- Folk ways of lightening the skin
- Clarifying masks:
- Useful advices
- How to make the skin pale with make-up?
A few years ago, the main desire of many girls was to make the face as dark as possible, but now aristocratic pallor is in vogue. Light beige, porcelain, ivory - today the most trendy shades of tonal means. But knowing how to make the skin pale, you can generally forget about the use of such cosmetics.
With proper care of oneself, a healthy lifestyle, regular application of nutrient masks, a healthy and beautiful blush is an absolutely normal response of the epidermis. However, this does not mean that for a skin that is pale as a vampire, this approach should be completely changed. Just in the everyday list of cosmetic procedures you need to add funds that reduce the synthesis of melanin.
to the contents ↑Folk ways of lightening the skin
Only with complex clarification of the skin of the body and face, the effect will look organically. For these purposes, dairy baths are suitable, because in all sour-milk products there are acids and compounds that reduce the number of melanocytes - cells capable of producing melanin.
Important! This cosmetic procedure does not require much money. For one session, 1.5 liters of fresh milk and about 30 grams of honey will suffice.
We make a milk bath at home:
- Slightly warm the home-made milk, but do not boil it. Otherwise, you will not get the desired effect.
- In a warm liquid, dissolve the specified amount of honey. The most useful for this procedure is buckwheat - it is saturated with many useful active substances and is characterized by a high content of vitamin compounds.
Important! You can also use acacia, but you can not take a synthetic one.
- In the bathroom, filled with water 40 degrees, pour the prepared concentrate.
- Lie in the liquid and enjoy 30 minutes.
- After the time has elapsed, you can also wipe off the cucumber lotion.
- You can repeat the procedure every day or at least a couple of times a week.
Important! It must be remembered that before making a pale skin color, you should check the composition of the funds for allergenicity. Apply the product on your wrist and wait 20 minutes. If during this time there was no itching or redness on the place of use, you can safely apply it.
Even a swarthy skin can be made rather pale if you wipe it daily with a slice of lemon. Some women use the infusion of orange peel for the same purpose, but it has a strong drying effect. After wiping with this product, you should wait 30 minutes, rinse the leftovers with cool water. The procedure is repeated every day - better in the morning.
Important! With allergies to citrus, the analog of this method can be the rubbing of a lobule of fragrant melon. With the help of this product, the skin is saturated with mineral compounds, essential acids and vitamins. Use melon should be the same as lemon.
Chamomile and other herbs
In order to make the skin pale at home, before the girls used a decoction of lime and chamomile. To do this:
- You need to take half a liter of water for a glass of dried flowers.
- To preserve the useful properties of the plant should not be boiled, but simply insist in hot water for a couple of hours.
- The received infusion is wiped face and body every evening after showering.
Beautiful pallor throughout the body can give an unusual combination of hydrogen peroxide and castor oil. These funds are combined in an equal proportion and applied to the skin with a sponge. The agent can not be washed off, the main thing is that the solution should be distributed evenly.
Important! Conveniently, this method is suitable for both lightening of the delicate skin under the eyes, and in the zone of the underarms and bikini.
to the contents ↑Clarifying masks:
- Make the skin pale with a mask of rice and oatmeal and milk. In addition to visible pallor, it will also eliminate mimic wrinkles, cleanse the pores and have a lifting effect. For its preparation, take 2 tablespoons of flour and one spoonful of milk. You can also add a couple drops of lemon juice or chamomile essential oil. Apply the mask on the face, neck and décolleté zone. Hold for 15-20 minutes.
- The almond mask will give the skin of pallor, but only if it is used regularly - it has a cumulative effect. Fresh nuts should be crushed and soaked in water at night - the liquid should cover them by 2-5 mm. In the morning they swell because of the absorbed liquid. Then they must be grinded in a mortar to form a homogeneous mass. In order to enhance the effect, you can add honey or milk to the mask.
- Mask with potatoes and blue clay is also able to make the skin of the face pale. Potatoes should be grated on the finest grater, and then mix 2 tablespoons of the resulting porridge with 1 spoon of clay. Stir the mixture thoroughly and apply to problem areas. Hold for 30 minutes. The procedure is done daily.
- The tomato mask is a wonderful natural bleach. Grind tomato with a blender or on a grater, add a couple drops of lemon juice and grease the mixture with the face. Hold this mask on your face for 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
Useful tips
In addition to regular baths and masks, it is also desirable to follow some rules that help prevent skin darkening:
- In the summer, try not to appear on the street without a wide-brimmed hat. Dita von Teese - the real champion of pallor, in the warm season in general, tries not to appear on the street during the day.
- If you are not hiding in the house, try to dress as close as possible. In hot weather, silk and chiffon outfits, multi-layered lace dresses will help out.
- Always use a sunblock with a high threshold of protection. Children will do the best - they have a filter 60.
- In winter spend chemical peelings. They will help make the skin pale at home, give it a soft shining pallor.
- Alternate soda bath with milk. The first - clean and bleach, the second - nourish and lighten the skin. For 50 liters of water, take half-packs of sodium hydrogencarbonate.
How to make the skin pale with make-up?
The most important thing to remember is that the darker the skin, the lighter the tonalka should be. In order not to turn out ugly yellow tide, try not to use cheap means, as well as products, in the name of which there is the word "beige".
Preferably Ivory is preferred. Ivory also can be different( dark, light, etc.).
Several secrets of pale make-up:
- Be sure to use a corrector under the eyes and in the T-zone. This will make it possible to equalize the complexion.
- Do not completely abandon blush - without them makeup will look unnatural. Instead of the usual brick and peach shades, it is better to use pearlescent or pale pink.
- Heiliter is a wonderful helper for pale skin. Apply it should be on all areas that can cast an unwanted blush, as well as areas that require isolation. These are the zones under the eyes, the forehead, and also the part between the eyebrow and the eyelid.
- Do not forget about powder - it will help to make the skin of the face pale.
- For shading of light skin and visual imparting to it even greater pallor, it is necessary to place accents correctly. For example, to turn into a real Snow White, you can dye your hair black or dark brown, or use bright lipstick, shadows, or pick up dark clothes.
Pale skin is not a disadvantage, as many girls think, but a real opportunity to stand out among other beauties is aristocratic, elegant and delicate appearance. The main thing is to be able to correctly emphasize advantages and hide faults.