The design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, furnishings, floor and ceiling finish, textiles

Living room, or as it is called, - the hall is one of the main rooms in the house or apartment. Here it is hosting, going the whole family for the holiday table, and just relax in the evenings in front of the TV or with a book in a comfortable chair by the lamp. But how to arrange the living room so that it was beautiful, comfortable, functional and in harmony with the rest of the decor in your home. Today's review online magazine edition helps you intelligently design a room in an apartment, to choose the right decoration materials, furniture, décor items and provide design options for the premises in accordance with the basic interior design styles.

Lounge - central place of every home
Lounge - central place of every home

Read article

  • 1 room interior design in the apartment: Photo examples
  • 2 The style and color scheme for the interior of the hall
  • 3 Finishing materials for the interior living in the apartment: Photo examples
    • 3.1 Floor and ceiling of the living room
    • 3.2 Decorating the walls in the hall
  • 4 How to beat the hall in the apartment
    • 4.1 Furniture situation room in the apartment
    • 4.2 Textile filling the living room
    • 4.3 Decor in interior living room
  • 5 The design of the hall in the apartment: photos of examples of lighting systems
  • 6 Stylistic decision in the design of living rooms
    • 6.1 Living in a classic style and Art Deco
    • 6.2 living room design in the style of minimalism, hi-tech, loft
    • 6.3 Living Provence and country
    • 6.4 Scandinavian interior and Ecostyle
  • 7 Making a living in the apartment: photo options for the different area
    • 7.1 Spacious living room: design photo
    • 7.2 The design of the hall in the apartment of 18 m2
    • 7.3 Design of a small room in the "Khrushchev"
  • 8 Photo modern design of the hall in the apartment: 2017-2018 years
  • 9 A few words in conclusion

room interior design in the apartment: Photo examples

It would seem that what could be simpler: rendered or lay a furniture film, I stripped the old wallpaper and pasted new paintings added a few decorative touches, and you're done. Not a bit of it. The first thing to decide on the style in which they will be executed interior room, away from him, in turn, depends on the color palette, the necessary finishing materials, furniture, etc. But also it is not the most important, as you should start with the preparation of a detailed plan and a sketch by which an option is determined by the arrangement of furniture and household appliances, surface finish and lighting.

hall plan showing the arrangement of furniture
hall plan showing the arrangement of furniture
If possible, you can do on a computer using special software 3D visualization of the project
If possible, you can do on a computer using special software 3D visualization of the project

In developing the interior design, it is essential to take into account the width of doorways, passages between the pieces of furniture, the typical routes of movement across the living room, away from the sofa to the TV, etc.

The style and color scheme for the interior of the hall

Developing a project is determined by the style, which, in turn, will depend on the color scheme. The most popular styles of interior:

  • classic;
  • minimalism;
  • loft;
  • country;
  • Provence;
  • high tech;
  • Scandinavian and Ecostyle.
Living room in classic style
Living room in classic style
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Room apartment in the Provence style

Thus, the style is selected, and it is time to move on to the color palette to be used in creating the interior of the hall.

Color toneDescription
WhiteNeutral color, but because of different shades can significantly diversify the interior. It can be a major or to act as a background. The room is white colors visually becomes higher, wider and much lighter.
BeigeUniversal color that looks favorably in the interiors of any style. The room turns cozy, comfortable and warm. The decor can be used as bricklaying or coarse paint dabs.
GrayFashionable color, often used in interior design in "classic" style "loft" and modern.
BlueThe blue color and its nuances contribute to relaxation, so could not be better suited for the decoration of the living room. Perfect for the sea, the east and the Mediterranean style.
Green and OliveAssociated with nature and, accordingly, is the best option for the interior in the ecological style.
Yellow, sand and peachBright, vivid colors that are associated with the warmth and comfort. Perfect for a classic, Mediterranean, modern and fusion style.
Pastel shadesMainly used in the "Provence" and contemporary styles. Help to create a calm and romantic mood.
ContrastIt helps to dilute the monotony of the base color.
Yellow tones in the interior of the living room give a sense of peace and comfort
Yellow tones in the interior of the living room give a sense of peace and comfort

Finishing materials for the interior living in the apartment: Photo examples

Although each style has its own requirements to the finishing materials, however, there general guidelines to help you create virtually any interior and to determine the optimal this.

