Already issued to give the ceiling finished appearance allows ceiling moldings of polyurethane. Such products can have a different size, type and design. Offer to deal with existing varieties, their characteristics and installation method
Ceiling plinth - an important element of the decor
Read article
1 Ceiling polyurethane moldings and baguette - what is it and what is the difference
2 How it looks ceiling moldings of polyurethane in the interior: the photo interesting solutions
3 Advantages and disadvantages of the plinth made of polyurethane
4 The composition and properties of polyurethane ceiling fillets
5 Types of polyurethane moldings: division according to various criteria
6 How to choose a ceiling moldings of polyurethane - the recommendations of our editorial
7 Installation of polyurethane decorative moldings: Detailed instructions for the installation of high-quality
7.1 Substrate preparation
7.2 The polyurethane glue ceiling moldings: popular compositions
7.3 How to glue the ceiling moldings of polyurethane: an instruction for execution of works
7.4 As set plinth polyurethane mechanically
7.5 How to make the corners when installing skirting board options
8 Coloring polyurethane plinth
9 How to restore the damaged area of the polyurethane plinth: a video application of various compositions
10 For how long can you buy a ceiling moldings of polyurethane - price review
Ceiling polyurethane moldings and baguette - what is it and what is the difference
Ceiling Molding is the most important decorative elements that give the ceiling finished appearance. With it, it is also possible to hide the defects caused in the process of pasting wall wallpaper, Supplemented with interesting interior design products. It has an optimal price-quality ratio.
Moldings are presented in a large assortment
Polyurethane Ceiling baguette performs a similar function. However, if the width of the plinth is usually up to 5 cm, these products have a large cross-sectional dimensions.
Attention! Picking up the product of some form, can visually make the ceiling above or below, and use it as a cornice.
Product design is selected based on the objectives pursued
How it looks ceiling moldings of polyurethane in the interior: the photo interesting solutions
If you have not yet fully formed idea about this type of decorative elements, we offer to see photos of the interiors, which are used in the design decor made of polyurethane:
Advantages and disadvantages of the plinth made of polyurethane
Opting for polyurethane decor is done through:
high strength characteristics. On the surface of the decorative elements are not formed chips, cracks and other defects;
environmental friendliness. Moldings can be installed in all the rooms;
resistance to temperature changes and change humidity;
ease of installation;
good machinability;
sufficient flexibility, which makes possible installation decor on curved surfaces;
elasticity, providing a snug fit of elements to the base;
wide range of colors. You can pick up the necessary shade moldings, regardless of Color interior designOr paint them in the desired color painting structure, water-based.
If you decide to buy a polyurethane ceiling moldings, it should be noted that these products:
should be secured to the wall and the ceiling in order to avoid sagging of the decorative elements, so use them for decoration suspended ceilings Not recommended;
more expensive products, plastic and foam.
Products with stucco can decorate
The composition and properties of polyurethane ceiling fillets
For the manufacture of such articles using polyurethane - foam plastic, which is based on rubber. Such synthetic material claimed in the manufacture of many products. He is not afraid of exposure to acids, water and gasoline.
Polyurethane Ceiling fillet well withstand mechanical impact. Do not emit toxic substances. Have good wear resistance. Thanks to the rubber-based well enough to bend.
Products based on rubber well enough to bend
Types of polyurethane moldings: division according to various criteria
Manufacturers offer products that have a different cut angle. It may be 30 °, 45 ° or 60 °. Depending on the size of the decorative elements of the polyurethane can be divided into:
wide, having a width of 7 cm. This baguette is ideal for rooms with high ceilings;
average. Standard version used in the decoration with a ceiling of 2.5 - 3 m;
narrow. Relevant for rooms with ceiling below 2.5 m.
Product dimensions are selected based on the height of the ceiling in the room
Design and design execution may also be different. Manufacturers offer products made of polyurethane:
backlit. Such models have special grooves for placing LED strip or spotlights;
with different levels of curvature. Curvilinear model relevant device with multi-level or Stretch ceiling structures;
with ornaments. Depending on the stylistic premisesYou can choose a classic decoration or to give preference to the Gothic elements;
smooth. Products that have received the greatest distribution. Relevant to the premises of any size and style.
Beautiful ornament pep interior
How to choose a ceiling moldings of polyurethane - the recommendations of our editorial
To choose the right product, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the premises for which it is acquired. On this basis, it must meet certain requirements to purchase a product in performance, size and design.
Irina Rosenstein
Designer studio "Cozy Home"
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«If the room with the ceiling 2.5 m to buy a massive plinth with moldings, can be visually reduce the height of the walls of about 10 cm. "
The form can be absolutely anyone. The main thing is to meet the requirements of modern design. Color selected in accordance with the colors of the rooms and the ceiling. If the tint baguette matches the coloring of the latter, the ceiling will seem higher.
