Brick - is, without exaggeration, the foundation of modern construction. This material is used to fill the piers in the monolithic construction, wall unit, partitions inside the building, fences, fireplace and furnace devices and more. For this reason, just need the knowledge of the physical parameters of the material and its characteristics. How, for example, red-brick dimensions, its weight, the characteristics of the technical plan - density, frost resistance, water absorption and water vapor permeability. Overall dimensions and physical properties of these products are necessary for budgeting, for example, red brick has dimensions 250h120h65 mm. Knowing the dimensions can easily calculate how many pieces required for the construction of certain buildings in project sizes. Given that the usual size bricks are standard and comply with GOST, the complexity of the calculation of the estimate is not.

Read article
- 1 Ceramic bricks: what is it and what is it used?
- 1.1 The physical parameters of the material
- 1.2 brick species
- 1.3 brick defects
- 2 A red brick, sizes and varieties and defects
- 2.1 The dimensions of the standard red-brick
- 2.2 Dimensions of red facing brick
- 2.3 Dimensions of furnace red brick
- 2.4 Red bricks for the foundation, dimensions and features
- 2.5 Online calculator for calculating masonry
- 3 How heavy red brick? How do I know the weight of a brick
- 4 How many bricks in the pan of a red brick?
- 5 Red bricks: the price per share, the calculation of the cost of
- 6 Used in construction
Ceramic bricks: what is it and what is it used?
Bricks produced in two ways: a plastic (in this case there is a mixture of high humidity), and the semi-dry molding. In this and in the other case the product is made from a clay mixture with varying humidity and then sintering. That firing technology is the final stage of the process of manufacturing the goods, in violation of technology can give rise to a number of defects that lead to a breach of the strength and physical properties of the finished products.
Production of this construction material is performed by use of various types pressesUsing the firing furnaces. The temperature in the firing depends on the technology and the type of feedstock and ranges 950-1050 degrees Celsius.
The construction materials are increasingly being used, which are obtained as a result of the plastic molding. This kind of products, in view of production technology has smooth edges.
Typically, the article takes the form of a parallelepiped, with dimensions, regulated by GOST. The working surfaces are called the bed, the narrow faces, large - stretcher face, small - the binder. Angles straight. The sizes of all facets regulated, prohibited deviations longer listed in the State Standard.
In selecting him for the purchase, pay attention to the quality of the edges of performance, quality product has smooth edges without chipping or spalled. But, keep in mind that allowed a slight rounding of the edges and corners.
Available full-bodied articles without the emptiness and the gap with the air cavities, which are provide a reduction in heat transfer products, but at the same time lead to a reduction in strength the product itself. Location of cavities can be both horizontal and vertical. The volume and location of cavities also are regulated by state standards.

The physical parameters of the material
- DensityDepends primarily on the raw materials and manufacturing techniques, there are several density classes, with different coefficients;
- moisture absorptionGiven the porosity of the material, its ability napityvaniya and water vapor, the water absorption of the product may vary between 6-14%. The smaller the number, the more confident building material can withstand freezing, exposure to other external factor without reducing the strength. With water absorption and related vapor permeation process, the lower the moisture saturation masonry, the lower the water vapor permeability of the article;
- water vapor permeability (The ability of the material and withdraw moisture vapor outwards) depends on the water absorption;
- frost-resistance - ability of a material to transfer full cycles of freezing and thawing without destruction of the structure of the product;
- Attenuation - the ability of the material to extinguish the sound waves. Ceramic products have a good sound transmission, but the exact value of this parameter is primarily dependent on the type and brand of the product;
- The dimensions and geometric accuracy. Accesses to deviations in the manufacture of sufficiently small.

brick species
The first bricks are classified according to the manufacture of the material. Distinguish red brick, which is made from a mixture of clay, followed by calcining. Somewhat apart from the construction of varieties of these products are refractory bricks, the basic material for the production of which is ordinary or white clay. It is worth noting that there are two types of refractory products: red and flame-resistant refractory firebricks.

Despite the large number of species, ordinary brick sizes are standard, allowing you to accurately determine the dimension of masonry.
Classification by purpose:
- Building, ordinary bricks. Its purpose - the construction;
- facing brick, The task of this type of decorative ceramic decoration of buildings, as a consequence exterior face of these products often has texture and decorative coating;
- The furnace, fireclay or ceramic refractory material, It is recommended to use the device for furnaces, chimneys, fireplaces. As its name suggests, this feature of the material in an increased resistance to an open flame, and the ability to endure high temperatures. It should be borne in mind that some types of refractory ceramic material do not tolerate exposure to an open flame and are used only for covering buildings with high-temperature modes.
products are also characterized by filling, full-bodied, with no internal cavities and hollow, he's cavity or crevice. Unlike this species in the inner cavities - this reduces the weight of the product, allows the growth of technical and physical parameters, besides the air gap in the form of cavities and improves its insulating ability.