No matter, the interior is made in what style, the main thing - to use only high-quality finishing materials
No matter, the interior is made in what style, the main thing - to use only high-quality finishing materials

Floor and ceiling of the living room

Regardless of the style of the interior for the flooring, it is best to use finishing materials with high resistance to external influences and easy-to-clean. Linoleum - a budget option, followed by the laminate, then tile, Parquet, and the most expensive solution - Genuine board, especially made of precious wood. In the case of a combined living room with kitchen, a method of zoning. While most people are veiled in the hall carpet, which allows you to hide design flaws.

In the past, and now, too, flooring is one of the most expensive types of flooring
In the past, and now, too, flooring is one of the most expensive types of flooring
Floor tiles - option for large living rooms. This palace hall
Floor tiles - option for large living rooms. This palace hall

ceiling trim option largely depends on the height of the walls. If they are of the order of 3 meters and above, you should think about settling multilevel suspended structure (Drywall or tension "Armstrong"). This type of ceiling allows you to set the built-in lighting system and hide various defects. The interiors in the national styles is possible to decorate the surface of wooden beams. In low areas will be sufficient to smooth white ceilings.

The spacious, large rooms appropriate multi-level ceilings
The spacious, large rooms appropriate multi-level ceilings
Smooth white ceiling - a classic that fits any decor
Smooth white ceiling - a classic that fits any decor

Decorating the walls in the hall

Modern technologies allow better and more interesting to perform the finishing of the walls. In addition to the traditional paint and wallpaper, are widely used in wood, mirror, soft-and 3D-panel, as well as decorative stone or brick. Special paints are not afraid of moisture, have no odor and have antistatic properties. Paper and non-woven wallpaper with a wide choice of textures and colors - a great choice for the living room. In addition, they can hide small defects of the wall surface. Wallpapers and painting Budget considered one wall decoration. Decorative stone or brick trim door and chimney portals, TV zone and mirror panels let you visually enlarge the space.

Photos room in an apartment with beautiful wallpaper
Photos room in an apartment with beautiful wallpaper
Furnish TV and music area with decorative stone
Furnish TV and music area with decorative stone
Mirror panels visually expand the space
Mirror panels visually expand the space

How to beat the hall in the apartment

Beautiful design living room interior - is not only a high-quality finish floor, walls and ceiling, but also competent furniture, textile filling, lighting and decoration of the room. It is important not only to arrange the furniture in the room, but do not overload the space with unnecessary items, curtains on the windows should not completely prevent the penetration of sunlight, and in the evening should be well-lit at the expense of chandeliers, floor lamps etc.

Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
The living room should be a minimum set of furniture, which must be of high functionality

Furniture situation room in the apartment

The amount of furniture in the living room is determined by its size, number of occupants and their needs. Standard set for the room includes a sofa, a few chairs, a coffee table, closet, cabinet for TV and hill or a wall. The remaining pieces of furniture are added as needed.

Photos of furniture for the hall in the apartment
Photos of furniture for the hall in the apartment

Also in the living room can be fitted shelves, bookcases or shelves and cabinets with glass facades. In the case of an open-plan in a studio apartment in the hall dining table, separated from the rest of the situation sofa or a low wall can be installed.

Dining area, separated from the living room sofa
Dining area, separated from the living room sofa

The furniture should match the general style of design space. For example, in the classical style is characterized by frame or glass facades, sofas, cabinets and chests of drawers on curved legs relief. In minimalism, uses modular headset with smooth doors and worktops.

An example of how to arrange the furniture in the room in classic style
An example of how to arrange the furniture in the room in classic style

Textile filling the living room

Textiles - an integral part of any interior. It allows you to make a living environment cozy and comfortable, and also serves a decorative and practical function. Consider how the textiles used in the interior. There are two options: to decorate the windows, and as upholstery.

All textile elements must be combined with each other. If the curtains are sold separately, it is necessary that they were close to the maximum upholstery. Textiles must integrate harmoniously with the interior stylistic decision. It is desirable to use natural tissue. Also in the living room textiles presented decorative pillows, tablecloths, napkins, covers for sofas, armchairs and chairs.

