In this room are hosting. Here the whole family for recreation and entertainment. Here it is useful for a perfect aesthetic and technical parameters interiorAnd at the same time appropriate to create a cozy atmosphere. It should be noted that in any room drapery window openings It is a significant element. But to solve the corresponding task is not easy. To pick up the curtains in the living room in a modern style, photos and examples of design work is necessary to supplement the study of the characteristics of the premises. After reading this article will simply make the right decision.

Read article
- 1 Defining a common parameters
- 2 Examples and recommendations
- 2.1 Choose the color of the curtains in the living room in a modern style: photo and expert advice
- 2.2 Photo of the beautiful curtains and curtains in the living room: the use of different materials and designs
- 2.3 What is the difference curtains in the living room with balcony: account architectural features
- 2.4 Implementation of design ideas
- 3 findings
Defining a common parameters
At first it is necessary to clarify the basic concepts. "Modern style" It does not automatically imply the use of elements high tech. It can be argued that it is characterized by the following features.

This is due to cheaper production processes. Rich cloth with a luxurious finish and sophisticated designs available today than a few decades ago. It should be positively noted the emergence of high-quality synthetic materials, low-cost printing images in high resolution, and other advanced technologies.

The ability to use a variety of flowers, Drawing textures. This position is based on the improvement of delivery methods, trade. The wide range of offerings can be viewed via the network the Internet in a convenient online.
High accuracy of matching the individual elements of the interior is based on the electronic simulation of space. Inexpensively in a graphics editor, you can create a design project, modify it as needed. Simple manipulation of computer mouse will help to supplement it furnishingschange illuminationViewing angle.

Modern living room equipped with video equipment. To prevent glare shields positioned appropriately. If necessary - use blackout curtains.

Reasonable cost of complex structures suspensions and moving mechanisms allows their use in everyday life without great restrictions.

If you examine the photo of curtains for the hall in a modern style, it is possible to conclude that the democratic current fashion trends.
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Japanese curtains


High tech
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Examples and recommendations
Despite the general freedom of choice must take into account the following factors when choosing a suitable curtains:
- area and height of the room;
- orientation window openings with respect to the cardinal points;
- color scheme and overall style solution of the Interior;
- size and shape window;
- texture and other aesthetic characteristics upholstery furniture, wall decoration, flooring, ceiling;
- equipment technology, the need to create special conditions lighting areas (the room as a whole).
Note! Below are listed the work that illustrate the application of the rules of these criteria in practice.
Choose the color of the curtains in the living room in a modern style: photo and expert advice

This photo curtains in the living room in a modern style demonstrates the benefits of a "strong" color. Red looks harmoniously combined with white and black. They do accents emphasize the dynamism interior, Line fashion trends. But to use this part of the visible spectrum should be neat. Excessive amounts of it in the room has a stimulating effect on the psyche. It is possible, even high blood pressure and increased heart rate.

Graphic drawings, additions to other colors, crisp lines - in these embodiments, application of this solution is relevant.

This photo illustrates the curtains in the room visually increase the walls for the harmonization of the general proportions of the room size.
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White - pertinent basis for combinations with different shades

Light siniyassotsiiruetsya with a classic, solid

Green - the color of freshness, spring, renewal

Dark shades are used to create a respectable interiors

This color is appropriate in the kitchen. But when you make a living in combination with white, he is able to give the audience the necessary positive impact.

Photo of the beautiful curtains and curtains in the living room: the use of different materials and designs
Diversity forms design window openings It can be assessed using these drawings.

