If you seek to improve the quality of heating in your home, look for Warm water floor. It can be used as the main and auxiliary heat source. Offer to meet with the device, the advantages and disadvantages such heating systems.
Warm water will help to make the cold floor apartment warm
Read article
1 The basic design of the floor warm water
2 Completing the elements that must be available
3 Advantages and disadvantages of the water floor heating
4 Leading manufacturers of underfloor heating systems
5 Calculations before installing
6 Mounting water underfloor heating
6.1 Preparatory stage
6.2 concrete technology
6.2.1 floor Warming
6.2.2 Pipe laying and hydraulic testing
6.2.3 screed
6.2.4 Technological pause and installation topcoat
6.3 Grazing polystyrene technology
6.3.1 Laying polystyrene plates
6.3.2 Installation of heat reflecting plates and tubes
6.3.3 Flooring gypsum fiber boards and installation topcoat
6.4 Installation of the collector node
7 Rules of operation of the warm water floor
The basic design of the floor warm water
Conventional floor construction warm water involves multiple layers stacked in sequence. The thickness of the formed cake should be 8-14 cm at the maximum load on the slab of 300 kg / m².
If the base serves as a concrete slab, Warm water floor includes:
waterproofing layer often formed using a polyethylene film;
damping tape is placed around the circumference and made of a heat insulator strips or special materials with an adhesive base;
heaterSelected taking into account the location of buildings. The most popular is extruded polystyrene thickness of 5-10 cm;
reinforcing mesh;
water loop;
Structure of floor heating with concrete screed
If warm water floor unit is carried out in a private house, hosted Pie includes:
soil layer thickness of 15 cm;
gravel layer thickness of 10 cm;
a sand layer thickness of 5 cm;
rough screed;
waterproofing layer;
damping tape on the perimeter;
reinforced screed heating circuit.
The number of layers in a private home increases significantly
System without tie layer consists of a vapor, waterproofing, polystyrene plates, heat reflecting plates, pipes and sheathing of gypsum fiber board.
Completing the elements that must be available
Warm water floor consists of:
hot water boiler;
injection pump, if there is none in the composition boiler;
ball valves at the inlet boiler;
distributing pipes;
collector, allowing to adjust the heat flux. With the aid of two couplers one main line connects several floor heating loops. One allows to distribute hot water, the second - to assemble the cold;
pipeMounted on the floor surface. To manufacture the heating circuit is preferred to use products of cross-linked polyethylene, or polypropylene. The latter should be reinforced to ensure adequate strength characteristics;
It provides a special niche for the collector
Advantages and disadvantages of the water floor heating
The main advantages of water are floor heating:
aesthetics. heating elements are located under the decorative coating, and therefore are not able to degrade the appearance of the premises, executed in any style;
security. There is no fear of burns when accidentally touching the heating system;
economy. When compared with warm water floor heating system, consisting of radiatorsSavings can reach 20-30%;
comfort. On the warm floor comfortably move even in the bitter cold, which is especially important for families with young children. In this case if the floor temperature is + 22 ° C, then at the level of heads - + 18 ° C. at radiator heating occurs circular circulation of air masses: heat rises first and then falls, cooled down to the floor. As a result, the person feels uncomfortable;
long service life. System manufactured with quality materials, able to serve half a century;
uniform heating of the premises;
possibility changing the degree of heating.
The appearance of the flooring remains constantOn the floor comfortably walk barefoot
The disadvantage is:
the complexity of installation in an apartment located in an apartment building;
time-consuming installation;
the complexity of the repair works.
To repair the pipe, it is necessary to raise the floor
Leading manufacturers of underfloor heating systems
If you decide to purchase a quality system, pay attention to the products of the following brands:
Rehau. German manufacturer of products are of high quality. For the manufacture of crosslinked polyethylene pipes used, and therefore the heating circuit has a low noise level, and the anti-oxygen barrier long life;
Sanext. The Italian manufacturer offers everything you need for reliable device water floor. Pipes of crosslinked polyethylene three layered coating is applied to improve performance;
Aquatherm. German manufacturer of products demanded by customers. The company offers pipes with different performance characteristics. For the manufacture of the heating circuit used polyethylene and polybutene;
Uponor. The products of the Finnish manufacturer is characterized by high quality, durability and reliability. The catalog contains all the elements of the heating system;
EMMETI. The Italian manufacturer offers a range of products that meets the requirements of ISO 9001. The selection can be made in favor of PEX pipes and metal;
Henco. This trademark is owned by the Belgian company Henco Industries. The company offers everything you need for a heating system unit;
OVENTROP. The German manufacturer offers everything you need for a device of warm water floor;
KERMI. German company uses advanced equipment and carefully controls the main parameters for production of the elements of the water circuit;
Thermotech. The Swedish company's catalog features easy to install system that can be used when working in different rooms;
VALTEC. Joint Russian-Italian company uses modern equipment, offering high-quality products;
Compipe. The company produces plastic pipes, as well as products required for the device of warm water floor.
Offer to meet with review the real buyers:
Review warm water field Valtec:
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_3209882.html
Review warm water field Iso Therm:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4759504.html
Calculations before installing
So that when the installation work no difficulties to purchase materials needed to perform the calculation should be their number. To do this, a detailed diagram drawn with the contours of the future of the water floor heating.
To calculate the required number of stacking scheme need to know
Attention! In places where you plan to install furniture or plumbing, pipe laying irrational. Warm water between the floor and the wall should be at least 30 cm.
In the development of warm water floor configuration, be aware that:
contour with a cross section 16 (20) mm can have a length of more than 100 (120) m. Exceeding this parameter can trigger a decrease in pressure in the system. This length is sufficient for room heating, with an area of ​​15 m²;
If your system has multiple paths, they must have a comparable length;
tubes must be placed in increments of 15 cm. For homes, which are located in regions with cold winters, a step should be reduced to 10 cm.
