Table of thermal conductivity of building materials

To properly organize wall insulation, ceiling and gender rooms need to know certain features and properties of materials. From the selection of the required quality values ​​depends thermal resistance of your home, because the mistake, in the initial calculations, you risk making warming defective building. To help you, given a detailed table of the thermal conductivity of building materials, as described in this article.

Table of thermal conductivity of building materials
Properly warmed house

Read article

  • 1 What is the thermal conductivity and its significance?
  • 2 Detailed table of thermal conductivity of building materials
  • 3 Explained figures in the table of thermal conductivity and insulation materials: their classification
    • 3.1 classification of thermal insulation
  • 4 Main types of material heat transfer coefficients. Table + examples
  • 5 Examples of thermal insulation depending on the thermal conductivity
  • 6 Advice and recommendations on the choice of materials
  • 7 findings

What is the thermal conductivity and its significance?

Thermal conductivity - is a quantitative property of substances flowing heat which is determined by the coefficient. This figure is the sum of the amount of heat which passes through a homogeneous material having a unit length, area and time at a single difference in temperatures. SI system converts this value into the heat conduction coefficient is a alphabetical designation is as follows - W / (m * K). The thermal energy is propagated through the material by rapidly moving heated particles which, when a collision with a slow and cold particles transmit their heat stake. The heated particles are better protected from the cold, the better preserved accumulated heat in the material.

Movement heat molecules
Movement heat molecules

Detailed table of thermal conductivity of building materials

The main feature of the heat-insulating materials and construction details is the internal structure and the molecular basis of the compression ratio of raw materials which consist of materials. The values ​​of thermal conductivity in the building materials are described tabular form below.

