Default Plastic bags are disposable products and are intended only Food Storage. But we do not judge them so clearly. You'd be surprised, but there are plenty of options for their use and in addition to the main purpose. Today Housechief edition prepared for you a few examples.

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- 1 How to cook pancakes, do not get dirty dishes
- 2 Repair for Neat
- 3 no knots
- 4 Triangle - envelope
- 5 Convenient lock package with pasta
- 6 Juicer from the pack
- 7 Omelette a la pack
- 8 Package as an ambulance
- 9 Fans of skinny jeans
How to cook pancakes, do not get dirty dishes
All that you need - the ingredients for the dough, bag and a deep bowl. By the way, do not even have a bowl wash. Wrap the package bowl and knead the dough directly into it. Then tie a package and do a small hole in the corner. With this dispenser you will not shed any test drops by. Easily and gracefully you prepare pancakes or pancakes for breakfast, do not get dirty dishes.

Repair for Neat
If you are going to that - or paintAnd, you will rescue package again at hand was not suitable for roller tray. Pick the right, shallow and wide enough capacity and simply wrap its package. After work you just shoot polyethylene and return your tray or box in place. Cleanly and quickly.

no knots
You know, that incredibly annoying? When someone start up a package node, but so tightly that to get its content is simply impossible. It is easier to break polyethylene than his untied. How best to tie the package, so that later it was easier to open it? You will need the neck of a normal pet - bottles. Pass through her bag and tighten the lid. Tightly and comfortably.

Triangle - envelope
Packages question storage is not always easy. Wrinkled and displacement, they take up a lot of space. Someone does not store them at all, preferring to throw out, but that package can be used for at least one more time, and extra garbage only pollute the environment. Fold the bag, T-shirt along the three-fold and fold the triangle. Then tuck the handle package in the pocket and all! Places such envelope takes quite a bit and looks neat, and in addition, the package will not be ugly crumpled.

Convenient lock package with pasta
Few cooks once the whole pack of pasta. To seal the hard pack, you need two a cocktail stick. One of them must be cut lengthwise. A second wrap package edge and just to sit down on top of the cut pipe. Integrity and reliability.

Juicer from the pack
For this purpose, better to choose a bag with a lock of thick polyethylene. Fold the berries into it, seal and crush the contents fist or glass. After just have to lift the edge of the castle and drain juice. The whole cake will be in the package, you do not dirty your hands or other utensils.

Omelette a la pack
Another variant of the preparation of dishes without washing dishes: Complete package ingredients for omelets and just shake it, pre-closing lock. The next stage - the lower package in boiling water. A couple of minutes - and the dish is ready. No burnt crusts on the bottom pan, The dish turns out extremely tender.

Package as an ambulance
Burns, bruises and even broken require applying cold to the affected area. You can, of course, to get the oil out of the freezer, but it is solid, can not grasp the affected area gently. Fill the bag with the lock any liquid, better thick, and place it in freezer. It quickly cools, and replace urgently seized oil. It is better to place the two packets and replace them as heat. But remember: in case of serious injury can not be kept cold for too long, so as not to disturb the circulation.

Fans of skinny jeans
Skinny jeans hipsters go out of fashion. And the only real dandies know what to wear these pants very difficult. Stunning life hacking: put on your feet bags and the legs easy to slip into a trouser leg.

And that's not all versions of the original use of conventional plastic bags. And how do you store them and use? Write about it in the comments!