♨️ What hammam: visiting rules, especially the steam room

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Clean - the guarantee of health, this truism is present in all cultures and among all peoples. Every nation has its own washing ritual, which is designed to not only cleanse the body but also to soothe emotional experiences. The theme of this material from Housechief - Turkish hamam tradition. What is this bathHow does it work and how it differs from the others - all this here and now.

What is hamam: features and useful advice
Hammam is particularly popular with the ladies. Hot humid atmosphere of the bath rejuvenates the skin

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  • 1 Hamam - what is and what is remarkable
    • 1.1 Humidity and particularly the steam supply
    • 1.2 Pools in the hammam
  • 2 How does a traditional hammam
    • 2.1 Dzhamekyan - anteroom hamam
    • 2.2 Soguluk - the first steam room and a relaxation room
    • 2.3 Hararet - Steam hamam
    • 2.4 Bath in the hammam
  • 3 Distinctions ritual Turkish bath
  • 4 Features procedures in the hammam
  • 5 Features visiting a hammam for people with problem skin
  • 6 The benefits and dangers of the hamam
  • 7 Treatment of sinusitis and asthma in the Turkish bath
  • 8 Hammam bronchitis and varicose veins
  • 9 Steam for colds and acne
  • 10 Especially the adoption procedures in the Turkish baths after exercise

Hamam - what is and what is remarkable

The roots of the Turkish hamam - traditional Arab baths and luxurious bathing Roman patricians. Turks took from these two cultures is the best and created their own bathing tradition that has not changed for centuries.

The main sense Turkish steam - in complete relaxation at a comfortable temperature and high humidity
The main sense Turkish steam - in complete relaxation at a comfortable temperature and high humidity

Steam hammam is not from incandescent furnace poured water, and from special tubs in which the water boils. The steam thus distributed evenly throughout the room, enveloping him. High humidity dictates and especially finishing the interior - here the walls, floors and even ceilings are finished tiles and stone. Wood is traditional for saunas and Russian bathhousesA long time not survive such a regime.

And finally - temperature steam mode. In the hammam, he ranges 50-60ºS. This is significantly less than in sauna and Russian steamy.

Note! Due to moderate temperature regime hammam well tolerated by people with problems of the cardiovascular system, which is contraindicated in traditional hot bath.

Humidity and particularly the steam supply

A distinctive feature hammam in high humidity. If the sauna is traditionally considered the dry hot steam, and for Russian bath - hot and humid, then the hammam steam warm and humid. Moisture content of the air can here reach 100%, and the atmosphere - thick and clear.

In modern Turkish baths are used to create an atmosphere special steam generators. But in the traditional form used for this purpose boiling vats
In modern Turkish baths are used to create an atmosphere special steam generators. But in the traditional form used for this purpose boiling vats

Pools in the hammam

Turkish bath design presupposes a pool or even a few.

Water procedures adopted after taking steam
Water procedures adopted after taking steam

In the classic version pools must be three: the water temperature in the 45 ° C region, then body temperature and finally room temperature.

Important! Persons with health problems should not take contrasting water procedures after the steam room.

How does a traditional hammam

We have a Turkish bath and similar and distinctive features in comparison with the Russian. The main difference - a stone finish.

The classic style is usually present marble with inlays of semi-precious onyx
The classic style is usually present marble with inlays of semi-precious onyx

Dzhamekyan - anteroom hamam

This is the first room in which you find yourself at the entrance. There is a dressing room with comfortable benches and table for tea.

It is in dzhamekyan you gradually get used to the atmosphere of the hammam. And it's the same room will complete the procedure
It is in dzhamekyan you gradually get used to the atmosphere of the hammam. And it's the same room will complete the procedure

Soguluk - the first steam room and a relaxation room

This is the second in order of passage of the room in which the temperature is maintained at 35 ° C area.

