Electric boiler for heating private homes: price, model

living comfort, especially in their own cottage, largely depends on the heating system. It must be effective, safe and easy to operate. When creating a heating system focuses on basic elements - boiler. In recent years become increasingly popular electric boiler for heating private houses. Prices for him to become more accessible every year. In this article we consider the types, models and cost of electric boilers.

Electric boiler for heating private houses: the prices
On the quality of heating depends comfortable accommodation in a house

Read article

  • 1 Electric boilers for heating private houses
  • 2 types of electric boilers
    • 2.1 Electric boilers with heating elements - the device, merits and demerits
    • 2.2 Design and function of electrode boilers
    • 2.3 Electric boilers Induction type
      • 2.3.1 Induction boiler SAV type
      • 2.3.2 Induction heaters such as WINE
  • 3 What you should know before choosing an electric heating boiler for private houses
    • 3.1 The choice of the electric boiler power according to the area of ​​private homes
    • 3.2 A calculator for calculating the required power of the electric boiler
  • 4 Leading manufacturers and popular models of electric boilers
    • 4.1 Overview heating equipment for 220 V
    • 4.2 electric boilers model with a voltage of 380 V
    • 4.3 Overview of combi boilers
  • 5 Electric heating private house boiler. Prices and Ratings
  • 6 Step by step guide for installation and connection of the electric boiler
  • 7 afterword

Electric boilers for heating private houses

Electric boiler - a heating device in which heat transfer agent heated to the desired temperature by means of special electrodes or tubular heating elements (heaters). Electric boilers are used in stand-alone heating systems private houses and industrial buildings. Coolant often serves specially prepared water. In some cases, low-freezing liquid, started on the basis of propylene or ethylene glycol.

Electric boilers can be used as the main element of the system, and in an emergency, in case of failure of the main unit - the solid or gas-fired boiler. For example, when the gas is turned off or if the run firewood or coal, the heating system will be able to continue normal operation due to electric boilers for heating included in it.

Simple wiring diagram of the electric boiler
Simple wiring diagram of the electric boiler

Heating electric boiler, regardless of manufacturer, consists of the following elements:

  • a housing which has all the performance of the device units;
  • a heat exchanger consisting of a tank with coolant and heating elements;
  • control unit, control and security.

All boilers operate on the same principle. A heating element disposed in the tank, converts electrical energy into heat. Further, the coolant adjusted to the desired temperature, the tubes transferred to heating batteries.

Heating equipment is easy to install and has an aesthetic appearance
Heating equipment is easy to install and has an aesthetic appearance

Electric boilers for heating can be electric heaters, induction or electrode. Increasingly popular devices is a tubular electric heating elements. Also boilers divided by the operating voltage:

  • Heating device - 220V;
  • devices operating on the voltage in 380V and have a capacity of at least 12 kW;
  • mixed type.

Distinguish boilers and method of installation - wall and floor.

E. boiler heating private houses as well as any device has its advantages and disadvantages. The benefits include:

  • ease of installation;
  • no need to supply fume collection channels;
  • electric boiler has a higher ecological safety than gas or solid heating device;
  • high efficiency - 95-98%;
  • not required separate room for installation.

Among the deficiencies noted:

  • the need for accurate the calculation of the cable cross-section;
  • It is required to bring the boiler to a separate line from the switchboard;
  • high cost of this type of energy source, in contrast, for example, from the gas.
Electric boilers take up little space
Electric boilers take up little space

We must take into account several factors, which are discussed below when choosing a heating equipment. If, however, the choice is made in favor of the electric boiler, you should also consider installing multitariff accounting unitWhich will save money.

Related article:

Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsMost private homes have an impressive area and the fact that Russian non-resort country where summer reigns all year round, this same area we have to somehow be heated in the winter. If the correct approach to this issue, it appears that Heating homes with electricity - the most economical way. This is what we'll talk in the publication.

types of electric boilers

As mentioned above, electric boilers for heating private houses are divided by type of heating elements into three categories - induction, electrode and TENovye. Let us consider each of these forms individually.

Electric boilers with heating elements - the device, merits and demerits

In such electric heating elements used boilers tubular or plate form, which are arranged directly in the heat exchanger. In single tank may contain up to 8 heaters with a capacity of 2 kW, which are connected in stages by means of automatic or manually. Some models of electric boilers TENovyh can have two circuits, which makes it possible not only to heat the coolant, but also water for household needs.