A good example of how to decorate the hall with the help of well-chosen textiles
A good example of how to decorate the hall with the help of well-chosen tekstilyaHoroshy example of how to decorate the hall with the help of well-chosen textiles
Provence style in the living room - traditionally a lot of textiles
Provence style in the living room - traditionally a lot of textiles

Decor in interior living room

As decoration in the living room can be used by almost all. It can be a beautiful wallpapers, but in a classic interior, they will look out of place. Look beautiful pictures on the walls (conventional or modular), photos, posters, exotic masks, bundles of dried herbs or flowers, mirrors in large frames. On a shelf or present false fireplace, dresser or cabinet can be arranged statues, family photos, clocks and candlesticks. Decor can also act furnishings, beautiful curtains, different textiles or chandelier. That you choose to decorate the living room, remember that it should not be overloaded with a large number of decorative elements. Throughout the necessary measure.

Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
In this living room is already very trim and every object is an element of decor
Photos of furniture for the room in a modern style, which in itself can be a good decoration of the living room
Photos of furniture for the room in a modern style, which in itself can be a good decoration of the living room
Fireplace as decorative element in the living room studio apartments
Fireplace as decorative element in the living room studio apartments

The design of the hall in the apartment: photos of examples of lighting systems

Even at the design stage is necessary to determine the number of lighting devices, their location, type, capacity and style. Since the living room is the main place to visit in the house, it is sure to be in it present beautiful central chandelier, which should be selected according to the selected interior style. For example, if Provence, or country, then the best option would be forged design, and classic rooms suitable for a luxury lamp with crystal elements. In the living room studio apartments is necessary to arrange the lighting in accordance with the functional areas.

Lighting must be chosen, focusing on the dimensions of the room. For the living room small apartment does not fit a chandelier that looks great in a spacious room of a private house. In this case it is better to place on the perimeter of the ceiling a few small lighting.

in the living room and the need to create additional comfort and coziness fixturesSuch as floor lamps, table lamps and sconces. For classical and rustic interior, you can use lamps with textile shades. In the modern interior is recommended to install lights with unusual, sometimes futuristic forms.

on the perimeter of the ceiling illumination device lounge
on the perimeter of the ceiling illumination device lounge
The original idea of ​​arrangement of lighting in modern living room
The original idea of ​​arrangement of lighting in modern living room
The lighting in the living room in the Provence style
The lighting in the living room in the Provence style

Stylistic decision in the design of living rooms

After drawing up a plan lounge choice of interior style is of importance in second place. On this depends the convenience and comfort of the room, where every day the whole family, and receive visitors. It is necessary to take into account all the advantages and disadvantages, ceiling height, the layout window and door openings. Consider a few living room design options in the main styles.

Photo living room interior design in the Provence style
Photo living room interior design in the Provence style

Living in a classic style and Art Deco

Classic style - this is an excellent choice for a spacious living room with large windows that allow much light, capable to emphasize the color, the texture of used textiles and noble beauty of natural tree. In the center of the room is definitely a sofa and several chairs placed around the coffee table. As a rule, in a classic room has a true or false fireplace, and modern technology is better to hide behind facades of the headset. For the decorations used forged products, a lot of thread, mirrors in massive metal or wooden frames. Cladding, tend to make the combination: decorative plaster or wallpaper with panels made of precious wood and inlaid rocks.

Photos interior design of the hall in classic style
Photos interior design of the hall in classic style
"Classical" Living in an apartment
"Classical" Living in an apartment

Art Deco - a combination of strict geometric shapes with various rounded shapes of fine wood furniture and glass facades. When making a living in this style used images of diverse subjects. Decorative elements made in the interior of the qualitative and expensive leather and wood. In the hall of the Art Deco objects are always present with a shiny, reflective surface: metal, glass, floor tiles, lacquered furniture, etc.

Art Deco - the warmth, luxury and comfort
Art Deco - the warmth, luxury and comfort
Photo living room of the apartment in the Art Deco style
Photo living room of the apartment in the Art Deco style

living room design in the style of minimalism, hi-tech, loft

Minimalism - is primarily a practical and only then decorative. The minimalist interior is only a necessary set of furniture, a lot of glass and metal, and the colors are close to natural palette. For this reason, it can not be called a style uncomfortable and soulless. The interior in minimalism perfectly fit into the apartment of any size and layout.

