Polypropylene pipes (diameter) table, which will help you find the product of the desired size

If you have to perform the installation of communications, you need a polypropylene tube. A table containing the diameters and other linear dimensions of these products, the best option for your home. Offer to deal with existing varieties, specifications and characteristics of the selection and assembly of these products to heating systems or water.

Polypropylene truby- key element of many systems of communications
Polypropylene truby- key element of many systems of communications

Read article

  • 1 Polypropylene tube - what it is
  • 2 Types of polypropylene pipes and fittings: the basic classification
  • 3 Technical characteristics of polypropylene pipes: basic positions
  • 4 Polypropylene pipes: a table containing diameters and other useful information
    • 4.1 Length of polypropylene pipes: standard size
    • 4.2 Table matching internal and external diameters of the polypropylene pipes
  • 5 Effect line transverse dimensions at its operational characteristics are important points
    • 5.1 Guidelines for selecting pipe diameters depending on the application
    • 5.2 Temperature, volume and pressure of the fluid at the wall: the important parameters that determine the choice of the transverse sizes of products
    • 5.3 Table sootnosheniyarazmera (diameter) mm propylene tubes, fluid velocity and thermal capacity
  • 6 How to choose the diameter polypropylene pipes for example a detached house heating
  • 7 Features of the installation work
  • 8 How much are the polypropylene pipes and fittings - a review of the pricing models directory

Polypropylene tube - what it is

Polypropylene refers to thermoplastic polymers. Adopted a conditional international designation of the material - "PP". Polypropylene pipes - a lengthy products are widely used in water systems and installation heating.

Long articles are relevant when applying multiple systems
Long articles are relevant when applying multiple systems

Types of polypropylene pipes and fittings: the basic classification

Used in the manufacture polypropylene tubes Raw allows you to divide lengthy articles into the following types:

  • PPR (PPR, PPRC), Which is used in the manufacture of a statistical or random copolymer having a crystalline structure. Such articles can maintain their characteristics over a wide temperature range. May have a diameter 16 - 110 mm;
  • PPHMade from polypropylene containing special modifying additives to give finished products particular set of properties;
  • PPB, Fabricated from a polymer consisting of units (macromolecules) homopolymer. Such fabric structure improves the impact resistance of the finished product;
  • PPs. For production use Polyphenylsulfide. Refers to a material of a higher class, it increases the wear resistance and impact resistance of the finished product and significantly increases the cost.

Depending on how much pressure can withstand 20 mm polypropylene tube, classification proposed by manufacturers of products is as follows:

  • N10 (PN10). Have a wall thickness of 1.9 - 10 mm and capable of withstanding a pressure of 1.0 MPa;
  • PN16. The maximum pressure can reach 1.6 MPa and the temperature to 60 ° C. Finding limited use;
  • N20 (PN20). May have a wall thickness of 1.6 - 10 mm. Withstand pressure to 2 MPa;
  • N25 (PN25). With the additional reinforcing aluminum foil they are able to withstand the pressure to 2.5 MPa;

Below are photo polypropylene pipes:

Polypropylene tubes: how to choose the correct diameter (table size)Polypropylene tubes: how to choose the correct diameter (table size)Polypropylene tubes: how to choose the correct diameter (table size)Polypropylene tubes: how to choose the correct diameter (table size)

Installation of the system is performed using the following fittings:

  • adapters and couplingsWhich enable to interconnect the elements one a different diameter respectively;
  • parts of various configurationsAllowing to change the direction of the pipeline. Manufacturers offer a product at 45 ° than 90 °;
  • wiring elements. These include tees, crosses. With their help, runs distributing of communications into several branches;
  • deflection elementsProviding an installation of complex systems, including the vicinity of other objects;
  • locking elements;
  • plugs and other productsProviding pipeline assembling the desired configuration.
The fittings are presented in a large assortment
The fittings are presented in a large assortment

Technical characteristics of polypropylene pipes: basic positions

Long articles from polypropylene have increased resistance to corrosive chemicals. Degradation of the surface is observed only with simultaneous exposure to chemical agents and heat.

Products from propylene capable of withstanding aggressive substances
Products from propylene capable of withstanding aggressive substances

The main technical characteristics of polypropylene pipes includes:

  • Frost resistance to -15 ° C. The best option for communication systems in which fluid is transported, heated to positive temperature;
  • Melting at 160 - 170 ° C;
  • Ability coolant conveying heated to 120 ° C. This information will be of interest to those who want to know what the temperature is held polypropylene pipes;
  • Sufficient strength to withstand pressure of 10 - 25 atm .;
  • A wide range of sizes. Manufacturers offer products with an outside diameter of 16 - 125 mm.

Attention! The bend radius depends on the diameter. The greatest bending articles are without perforation, reinforced with aluminum.

The bend radius depends on the transverse dimensions of the tubes of polypropylene
The bend radius depends on the transverse dimensions of the tubes of polypropylene

Polypropylene pipes: a table containing diameters and other useful information

By selecting the desired product size, it is necessary to study the background of the table. They Sizes polypropylene tubes in mm. In this case, necessarily provides guidelines for selecting the appropriate option, we suggest that you meet.

