can vary over a wide range
Length can vary over a wide range

monolithic slabs

If the size of standard slabs are not able to meet the requirements of a specific project, is made pouring of monolithic structures. They can have different size and configuration. The manufacturing process does not cause any difficulties, but differs certain time consuming. Before pouring concrete supporting beams must be installed and formworkAs well as reinforcing belt.

Attention! The biggest carrying capacity are monolithic structures, which are used when forming profiled N.

After pouring the solution should wait at least four weeks until the concrete picks up design strength. For the manufacture of goods to be used part of not less than the M200.

👷 Select slab: the required dimensions and marking according to GOST
Monolithic structures are formed at the site of construction

What is necessary markings and dimensions: expert advice in choosing the floor slab according to GOST

On how the design was chosen correctly, it depends the stability and strength of the structure and characteristics of the whole period of its operation. It must have a sufficient level of hydro- and soundproofing, Have low thermal conductivity and be fireproof. Also on the choice of products affected by the architectural style of the structure and operational load.

Important! In order to avoid difficulties, it is essential to perform engineering calculations in the course of operation of the building.

The choice depends on the structural features
The choice depends on the structural features

Features storage and transportation

If you decide to buy slabs, for the shipment of the product should be used a special motor transport or railway platforms. Shipment is only possible after a complete set of normative strength.

Transport and storage should be carried out in a horizontal position. The height of the stacked piles should not exceed 2 m. During storage between adjacent elements should be placed gaskets, closer to the mounting tabs. The thickness of the spacers must be greater than 3 cm.

Compliance with the rules of storage necessary
Compliance with the rules of storage necessary

How much are RC-overlapping plates - Review of prices depending on the type and size

Cost of goods closely linked to its geometric parameters and performance. We offer to meet with the average prices and the size of the overlap-RC slabs:

PC 20-10.8The size of 1980 × 990 × 220 mm with a weight of 0.62 m. Volume 0.43 m³.
PB 19-10.8The size of 1880 × 997 × 220 mm with a weight of 0.62 m.
PK24-15-8Hollow core. Volume 0.77 m³. Weight 1,245 t.
PRTM-6Ribbed. The size of 2200 × 120 × 400 mm with a weight of 0.14 m.
PRTM-12Ribbed. The size of 3400 × 120 × 400 mm with a weight of 0.23 m.

Share in the comments, some slabs (hollow or solid) you used when building a house, do not forget to mention their size and price.