Living "minimalism" - only what you need
Living "minimalism" - only what you need
Living in a "minimalist" style - a lot of light and freedom
Living in a "minimalist" style - a lot of light and freedom

Style "loft" allows you to make non-residential premises of a cozy and comfortable apartment. Such interior design - it's an amazing opportunity to harmoniously combine modern and vintage, new and old. Loft selected creative nature, prefer space, novelty and comfort.

Exposed brick wall is an essential attribute of a loft style
Exposed brick wall is an essential attribute of a loft style

hi-tech style involves space, lots of light and furnished with unusual shapes. This ultra-modern stylistic direction that people prefer to "advanced", aspiring to knowledge of anything new. It is of paramount importance and practicality of plainness. Hi-tech - the perfect solution for studio apartments with free planning. Also welcomed the presence of modern household appliances. The colors are calm, no flashy colors.

Living room apartments in high-tech style
Living room apartments in high-tech style
In the living room hi-tech modern technology only
In the living room hi-tech modern technology only

Living Provence and country

Provence style and country belong to the so-called "village." They are characterized by simplicity, comfort and coziness. When constructing interior mainly used natural materials in these styles. Provence and the country is ideal for the decoration of living rooms in private homes, as their area allows for styles to the fullest. Used pastel colors and bright accents, floral motifs and many textiles. Suitable for romantic natures who prefer peace and quiet.

Photos real repair room interior design in the style of Provence
Photos real repair room interior design in the style of Provence
Interior room in country style in a private house
Interior room in country style in a private house

Scandinavian interior and Ecostyle

These two styles are simple, availability of space and lots of light. When creating interior only natural materials are used in Scandinavian and ecological style, which creates a feeling of closeness to nature, comfort and convenience. Recently, these interiors are very popular, especially among urban residents.

Living in a Scandinavian style - a lot of light and space
Living in a Scandinavian style - a lot of light and space
White "Scandinavia" is better to dilute with bright accents
White "Scandinavia" is better to dilute with bright accents
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Living room, kitchen in ecological style

Making a living in the apartment: photo options for the different area

Living in a house or apartment can be arranged in almost any style. However, some rooms are large in size, while others have a rather modest size. Accordingly, there are certain nuances in each case the living room decoration.

When making a living you need to take the dimensions of the room
When making a living you need to take the dimensions of the room

Spacious living room: design photo

The spacious living room is good because in a large room can be fully realized interior design project. For example, the style of "Provence" requires a lot of light, and therefore need a lot of windows, which are possible only in large multi-level apartments or private homes.

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Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution

The design of the hall in the apartment of 18 m2

In a small room you can arrange a good interior, not even using all the style, but only some of its elements. Also in the small living room you need to use a compact furniture and to avoid piling up of decorative elements.

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Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution

Design of a small room in the "Khrushchev"

In the "Khrushchev" is unlikely to succeed to realize the interior in a classical style, so you should resort to the "Scandinavian", minimalism or loft. Furniture should be presented in a minimum amount: only the most necessary.

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Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution

Related article:

Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solutionDesign coincident kitchen-living room. Combining the kitchen and living room: the pros and cons, kitchen interior, combined with the living room: zoning options, finishing materials to create an interior kitchen-living room, modern design ideas living room-kitchen, the recommendations of experts - read publication.

Photo modern design of the hall in the apartment: 2017-2018 years

Please find the most popular versions of decorated living rooms. We hope that they will help you avoid mistakes in the regeneration of the apartment. You can not bring the whole project, and to take only some of its elements.

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Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution
Create a design of the hall in the apartment: the materials, layout, style solution

A few words in conclusion

We hope that our article with fotoprimerami interior room will help you when you decide to do home repairs. Following the recommendations of an online magazine and showing little imagination, you can make your room beautiful and unique and provide a comfortable pastime of his family in the evenings and holidays. If you have any questions and suggestions, ask them in the comments, and our experts will be happy to answer them.