As descaled tea: the most effective ways

In any kettle, electric or metal with time scale appears. The fastest it accumulates from hard water, abounding salts of magnesium and calcium. In this case, we recommend a weekly cleaning of utensils for boiling water. Today Editorial decided to draw the attention of his readers to the problem. In this publication we describe the seven best and proven methods of how to clean the kettle from scale folk waysAs well as by chemical means.

A thick layer of scum in the kettle is certainly - something unpleasant. However, this is not a reason to throw out the instrument
A thick layer of scum in the kettle is certainly - something unpleasant. However, this is not a reason to throw out the instrument

Read article

  • 1 Danger of scaling in a kettle
  • 2 The clean kettle from scale
    • 2.1 Method 1. How to clean kettle descaling citric acid
    • 2.2 Method 2. How to get rid of limescale in the kettle using vinegar
    • 2.3 Method 3. As succeeded scale in the kettle using soda
    • 2.4 Method 4. When all else fails: a special recipe for cleaning the kettle with citric acid, baking soda and vinegar
    • 2.5 Method 5. How to wash the kettle from scale using carbonated drinks
    • 2.6 Method 6. How to clean limescale in the kettle using peelings of apples or potatoes
    • 2.7 Method 7. As descale the kettle using brine or oxalic acid
  • 3 Household chemicals descaling
  • 4 As descaled kettle - what is important to know
  • 5 The better to clean enamel kettle from scale at home
  • 6 The better to remove scale in the kettle made of stainless steel
  • 7 Preventive measures that exclude the occurrence of scum in a teapot

Danger of scaling in a kettle

If you do not use the purchase drinking water for boiling, the problem of scale will sooner or later rise edge. Indeed, any tap water, purified even filter comprises a number of metals and salts. Upon heating the substance to react and precipitate, which settles as a white plaque on the walls.

Color may precipitate indicate the presence of certain metal salts in the water and
Color may precipitate indicate the presence of certain metal salts in the water and
Irina Rosenstein


Irina Rosenstein

Designer studio "Cozy Home"

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«If it is blue color, then there is a lot of salt of copper or brass. If red, closer to the red, - iron, and if the brown, then your water is teeming with manganese. "

There are three main hazards that can confront people disregard the rules of regular cleaning of the kettle:

  1. Damage to household appliance. Frequent failure of the heating element in the kettle, or metal walls and bottom dishes for heating.
  2. Long heating. It is known that each millimeter of scale by 10% increases the power consumption of the kettle. Water by boiling is not in contact with the metal, and with a rust and a layer of fat. The electrical device is overheating of the heating element and plastic, metal - wall unevenly heated at reflux particles rust fall into the water.
  3. The accumulation of salts in the body. Plaque forms a kind of tape, by which bacteria develop, they destroy the metal. Fine particles of rust and perekala ingested together with water, gradually accumulate inside. In the future, it can affect the kidneys and urinary system.

The clean kettle from scale

What is necessary to remove limescale in kettles citric acid, and how to do it - the instructions below
What is necessary to remove limescale in kettles citric acid, and how to do it - the instructions below

Agree before buying strong chemical compositions, which are abundant in the market, each of us wants to try that effectively and more cheap and cheerful. People's ways of dealing with scum just meet all of these requirements. Let's start, perhaps, with the most popular method - cleaning the kettle from scale citric acid. Perhaps among the readers of our online magazine there is no one who has not heard about this tool. However, hear, does not mean to use. That is why we have prepared a simple step by step instructions that will make this process as quick and efficient.

Method 1. How to clean kettle descaling citric acid

Such a method is most commonly used for cleaning electric kettle, so as vinegar (grandmother another agent) can simply corrode plastic. This method is excellent help with light dirt and, if necessary, to "refresh" on the plastic body of the kettle.

Citric acid carefully dissolve plaque without corroding plastic
Citric acid carefully dissolve plaque without corroding plastic

For the cleaning process, we need:

  1. A pair of spoons citric acid (or lemon juice half).
  2. 500 ml of cold water.

The cleaning process is very simple. First, the water must be boiled. Once the kettle boil, pour citric acid (water with hiss). Leave a kettle in this state for a few hours until the water cools down.

Important! Take care that at the moment no purification from households not drink water from the kettle with an acid. Despite the fact that the tool itself is safe, however, departed from the walls and the heater rust and plaque can be dangerous to the internal organs.

Actually, the procedure of citric acid may be prophylactic. Optionally wait for a precipitate or plaque can simply periodically pouring warm water into the kettle and to pour the spoon citric acid. Exposure time too, but boiling is not required. These simple steps will help keep your teapot in excellent condition for several years.

