If you plan to carry out a qualitative repairsNote as executed laying parquet boards. This material is presented in a large range, which will choose a suitable option for every interior. We propose to deal with the technological features of the installation work.
Parquet board - the best option
Read article
1 What is the flooring and it looks like: a photo of interesting solutions in the interior
2 Advantages and disadvantages of wood flooring
3 The structure of the floorboard
4 Laying floorboard: main features
5 Step by step instructions for installing the floorboard with his own hands: the main stages
5.1 What tools are needed for: indicative list
5.1.1 Substrate Preparation for installation of wood flooring
5.1.2 concrete foundation
5.1.3 wooden base
5.2 How to lay a substrate: important points
5.3 Technology laying parquet boards in different ways
5.3.1 Laying wood flooring for floating
5.3.2 Laying wood flooring adhesive: detailed video instruction
5.3.3 How to style the floorboard on the joists: an algorithm of actions
6 Features parquet wall mounting
7 Operation and maintenance of the floorboard
8 Review of prices per m² installing floorboards
What is the flooring and it looks like: a photo of interesting solutions in the interior
Parquet board is a popular type of floor covering, more than half a century, manufactured in different countries. Is a rectangular laminated product that combines with other elements, forms a coherent surface. Offer see photo floorboard in interiorSo you can appreciate presentable this type of floor covering:
Advantages and disadvantages of wood flooring
Opt for wood flooring is because of its advantages. Such material:
is a natural, environmentally safe;
It has a unique pattern;
It has a presentable appearance. Due to the used technology flooring looks as noble as that of a natural piece parquet, but it has a lower cost;
It does not change its geometry with temperature variations and change humidity;
It fits much easier dies parquet. Installation work can be performed on its own;
all elements are sufficiently close contact to each other due to the lock or tongue and groove joints;
It is a different kind. One- and two-way panel is difficult to distinguish from the plank floorboards. Three-lane well mimic the parquet;
It needs no additional treatment after the installation.
Externally, the laminated panel is not distinguishable from conventional boards
The disadvantages solid wood flooring It should include the cost of the material, as well as the impossibility of curly styling. Furthermore, because of the topcoat it is not possible to change the color of the laid coating. Even with proper installation, the coating of the floorboard lasts less natural parquet.
Color coating is final
The structure of the floorboard
High performance material due to its structure. Each lamella is a three-layer. It includes the following layers:
upper, made of fine wood. Its thickness can be 1.6 mm, most popular is 3.5-4 mm. The layer has a distinct texture. Special heat treatment, teeth whitening, and a number of other methods of influence to improve the appearance of the layer. With varnishing or impregnation special structures provided resistance to external impact;
in between, made from spruce or pine slats, arranged perpendicular to the upper layer. May have a thickness of 8-9 mm. Depending on design features and ways of laying of individual elements, are formed on the intermediate layer or the locking tongue and groove joints;
lower. For its production uses a one-piece veneer. It has a thickness less than 4 mm. Is attached perpendicularly to the intermediate.
Such design and arrangement of layers provides a high material strength characteristics, resistance to temperature changes and humidity change.
Each layer performs its function
Laying floorboard: main features
When selecting a suitable option should immediately determine the method of laying parquet boards. He, like laminateMay be stacked floating manner on the adhesive or on the joists. Installation work should be carefully prepared base and ensure panels acclimatize themselves. To this end, the material should be put in the room and leave for at least two days. You can then start the installation work.
The work should be carried out at the manufacturer recommended level of humidity and temperature range. Web should be located along the rays of sunlight to the junction was less noticeable.
Laying can be done with their own hands
Step by step instructions for installing the floorboard with his own hands: the main stages
Appearance and durability of flooring depends on the correct installation work. We offer to meet with steps to laying parquet boards, which is sure to help perform the work with his own hands.
Compliance with stacking technology - a guarantee of long life coating
What tools are needed for: indicative list
To perform the installation work should prepare the following tools:
hacksaw with fine teeth or jigsaws on cutting boards;
hammer. Its weight must be about 1 kg;
piece of plastic to be used as a tamping bar;
restrictive wedges, whereby it will be possible to provide a uniform gap between the coating and the wall;
metal bracket that allows the final element will be fixed. In its absence, you can use clamp;
Tools are prepared in advance
Substrate Preparation for installation of wood flooring
Before you begin the installation of wood flooring, you should carefully prepare the ground. First, you must completely dismantle the old floor covering, check the condition of the subfloor. If it is perfectly smooth, you can start laying the floorboard: diagonally or in a conventional manner.
The base needs careful preparation
concrete foundation
First, you need to visually assess the condition of the substrate. You need to ensure there are no cracks, mounds, hollows, areas where there is the crumbling concrete. All defects must be repaired using self-leveling compounds. then, the surface primed.