Apparatus electric boiler with heating elements
Apparatus electric boiler with heating elements

Often the decision to purchase of electric heaters electric boiler due to the simplicity of the internal structure of the heating device, the ability to use different types of coolant, and low cost, which ranges from 50 to 1000 $. Price depends on the capacity, equipment type and manufacturer.

Design and function of electrode boilers

The principle of operation of the electrode of the electric heating boiler differs from the operation of the heating device with heating elements. The electrodes, which are attached to the boiler in the heat exchanger creates a difference AC potential, which results in rapid heating of the heat carrier is specially prepared.

Powerful heating system with the electrode boilers for very large rooms
Powerful heating system with the electrode boilers for very large rooms

Electrode boilers are distinguished by:

  • the number of loops (1 and 2);
  • the number of phases (1-220V and 3-380V);
  • power (2-50 kW);
  • fastening method;
  • principle coolant distribution (open and closed).

The advantages of electrode boilers are:

  • Efficiency - 99%;
  • low price compared with other types of boilers;
  • small size and weight;
  • fire safety and environmental friendliness;
  • the possibility of placing virtually any room;
  • automation of the processes of heating and resistance to surges;
  • rapid heating of the coolant to the desired temperature;
  • ease of installation.

This is only the basic advantages of the electrode of electric boilers for heating, in fact there are many more. Now list the disadvantages of this equipment, which is not so much:

  • the need for a stable power supply, which is solved by additional automation of the boiler;
  • It requires the use of only the prepared coolant;
  • It must be mandatory grounding;
  • single-loop circuit does not provide sufficient Water supply of private homes hot water;
  • It required every 2-4 years to change the electrodes, due to wear.

Electric boilers Induction type

Induction heaters are much more difficult to other heating equipment. The design of this device is provided for heating the presence of the induction coil with a metal core. During the passage of current through the electromagnetic induction coil occurs, creating a potential difference across the core, whereby it is heated.

The operating principle of induction boiler
The operating principle of induction boiler

Such a design allows the boiler greatly increase the efficiency of the entire heating device. The system is very secure, since the induction coil is hermetically sealed in the housing, thereby avoiding contact with its winding coolant.

Deciding to buy an induction electric boiler should be aware of the following advantages of this equipment:

  • high reliability (assuming continuous availability in the coolant system);
  • small dimensions of the device;
  • sufficiently high efficiency (efficiency depends upon competent heat exchanger structure and the whole system);
  • the low inertia of the system, which makes it possible to minimize electrical losses;
  • excluded the formation of scale;
  • the use of different heat transfer fluids;
  • autonomy of the boiler;
  • installation and maintenance easy.
Induction boiler control unit
Induction boiler control unit

Induction type heating boiler is a fairly reliable device, and the only thing that can it fail, so it is the electronic control unit.

The only drawback of the induction electric boiler for heating private houses - the price, which ranges from 450 up to $ 3000 and above. This price discrepancy depends on the power and complexity of radiators. Currently, the heating equipment manufacturers offer two types of boilers - induction (the SAV) and vortex (VIN).

Induction boiler SAV type

Boilers of this type are used for independent and combined heating in hot water systems and as a standby heating device. In this kind of heating equipment permits remote adjust the temperature and automate the process of heating.

On inductor (primary winding) opdaetsya current frequency of 50 Hz, and a secondary winding is used as a closed pipe system, which is a heat exchanger through which the coolant passes. Induction current heats the liquid very quickly, which significantly increases the performance of SAV boilers, designed for 220 V and 380 V.

Elektrokotel induktsionnogoo type SAV
Elektrokotel induktsionnogoo type SAV

Such induction boilers with a capacity of 2.5 kW can produce heat 2100 kcal / h and heat small rooms up to 30 m². Price of equipment with automatic control unit is about 30 000 rubles.

Induction heaters such as WINE

In induction boilers vortex type (WIN) current flowing through the primary winding of the inverter is transformed to a high frequency. Consequently, increasing the overall strength of the electromagnetic field, which greatly contributes to the strength of eddy currents.

The housing and internal components of the boiler are made of special ferromagnetic alloy that becomes hot upon magnetization reversal. Due to this heat exchanger WINE boilers are not only pipe heating system in the SAV-type devices, but also directly with body parts, playing the role of the magnetic circuit.