Method 2. How to get rid of limescale in the kettle using vinegar

Vinegar - one of the most aggressive non-chemical methods of cleaning the boiler, only suitable metal container. However, he is quick and efficient.

For purification, suitable acetic acid, 9% or 70% vinegar essence. In the first case cups of incomplete enough, in the second - the pair tablespoons
For purification, suitable acetic acid, 9% or 70% vinegar essence. In the first case cups of incomplete enough, in the second - the pair tablespoons

In this case, you must first prepare a solution at a ratio of 50ml of vinegar in 500ml of water. The solution is poured into our tea to be put on the fire. In the process of boiling the vinegar starts to gradually erode the plaque. If boiling is not enough, you need to wait for complete cooling unit, after the wash kettle rigid sponge with baby soap to remove vinegar residues.

Method 3. As succeeded scale in the kettle using soda

Soda for purification as a kettle, as well as metal, glass instruments
Soda for purification as a kettle, as well as metal, glass instruments

Separately consider the sequence of actions for electric and enameled pots. For aluminum or any other suitable metal utensils such recipe: one tablespoon soda dissolve in the kettle with water. Boil over high heat, then reduce it and another half hour to spend our mix anguish. This is often enough to remove plaque from the walls and bottom of the cookware.

It's quite versatile and one of the safest ways to clean the kettle, which helps to get rid of even the chronic plaque
It's quite versatile and one of the safest ways to clean the kettle, which helps to get rid of even the chronic plaque

For electric kettles procedure and should not cause any difficulties. The procedure is the same as in the case of purification kettle descaling citric acid. Only the cooling process takes more than 2 hours. You do not have to boil the kettle, and dissolve the baking soda in warm water and wait at least an hour also. In this case, even if not all the solid "depart," but it will be much easier to clean with a sponge.

Irina Rosenstein


Irina Rosenstein

Designer studio "Cozy Home"

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«To achieve the maximum effect is better to use non-food, and soda ash. "

Method 4. When all else fails: a special recipe for cleaning the kettle with citric acid, baking soda and vinegar

If you have tried all three methods, but none of them did not help, it
If you have tried all three methods, but none of them did not help, it's time to use the "triple whammy" once all the above means

In this case, it is very important to observe the sequence of steps. The secret in order to use each tool. The first stage - cleaning with soda (how to do it, we told above). Further again fill the kettle with water, dissolve the citric acid in this case do not need to boil water, heat it sufficiently to simmer. Again, the water is drained. It is up to the vinegar. In this case, it is necessary to boil. The water glass solution was added to half 9% vinegar, and the solution was brought to a boil. In this case - the purity of the walls and the bottom of the kettle you will be provided.

Method 5. How to wash the kettle from scale using carbonated drinks

This is because, despite the many myths regarding the acidic properties of this popular carbonated waterSalt in it, or rather acid... is already known to us, citric. Yes, precisely because of this powder drink receives such miraculous properties: cleans scale and plaque, by the way, also applies to the enamel of the teeth.

If you
If you're a fan of "Coca-Cola", the better off you this passage of our publications are not read

But back to our... teapots. In order not to look that way in the eyes of our esteemed readers, we decided to conduct a visual experiment and find out it is effective such a method. Thus, the step instruction in the kettle scale purification via known brand carbonated beverage.

IllustrationDescription of the action
7 proven popular ways how to clean the kettle from scaleTake an ordinary plastic kettle. For the purity of the experiment took a clear glass that you can see the result. As you can see, there is a scum.
7 proven popular ways how to clean the kettle from scaleWe need proper bottle of "Coca-Cola" (some recommend a pre-release of her gas). We did not. And actually kettle.
7 proven popular ways how to clean the kettle from scalePour soda into the kettle.
7 proven popular ways how to clean the kettle from scaleInclude it, we bring to the boil.
7 proven popular ways how to clean the kettle from scaleAfter the tea has cooled, pour the liquid. And here's the result - Kettle practically new.

Add that this method is suitable for cleaning glass, metallic cookware and electric kettles, excluding only tin and enameled ware.

Note! Coloring soda, such as "Sprite" and "Coca-Cola" is also effectively cleaned of rust and burnt car carburetors. So, if you have in the house, motorists leave their better half bottles.

Method 6. How to clean limescale in the kettle using peelings of apples or potatoes

If you have lying around cleaning of potatoes, apples or pears, you will approach another "antiquated method," to clean the kettle from the salt coating. This method works well on enamel and metal teapots.
If you have lying around cleaning of potatoes, apples or pears, you will approach another "antiquated method," to clean the kettle from the salt coating. This method works well on enamel and metal teapots.