Here you need to spend at least 20 minutes prior to the passage of the main steam room. There is also usually a washing and toilet
Here you need to spend at least 20 minutes prior to the passage of the main steam room. There is also usually a washing and toilet

Hararet - Steam hamam

Finally, the third room the Turkish bath, which is the steam room - hararet.

The temperature regime of the room - about 50 ° C. Here, take health treatments
The temperature regime of the room - about 50 ° C. Here, take health treatments

In no hararete oven and boiling boiler - all this is brought outside the sauna and steam enters the room of the existing pipes. Passing through it, hot, moist air heats the walls, floor steam room and gives some of the heat before it reaches the atmosphere.

The Turkish bath hararet resembles a man's hand, in which center area with comfortable sun beds. Steam is made mostly lying.

Bath in the hammam

In the steam room, hararete, be sure to have the so-called Qurna - a bowl of water, usually stone. These bowls have drain. Water poured into them before the procedure and rinsed it in the process.

In modern Turkish bathhouses Installation is very popular soul.

In the old washing procedure was carried out special workers who poured water on visitors baths
In the old washing procedure was carried out special workers who poured water on visitors baths

In the opinion of fans of the Turkish bath, the most successful kind of soul Hammam is considered to tropical rain.

Distinctions ritual Turkish bath

By the Turkish bath you need to prepare in advance so that the procedure really benefited and some fun. First of all, do not eat for a couple of hours to visit bath. Although in the bath temperature not too high, on a full stomach will be very difficult to bathe.

Secondly, in the Turkish baths, either before or during the procedures do not take alcoholic drinks.

In the waiting room waiting for visitors scented tea, green or black, which decided to quench their thirst
In the waiting room waiting for visitors scented tea, green or black, which decided to quench their thirst

With a need to take a steam bath in a large towel, they dim the bench in hararete. Behavior in the hammam suggests rhythm, no fuss and sudden movements.

Traditionally, men and women are steamed separately.

Features procedures in the hammam

Stay in the eastern bath usually takes one and a half - two hours. During this time, you can relax and get healthier. What procedures can be combined with a Turkish bath?

Before initiating any procedure, it is necessary to warm up the skin. Therefore, at least the first half hour should be spent on a relaxed stay in the steam room, where you can enjoy the fragrant fumes and comfortable warmth.

During this time, the skin pores expand, heart and blood vessels begin to work intensively, decrease muscle tone
During this time, the skin pores expand, heart and blood vessels begin to work intensively, decrease muscle tone

After warming shows good massageWhich is traditionally held in harsh woolen mittens. This manual procedure has the effect of peeling, and in addition to it is used natural soap olive, eucalyptus and argan oil.

The argan oil many useful substances to the skin, which rejuvenate and tone. Particular care thus massage the knees, feet, elbows and hands. Subjected to peeling and face.

After this massage should be rinsed, and then to re-session, but without gloves and with mitigating oils
After this massage should be rinsed, and then to re-session, but without gloves and with mitigating oils

And give a great feeling of wrapping. They are made after peeling by adding natural honey, clay, sea salt and other natural ingredients. After wraps should dip into the cool swimming poolTo close the pores of the skin.

Features visiting a hammam for people with problem skin

If you have inflammation of the skin - better give up the visit to the Turkish bath. High humidity and warm steam can aggravate the situation. But if you have dry skin or rosacea - the procedures hararete only will benefit.

Excellent effect you get and if you have problem hair. Intensive scalp moisturizing affect them positively
Excellent effect you get and if you have problem hair. Intensive scalp moisturizing affect them positively

The benefits and dangers of the hamam

Turkish baths have a lot of positive. They rejuvenate the skin, especially if you do not just soared, and enjoy massages and body wraps.

Steam with temperature helps to moderate the deposition of salts, rheumatic pain and joint problems.

Wet steam atmosphere is beneficial to the respiratory organs and calms the nerves
Wet steam atmosphere is beneficial to the respiratory organs and calms the nerves

But remember that to bath procedures should be treated with caution. First of all, this applies to pregnant women who are all high-temperature processes are contraindicated. Steam may damage the fetus.