Red brick, it can be used for the manufacture of foundations and walls, hollow, filling the internal openings in concrete construction, construction wall, Fireclay refractory furnace apparatus, devices and chimney pipes, a refractory lining for red furnaces.
It is necessary to clarify that, in spite of the same size, different brands and products have different physical characteristics. Strength parameters indicated by means of his mark, usually a letter M with digital value.
Letter F labeling says about a class of its hardiness. Marking brick is fully regulated by GOST. For example: KGUL 1,4NF / 150 / 2.0 / 50 / 530-2007 Standard - a front (finishing), a hollow, thickened with horizontal slots voids M150 category class density of 2.0, in fact, more than 1400 kg / m3, with frost on categories F50 configured to GOST 530-2007.

Inclusion of these characteristics in the building project will create reliable and long-lived structure.

Important! Red stoneware - secure in terms of ecology material, since its production is used for the raw material of natural origin.
brick defects
When purchasing bricks it is recommended to evaluate its appearance. Plane and faces the product should be smooth, without cracking and chipping. Coloration uniform and deep red color. Slight stains dark or light shade and performance at the salt surface, in the form of whitish plaque
Light colors in the color of ceramics indicate the presence of such a marriage as unburned. This product is not passed to the end of the heat treatment, whereby not correspond passport characteristics, especially in terms of hardiness.
On the contrary the dark color of the surface, the black spots on the fracture, the broken geometries talk about another kind of manufacturing defect, burnout, failure temperature drying mode. Such a brick can be purchased for less than quality, but its use should only minor problems, the construction of the no-load designs with minimal external influences.
Apply the brick that is produced with violations of technology for designs with high load bearing, the influence of external factors is not worth it.
Besides it is necessary to pay attention to defects such as cracks of brick, chipped on the edges, spalled and porosity. The bundle outer surfaces. These defects lead to violations of the physical properties of brick.

Important! Black core, without significant changes brick structure unchanged for symptomatic burnout, usually involves the combustion of a ferrous workpiece, and is not considered a significant shortcoming.
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A red brick, sizes and varieties and defects
The dimensions of an ordinary red brick normalized GOST 530-2007, products are available in the following sizes:
- normal formatHe is single, the size of an ordinary red brick 250h120h65 mm;
- Bastard, thickenedIn this case the increased thickness, remaining dimensions remain the same - 250h120h88 mm;
- Double, large formatOverall dimensions - 250h120h138 mm;
- Modular, normal format, Dimensions 288h138h65;
- "Euro" - standardWho came from Europe, it has several types, the most famous size 250h85h65 mm, this standard is also registered in the GOST.
It should be noted that the Standard permits brick version with deviations from the standard. Therefore, the size of red bricks may vary slightly from the control size.

Separately, it should be noted wedge-shaped products designed to build vaults and arches, this kind of heat-resistant products, and has a constricted shape of faces.

The dimensions of the standard red-brick
Dimensions of this building material is completely regulated by GOST on the operating conditions and its purpose is change the height of the red brick, and within the amounts provided for the state system standards.
Dimensions hollow and dimensions similar to full-bodied red brick, but the scope of their operation differs in this respect.
Slit or void, is widely used to fill the apertures in monolithic and skeletal structures, build walls, creating partitions, while the corpulent operated under heavy loads: foundation home, ground floor, load-bearing walls.
Dimensions of red facing brick
Facing or facing brick used for outdoor upload, decorative wall finishing facilities. Appearance and size of bricks selected on the basis of the project.
Size single bricks completely similar to the standard size - 250h120h65 or 'Euro' 250h85h65 mm.