Heating with induction-type wines boilers
Heating with induction-type wines boilers

Induction type boilers VIN 3 kW are able to produce up to 2500 kcal / h and heat the room area of ​​about 30-40 m². The cost of heating equipment with a circulating pump, Valves and automatic control unit is 35-38 000.

Recommendations made! It is advisable to choose a boiler with as full equipped, as some components are essential. It is best to buy a full set, then in addition to not buy individually valves, filters, expansion tank or a safety relay. In addition, the full set as a result will be cheaper.

Submitted video will help you better understand what is induction heating boiler:

What you should know before choosing an electric heating boiler for private houses

By the choice of heating equipment should be taken very seriously, as you can buy the device who will be unable to provide your home with warmth and money, and a lot will be spent simply wasted. To find the electric boiler heating, fully meets your needs you need to know some of the required characteristics of the equipment.

Single-loop boiler heating system
Single-loop boiler heating system

Criteria for selection of an electric heating boiler represented by the following list:

  1. number of circuits;
  2. the presence of built-in additional equipment;
  3. power equipment;
  4. requirement for mains voltage and wiring;
  5. installation method.
  • Contours. Electrical heating equipment may have one or two circuits. Combi boilers are mainly used in cases where you need to ensure that in addition to heating the house with hot water. So before you choose the heating boiler to a private home you need to decide - the device is only necessary to heat the premises or whether you want to use it as a water heater for household needs.
Additional equipment facilitates the management of the heating system
Additional equipment facilitates the management of the heating system
  • Additional equipment. Depending on the manufacturer and the purposes of heating equipment developers boilers can be equipped with expansion tank, Circulating pump, system automation, security group, programmer, etc. Accordingly, the more options provided in the heating boiler, the higher its value. Often, however, the high price is justified by the fact that such content will supplement the heating system and protect it from various emergency situations and eliminate the problems with the heating of premises, as well as simplify the management and operation equipment.
  • Wiring method. By way of central heating boilers can be wall-mounted or floor-standing. Floor installation usually used to heat private homes and larger premises, and equipment for wall mounting - in the flats high-rise buildings in an autonomous heating. Since no device is required to install the electric boiler fume collection channels, The installation of the equipment is quite simple and not time consuming.
boiler Electrical protection
boiler Electrical protection
  • Power. If the power of the electric boiler is not more than 9 kW, then it can be powered from mains voltage of 220 V. However, the electric boiler for heating House of 100 square meters must be more powerful (the reason discussed below), and therefore need to be connected to a network with a voltage of 380 V.

In accordance with the capacity of the equipment and the necessary voltage is selected cable section and the machine type, which are usually specified in the data sheet of the heater.

The choice of the electric boiler power according to the area of ​​private homes

Though at least it mentions capacity of the equipment, but it is perhaps one of the most important criteria that should guide the choice of the boiler. The fact is that lack of power will not allow to effectively heat a house, and its surplus will lead to unnecessary energy costs. There is a fairly simple way to calculate the power equipment such as electric boilers for home heating 50-60 square meters. To do this, the area of ​​the room, which is supposed to be heated, divided by 100. To the obtained result is necessary to add about 15-20% (depending on climate zone).

The boiler output is directly dependent on the area of ​​premises
The boiler output is directly dependent on the area of ​​premises

You can calculate the power of the electric boiler and a fairly simple formula:

Wk = (S× Wud) / 10 Where:

  • Wc - the power of the electric boiler;
  • S - the area of ​​the heated space;
  • Wbeats- the specific power of 10 m² equipment.

The value of specific capacity may vary depending on climate zone:

  • temperate climate - 1.2-1.5 kW;
  • northern zone - 1.5-2.0 kW;
  • south - 0.7-0.9 kW.

In accordance with this formula will try to calculate the power of the electric boiler for heating of houses 200 square meters located in the temperate zone: Wc = (200 × 1.5) / 10 = 30 kW.

In order to make more accurate calculations will have to use special tables and formulas that take into account the heat losses, the volume of space, as well as seasonal and regional factors. All these data can be found on the Internet at specialized sites.

A small video clip will help determine the choice of the electric boiler:

A calculator for calculating the required power of the electric boiler

Leading manufacturers and popular models of electric boilers

The choice of the electric boiler should be implemented not only on the basis of the above criteria, but also relying on the reputation of the manufacturer, the characteristics of the proposed models and customer feedback. Largely it depends on the producer price of heating electric boilers for private homes.

