- Location of the frames on the wall
- How to fix
- How to fill the frames?
As soon as the main finishing works are finished when repairing rooms, the question of additional decoration of the walls arises. It is small trinkets that give a feeling of comfort, an original and pleasant atmosphere, especially as the choice of modern decoration methods is more than enough. If you are not willing to spend a lot of money on this and your own strength, time, the simplest question is how to hang a frame on the wall.
Such products open unlimited space for design fantasy and will become an excellent decoration within even the most modest budget. But how much aesthetic result you can get - everything depends on you. Some interesting ideas and templates for hanging frames on the wall, we offer you in this article.
to the contents ↑The location of the frames on the wall
The first thing to decide is the size and number of frames. It will depend on this, what exactly will you collect from them, what picture will you try to create as a decorating element and how will you fill them.
Single line
If the ceilings are sufficiently high or at least standard, and the room has a good geometry, it is advantageous to divide the space by using the linear arrangement of the parts.
Important! In this case, products of the same size and style are more suitable.
Frame series
You can hang frames on a wall of the same size in several rows, if you plan a large number of such decor elements. Variations are quite numerous - these may be the following solutions:
- Several lines of decor elements located some distance apart. As a result, visually it turns out a kind of carpet from the frames. This decor is especially effective if the elements have different bright colors.
- The location in the form of crossword pads or in checkerboard order is very advantageous if you plan to hang a photo on the wall.
Important! Select in the second case, you can both elements of the same size, and different from each other.
Chaos and order
It will be extremely interesting to look at the room if you hang frames on a wall of different sizes, shapes, colors. A large number of elements in this case, at first glance, is very chaotic, which makes a special emphasis on decoration.
But there is one nuance, so as not to have the opposite effect of bad taste - you must immediately clearly visually limit the area under the entire composition in the form of a clear geometric shape. This can be a square, a rectangle, a rhombus, a trapezoid.
Important! To get exactly the result you are counting on, be sure to pre-arrange all the details of your composition on the floor. Look, in which order and sequence it is better to combine them. Only after that, transfer all the details to the wall in the most favorable variant.
Composition with a picture of
If you already have one reproduction of a fairly large size, but when placed on a wall the picture is somewhat smeared and lost in the interior, you can additionally draw attention to it and make a competent accent. In this case, it is appropriate to hang a frame on the wall around the reproduction.
For this it is important to take into account:
- color scheme of the canvas;
- its style design and plot.
Important! Select elements of the appropriate shape and color to emphasize and make the picture in the center brighter, but at the same time that it is not lost among the frames. The easiest way to do this is if you have previously tested several variants, decomposing all the details around the reproduction on the floor in different order.
To be able to compare the most interesting ideas, fix each composition on a film or phone. Give your brain time to rest and then review again all the photos. So you will definitely choose the most successful variant of how to hang frames on a wall that will not get tired in a couple of days and will surprise your guests with its nontriviality and beauty.
Angle frames
Many who today decorate corners in the house with the help of decorative stone, laying out unusual patterns with amazing geometry. If you tinker with the selection of stones and their manufacture, styling, you have no desire, you can use this idea to hang a frame on the wall.
How to mount
Once you have decided on the location, the question is how to hang the frame on the wall. You can do this in several ways:
- On nails or screws, based on the size and severity of the elements.
- One nail. This method is great if you want to hang a few items for decoration, but do not want to make a lot of holes. In this case, you can drive only 1 nail, attach a thread to the frame. One detail of the composition clings to the nail, and the next - not the first element with the help of the same threads.
- For stretching. With this technology, a framework is created, inside of which all the elements of the decoration of the walls are attached to the stretched threads. The number of fasteners in this case is significantly reduced, and the composition can be formed sufficiently voluminous, even occupying the entire wall.
- On the glue "liquid nails"."Liquid nails" are great for fixing on the wall frames of different sizes, sizes, weights. Spot the glue and fix the elements on the surface in succession.
- Special hooks. On sale there are special hooks on an adhesive basis. The set includes plates of 2 glued elements, one of which is fixed in the right place on the wall, the second - on the frame. Putting them together, you hang the frame on the wall.
Important! Choose a suitable method of fixing, based on how long you do not plan to do a new repair or renovation of the interior design, what materials the walls are trimmed, do you plan to change the pictures on the wall with time.
to the contents ↑How to fill the framework?
In themselves, empty frames can perform a decorative function. If you do not want to limit this, fill them with different material. For this purpose, the following photos will be suitable:
- photos - color or black and white;
- embroidered thread or beaded fabric patterns;
- pieces of fabrics of different texture, color;
- wallpaper with different patterns;
- herbarium.
Now you have some interesting ideas on how to hang frames on the wall. Choose for yourself the most convenient option, given the general style of decorating the room, the availability of free time, as well as artistic skills.