Type of materialThe coefficients of thermal conductivity, W / (mm * ° C)
dryAverage conditions of heat returnshigh humidity conditions
polystyrene36 — 4138 — 4444 — 50
Estrudirovanny polystyrene293031
A solution of cement + sand580760930
Sand + lime solution470700810
Plaster of plaster250
Stone wool 180 kg / m3384548
140-175 kg / m3374346
80-125 kg / m3364245
40-60 kg / m3354144
25-50 kg / m3364245
Glass wool 85 Kg / m3444650
75 kg / m3404247
60 kg / m3384045
45 kg / m3394145
35 kg / m3394146
30 kg / m3404246
20 kg / m3404348
17 kg / m3444753
15 kg / m3464955
based on the foam block and gazoblok cement 1,000 kg / m3290380430
800 kg / m3210330370
600 kg / m3140220260
400 kg / m3110140150
Penoblok and gazoblok lime to 1000 kg / m3310480550
800 kg / m3230390450
400 kg / m3130220280
pine tree and spruce in the cut across the grain9140180
Wood pine and fir in the cut along the grain180290350
Oak wood across the grain100180230
Oak wood along the grain230350410
Copper38200 — 39000
Aluminum20200 — 23600
Brass9700 — 11100
Glass 3 mm760
snow layer100 — 150
water is a common560
The air average temperature26
Arbolit7 — 170
Reinforced density 2.5 thousand. kg / m3169192204
Concrete for gravel with a density of 2.4 thousand. kg / m3151174186
Concrete on Leca with a density of 1.8 thousand. kg / m3660800920
Leca concrete at a density of 1.6 thousand. kg / m3580670790
Leca concrete at a density of 1.4 thousand. kg / m3470560650
Leca concrete at a density of 1.2 thousand. kg / m3360440520
Leca concrete at a density of 1 thousand. kg / m3270330410
Leca concrete at a density of 800 kg / m3210240310
Leca concrete at a density of 600 kg / m3160200260
Leca concrete at a density of 500 kg / m3140170230
Large format block of ceramics140 — 180
Brick ceramic dense560700810
silicate brick700760870
Ceramic hollow brick 1500 kg / m³470580640
Ceramic hollow brick 1300 kg / m³410520580
Brick ceramic hollow 1,000 kg / m³350470520
Silicate 11 holes (density 1500 kg / m3)640700810
Silicate 14 holes (density 1400 kg / m3)520640760
granite stone349349349
marble stone291029102910
Limestone, 2000 kg / m393011601280
Limestone, 1800 kg / m37009301050
Limestone, 1600 kg / m3580730810
Limestone, 1400 kg / m3490560580
TUF 2000 kg / m37609301050
TUF 1800 kg / m3560700810
TUF 1600 kg / m3410520640
TUF 1400 kg / m3330430520
TUF 1200 kg / m3270350410
TUF of 1000 kg / m3210240290
Dry sand 1600 kg / m3350
pressed plywood120150180
Pressed board 1,000 kg / m3150230290
The pressed board 800 kg / m3130190230
The pressed board 600 kg / m3110130160
The pressed board 400 kg / m380110130
The pressed board 200 kg / m3678
gypsum plasterboard (Sheathing), 1050 kg / m3150340360
gypsum plasterboard (Sheathing), 800 kg / m3150190210
Linoleum on a heater 1800 kg / m3380380380
Linoleum a heater to 1600 kg / m3330330330
Linoleum on a heater 1800 kg / m3350350350
Linoleum on a heater 1600 kg / m3290290290
Linoleum on a heater 1400 kg / m3200230230
Eco wool on the basis of37 — 42
Peskoobrazny perlite with a density of 75 kg / m343 — 47
Peskoobrazny perlite with a density of 100 kg / m352
Peskoobrazny perlite with a density of 150 kg / m352 — 58
Peskoobrazny perlite with a density of 200 kg / m370
Foamed glass with a density of 100 - 150 kg / m343 — 60
Foamed glass with a density 51 - 200 kg / m360 — 63
Foamed glass whose density 201 - 250 kg / m366 — 73
Foamed glass whose density 251 - 400 kg / m385 — 100
Foamed glass in the mass density of which is 100 - 120 kg / m343 — 45
Foamed glass whose density 121 - 170 kg / m350 — 62
Foamed glass whose density 171 - 220 kg / m357 — 63
Foamed glass whose density 221 - 270 kg / m373
Expanded clay and gravel mound whose density of 250 kg / m399 — 100110120
Expanded clay and gravel mound whose density of 300 kg / m3108120130
Expanded clay and gravel mound whose density of 350 kg / m3115 — 120125140
Expanded clay and gravel mound whose density of 400 kg / m3120130145
Expanded clay and gravel mound whose density of 450 kg / m3130140155
Expanded clay and gravel mound whose density of 500 kg / m3140150165
Expanded clay and gravel mound whose density of 600 kg / m3140170190
Expanded clay and gravel mound whose density of 800 kg / m3180180190
Gypsum boards whose density is 1350 kg / m3350500560
gypsum Plate density is 1100 kg / m3230350410
Perlite concrete density is 1200 kg / m3290440500
MTPerlitovy concrete density is 1,000 kg / m3220330380
Perlite concrete density is 800 kg / m3160270330
Perlite concrete density is 600 kg / m3120190230
Polyurethane foam with a density of 80 kg / m3414250
Polyurethane foam whose density 60 kg / m3353641
Polyurethane foam whose density 40 kg / m3293140
Crosslinked polyurethane foam31 — 38

Important! To achieve better thermal insulation is necessary to assemble a variety of materials. Compatibility between surfaces is specified in the instructions from the manufacturer.

Explained figures in the table of thermal conductivity and insulation materials: their classification

Depending on the design features of the design that needs to be warm, kind of insulation chosen. For example, if the wall is built of red brick in two rows, then to complete the isolation of suitable foam is 5 cm thick.

sheets of foam
sheets of foam

With a wide range of density foam sheets they can produce excellent thermal insulation of walls of OSB and plaster from the top, which will also increase the efficiency of the insulation.

plastering foam
plastering foam

You can see the level of thermal conductivity heater, Tabular representation of the photo below.