PictureManufacturerPopular models
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviews


The company is one of the leading manufacturers of heating systems and equipment for hot water supply. European manufacturer offers a wide range of products of the highest quality. Protherm produces gas and electric boilers for floor and wall installation as well as a variety of accessories that made the company, coupled with reasonable prices popular in more than 25 countries.ramp
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsVaillantVaillant is one of the leaders in the market of heating equipment and ventilation systems. The popularity of the product due to the high quality of production, reliability and security produced by electric boilers. All products are certified and meet the quality and safety requirements.eloBLOCK
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsKospelKospel Polish company offers electrical heating equipment adapted for use in the Russian Federation of conditions. By purchasing electrocoppers Kospel consumer receives reliable, economical and ready-to-install device to heat your home or apartment. All parts of the equipment are tested at each stage of assembly and testing of fire and electrical safety. Boilers Company has Kospel software from well-known manufacturers, which is a guarantee of high quality products.EKCO.Lz - equipment intended for use in heating systems in combination with water heaters.
EKCO.Lp - usually electric boiler is used to "warm floor" systems.
EKCO.LN - to complete an expansion tank.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsDakonElectric boilers Dakon company can only be used as a heating device and are not intended to heat water for domestic use. Among the advantages of the boilers of the brand include:
  • environmental friendliness;
  • small size;
  • aesthetic appearance.

Boilers Dakon company used for heating homes, apartments, as well as a backup heater. Cost of the equipment corresponds to the high quality and reliability of heaters.

Daline PTE
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsRusnėEstablished in 1994, JSC Rusnė was formed on the basis of the Ryazan 'Red Flag' plant, which manufactures products for the space industry. Electric boilers of different simple design, full automation of all processes, affordable cost and operating reliability. All products Rusnė meets all safety requirements.Rusnė M
Rusnė NM
By Rusnė
Rusnė MK GSM
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsEVANEVAN company is one of the leading Russian manufacturers of equipment for heating systems. In the market of heating equipment manufacturer Russia has a share of 40%. The company has a wide network of dealers and partners throughout Russia and the former CIS countries. The manufacturer offers a high-quality and highly efficient heating technology that meets all safety standards.EVAN EPO-18
Evan S1-7,5
Tehowatti (13 or 21 kW) and Ecowatti-13.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsZOTAKrasnoyarsk Zot company offers high-quality Russian consumers heating technology and among the top three manufacturers of thermal RF equipment. All products are certified and meet all modern requirements of quality and safety. Products Company Zot double pass technical inspection. Product reliability is regularly checked on the test bench. Heating equipment company has a different power and is intended for installation in private homes, industrial buildings and agriculture.LUX

Among the manufacturers and models can easily choose for your home fairly efficient electric boilers for heating. These are only the leading companies that provide heating equipment for every taste and budget.

Overview heating equipment for 220 V

As a rule, the decision to buy 220 electric boiler for heating homes in what is called if there is no possibility to carry out a three-phase network. Such equipment is typically used as the core, additional or backup heating source.

PhotoManufacturer / ModelDescription
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsProtherm / RAY 6 K (SCAT)Heating wall-mounted electric boiler with a modern design. The device is connected to single-phase mains voltage of 220 V. Equipment:
  • expansion tank;
  • stepless power adjustment;
  • high efficiency;
  • the ability to install in houses and apartments;
  • the ability to connect the boiler;
  • operation control from the room thermostat or external temperature sensor;
  • a reflection on the display auto-diagnostic results and codes of malfunctions;
  • built-in automatic two-speed pump;
  • Block of protective functions.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsVaillant / eloBLOCK VE6-9Single-circuit heating electric boilers wall-mounted with very high efficiency. An expansion tank of 7 liters. The nominal voltage of 220 V, and the power, respectively, 6 and 9 Watts. Maximum heating water in the heating system to 85˚C, allowing to heat the room area of ​​45m². There is a protection against overheating of the boiler and the coolant circulation disorders, and also by freezing it into the heating circuit.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsKospel / EKCO L 4-8Single-wall electrocoppers performance with temperature control 30-85˚C, which can operate both on a network with a voltage of 220 and 380 V. In each model established by heaters 6, working alternately, thereby reducing the load on the heating elements and to extend the service life. equipment management manual.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsDakon / Daline PTE 4-8Domestic boilers for autonomous heating, operates on voltage of 220 V and having the 2-3-stage power adjustment. In case the expansion tank is provided, as well as pressure meter and protection unit.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsRusnė / 203M and 204MThese models of boilers with a capacity of 3 and 4 kW are suitable for heating rooms up to 30 and 40 m² respectively. Both models are available for the security system, the ability to connect thermostats and room sensors as a coolant may be used or special water antifreeze..
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsEVAN / EPO, C1, Warmos-IV (RX, M), ExpertIn all of these product lines have models for connection to a mains voltage of 220 V, a capacity of 2.5-30 kW. Boilers of this manufacturer are economical, autonomy, high efficiency, and ease of installation and maintenance. They can be used as primary or backup heating.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsZot / MK 3-9, Econom 3-9The most popular models of boilers to operate with a voltage of 220 V and a capacity of 3-9 kW. Boilers are used for heating residential and industrial premises area. As can be natural or forced depending on the model of the coolant circulation system. there are expansion tank and the automatic control system. Boilers have high reliability and efficiency.

