If you do repairs in the bathroom or the balcony, You are sure to be interested in the ceiling trim plastic panels and the method of its implementation. Offer to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the finishing work order data and material selection.
The ceiling of the plastic panels - a solution for any interior
Read article
1 Finishing the ceiling with plastic panels: the advantages and disadvantages of the material
2 Types of PVC ceiling panels
2.1 Shape and texture
2.2 In size and color scheme
3 Design ceiling of the plastic panels in the kitchen, bathroom and hallway with photo examples
4 How to choose plastic panels - the recommendations of our editorial
5 How to make a ceiling of plastic panels on the frame: main stages
5.1 Assembling of the carcass of the guide elements
5.2 Installation starting profile
5.3 Installation of PVC panels on ceiling: important nuances
5.4 Finishing, if necessary
6 How to fix the plastic panels directly to the ceiling
7 Features mounting fixtures in the ceiling of plastic panels
8 Features of operation and maintenance of the ceiling with plastic panels of various facilities
8.1 In the kitchen
8.2 The ceiling of the plastic panels in a bathroom
8.3 In the hallway and the bathroom
8.4 On the glazed balconies and loggias
9 Survey of prices of plastic panels for the ceiling depending on the type and size
Finishing the ceiling with plastic panels: the advantages and disadvantages of the material
Buy plastic panels for the ceiling to be due to their advantages:
long service life compared to natural materials;
Reliable protection of the ceiling on external negative impacts;
ease of assembly and disassembly;
the use of ceiling mounted systems for the electrical wiring;
light weight;
a large assortment;
ease of care.
Formed coating has a presentable appearance
The disadvantage is:
presence commercially defective material, which is used in the manufacture of plastic containing toxic substances;
lack of vapor permeation, which leads to the fact that the coating formed through air does not circulate. As a consequence, in the room can increase the level of humidity;
burn in the sun most of the products;
selection acrid smoke during combustion;
inside voids may be got insectFrom which later it will be difficult to get rid of.
Large assortment allows to form the coating of the desired size and design
Types of PVC ceiling panels
Working through the design of the ceiling of the future, it is necessary to get acquainted with existing types of ceiling PVC panels. Manufacturers offer a large enough range, so you can always choose the right option for your home.
Manufacturers offer various kinds of products
Shape and texture
Depending on the shape of the panel may be:
seam. Formed coating imitates wooden battens. Due to its special shape, after combining such products in a single fabric form characteristic trough at the joints of adjacent elements;
seamless. Due to the special form of such ceiling panels are practically invisible joints of adjacent elements.
Tip! Using a suitable sealant colors can decorate the junction of seamless panels.
On the seamless web almost invisible joints
Textural solutions for finishing the ceiling presented in a large assortment. You can choose the material, which is an imitation of natural materials, or purchase a mat, or glossy lacquered panels.
Imitation wood is quite popular
In size and color scheme
for installation ceiling with their hands, you can use plastic panels of various sizes. Manufacturers offer products:
length 2.7-3 m or 6 m;
width 10, 20, 25 and 50 cm;
thickness of 5 - 10 mm.
Attention! Plastic slats ceiling panels for walls thinner.
panel width may differ materially
Standard color scheme is white ware. Formed with their help ceiling covering not only be able to harmoniously fit into any interior, But also visually make the ceiling higher. If the white surface does not like, it is possible to give preference to such panels:
monotonous color. A simple and practical embodiment, wherein a higher resistance to mechanical impact;
lacqueredOn which surface is formed a special coating. Such articles are sensitive to mechanical stress;
with drawing. The visible surface pattern is applied to similar products. They are made mostly from soft plastic and are worth less monochrome counterparts. Exceptions are slats with thermal printing having high strength;
laminated. Applied to the surface of such film products can simulate a variety of natural materials: wood, stone and others. These panels need to be protected from UV because of the risk of delamination of the decorative layer.
White ceiling - the standard solution
Design ceiling of the plastic panels in the kitchen, bathroom and hallway with photo examples
If you plan to mount a ceiling made of PVC panels with their own hands, should first develop its design. We recommend to search for an idea for a future incarnation on photos of completed projects. We have prepared an interesting selection for you Bathroom:
1 of 6
Now the interesting ceiling photo of the plastic panels the kitchen:
1 of 6
We also found some interesting ideas for the ceiling hall:
1 of 4
How to choose plastic panels - the recommendations of our editorial
To ceiling panels made of PVC in the bathroom or on the balcony turned out beautiful and has served long enough, you have to initially choose a quality lining material. should the panel:
have a regular shape with smooth surfaces;
readily interconnected without forming a gap;
have a sharp odor. Its presence indicates that the poor quality of raw materials used in the manufacture of the slats;
have a clear pattern;
return to its original position after the low-energy pushing or twisting;
have ribs, not viewed from the outside.
On selected products shall be no visible damage
Attention! The quality of the material selected should be confirmed with certificates of conformity.
When selecting the manufacturer should pay attention to the production:
Kronplast. Russian products are presented in a large assortment. Opting for a three-section panel PVC Kronaplast gold, you can greatly speed up the performance of finishing works.
Review Kronplast PVC plastic panels with thermal printing:
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_5620678.html
Remstroyplast. The products possess a high geometric precision. Two-piece models have a presentable appearance;
Review panel plastic sectional Remstroyplast:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5785038.html
Venta. Products of the Belgian company, represented in various sizes and designs. The manufacturer offers products with digital printing;
Forte. The Italian manufacturer for a long time on the market and offers a wide range of products.
How to make a ceiling of plastic panels on the frame: main stages
If you decide to sheathe ceiling plastic panels, The price for the work can reach a large percentage of the total amount of costs. Reduce their costs can be achieved by self-assembly of ceiling elements. To do this, we just have to learn how to make a ceiling of plastic panels with their own hands. Offer to meet with the main stages of installation.
