Smoke generator for cold-smoked with his own hands: Drawings

For smoking needs not only the right choice of certain food processing technology, but also need special equipment. In this article we will look at the smoke generator for cold-smoked with their own hands, drawings, component parts, assembly operations. After learning this information will not be difficult to make the structure, corresponding exactly to individual needs.

Smoke generator for cold-smoked with his own hands: Drawings
High-quality home-made exercises its functions no worse than the factory product

Read article

  • 1 Basic information
    • 1.1 Features cooking
    • 1.2 The wording of the requirements
    • 1.3 Features of the smoke generator device for cold-smoked with their own hands
  • 2 How to make a smoke generator for cold-smoked with his own hands: the drawings and the proper preparation
  • 3 Creating a smoke generator with his own hands for cold smoking: video and text instructions
  • 4 Additional Recommendations and conclusions

Basic information

smoke treatment is used for hundreds of years. She destroys harmful microorganismsPrevents the decomposition of organic matter, it extends the shelf life of food products. Mushrooms, meat, fish, after appropriate procedures acquire specific taste.

Unfortunately, some of the achievements of modern science are not used for the benefit of consumers. Use of chemical compounds skillfully matched simulated appearance and taste parameters smoked. One can only hope that the ingredients of "liquid smoke" is really harmless. Eliminate unnecessary risks to help home-made smoke generator smokehouse smoked. His options are not difficult to pick up in strict accordance with current demands in terms of feedstock.

Fume treatment process can fully control itself. Beautiful packaging is not a 100% guarantee for protection against counterfeiting
Fume treatment process can fully control itself. Beautiful packaging is not a 100% guarantee for protection against counterfeiting

Features cooking

In practice, two methods are used. The smoked used temperature range from + 55 ° C to + 110 ° C. The main advantage is the speed of creating ready-to-eat foods. However, such processing can not be called gentle. Extremely high temperatures can destroy vitamins, and other beneficial compounds. Acceptable non-uniform impact on the entire volume, so marriage is possible. The shelf life of the finished product is less than in cold smoking.

To play the second technique used equipment, which is presented in this article. With the help of the smoke processing is performed in caring mode (from + 25 ° C to + 30 ° C). While the first length of the procedure will be a few hours, the days will be needed here. But the finished product will contain many beneficial ingredients. Its shelf life will increase.

Important! Smoke generator for cold and hot smoking - they are different devices. In this case it is necessary to lower the temperature of the combustion products to an optimum level.

Delicious tasty treats - the result of the correct application of smoking technology
Delicious tasty treats - the result of the correct application of smoking technology

Note! Smoke create with smoldering wood. To use only smoked hardwoods not containing resins. Apple, cherry and pear differ particularly pleasant aroma characteristics. But such materials are hard to find. Fit the more common trees: willow, alder.

The wording of the requirements

To select a suitable option, you must use a set of data smoked technology. It is also necessary to take into account the limited technical and financial capacity of the average person. With these factors is difficult to formulate hardware requirements:

  • The apparatus should generate a smoke with a high intensity.
  • It requires a continuous supply to the working chamber with cooling to a suitable temperature.
  • Conveniently, if the installation work is not to be controlled. But at the same time be aware of the need to perform basic rules of fire safety.
  • Chips are cheap. But useful fullest possible use of this fuel. That would allow for a reasonable amount of the generator to increase the interval between downloads.
  • The more complex, the less reliable construction. It is necessary to choose the simple enough to create a smoke generator at home, well adapted to the long-term operation.

Important! If you decide to buy a smoke generator for cold smoking, the price is only one of the important factors. Should pay attention to in this section requirements, to select high-quality equipment with no errors.

Qualitative smoke generator made at the plant, is also not too difficult
Qualitative smoke generator made at the plant, is also not too difficult

Smoke generator for cold smoking

Features of the smoke generator device for cold-smoked with their own hands

Simple design consists of the following components:

  • Capacity. At its bottom is placed a layer of sawdust. A removable cover is used for refueling. In the lower part - the hole to ignite.
  • The air hose. It is installed in the upper part of the body.
  • There, on the other hand, mounted outlet pipe. Smoke comes out of it in the working chamber smokehouse.
  • blower.
Smoke generator for cold-smoked with his own hands: drawings with different types of ejector installation
Smoke generator for cold-smoked with his own hands: drawings with different types of ejector installation

Each of the mounting methods has certain advantages and disadvantages:

  • Top - removed from the area of ​​corruption, so the unit is not exposed to excessive heat. Here, the smoke is purified and cooled filling layer due to the longer path.
  • Lower installation convenient for rapid replenishment of sawdust. In this case, the free passage of smoke does not create significant obstacles. In the first case of use of raw materials is too small fractions are not excluded reduced productivity.

