If the terms of housing construction are of fundamental importance, pay attention to the construction of houses made of SIP panels. This technology has been used for a long time and earned a certain popularity in many countries, including in Russia. Offer to meet with its distinctive features, advantages, and disadvantages of work sequence.
Houses made of SIP panels deserve special attention
Read article
1 SIP panels for construction of the house - what it is and who developed
2 Houses made of SIP panels - Advantages and Disadvantages
3 Classification houses from SIP panels
4 Projects of houses from SIP panels of various storeys
4.1 Single-storey house from SIP panels
4.2 Two-storey house from SIP panels
4.3 Houses made of SIP panels with a loft
5 Construction of houses from SIP panels in the southern and northern regions: the main differences
6 Construction of the house with his own hands from SIP panels
6.1 How to build a foundation of the house of SIP panels: important nuances
6.2 Laying strapping timber
6.3 floorboarding
6.4 Installation of walls of SIP panels
6.5 roof Construction
6.6 exterior decoration
6.7 Interior decorating
7 Can it be done with his own hands SIP panels in the home: the opinion of our editorial
8 Review of the construction of houses from SIP panels Turnkey price
9 Guest house owners of SIP panels
SIP panels for construction of the house - what it is and who developed
If you are interested in SIP panels, and you plan to use them to build a house, offer to begin to understand what it is. For the first time this building material began to produce and use in Canada in the second half of the XX century. Relatively simple technology allows for a limited time to build suitable for permanent and temporary residence home most of varying complexity.
SIP-panel consists of two plates OSB and are located between them thermal insulation material. The latter can be used as foam or Styrofoam. That is why, speaking of of SIP-panels and that it can be called a kind of building "sandwiches". Sometimes they are called - "sandwich panels".
Construction "sandwich" made using Canadian technology, it consists of several layers
Houses made of SIP panels - Advantages and Disadvantages
Main advantages and disadvantages of houses CIP panels due to specific material used. The first group should include:
seismic resistance. This property has been confirmed by numerous tests;
availability. Cost and features SIP panels for construction of the house make it a viable alternative to many building materials;
resistance to external influences;
energy efficiency. The material is well keeps the heat inside the house in the winter and cool in summer;
the lack of requirements for the construction time. Work can be performed at any time of the year;
fire. Special processing allows the SIP-fire retardant panels surpass natural wood on the indicator 7 times;
small construction time. On average, three weeks storey buildings put into operation;
good level soundproofing thanks to design features elements used in the construction process;
low weightThat significantly reduces the requirements to the strength characteristics of the formed bases;
environmental friendliness. In the material composition includes about 90% of the natural components;
an extended period of operation. Houses made of high-quality SIP panels constructed with the necessary technological requirements, estimates of manufacturers able to serve at least a century.
Perhaps the construction of houses made of SIP panels with their own hands
Among the shortcomings of this material it is worth mentioning the use for the manufacture of combustible materials, while subjected to a special treatment flame retardants. In the combustion process, they emit harmful substances, the amount of which for the calculations of experts does not go beyond the generally accepted health standards. Also SIP panels can not provide natural ventilation, and because the design phase on a mandatory basis provides forced-air ventilation.
Classification houses from SIP panels
Construction of houses of SIP-panels can be made with different technologies:
frame-panel. The panels are fixed to a wooden or metal frame;
Any element can be replaced with a new one if necessary
frameless. Compound elements by using special termoshponok representing strip made of CIP panels smaller.
Replace the elements can not be established
On the territory of Russia, the most popular frame technology. Availability carcass structure increases the strength characteristics although the sandwich panel initially have sufficient strength characteristics for one- or two-storey buildings.
Attention! Frame structure of SIP panels are maintainable. If necessary, one panel can be replaced by another.
Projects of houses from SIP panels of various storeys
If you decide to become the owner of such housing, we offer to get acquainted with interesting projects of houses from SIP panels. Selection of a suitable embodiment will depend on the desired number of floors, area and design features.
The technology allows to build a structure of any shape
Single-storey house from SIP panels
If the family is small or is planned to build a country house, pay attention to storeyed buildings. A suitable embodiment there appear for any portion.
Two-storey house from SIP panels
If the land area is small, but it would be desirable to provide a room for each family member, look for double-decker projects. Such structures can have a different configuration, area and performance characteristics. Photos of two-storey houses from SIP panels are as follows:
Houses made of SIP panels with a loft
Houses with attic able to become a serious competitor two-storey building. They allow you to more efficiently dispose of the internal space. Offer to meet with the options:
Construction of houses from SIP panels in the southern and northern regions: the main differences
Place the construction of the structure is able to exert a decisive influence on the choice of building material characteristics. If building a house will be produced in the northern region, select the SIP-panel with a thicker insulating layer than for a building in the Crimea. That is why the main difference of the material used in the construction of buildings in the northern and southern regions, is the thickness of expanded polystyrene significantly affect thermal insulation characteristics of panels whole.
For the northern regions should choose a thicker material
Construction of the house with his own hands from SIP panels
If you decide to build a house from SIP panels with their own hands, should immediately scrutinize work performance technology. We offer to meet with the main stages, so you can perform them on their own without the help of professionals.