Most consumers are wondering whether to use 220 volt electric boilers for heating private houses. Since boilers designed for a voltage not very powerful, it is possible to install them, for example in the country or if the gas supply is not provided. Also, similar equipment can be used as an additional or spare heating system.

Review asoul Russia, Tyumen Elektrokotel Zota Econom 9 - Great economical option

Advantages: low cost reliable after a little rework, cost-effective

Disadvantages: often burn the factory machines.

Great economical option for heating. Very robust unit PETN (stainless steel), complete with remote control has a temperature sensor, it saves power consumption. Easy installation, high operating pressure.

More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2617136.html

electric boilers model with a voltage of 380 V

As for heating large areas require more powerful equipment, the increased demand and to the magnitude of the voltage. For private houses heating electric boiler is most suitable for 380 V. consider the most appropriate model.

Photo Manufacturer / ModelDescription
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsProtherm / RAY 28 K (SCAT)Heating wall-mounted electric boiler with a modern design. The device according to the power connected to the mains voltage 380 V.Komplektatsiya:
  • expansion tank;
  • stepless power adjustment;
  • high efficiency;
  • the ability to install in houses and apartments;
  • the ability to connect the boiler;
  • operation control from the room thermostat or external temperature sensor;
  • a reflection on the display auto-diagnostic results and codes of malfunctions;
  • built-in automatic two-speed pump;
  • Block of protective functions.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsVaillant / eloBLOCK VE12-21High efficiency boilers heating capacity of 12-21 kW with connection to three-phase electricity. Is provided for use in private homes as a primary or backup heating system. When installing the multi-rate electricity metering device increases the device efficiency. There is a three-stage pump for circulation of the heating system coolant expansion tank 7 liters and a mechanical manometer for pressure control. Provides frost protection and anti-blocking function is built-in pump.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsKospel / EKCO R 12-24Electric boilers in this series have manual control, the power of 12-24 kW and a rated voltage of 380 volts. The design provides 3 PETN, and has a smooth six-phase power adjustment. It can be used to create a system of "warm floor".
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsDakon / DALINE PTE 10-18Highly reliable electric boilers for heating systems with a closed forced circulation of the coolant, can also be used as a backup heating system. Electric heaters are made of copper, the circulation pump 3 is speed. An expansion tank provided at 7 liters and a coolant pressure sensor. There is a modern security system, which can significantly extend the life of equipment.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsRusnė / 209 MWall-mounted boilers for efficient heating rooms to 90 m². The equipment can be used in both single-phase and three-phase circuit. At 220 the current strength is 40A, and with three-phase connection - 13,7A. There is a built-in control panel and robust security group. As the coolant is water or spetsantifriz.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsEVAN / Expert 12Highly efficient electric boiler heating milking heating rooms up to 120 square meters. Integrated control system allows fully automated operation of the equipment. Expansion vessel is designed for 12 liters, a full set of protection, control of daily and weekly temperature, and also has the ability to connect remote control modules. A method of fastening - wall.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsZot / MK12-18, Econom12-18The equipment of this series is designed for heating an area of ​​120-180 m² and has a capacity of 12-18 kW, respectively. Boilers are highly heater elements of stainless steel, the expansion tank, the protection of the complex and intuitive control. Designed for use with the AC mains voltage of 380 V.

Since the establishment of country cottages at the heating system uses powerful equipment is required, as a rule, trefaznaya network to connect it. That is why it is desirable to heat your home to buy 380 volt electric boiler.

Review Diga741 Russia, Tver: Electric boiler Evan EPO4E - It's not difficult to make even a layman. The concept is simple.