Geometric parameters of each element must be chosen correctly
Geometric parameters of each element must be chosen correctly

Length of polypropylene pipes: standard size

Manufacturers offer products with different diameters. Thus polypropylene tubes and standardized length of 4 - 6 meters If it is less, then it is a segment and not a single item..

long products Length standardized
long products Length standardized

Table matching internal and external diameters of the polypropylene pipes

When choosing an appropriate model must take into account the pressure on the wall. From the table on the outside diameter polypropylene pipes and wall thickness can be found inside dimensions:

Linear dimensions - important settings
Linear dimensions - important settings

Effect line transverse dimensions at its operational characteristics are important points

On the geometric parameters of the polypropylene pipes is influenced by many parameters, including operating temperature, pressure and other characteristics of the backbone. It offers to experience the selection of a suitable size for a particular communication system.

The choice depends on the design features of the system
The choice depends on the design features of the system

Guidelines for selecting pipe diameters depending on the application

Selecting the proper size is determined by the destination line. To connect a multi-storey building, a public building or a whole neighborhood to communications using polypropylene pipes of large diameter, the transverse dimensions of which exceeds 0.5 m. For their heating is not used because of the danger softening line.

Pipelines used for mounting items diameter 21 - 25 mm. Riser tubes required PP with transverse dimensions of 32 - 40 mm. For ventilation systems the best option is a diameter greater than 0.4 m.

The larger the diameter, the higher the bandwidth
The larger the diameter, the higher the bandwidth

Temperature, volume and pressure of the fluid at the wall: the important parameters that determine the choice of the transverse sizes of products

When selecting the size of long products required to take into account what kind of environment and the speed with which will be transported through the pipeline, its volume, and the pressure on the wall. On this depends the capacity of the system.

Inner diameter dwater supply depends on water consumption standards Q, and its speed of movement v and is calculated as follows:

d= √ ((4) -Q- (1,000 / π ∙ v))

Service life is dictated by the operating conditions
Service life is dictated by the operating conditions

Table sootnosheniyarazmera (diameter) mm propylene tubes, fluid velocity and thermal capacity

Selecting the proper size is performed on the inner diameter. Using the lookup tables, you can determine the desired size of tubing and polypropylene fittings.

Table allows to choose a suitable embodiment of a flow rate
Table allows to choose a suitable embodiment of a flow rate

How to choose the diameter polypropylene pipes for example a detached house heating

Defining diameter polypropylene pipes for heating private housesPerform detailed calculations or use average values. To calculate the required average velocity of coolant (usually 0.6 - 2 m / s), the number of radiators and their total capacity, the area of ​​the premises.

products for heating systems private home is to choose the table of polypropylene pipes with diameter:

  • 16 - 20 mm if it is mounted to the radiator 4;
  • 20 - 25 mm, if the total power reaches 7 kW, and the number of batteries to be mounted more than 4;
  • 25 - 32mm for systems designed for the total power up to 11 kW;
  • 32 - 40 mm at a power of 12 to 19 kW;
  • product diameter greater than 40 mm are relevant for two-storey country cottages, In which the heating system is used by 30 kW.
Polypropylene tubes: how to choose the correct diameter (table size)
The number of radiators affects diameter mounted elements

Features of the installation work

Compound polypropylene elements is performed by welding on a special device. With it the individual fragments are heated to a predetermined temperature, and then joined together to form a solid product.

Compound polypropylene and metallic elements is carried via threaded fittings with inserts. Sealing is provided by means of Teflon tape and a number of other seals.

Attention! Tapping on the finished product is unacceptable! Installation can be made using fitting manufactured by the same manufacturer.

To form high-quality compound should:

  • carefully examine all the elements to be connected in order to avoid contamination and damage;
  • perform the operation at a temperature higher than 5 ° C. Bending - above 15 ° C;
  • maximum bend radius depends on the diameter of the PP pipe;
  • mounted elements of the system on a fixed support only in exceptional cases, since it does not allow compensatory displacement;
  • when mounting should take into account the thermal expansion.

Familiar with the details of the installation work can be in the following video:

How much are the polypropylene pipes and fittings - a review of the pricing models directory

Price at the directories presented in polypropylene tubes and fittings depends on the size, specifications and manufacturer. The most popular products is:

  • Bänninger, Manufactured from random copolymer and having the characteristic green color;
  • Aquatherm. Environmentally friendly products;
  • Wefatherm. Products reinforced aluminum;
  • rehau;
  • Kalde. For the manufacture of products using the third random copolymer type;
  • Pilsa.

Review Kalde products:

Polypropylene tubes: how to choose the correct diameter (table size)
More: https://otzovik.com/review_1591246.html.

Product reviews Politek:

Polypropylene tubes: how to choose the correct diameter (table size)
More: https://otzovik.com/review_2446181.html

Share in the comments, whose products you are interested in, and what brand you prefer.