How to make a smoke generator for cold-smoked with his own hands: the drawings and the proper preparation

It is necessary to study the project as a whole to create the product was easy to use, and smoke characteristics consistent with optimal parameters. Initially, therefore, it is necessary to correctly identify the place in which to set a smokehouse. It is necessary to ensure free access to all its parts. come in handy tableOn which you can lay out and packaged products.

"Classical" scheme smokehouse
"Classical" scheme smokehouse

The figure shows that the cooling is performed in a long channel. Smoke generator at the bottom, so the heated air rises alone. A clear advantage of this solution is autonomy. It was used by our ancestors, who knew no electricity. But in our days in the presence of their own land you can implement such a project. The equipment will perform its functions efficiently, without electricity consumption.

In this case, the forced displacement of smoke
In this case, the forced displacement of smoke
There used to benefit the slope on the land
There used to benefit the slope on the land

Such large-scale installations created on the basis of a special engineering project. They are used for food production in commercial quantities. Common household problems will be solved successfully with less.

EXAMPLE smoke generator for drawing cold smoked
EXAMPLE smoke generator for drawing cold smoked

Below indicates important consumer features:

  • Picture drawing device is mobile. It can be connected to different smokehouses, transported, stored without unnecessary difficulty.
  • It does not require an additional power source. Ignition of the air and access - through the hole 10 mm in diameter at the bottom of the housing.
  • If we make a removable bottom, it will be easier to remove the ash.
  • Special wing nuts, is not only the fasteners. Their shape makes it easy to design a secure hold on the ground.
  • Assignment of the remaining elements is clear from the drawing. It should be noted that the dimensions are working. But they are not mandatory. future user has the right to make their own adjustments, if necessary.
If no suitable pipe can be rectangular case
If no suitable pipe can be rectangular case
stainless steel products more expensive. But they are characterized by high resistance to external influences, so are durable
stainless steel products more expensive. But they are characterized by high resistance to external influences, so are durable
smoke extraction device can be taken out of the case. This decision will prevent clogging of the unit
smoke extraction device can be taken out of the case. This decision will prevent clogging of the unit

Smoke generator for cold smoking

Important! When placing the ejector above, it is necessary to provide enough free passage of smoke through the packed bed of sawdust. To do this, use a metal spiral or perforated tube.

To enhance the cooling of smoke pipe length from the generator to the smoker. The following figure shows an example of a better system.

Generator with an effective cooling of the smoke
Generator with an effective cooling of the smoke

Here applied electric heater with a controller (1). Smoke shown in the upper part. When passing through the coil (2) it is cooled. The next block acts as a filter. At the bottom of the accumulated moisture. For subsequent removal of the used embedded valve (3). Above - mounted analog thermometer (4).

Important! When installing the coil in the cooling water flow will be even more intense.

For supplying air to the ejector often used aquarium compressor. This specialized equipment has sufficient capacity. It is designed for long-term unattended operation. Minimal noise and reasonable cost is also necessary to point out the positive characteristics of the cook.

Compact compressor aquarium. Some models have adjustable performance
Compact compressor aquarium. Some models have adjustable performance
smoke generator compressor smokehouse smoked their own hands to do is not difficult
smoke generator compressor smokehouse smoked their own hands to do is not difficult

it is necessary to select the appropriate components assemblies in self-production of such structures. Well suited Computer fans. They are capable of a long time to perform its functions without failure.

Creating a smoke generator with his own hands for cold smoking: video and text instructions

To manufacture the main part of the design drawings may be used, which were presented earlier. The following tips will help perform the assembly without any errors:

  • Choosing the thickness of the steel walls of the housing more than 2.5 mm to prevent deformation under strong heating.
  • Since the top of the high temperature will not be permissible to use a flexible hose connecting the compressor. Boss may be made of Teflon. It serves as an insulator and the connecting element. It is inserted into a tube of appropriate dimensions.
Instead, the node can use suitable standard hardware
Instead, the node can use suitable standard hardware
  • The bottom does not necessarily have to make removable. If desired, to provide a wide opening-closing door. After it is removed ash. Flap movement controlled thrust. This embodiment is used when a large size of the housing.
  • The top cover should be closed tightly.
  • All welds cleaned. To prevent rust, outside the housing cover ground and paint. These compositions must be resistant to high temperatures.
  • After the compressor assembly and attachment container is filled with sawdust and verify operability of the device.

Additional Recommendations and conclusions

After studying the best offers of the market, and after an accurate assessment of their own forces, it would not be difficult to make the right decision. To make a smoke generator for cold-smoked with their own hands, not enough drawings. It needs not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills. However, with proper selection of accessories in this case, the difficulty will be minimal.

Functional smoke generator can be done at no extra cost
Functional smoke generator can be done at no extra cost