Advantages: Why superfluous. Simplicity and cheapest option

Disadvantages: porobuete themselves and tell me about the disadvantages. I just do not see them.

Evan - a good company. More specifically, the boiler can only say good, and it's not just my formal reply on this product. From personal experience I know that I write. EPO4E my reliable and hard-working assistant. My house is small and I came out of it to make heating with batteries. It works fine.

More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4420045.html

Overview of combi boilers

Buying heating equipment for private homes, many prefer, instead of an additional boilerTo acquire to provide hot water - double-heating electric boiler.

Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsVaillant / eloBLOCK VE24High electric boiler heating power of 24 kW for use in networks with a voltage of 380 V. Equipment in addition to its direct purpose may be used to provide hot water supply. The boiler is equipped with three-stage circulation pump, an expansion vessel 7 liters and a pressure gauge for monitoring the pressure in the system.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsKospel / KOSPEL EKCO.LzBoilers of this series have high efficiency and can also be used for domestic hot water for household purposes. The equipment can be used depending on the capacity of the network as a water phase with a voltage of 220 V. and three-phase - 380 VA standard are air valves, temperature sensors, pressure gauges and circulators.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsRusnė / Rusnė 218 NMMiniboiler with a three-stage power adjustment. It can be powered by 220 V and 380 V. The package includes a circulation pump made in Germany, safety valve. There adjustable coolant temperature. Safety of the equipment is provided by a full set of protective devices.

Immediately it is worth noting that the price of double-boilers for heating private houses still higher than normal, due to the fact that they are more functional.

Electric heating private house boiler. Prices and Ratings

Of great importance is played with the purchase of electric boilers for heating private houses - prices and consumer reviews. It is this first of all pay attention to the potential buyers of the heating equipment. Below, we have presented a small rating of electric boilers for heating private houses, drawn up on the basis described above manufacturers and their model ranges, as well as customer reviews which are already used data equipment.

ManufacturerModelCost, rub. (Important to November 2017)
ProthermRamp 12from 37,000
VaillanteloBLOCK VE28from 45,000
KospelKospel EKCO.L2-21from 37500
DakonDaline PTE 24from 68,000
RusnėRusnė 218 NM27 850
EVANWARMOS-RX 15from 27,000
ZotMK-15from 33,000

Presented in the table of prices is not conclusive or accurate as their value depends on the seller and the region in which you reside. However, it should be guided even at the approximate cost of the equipment at the decision to buy a home electric boiler for heating.

Step by step guide for installation and connection of the electric boiler

Installation of electric boilers for heating private houses are usually assigned to specialists, but you can do everything on its own, especially if you have the skills of handling keys and drill. Consider the process of installing the electric boiler for example Kospel EKCO.R2.

process photosDescription
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsBefore connecting the electric boiler in the heating system is desired to study in detail the instructions attached to the equipment.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsThe datasheet lists all the dimensions that must be met in order to correctly install the boiler.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsThe distance between the centers of the inlet and outlet tubes should be about 180 mm.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsThe distance from the pipe wall to approximately 60-65 mm.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsThe height of attachment of the boiler pipes is about 600-660 mm. the distance between the dowels, which will be fixed equipment must be 352 mm.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsAfter marking the drill holes for dowels. Usually hardware are supplied with the boiler, but can be bought separately, and more powerful hardware.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsTry on the boiler and fasten it on the screws.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsFurther, between the boiler tubes and pipes of the heating system raises proklatki sealing, which can also be bundled with hardware.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsAdjustable wrenches firmly and neatly stifle compound boiler tubes.
Electric heating private house Boiler: Prices, models and reviewsIt is advisable to test the strength and tuck all the nut connection of the boiler to prevent leaks and malfunctioning of equipment. Further in special connectors to connect the power cable and the security group, and once again all thoroughly test. If everything is in order, fill in the coolant heating system and carry out tests.

As you can see install heating equipment on their own without problems. the more that is available on the Internet, any heating circuit of a private house with electric boiler.

Scheme strapping electric boilers heating with gas equipment
Scheme strapping electric boilers heating with gas equipment


So we looked at what is the electric boiler heating, its structure, advantages and disadvantages. The use of such equipment is quite effective, and activation of electric heating boilers together with gas or solid fuel heat generators will only increase the performance of heating systems houses. You can listen to the advice given in the article, or to friends reviews but anyway have to solve only to you.