Self-leveling allows to level the foundation
wooden base
Procedures for preparing the wooden support depends on the boards. If the flooring was formed relatively recently, has no defects and elements affected by fungus or mold, the recovery step can be skipped. Damaged pieces should be replaced with new ones. If the wooden base flexes, it should be strengthened. It is necessary to have a crack close up special putty. Knots - be removed by sanding.
At the preparatory stage, it is essential to control the degree of curvature of the base. To align the base, it is necessary to use scraping equipment, putty base or lay plywood. Laying floorboard plywood may also be performed in the case of the concrete base.
Attention! Difference in height at any portion of the meter must not exceed 2 mm.
Plywood will help to level the foundation
How to lay a substrate: important points
If you select an adhesive mounting method, laying parquet boards is carried out directly on the screed. In this case, the use of substrates is necessary to refuse. When the castle process operation executed in the following sequence:
Description of the action
On the floor veiled film. Its styling is carried out with an overlap 15 - 25 cm. For fixing using an adhesive tape.
obscure substrate. The selection can be given sheets or roll material. Installation is butt.
Attention! If the installation will be carried out on the warm floor, you should check its performance within 2 weeks, and then turn off for 3-4 hours prior to installation.
Technology laying parquet boards in different ways
Technology laying parquet boards is dependent on the design features of the material chosen. Before proceeding to installation, check with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Installation procedure depends on the chosen installation method
Laying wood flooring for floating
Installation work begins with the longest wall. Should move from left to right. Around the perimeter of the room during laying parquet boards for floating installed expansion wedges.
Attention! If professional installation of wood flooring, some experts ustanalivayut pegs after the assembly of the first three rows.
Locks should be securely fixed
In panels stacked in the first row, should be cut off the protruding part of the castle. Setting the slat next row is performed with some displacement relative to the first.
We offer watch a video that describes in detail how the laying of wood flooring for floating:
Laying wood flooring adhesive: detailed video instruction
The order styling floorboard adhesive is somewhat different. We offer watch the video to make it easier to understand the intricacies of the process:
How to style the floorboard on the joists: an algorithm of actions
We offer to figure out how to lay parquet board on the joists. Installation work is performed in the following sequence:
Description of the action
Mounted lags. In the longitudinal direction they should be placed at a distance of 10 cm from the wall. In the end it is necessary to step back 3 cm.
timber should be mounted on special supports at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Control the spatial position of each lag.
If there are deviations, provided the required level by means of plastic wedges. Recent necessarily fix using fasteners. We produce stacking floorboard.
Control the gap formed between the coating and wall. It should not be less than 3 cm. Mount ventilated plinth.
Features parquet wall mounting
Parquet widely used in the design of the walls. Depending on the stylistic premises, The panel can be mounted in different ways:
along the wall;
across the base;
Oblitsevat floorboard can be not only the entire surface of the wall, but also a certain part, or place it in a random order.
Installation procedure is almost identical to laying on the floor. We offer watch a video, which explains in detail how to install and mount parquet:
Operation and maintenance of the floorboard
To form a floor covering has served as long as possible, it is necessary to properly operate: it should be protected from mechanical impact. It is desirable that the legs of furniture were special plates, or it was operated by a transparent plastic mat. At the entrance to the apartment should provide the mat to the sand from the street did not get inside. The room is worth walking either barefoot or in a special house shoes.
Care should be used for special preparations
To care for the lacquered floor can use the usual a vacuum cleaner. Excessive dirt wipe with a damp cloth. Use a wet cloth is not necessary. You can also take advantage of special tools.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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«Formulations used should not contain solvents, petrol or alcohol. "
Care of flooring, covered with oil-wax composition is performed as follows:
wash the floor and allow it to dry completely;
impregnated with oil;
5 minutes after the application of excess oil was removed using special napkins;
day later applied to the surface protective wax. A year later, repeat the treatment.
Tip! To improve the barrier properties during wet cleaning, add the water soluble wax.
After wet cleaning wipe the surface dry
Review of prices per m² installing floorboards
How much will the installation of wood flooring depends on the chosen method, condition and type of base and floor space. The cost of installing floorboards usually indicate per square meter. For interlocking panels price starts from 400 rubles. While laying on the glue for each square will have to pay not less than 800 rubles.
If you have not selected the right material, pay attention to:
Feedback on the floorboard Tarkett
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5604977.html
Tarkett flooring
Attention! Figuring out how much is laying the floorboard that the price does not involve the dismantling of the old pavement and training base.
Share in the comments how you performed laying parquet boards If applied to the masters, specify the price per m².