What we need: potato and apple clean (a lot). The procedure resembles steaming apple, only here in the course are vegetable and fruit waste. Purification placed on the bottom of the kettle, zaparivat boiling water or cold water. Good mixture boil. After half an hour's boiling we leave our "soup" cool. About an hour and a half, you can wash the dishes ordinary sponge.

Method 7. As descale the kettle using brine or oxalic acid

The scheme is the same - pour, boil, cool and launder
The scheme is the same - pour, boil, cool and launder

Both methods are based on the fact that the brine, and sorrel contain a considerable dose of acid. In the first case, already known to us, citric, and the second - oxalic. The principle we are already familiar. If you're not hung over, use the brine to clean the kettle.

Household chemicals descaling

These chemical compounds belong to the list of special and sold in any shop or department of household chemicals
These chemical compounds belong to the list of special and sold in any shop or department of household chemicals

We have studied the feedback from some customers and we take the liberty to offer you the top five best means for descaling, according to the editorial

NameShort descriptionPrice (as of May 2018), rub.
Descaling agent, "Silit"
Descaling agent, "Silit"
Cleaning gel effectively removes any rust and plaque.150
Descaler "Cinderella"
Descaler "Cinderella"
Means for descaling kettles, coffee machines, steam irons, washing machines and other water-heating devicesExcept enameled.45
Antinakip "Frau Schmidt"
Antinakip "Frau Schmidt"
Soluble tablets for cleaning kettles and coffee makers.220
antiscaling composition
antiscaling composition
Descaling solution for dummies.58
Descaling "Skamvon"
Descaling "Skamvon"
Powder for descaling.180

However, the chemicals can cause discoloration, especially if they are used for coatings are not provided in the instructions. It is important to examine the information that is indicated on the packaging.

Irina Rosenstein


Irina Rosenstein

Designer studio "Cozy Home"

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«Finished compositions are often hazardous to human health, if for some reason to get inside the body. Therefore, these tools are supplied with a special cover, which is not open to children. However, any responsible adult should never leave a child unattended in a room where there is any household cleaning products, including conventional laundry detergent or dishwashing detergent. "

As descaled kettle - what is important to know

Modern kettles are available for the most part with a closed heating element, which is very convenient, as the clear teapot can be easily, even without resorting to chemical agents
Modern kettles are available for the most part with a closed heating element, which is very convenient, as the clear teapot can be easily, even without resorting to chemical agents

Kettles open heating element do not allow sufficiently clean wash the surface without the use of special materials. In particular, we have to understand, how to boil a kettle with citric acid.

The better to clean enamel kettle from scale at home

Kettles with enamelled surface can be painted. Therefore, the purification of "Coca-Cola" it will not work
Kettles with enamelled surface can be painted. Therefore, the purification of "Coca-Cola" it will not work

Another important point. Paint in a pot quickly loses its strength when sudden changes in temperature. If you decide to clean up such dishes, Before boiling, you must first fill the cold water, and then only boil it and conduct we have described above manipulation.

Tip! After each cleaning procedure, no matter what tool you use, wash the kettle several times and boil water to residual chemical agents or rust do not fall into the food.

The better to remove scale in the kettle made of stainless steel

If we talk about kettles stainless steel, in our opinion, they are the most practical
If we talk about kettles stainless steel, in our opinion, they are the most practical

But unlike other models, suffer from too rigid a coated abrasive sponges and metal brushes. On the other hand, they carry very good chemical and temperature exposure.

Preventive measures that exclude the occurrence of scum in a teapot

Any device should be handled with care, especially those that are directly related to human health
Any device should be handled with care, especially those that are directly related to human health

The best defense, as always and everywhere - is prevention. And without preventive measures can not do in this matter. Rules that will help to maintain health and minimize the threat of getting poisoned, using old tea:

  1. If the water you used to boil, contains a lot of salts of heavy metals, be sure to use a water filter.
  2. Try to clean the kettle from scale regularly - 1 once a month or two months. For prophylactic cleaning delicate suitable such means as purification fruit or brine.
  3. Do not use for drinking water, which has accumulated on the bottom of the kettle. It is better to pour and flush the unit to prevent ingress of scale and rust in food or tea.
  4. Always rinse the kettle before you pour it with water.

And one more important rule, which we often forget - boil water in the kettle more than once can not be! And this time makes us more careful and attentive to the quality of the domestic appliance, from which we drink.