Installation can be done on their own
Assembling of the carcass of the guide elements
Before starting work, prepare a sufficient quantity of each species metal profiles. All elements are cut into size. Prepare the ground for finishing:
remove the old finish;
dismantle elements lighting system;
clean the ceiling from dirt and dust.
Attention! The frame can also be made of plastic and wood.
Installation work is performed in the following sequence:
Description of the action
Perform layout on the perimeter. Fasten the guide elements. They should be placed as close as possible to the ceiling. Their position is controlled by a level. To use the fastening screws (30 - 35 cm) or a "liquid nail". If next to the room in which the finish is carried out, there is a room with a low ceiling, it is permissible positioning mounted skeleton at the same distance from gender.
Mount suspensions. They are positioned at a distance of 60 - 70 cm in view of installation space ceiling profiles perpendicular to the plastic panels.
Set in place a ceiling profile, to which the ceiling will be fixed. Required control status space - via laser level and / or a system spanned filaments.
Fasten to the longitudinal profile suspensions. This should be done with extreme caution in order to prevent deflection elements.
We also offer watch the video frame mounted to the ceiling in PVC panels with their own hands:
Installation starting profile
To set the frame with screws mounted starter profile. Set it on three sides. By the wall, which is parallel to the direction of the panel, starting the profile is not attached. Its installation will be done in conjunction with the last panel.
Starting profile fastened with screws and "liquid nail"
Installation of PVC panels on ceiling: important nuances
Once the frame is completely assembled, you can begin installation of PVC panels on ceiling. Works begin from the wall opposite the one to which I am not attached plinth. To do this, all the elements are cut to size and inserted into the groove of the plinth. For fastening to the frame using plinth.
We offer watch a video how to mount PVC panels to the ceiling:
Finishing, if necessary
At the final stage, if desired, any gaps obscure acrylic. Also, this step can be skipped if the installation was made of high-quality panels with high geometric accuracy.
acrylic sealant for final finishing the ceiling is inserted into fastening tool. With its help clean the gaps and cracks formed in the corners between the panels and places a compound. You might also need to fill the gap between the start and the ceiling profile.
After filling the slits excess composition is removed and the seam is leveled. This should be done quickly, because very little time is required for curing acrylic. For complete curing putty requires 8 - 12 hours.
All the cracks and gaps should cover up
How to fix the plastic panels directly to the ceiling
If the substrate is initially smooth and does not require alignment, fastening PVC panels can be made directly on the ceiling. To do this, follow the following instructions:
Description of the action
Prepare a starter profile for installation. Cut off from the inner angle of 45 °.
Mount the starter profile. Fasten it to the base with screws, staples, "liquid nail" nails. Fasteners spaced not more than 10 - 15 cm. Start at the wall strip should be on the starting strip most of the wall.
Getting Started Installation of the fabric. It is important to know how to fix the plastic panels to the ceiling in order to avoid sagging of the elements during operation. For this purpose, the panel is pressed tightly to the base and is fixed with screws 10 cm.
Install the latest strip. First, connect it to an adjacent element, and then by tilting the guide profile, finally fix in position.
Features mounting fixtures in the ceiling of plastic panels
Mounting fixtures ceiling panels made of plastic has several features. If conventional lamps can operate from AC 220V, then LED or halogen elements must be connected via a step-down transformer 12B, which would require a separate machine with RCD.
We offer watch a video, which tells about the features of the installation fixtures:
Features of operation and maintenance of the ceiling with plastic panels of various facilities
To surface lasts without losing its appearance as long as possible, it is necessary for it properly care. Get acquainted with the peculiarities of the operation and the rules of care for plastic ceiling panels, depending on trim was made in a room.
Preserve the original appearance of easy
In the kitchen
On the ceiling of the kitchen during the operation inevitably accumulate fat and soot, worsening the appearance of the finish. To combat grease stains do not use the substance, which is composed of acetone. They can cause melting of the panels. Accumulating debris can cause insectsWhich, in turn, become a cause of unsightly and multiple points on the surface of the ceiling.
Restore the original appearance of the coating by using a soap solution. Vacuum first the entire surface, and then dry composition, clean water rinse and wipe dry.
Soap solution cope with fat
The ceiling of the plastic panels in a bathroom
On the ceiling of the bathroom characteristic white coating can occur with time, a mixture consisting of water, salts, alkalis and other substances in the composition of detergents. Dirty ceiling of plastic panels in a bathroom can also proceeding from top tube. When you decide to deal with the formed coating, once it is necessary to abandon the substances containing abrasive and hard brushes. Use cream Cif, which is good enough to fight against various resistant dirt.
To combat the yellowing and a mild bleach solution. It is applied with a soft brush or sponge, and then thoroughly rinsed.
Effective means to fight deposits
In the hallway and the bathroom
Here, as a rule, serious pollution is practically not formed. To maintain the purity enough to wipe the entire surface with a soft cloth.
Early enough to collect all the dust
On the glazed balconies and loggias
For surface cleaning means may be used as listed above. We also offer watch a video, which reveals all the ways to clean plastic panels:
Survey of prices of plastic panels for the ceiling depending on the type and size
Prices for plastic panels for the ceiling directly depends on their size. Single articles are always cheaper two- and three-section panels. When calculating the cost should not be taken into account the cost of one plank, and its area. In this case, it will be possible to compare the cost of the material.
How much does a roof sheathing plastic panels? The price will vary considerably depending on the size and design features of the system. On average, one square will cost 500 - 600 rubles.
Share in the comments, what is the price m2 Ceiling panels of plastic in your area, you perform the installation on their own, or decided to take the help of professionals.