Each stage deserves special attention
How to build a foundation of the house of SIP panels: important nuances
To get started is to decide on what it is foundation will build a house of SIP panels. Despite the fact that the box itself has a relatively low weight, characteristics of soil at a particular site, its location and the depth of the groundwater can make certain adjustments.
Attention! When choosing a foundation, be sure to take into account the seasonal swelling of the soil.
Most often the choice is made in favor of:
screw piles. A simple and affordable option with a good load capacity, is most prevalent. Screwed piles contribute to soil compaction;
melkozaglublennogo foundation. Suitable only for nepuchinistyh soil, and therefore received limited distribution. Tape dug into the ground to a depth of 0.4 m and drying for about a month, which significantly delays the timing of construction;
solid foundation. Relevant for slabopuchinistyh soil. It is a reinforced concrete thick slab formed on the bulk cushion. It allows for uniform load distribution;
columnar foundation. Suitable for slabopuchinistogo soil and cheaper monolithic. The bars are formed at the corners of the future structure and connected to each other with massive beams.
Characteristics of the base are working in the design documentation
Laying strapping timber
For the installation of strapping timber most commonly used material with lateral dimensions of 250 ร 150 mm. Connection elements in the corners is performed by using grooves or anchors diameter 10 - 12 mm. Laid strapping timber carefully treated with a special composition to increase its service life.
All elements of the strapping timber should be carefully handled
The technology of building houses from SIP panels suggests that the formation of the floor using the same material as the wall. The work is performed in the following sequence:
Description of the action
CIP panels are cut to size and processed mastic bottom for protection against external impacts. From the connection beam whose thickness is equal to the thickness of the insulating layer, and which will be used as the connecting member is cut the desired number of segments.
SIP panel fits into place. The treated surface should be at the bottom. Butt is carefully processed with foam.
The connecting bar is placed in the groove and fixed by means of screws or special clamps above and below.
Apply the mounting foam for the next CIP panel, which will be in contact with an already installed.
The elements are interconnected and attached to the strapping bars. The connecting bar is laid along the long and short sides of the elements.
Installation of walls of SIP panels
When the overlap will be laid, you are ready for installation SIP panels for the walls. Works are carried out in the following sequence:
Description of the action
By overlapping fastened BS, the size of which depends on the geometrical parameters of CIP panels. Used for fixing screws and long screws. In order to ensure a snug fit to the mortgage overlap it placed under the substrate for the laminate of 3 mm thick.
Mount the wall. Carefully monitor the spatial position of each element in all planes.
In the corners of the mortgages attached directly to the SIP-panels by placing a substrate for laminate.
In the joints of all the ends thoroughly coat with foam. We fix with screws. Assembling the walls of the second floor is performed in the same manner.
roof Construction
After the erection of walls, you can start building roof. We offer watch a video, which tells in detail, in what sequence, and what work should be performed:
exterior decoration
For facade decoration panel houses of the CIP are most commonly used:
plastic siding panels that are not afraid of the impact of external factors;
facade plasterHas received the most widespread;
profiled. Available finishing material made of metal and claimed in the finishing of various facilities;
facade tiles, allowing a minimal financial investment you arrange the facade.
1 of 6
Interior decorating
It can be used the same materials as for the other structures for internal facing buildings of the sandwich panels. However, before the work should take into account the fact that all communication must be installed open way.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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ยซStroebe device is not allowed. This will help to reduce the strength characteristics and structure of life. "
We offer watch a video, which clearly shows how to build the house of SIP-panels:
Can it be done with his own hands SIP panels in the home: the opinion of our editorial
If for some reason to buy certified ready material is not possible, we should try to make SIPs panel with your hands at home. For the manufacture of the inner layer can be used polystyrene, polyurethane foam and mineral wool. To determine suitable variants should be considered assignment sandwich panels and perform heat calculation.
For the outer layer can be used not only RSD, but also aluminum, steel sheets, plastic panels, wood. In this case, it will be possible to abandon the subsequent finishing of the house.
To assemble the elements except the basic materials and adhesive required table and press. The adhesive may be a single- or two-component. When choosing an adhesive composition should take into account its performance and safety.
Assembling of elements in the following sequence:
a first outer layer is placed on the solid base;
the adhesive composition is applied using a trowel, brush or spray;
After about 10 minutes at an inner external layer is laid;
the adhesive composition is applied, and after 10 minutes keeps the second outer layer;
the product is placed under a press and cured for at least 4:00.
We offer watch a video, which is painted in detail the process of making self-supporting insulated panels:
Review of the construction of houses from SIP panels Turnkey price
How much it will cost to build a house from SIP panels Turnkey - depends on many factors. Prices affects the area, number of floors, the design, the company, which decided to apply. Average prices are as follows:
Area, mยฒ
Number of floors
Minimum price as of October 2018, rub.
120 000
200 000
With attic
640 000
1 000 000
1 920 000
Guest house owners of SIP panels
If you still doubt the obvious advantages of houses from SIP panels offer acquainted with reviews of those who have opted for similar buildings. Perhaps their opinion will be decisive for you.
Review on the home of the "Hotvellยป SIP-panels:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_3358995.html
Of SIP-panels "Hotvell"
Review on the home of "mottle" SIP panels:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5967404.html
Of SIP-panels "mottle"
Share in the comments, if you ordered the construction of houses from SIP panels turnkey or erected a house with his own hands.