Dimensions of furnace red brick
A furnace brick, from the ordinary, different long ability to transfer to an open flame and high temperature, the area of ​​its operation - creation of devices operating with high temperature loads, lining of structures and equipment, operating under the influence of the open flame. Distinguish between red and refractory firebricks.
The price of the red brick oven is generally higher than that of the ordinary. This is the result of the fact that for the manufacture of these products are used raw materials and other technologies.
Overall size of the furnace bricks, unlike other types can be divided into two types:
- rectangular products with the dimensions of a single brick, and thickened 250h120h65 mm and 250h120h88 mm;
- The wedge product in accordance with GOST 8426-75, Special shape products: distinguish radial longitudinal and radial cross.
Red bricks for the foundation, dimensions and features
For laying the foundation brick must possess increased parameters of moisture resistance and low water absorption, because the foundation most exposed to moisture. Overall dimensions of an ordinary red brick is chosen based on the technical requirements of the project at home. Additionally, articles used for the foundation of the device must have high load-bearing characteristics, due to the fact that on the base account for a large part of the load bearing structure.
In choosing the material for the ground floors must pay attention to the choice of material for the physical parameters: frost resistance, moisture permeability, and others. Durability is also an extremely important product in the masonry will bear the full brunt of the structure.
For the foundation, it is necessary to select high-quality, well-Burnt without defects arising from the violation of the technology of its production and storage of the material.
For the base unit is recommended to use an ordinary brick. Dimensions - 250h120h65 mm single and 250h120h88 thickened. Double the size of a red brick plinth is rarely used.

Online calculator for calculating masonry
How heavy red brick? How do I know the weight of a brick
Weight red brick depends on its density and volume, knowing the density and volume of the material, calculate the weight quite easily.
To find out how much weight the red brick, you need to:
- Determine the type of brick, for this you can take advantage of its label, to find out the average density of the class, and then turn to GOST530-2007. When the class density of 2.0 the average density is 1400 kg / m3;
- Calculate the volume of a single product. For this purpose the length multiplied by the width and thickness. Results for articles with dimensions 250h120h65 be 0.00195 m3;
- Multiply the result by the average density of class. As a result, we obtain the average weight of a red brick corpulent 250h120h65 - 3.3-3.6 kg.
- Weight brick is calculated by the same formula, but with the addition of the GOST percent to voids in the body of the brick. So weight 250h120h65 red brick with a hollowness of about 6% is 2.7-2.9 kg.
The second, faster option - it is the use of special tables to determine the mass. Weight bricks also depends on the density and size, can determine a calculation, or by using the table.
How to determine how much weight brick kiln? Here it is best to use the tabulated values.

How many bricks in the pan of a red brick?
The first step is to understand the container. Brick product is delivered on pallets in standard sizes:
- 0,52h1,03 m - Small pallet;
- 0,77h1,03 m - a large pan.
Weighing one red brick in 3.6 kg of the above table, the maximum weight of a cubic meter of bricks is 1847 kg, the total number of bricks per square meter of 513 pieces. How heavy pallet of red bricks? On large tray placed 1440 kg. And if you're wondering how many pieces of red brick in the pan, then the figure is 400-420 pieces. The total number of the pallet depends on the manufacturer and may vary up or down.
As the number is calculated and hollow. For example, to find out how many red brick in 1 m3, should be divided by the volume of a cube of bricks, or use the tabulated average values.
The piece count may be carried out by mathematical methods. It is enough to count the number of pieces in a row and the number of rows.

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Red bricks: the price per share, the calculation of the cost of
The price of this building material is entirely dependent on the manufacturer. The cost of red brick apiece starts from 8 rubles and above.
In addition, the price depends on the variety, the so-facing or furnace construction materials are more expensive than the average. So how much is facing a red brick? On average, it costs 15 rubles apiece, and above.
The price of refractory products also starts at 15 rubles apiece. Unit Price red solid bricks is 10 rubles and higher. Final cost also depends on the brand, its specifications and quality.

In any case, to find out exactly how much red brick, you should contact directly to the manufacturer in a particular region. The second option coincide with a decline in share prices or in any hardware store.

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Used in construction
The first finds of houses using bricks of burnt clay occur in ancient times, even at that time ceramic products used in everyday life and in the construction. People have long noticed that the baked clay - a wonderful building material. Therefore, despite the constant emergence of new materials used for construction ceramics continues to be high on the hit parade of price and efficiency. This is largely thanks to quite convenient construction process. Because of its shape easily fits brick masonry and the process does not difficult.

Construction of this material does not require additional lifting devices, it effectively resists the effects of natural factors and has good durability. However, brick shows excellent results in combination with modern building materials such as mineral wool insulation, they can reduce their consumption of building material, and at the same time improve the heat-shielding Properties home. One should not forget about the raw material for the production of products, the clay is ubiquitous, it is practically inexhaustible reserves. In addition, the extraction of clay on a commercial scale is not too much difficulty, and requires no expensive equipment.
If you have experience in the use of red brick in the construction or questions about its use, then share your experiences, post a comment and join the discussion.