Here is just a small part of the standard designs:
- 1 - the curtain-type "hand of the bishop";
- 2 - Vertical jalousie;
- 3 - pelmet with complex assemblies that mimic the screw weaving on the sides;
- 4 - canopy in a petal shape in combination with the curtain roll-type;
- 5 - a classic "Roman" blind;
- 6 - canopy with curtains;
- 7 - "Imperial" variant design with luxurious additions side;
- 8 - Example with assemblies tissue in the horizontal direction ( "SMAD") and the rise of individual sections ( "perekidy");
- 9 - vertical assembly on the edges ( "frill") and SMAD;
- 10 – horizontal blinds of dense tissue;
- 11 - louvers made of wooden elements;
- 12 - modification of Roman blinds with multiple pleats;
- 13 - vertical blinds fabric, complemented with a canopy perekidy;
- 14, 15 - the variety of blinds from the tissues.
From the previous examples it is clear that at the present time considerable attention to functionality. To adjust the luminous flux suitable equipment window openings combined roman blinds of two colors. Photo, posted below, demonstrates the benefits of a special combination of "day / night".

These products are made of two kinds of fabric (dense, semi-transparent). The drive mechanism is designed so that you can use different parts to darken or light transmittance. Roman blinds are well suited for such tasks. Such webs in the lowered position to fully close the window without slots.

To fix the tissue used different devices.

These accessories do not interfere with the movement. They are suitable for light and heavy fabrics. Preferred metal articles resistant to abrasion and long preserving the integrity and appearance. But rings made of high quality plastic, also deserve a positive assessment. They weigh little, are not exposed to destructive processes of corrosion in use. They do not necessarily have to be removed for removal of contaminants using washing machine.

It is necessary to take into account the rapid wear under heavy use. It should be noted that such blinds move heavier compared to those provided with rings, eyelets.
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Modern cornice for curtains

Metal cornices, decoration items

Plastic guides in combination with Japanese curtains

Ceiling mount cover decorative overlays

Framing pad

Hidden architectural design and embodiment eyelets ceiling cornice assembly

Set of different types of curtains and fixtures
In this project, beige fabric, match the color of the wood floor is fixed on the rings. It forms the frame of the window with vertical pleats. This is not a complex design method to visually increase the height of ceilings. Directly into each opening fitted navy blue blinds. They can pick up / drop using the drive mechanism to establish the necessary level of lighting in the room.

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Roman shades with his hands: photos, step by step instructions. All the necessary information you will find in this article. There is information on how to produce high-quality roman blinds with their hands. Step by step instructions and photos with detailed comments will help eliminate errors.
What is the difference curtains in the living room with balcony: account architectural features
If there is in the room access to the balcony, It is necessary to ensure easy access to it. We should not forget that the relevant passage is used quite extensively. Therefore, it is necessary to use a variant of fastening curtains, which is designed for such a regime. Eyelets, for example, fit and fabric rings - no. Not to resort to extra effort, you can not use heavy materials, sophisticated decorations in the lateral parts.

This example shows that use different length curtain. Long element overlaps the door completely, it helps to create a harmonious look.

Note! With the balcony door ventilated areas. Outside penetrates dust, so the curtains have to be cleaned regularly. To apply a variant of fastening that will not cause difficulties during dismantling and subsequent installation.
Implementation of design ideas
In this part of the article contains examples of projects with comments about the solution to the problem trends. Some of the ideas will be useful for you to design your own living room.

This photograph shows a modern living room curtains without lambrequin. Instead of tissue - the top of the ornament is a wide ledge. These overlays are created in the same style with wall decor.
Here are the photos of curtains in the room, this and last year's novelties.
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Living room-kitchen, a repetition of colors in the design of the window and selecting upholstery

Asymmetric decorating a small window opening

Complicated mechanisms are hidden fixing plaster ceiling decorations. If necessary - a dense fabric light beam is blocked completely

To Gray did not look bored, added to the interior of purple and yellow accents

It successfully used a combination of emerald and white elements. High qualification of designer confirmed the exact distribution of the optimal proportions of color in the interior
Each project is unique. The above photo of curtains, examples of design solutions and description of the technology - a good base to adjust their plans. It should take into account the recommendations in the complex, pay attention to the beauty and aesthetic features simultaneously. This approach will help to create a nice interior room, which will be convenient to use.