The thermal conductivity of insulation
The thermal conductivity of insulation

classification of thermal insulation

By heat transfer method for heat-insulating materials are divided into two types:

  • Insulation that absorbs any impact of cold, heat, chemical exposure etc .;
  • Insulation, able to reflect all kinds of impact on it;

From the value of the thermal conductivity of the material from which it is made insulation classes are distinguished by:

  • A class. Such insulation has the lowest thermal conductivity is 0.06 W maximum value (m * C);
  • B class. SI has an average parameter and reaches 0,115 W (m * C);
  • In class. Endowed with high thermal conductivity and indicator shows at 0,175 W (m * C);

Note! Not all heaters are resistant to high temperatures. For example, ecowool, straw particleboard, fiberboard and peat require reliable protection against external conditions.

Main types of material heat transfer coefficients. Table + examples

calculation of required heaterWhen it comes to the external walls of the house comes from the regional location of the building. In order to explain clearly how it happens in the table below, These figures will concern the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Type of materialHeat transfer in W / (m * ° C)Wall thickness mmIllustration
3D panel5500Insulation properties and thermal conductivity of building materials table
Hardwood trees humidity 15%0,151230Insulation properties and thermal conductivity of building materials table
Concrete based on expanded clay0,21630Insulation properties and thermal conductivity of building materials table
Penoblok a density of 1 thousand. kg / m³0,32450Insulation properties and thermal conductivity of building materials table
Coniferous trees along the fibers0,352860Insulation properties and thermal conductivity of building materials table
oak paneling0,413350Insulation properties and thermal conductivity of building materials table
Brick wall to a solution of cement and sand0,877110Insulation properties and thermal conductivity of building materials table
reinforced concrete overlap1,713890Insulation properties and thermal conductivity of building materials table

Each building has a different resistance to heat transfer materials. The following table which is an extract from SNiP, vividly demonstrates.

Thermal resistance of SNIP
Thermal resistance of SNIP

Examples of thermal insulation depending on the thermal conductivity

In modern construction standard steel wall, consisting of two or even three layers of material. One layer consists of heaterWhich is selected after certain calculations. Additionally, you need to find out where the dew point.

to organize exact calculation you need to use multiple complex SNiP, guests, benefits and joint venture:

  • SNP 23-02-2003 (SP 50.13330.2012). "Thermal protection of buildings". Revision of 2012;
  • SNP 23-01-99 (SP 131.13330.2012). "Building Climatology". Revision of 2012;
  • SP 23-101-2004. "Design Thermal protection of buildings";
  • Allowance. EG Malyavina "Heat loss of the building. A Reference Guide ";
  • GOST 30494-96 (GOST 30494-2011 replaced by a 2011). "Residential and public buildings. parameters of the microclimate in the premises ";

Performing calculations on these documents, determine the thermal characteristics of the building material, walling, heat transmission resistance and the degree of coincidence with the regulatory documents. calculation of parameters based on the building material of thermal conductivity of the table shown in the photo below.

Thermal calculation
Thermal calculation

Advice and recommendations on the choice of materials

  1. Do not be lazy to spend time studying the technical literature on the thermal conductivity of the materials properties. This step will minimize the financial and heat loss.
  2. Do not ignore the particular climate in your area. Guest information on this subject can easily find on the Internet.
    climate feature
    climate feature
  3. Before proceeding to the installation of insulation, ensure that the surface of the wall or ceiling is not moisture. Otherwise, after the time between mold surfaces is formed.
    Mold on walls
    Mold on walls
  4. If you plan to mount nevlagostoyky material on the outside of the wall, take care of careful processing waterproofing glue.
    Tightening the foam waterproofing
    Tightening the foam waterproofing
  5. It is not necessary to produce internal insulation surfaces of synthetic materials. This has a negative impact on your health.


With such a variety of all kinds of thermal insulation building materials heat conductivity table as well as possible will help you resolve the issue with the selection. Warm and comfortable shelter you!