Selecting the step depends on the structure location
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"On average, when laying pipes with a pitch of 15 cm / m² of 6.7 m is required, at step 10 cm / m - 10 m."
When calculating the thermal floor parameters should also consider the use of the thickness of cement screed. Each additional centimeter screed 5-7% reduces the heat flow.
Tip! To calculate bigger slowness of the heating circuit of warm water floor, the area should be rooms divided by the received step, then the value obtained is multiplied by the correction coefficient (1,1).
To calculate the required number of rooms you need to know the area and the step of laying
Mounting water underfloor heating
If you decide to perform the installation work are kindly requested to prepare the necessary materials and tools, as well as get acquainted with the intricacies of installation. The sequence of actions will depend on the chosen technology.
Prior to installation you should become familiar with the basic provisions
Preparatory stage
Before installation is mounted windoware set doors, Run rough finishing works, communications connected, is preparing a niche to accommodate collectors. The location is selected so that free access was provided to them.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"For stable operation of the heating system drops base height must not exceed 5 mm."
The base should be carefully aligned
More detailed information on the concrete floor leveling technology at the following video:
concrete technology
This option is relevant for private low-rise, with strong houses overlap. On top of the water circuit is filled strainerAccumulating heat. Offer to meet with the sequence of work, compliance with which will form a quality heating system.
The choice in favor of a concrete technology made only in the presence of a strong base
floor Warming
After preparing the substrate proceed to laying of the heat-insulating layer. In most preferred expanded polystyrene having a density of 30-35 kg / m³ and a minimum thickness of 5 cm.
Attention! Preferably, the use of insulation 10 cm thick.
Work is carried out as follows:
Description of the action
We produce packing Penoplex, Providing a snug fit the sheets to each other. It should provide offset butt joints. Each sheet of the subsequent series should be shifted relative to the previous sheet at least a third. When stacking the second insulation layer is not provided, fasten the plate by means of plastic dowels.
Puts Porileks or any other metallized insulation with a wall running. Thanks to its presence heat generated water heating circuit, will be returned into the room.
Puts reinforcing mesh to be used for fastening the pipe.
Fasten the net to the floor, using a metal plate.
Attention! When work is performed on the second floor, a heater is required to fit the waterproofing layer.
Pipe laying and hydraulic testing
Work is carried out in the following sequence:
Description of the action
Pipe laying is performed strictly according to the scheme previously adopted. As a rule, this "snail", "snake" or a combined version, which provides more uniform heating of the floor. In the process of laying heating circuit fastened to the grid. Retreating from the wall at least 30 cm. Laying begin from the boiler.
Mounted cabinet with distribution manifold. It connects the pipe. To avoid overheating, direct path should be isolated.
The next stage - hydraulic tests. To this water floor heating pipe filled with water. Necessarily air expelled from the circuit by opening the sequential control valves and flow meters. Automatic air vent valve must be closed.
Attention! Crimping plastic pipes is performed under a pressure of 6 bar, XLPE - twice the operating pressure.
Screed is made as follows:
Description of the action
For the formation of a flat surface around the base of the installed beacons. The position of each controlled by a level.
Preparing a solution, which is required to accrue fibrovolokno and softener.
Around the perimeter of the room set damper tape. To prevent displacement of the damper during pouring screed presses it through the concrete mortar. Fill the concrete mixture and flatten it carefully, focusing on the previously exposed lighthouses.
Technological pause and installation topcoat
The final stage involves the following steps:
Description of the action
After 1-2 days, depending on the humidity air, waiting for drying screed filled, proceed to its alignment. To do this, remove the previously exposed lighthouses.
With the help align the base rules. It is controlled by the quality of work in different directions. To concrete gained sufficient strength, the surface should be periodically watered and cover with plastic wrap. Then proceed to laying of the selected decorative coating
Grazing polystyrene technology
If you perform a device the heating system in a wooden houseInstead of concrete technology is preferred to use polystyrene plank. This design is lighter in weight, and therefore can not be afraid of the strength characteristics of the slabs. This variant is relevant for apartments, arranged in multi-storey houses. We offer to meet with the algorithm of the device of warm water on the floor of this technology.
Polystyrene plates for accurate positioning of the heating circuit
Laying polystyrene plates
Laying polystyrene boards operate on a layer of steam and waterproofing. All the elements thoroughly interconnected special locks. Installation is performed from the far left corner.
Plate must have sufficient operational loads
Installation of heat reflecting plates and tubes
Work is carried out as follows:
Description of the action
The grooves decomposed polystyrene plates laying heat reflecting plate. They need to securely snaps into position.
Starting from the supply reservoir adhering scheme adopted, producing warm water pipe installation floor. Work should be done in shoes with flat soles.
Flooring gypsum fiber boards and installation topcoat
Work is carried out as follows:
Description of the action
Puts polyethylene film 200 microns thick. Its characteristics should allow the possibility of using the system "warm floor".
In keeping with the recommendations of the manufacturer, manufacture laying gypsum fiber board. Thereafter possible to start mounting the selected finish.
More detailed information on this technology can be found in the following video:
Installation of the collector node
Installation of the collector node has its own nuances. We offer watch the following video, in order to avoid possible errors in the execution of works:
Rules of operation of the warm water floor
To mount design has served long enough, you should:
turn off the system, going on a long trip;
in a timely manner to control the operating pressure;
carry out preventive measures to eliminate possible malfunctions circulating pump and valves.
Share in the comments, a floor heating system you prefer and if satisfied with the result.