🚐 motorhomes: how to use and what are

Trailer, camper, house on wheels - the essence of this phenomenon has been laid in the time of a half-savage, nomadic existence of man and given new life with the advent of technological advances. At this point the consumer has a wide choice of more than hundreds of different modifications, ranging from modest compact minipritsepa and ending with the present mobile cottage, providing all conceivable amenities.

Mobile Home can give an unforgettable experience of family entertainment
Mobile Home can give an unforgettable experience of family entertainment

Read article

  • 1 Classification and technical features
    • 1.1 varieties motorhomes
    • 1.2 Types caravans
  • 2 use Features
  • 3 operating experience
  • 4 A little about the legal aspects of operation
  • 5 Summing up

Classification and technical features

Before we talk about the possibilities of exploitation of mobile homes in Russia, it is necessary to clarify certain technical details. First of all, we shall understand terminology. Mobile Home is a rather common name that combines two types of structures:

  1. Camper (caravan) - one or two-axle semi-trailers for the movement that requires a car;
  2. camper - living space is located in the back of the car.

varieties motorhomes

Van - residential minivan (kastenvagen), initially production model, which has since been equipped with everything necessary for living. Number of beds no more than two. This solution is the most affordable. However, to speak about any particular comfort is not necessary. More often than not limited to the modernization of the installation berthOccupying 40% to 60% of the total body, bathrooms (optional) and kitchenette. It is generally used for going on nature and a short stay. The total weight of 3300-3500 kg.

The internal structure of the residential minivan
The internal structure of the residential minivan

Semi-Integrated - on the basis of serial chassis light truck or a specialized body established. The cab and the living area is partially divided, that is, access to the housing compartment is only possible during the stay. Such a caravan provides from 2 to 4 beds, which occupy 25 to 30% of the total area. Beds can be either separate or combined. Be sure there is a bathroom, kitchenette a separate place for lunch and a sewage tank and drinking water. Technically permissible total weight, as a rule, does not exceed 3500 kg. The most common Semi-Integrated motorhomes based on Fiat, Renault, Peugeot, Mercedes or Ford.

Semi-Integrated Mobile Home - interior design
Semi-Integrated Mobile Home - interior design

Alcove - represent one of the varieties of semi-integrated motorhomes with special bodywork. Above the driver's cab has a special niche - an alcove used to berth. Total number of beds depending on the basic vehicle model, from 4 to 6. On the other criteria a house on wheels is not much different from the standard semi-integrated. The total mass of 3500 kg to 5000 kg.

Alcove house on wheels - view from within the context of
Alcove house on wheels - view from within the context of

Integrated - cabin and residential part are a unitary structure. The vehicles are specially projected for use for housing. Very different from the semi-integrated motorhomes both appearance and design. equipped with volumetric tanks for fresh water and wastewater (from 100 to 200 liters), more sophisticated heating systems and conditioning, fridge, stove, Powerful charger (100 A Β· h). Technically permissible total weight from 3500 to 6000 kg.

Integrated caravan - basic structure
Integrated caravan - basic structure

Triaxial - provide the highest possible level of comfort for the production models. Total number of beds 2 to 6 that occupy no more than 20% of the total area of ​​the passenger compartment. This home on wheels is fully equipped with all necessary facilities for a comfortable stay both in summer and in winter. It has multiple power sources: batteries, a separate generator for the passenger compartment, the generator of the propulsion system. Abholstery performed advantageously in the premium class.

Triaxial integrated motorhome - appearance
Triaxial integrated motorhome - appearance

Types caravans

Caravan (cottage Mobile) - is a room on a special chassis, equipped with all necessary facilities for a comfortable staying. Dimensions, internal filling and finishing of premises, depending on the model are significantly different. Starting from a small premises with sunbeds and kitchen and ending, almost a full house of several rooms.

Even the compact caravan can be a convenient and comfortable
Even the compact caravan can be a convenient and comfortable

Camping trailer - a trailer which can be transformed into the tent. In the folded state has minimum dimensions. The disadvantage is the need for folding the tent on arrival at the holiday destination, as well as the inability to be in the trailer during transport. Of the advantages can be noted better maneuverability. For its transportation, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, enough driver "B" category.

Camping trailer in the unfolded state
Camping trailer in the unfolded state

Removable residential unit - is used with the corresponding pick-up models of cars. It provides the minimum comfortable conditions for living. It has a small compartment with a residential kitchen, bathroom and berth. The main advantage is the high mobility of the vehicle and versatility. This residential unit can be removed from the pickup, and use the car as usual.

Ford F-Series pickup truck mounted with an accommodation module EarthRoamer XV-LTS
Ford F-Series pickup truck mounted with an accommodation module EarthRoamer XV-LTS

use Features

The Russian Mobile homes are used differently. The traditional European and American use, providing comfort on longer journeys, faced with the harsh reality of domestic roads. Of course, the greater part of European territory of Russia and near the big cities of the road quite passable. But go on an exciting family trip from Moscow to Vladivostok seems something in between fiction and horror.

Severe domestic road represent a considerable challenge for residential SUVs. The photograph is one of the guests of the gathering NivaFest, held in Togliatti in 2017
Severe domestic road represent a considerable challenge for residential SUVs. The photograph is one of the guests of the gathering NivaFest, held in Togliatti in 2017

However, despite some limitations, the scope of the mobile homes in the Russian Federation is quite wide:

  1. Field trips with an overnight stay. Moreover, it is likely related to travel with his family than to the traditional "harsh" male fishing.
  2. Short travel on tourist routes and memorable places like the Golden Ring of Russia.
  3. Sea trip. For those who are systematically selected to the coast, buying a house on wheels can bring significant financial savings on renting of an apartment.