One hundred percent humidity Turkish bath can harm people with respiratory diseases.

It is not necessary to visit the hammam if you have a fever, and you are ill. The condition can only worsen
It is not necessary to visit the hammam if you have a fever, and you are ill. The condition can only worsen

If you have a fungal disease - do not visit a Turkish bath. The warm moist air will aggravate the problem.

Not worth the risk, and in case of problems with the heart. This, in comparison with sauna or Russian bath, Sparing procedure, but still it has a serious load on the cardiovascular system.

And finally - give up the hammam if you Oncology. In such a disease, in principle contra-heating and massage.

Treatment of sinusitis and asthma in the Turkish bath

If you suffer from sinusitis - hammam will help you cope with this problem. The only condition - the lack of high temperature and signs of intoxication. Hammam will help speed up the healing process, if you have moved to this stage.

In this case, the warm moist air harareta stimulating effect on the immune system, reduce the swelling of mucous and accelerate tissue regeneration
In this case, the warm moist air harareta a positive effect on the immune system, reduces swelling of the mucosa and accelerate tissue regeneration

For the best effect in the sinus hammam should be visited twice a week and spend in the steam room at least 30 minutes.

For asthmatics must remember that the positive effect of this disease is possible, but only if asthma in primary, easy stage. In this case, humid air would be beneficial for the respiratory organs. But in acute and chronic course of the disease from the Turkish baths should be avoided, because they can be bad for health.

Hammam bronchitis and varicose veins

Those who have suffered a serious illness like bronchitis, steam baths can be visited only in the stage of recovery. Once again - pay attention to body temperature before visiting. With increased - give up this idea. If the normal temperature - before hararetom drink plenty of tea with herbs: thyme, chamomile, licorice.

Breathe in the humid air steam as deep as possible to steam penetrates into the lungs, it will help get rid of the mucus in the airways
Breathe in the humid air steam as deep as possible to steam penetrates into the lungs, it will help get rid of the mucus in the airways

Eliminate cool shower or pool in order to avoid relapse.

If you have varicose veins, alas, hammam you is contraindicated. The thing is that the intense heat steam dilates blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation, and it gives more stress on the vessels. Even if you are someone will advise the "right" to visit the steam room at such disease - do not listen. And this applies not only to the hammam, but also saunas, and Russian bath. Sorry, but nothing can be done about it.

Steam for colds and acne

If the cold is just beginning, and you feel a slight discomfort - steam will help prevent the development of disease. Warming will eliminate the ache, stop inflammation and irritation, cleanse the lungs.

If properly warm up, then back down the virus. But remember - in this case it is impossible to complete the procedure, cool shower bath and swimming pool
If properly warm up, then back down the virus. But remember - in this case it is impossible to complete the procedure, cool shower bath and swimming pool

If you have problems with acne on the skin, regular visits to the Turkish baths help to cope with them. Systematic steaming and removing keratotic particles beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the skin, but also, at the same time the body of toxins that cause the development of pimples. But be careful with peeling, if you have inflammation.

Especially the adoption procedures in the Turkish baths after exercise

Intense exercise leads to pain in the muscles and joints. A visit to the steam room training field - a great way to get rid of all the discomfort and relax.

Restore blood circulation massage and warming up and cool shower will return the tone
Restore blood circulation massage and warming up and cool shower will return the tone

By the way, if you go to the gym in order to lose weight - steam room can help you in this matter. A visit to the hammam will give an extra incentive to get rid of body fat.

In conclusion, we offer you a short video clip on the procedures in the hammam:

We can only say that any bath: Steam bath, sauna or Russian - a great help in the recovery. So if you do not have contraindications - be sure to visit the steam room, and you'll soon notice a clearly beneficial changes.

And how do you feel about the bath procedures? Which room do you prefer? Write in the comments!