Pick up decorative items should be based on design features of a particular room
Tip! For the room in which simultaneously combines several stylistic solutions, purchase a classic decor of polyurethane.
When choosing also pay attention to the manufacturer. Fairly well-proven ceiling polyurethane moldings by "Europlast". Articles are presented in a large assortment of different sizes stable and high quality construction.
The same product has good characteristics Belgian manufacturer NMC. Products NMC Allegro AL8, AL22 can blend well with any decor. Smooth profile DECOMASTER (Dekomaster) is also represented in large range.
Review on the ceiling profile polyurethane Allegro AL23 New:
Details on Otzovik:
Reviewed on a plinth ceiling "Europlast":
Details on Otzovik:
Installation of polyurethane decorative moldings: Detailed instructions for the installation of high-quality
Decorative elements to securely stuck to the ground, it is necessary to correctly install polyurethane ceiling baseboards. We offer to get acquainted with detailed instructions to help you achieve good results.
Each of the polyurethane element is necessary to secure the
Substrate preparation
The base, which will be attached decorative elements, should be examined carefully. All available roughness, glue residue and other dirt should always be removed. You can do it with a spatula, fine sandpaper or a wire mesh, which is designed for grouting fillers.
Tip! Plastered surface necessarily prime with. Installation of a plinth should be initiated after complete drying of the primer.
If necessary, you can markup
The polyurethane glue ceiling moldings: popular compositions
V can be used as an adhesive composition:
polymer compositions. Well-proven "time of installation", providing secure fixation elements;
liquid Nails. Preference is to give an acrylic composition which will not cause harm to the elements of polyurethane;
acrylic putty. It is popular with professionals.
Tip! Deciding what to glue polyurethane ceiling moldings, should be sure to read the instructions for use, in order to prevent errors in the installation process.
The adhesive composition must be applied correctly
How to glue the ceiling moldings of polyurethane: an instruction for execution of works
By selecting a suitable adhesive composition, it is necessary to figure out how to glue the ceiling plinths of polyurethane. Works are carried out as follows:
Prepared and cut into the size of all the elements of decor.
The base is cleaned and degreased.
The treated area primed.
After drying of the primer an adhesive composition is distributed throughout the area of the plinth.
It waits for a few minutes.
Decor tightly pressed to the ground and held in position at least one minute.
Available slots in the joints of adjacent elements or their contact with the wall or ceiling, shpaklyuyut.
If you have already purchased a polyurethane ceiling moldings and want to "details" to find out how to glue it to the base, we offer to watch the video, which shows in detail all the important points:
As set plinth polyurethane mechanically
If decorative elements are quite heavy, they will be difficult to secure with adhesive. In this case, resort to mechanical method involves the use of special mounting plates sold together with the decor.
Installation is performed in the following sequence:
Fasten the corner pieces.
At the bottom increments of 40 cm drilled holes for fasteners.
Mounting plates are fixed to the wall with screws.
Skirting is put on the mounting plate until it clicks.
How to make the corners when installing skirting board options
Special items can be used for the design of angles. If their use is not provided, the ends of the mating elements are cut at an angle of 45 ° using the wort. Corner elements regardless of the method of fastening is required glued.
Coloring polyurethane plinth
If white decor looks not very appropriate in the interior of a particular room, it can be painted in any suitable color. Staining plinth to perform better in 1-2 days after installation.
Staining will add uniqueness
Attention! The higher the humidity, the later should paint the moldings of polyurethane.
Staining is performed aqueous dispersion or acrylic paint with a brush or spray. Last used the performance of work on a large area. The walls and ceiling, to which is bonded moldings of polyurethane, it is necessary to protect with a film masking tape. The nuances of preparation for painting in the video:
How to restore the damaged area of the polyurethane plinth: a video application of various compositions
If the surface of the decorative edging cracks or other mechanical damage to it original appearance can always return. Enough to buy a suitable composition for sealing in the polyurethane ceiling moldings, whose price is acceptable enough. We offer watch a video about the features of the application of different formulations:
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"If a suitable structure is not available, but there were pieces of baguette, the damaged area can be removed, and in its place glue the new one."
For how long can you buy a ceiling moldings of polyurethane - price review
If you decide to buy a ceiling moldings of polyurethane, it is necessary to immediately determine the size and design. product cost will be the envy directly by these factors. Extensive product are much more narrow. The price of a smooth polyurethane skirting ceiling is always less corrugated.
Share in the comments how you arrange the ceiling of your house, what skirting Polyurethane preferred and how to perform the installation.