Important! The most developed infrastructure campgrounds boast southern coastal regions. While relaxing in the official trailer park has become quite expensive. But the attempt to settle the savage to "tie" the seaside can lead to conflicts with local residents, who thus defend their financial interests.

Persistent reluctance of our producers make a convenient and affordable autocaravan, offset by the golden hands of our masters
Persistent reluctance of our producers make a convenient and affordable autocaravan, offset by the golden hands of our masters

Use of a caravan as cottages. This exclusive, domestic usage. Typically, this bought beushnye low-end models of trailers. Given that from mobile, after arrival at the place, they become stationary chassis partially dismantled. This, incidentally, is an additional guarantee that the trailer is "self" does not go away in an unknown direction while you are away.

With such a layout caravan can be a better cottage than most post-Soviet era buildings
With such a layout caravan can be a better cottage than most post-Soviet era buildings

Permanent residence. The least common, compared with the same America, way to use trailers in Russia. There are several objective reasons for rejection of our compatriots in the motorhome lifestyle:

  • lack of infrastructure. Not every Russian city boasts a specially designated place under the trailer park;
  • climatic conditions. Winter in Russia is much more severe than in the United States, except Alaska. Therefore, for a comfortable stay in a house on wheels, or a residential trailer needs a good heating and insulation. Such technical perfection can boast only expensive premium model. And having enough money to buy them, the majority of Russian citizens prefer to rent an apartment;
  • attitude of others. Historically, in Russia, a person who does not have his corner (residence permit), does not cause much confidence. Therefore, those who want to live in a trailer, be prepared as the negative attitude of the neighbors, and the visits of representatives of the authorities.
Permanent residency in caravans in the Russian winter pleasure is very questionable
Permanent residency in caravans in the Russian winter pleasure is very questionable

operating experience

The basic design of the various models of mobile homes of the middle class (alcove, and integrated Semi-Integrated) is not too different. As a rule, residential bay equipped heating system. it radiator system any system warm air pressurizationWhich can be operated from both the electric power and the gas cylinder. Heating of gas, most of the radiator, a more efficient and powerful. But it is volatile and requires a battery connection.

The electrical network is represented by one or more batteries for providing interior and exterior mains 220 V. There are two tanks - for clean and waste water, as well as biotoilet, shower, fridge and a kitchen with gas cooker. The layout arrangement of beds, kitchen, dining table, shower can be different, and its choice depends on personal preference of each.

Severe everyday life of the domestic auto industry
Severe everyday life of the domestic auto industry

Health - one of the most painful for the Russian owners of motorhomes. The majority of modern models of mobile homes is equipped with a not very large capacity for clean and waste water. The designers clearly state that this amount is sufficient for use on the road. And in places of stops can be used stationary utilities. Unfortunately, this trend is poorly applicable to Russia. Many specialized domestic campsites and caravan parks are not equipped with the necessary infrastructure and utilities branched. To be honest, many of the local "businessmen" take the rent of land, enclose it, calling the trailer park. They will be charged with the motorists, not bothering facilities.

In any case, it requires a systematic cleaning of dry closet. According to the requirements of manufacturers, it is carried out once in two days. But these requirements are designed for the maximum number of users of a particular model of motorhomes. So, if you do not use the toilet 4 and 2 people, then clean the latrine will need to once a week. In addition, the cartridges must fill a special chemical compositions interrupt odor destroying germs and anaerobic fermentation processes neutralizing fecal matter.

Liquefied bottled gas is the main source of energy camper. It is used not only for the plate, but also for generating electricity which is consumed in refrigerator, air heating in the passenger compartment, heating water in the boiler, etc. The control panel in modern homes on wheels controls virtually all processes and consumables materials:

  • level of fullness drinking water and sewage tank;
  • discharge battery compartment in the housing, and the motor;
  • the air temperature in the cabin;
  • connecting an external power source;
  • in the presence of pressure gas cylinders, etc.

As a rule, several heating modes available with the speed of temperature change.

A little about the legal aspects of operation

Mobile Home was originally conceived as a mobile accommodation, so it is not surprising that from time to time to move it around the neighborhood. First of all, it is necessary to resolve the legal aspects. To manage residential minivan and semi-integrated motorhomes with the maximum technical permissible weight of up to 3.5 tons must have a driver's license category "B". This category is sufficient, if the total weight of the vehicle and a towed caravan not more than 3.5 m, but in this case, the mass of the trailer must not exceed the equipped weight car. If the maximum curb weight motorhomes or hitch a car - trailer exceeds 3500 kg, then you need a driver's license with categories Β«CΒ» and Β«EΒ». Permitted driving the tow vehicle and trailer with open categories "B" and "E", but only if the trailer is equipped with an inertia braking system.

With the help of mobile homes can arrange for your family comfortable, long lasting and extremely affordable vacation
With the help of mobile homes can arrange for your family comfortable, long lasting and extremely affordable vacation

Summing up

Today, the modern, comfortable motorhomes and caravans in Russia act as land yachts. In fact, they are indicators of the status of a certain level of prosperity. The fact that a group of students took the Mobile Home for rent on vacation can be no question. However, camping infrastructure is developing, and their number is constantly growing. Increases and service culture. On the internet there are various Community motorhome owners, where all interested can ask the technical questions and obtain information related to the optimal route Travel. So, undoubtedly, caravanning, motorhomes as well as have a great future in Russia.