for devices water supply system Various materials can be used. Today, plastic pipes are quite popular for water, dimensions and rates that may vary over a fairly wide range. It can be difficult to make a choice in favor of a particular product. Offer to get acquainted with the peculiarities of plastic fittings, its costs and the recommended use of the area.
Pipes for plumbing may have different characteristics
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1 Regulatory and technical documents
2 Main characteristics
2.1 The diameters of plastic pipes for water and other dimensions
2.2 Weighted
2.3 strength
2.4 temperature
3 Advantages and disadvantages
4 Fields of application
4.1 Water pipes
4.2 sewerage
4.3 Plastic pipe for heating
5 Kinds of pipes for water supply
5.1 Polyvinylchloride PVC pipes for water supply
5.2 Polypropylene pipes for plumbing
5.3 Metallpolimery
5.4 Polyethylene HDPE low pressure
5.5 The crosslinked polyethylene (PEX)
6 Which pipe is better suited for water supply
7 Installation of plastic pipes for water supply with their own hands
8 How warm the plastic water pipe in the ground
9 Plastic pipes for water supply, size and approximate prices
10 How to solder plastic pipes for water supply - Video
Regulatory and technical documents
Pipes used for the water supply must meet certain regulatory requirements. GOST 25151-82 specifies general requirements to the water system. Hygienic requirements for drinking water and the order of passage control is regulated by GOST 2874-82. Articles of polyethylene produced in accordance with the GOST 18599-2001 from PVC GOST P 51613-2000. There are other technical standards defining the procedure for water supply devices and lodging are certain requirements for the installation work. Parameters of free-flow devices are regulated by building codes.
Water supply must meet regulatory requirements
Main characteristics
When selecting products for the plumbing device should focus on their characteristics. Parameters purchased product depend on the installation location. We offer to meet with the characteristics that should be taken into consideration when buying materials for the water supply.
Performance depends on operating conditions aqueduct
The diameters of plastic pipes for water and other dimensions
In accordance with the regulatory requirements for plastic pipe 34 is installed in the size range of 10-1600 mm. The most widely used non-pressure product diameter 50-110 mm, a length of 8 m wall thickness -. 3.2 mm typically. In pressurized constructions diameter may be 63-315 mm.
The main overall dimensions of plastic plumbing products include:
Inner diameter.
Nominal diameter.
The wall thickness.
When selecting transverse dimensions of the installation location is taken into account. For outdoor system selected articles diameter 32-100 mm. For the interior of the material can be purchased with a smaller cross-section. For vertical risers enough diameter 32 mm for horizontal segments can purchase plastic pipe for water or a diameter of 16 25 mm.
Dimensions may differ materially
Weight per meter depends on the characteristics of the material used, and linear dimensions of the pipe itself. The average product meter 16 mm in diameter weighing approximately 100 g, a diameter of 25 mm - a little more than 200 g
Tip! To find out the estimated weight in kilograms, should find the volume (in cubic meters) and the resulting value is multiplied by 950.
It all depends on the size
For water running pressure, The strength characteristics of the plastic used are in principle pressure. Products used must withstand the pressure generated within the water distribution system, as well as the external pressure generated by the ground.
Attention! In plastic pipes with high strength characteristics of the price will be higher.
Water supply is designed for a certain pressure
The maximum working temperature is determined by the characteristics of the material from which produced water. If polyethylene is only + 45 ° C, then the cermet reaches + 95 ° C.
Maximum operating temperature - an important indicator
Advantages and disadvantages
Plastic pipe for water have a number of undeniable advantages:
long service life;
low noise levels;
light weight. Plastic pipe is easier to install and easier to transport;
absence of corrosion processes, characteristic for steel pipelines;
sufficient strength characteristics. High quality products can be used for plumbing device operating at a sufficiently high pressure;
resistance to a number of aggressive substances;
absence of deposits on the inner surface;
low thermal conductivity;
environmental Safety. Plastic products have no harmful effects on human health or the environment;
possibility of forming a desired configuration through a wide range plumbing fittings and fittings
The disadvantage is:
the complexity of the installation work due to the need for special fittings;
restriction on the maximum temperature which can not be violated;
various requirements for installation pipes made from different materials.
Plastic water has many advantages
Fields of application
In plastic pipes rather wide range of applications. They are used not only for water supply devices, but also in other systems. We offer to meet with the main field of use of such products and their distinctive features.
Plastic pipes are presented in a large assortment
Water pipes
Formed by different design long life. For its manufacturing can be used a variety of materials, depending on the destination and the place of performance of works. For domestic use commercially preferably polyethylene, polypropylene. In industrial plants are used for collective use of PVC products. Features of these materials and uses advised discussed below.
can be used for plumbing device polypropylene
for devices sewer system can be used pipe of PP, PVC, PE. Standardized dimensions make it possible to use a variety of plastic pipes for sewers. Dimensions and prices of these products are closely related: the greater the cross-sectional dimensions, the higher throughput and cost.
Opting for plastic pipes is due to:
resistance to aggressive environments;
optimum strength characteristics. They are able to maintain their integrity in the depth of one meter;
low roughness, reducing the likelihood of clogs and sediment on the internal surface;
low weight;
easy installation.
Sewer pipes should have a suitable size
Plastic pipe for heating
Opting for plastic contour heating systems It is due to:
lower costs due to less heat coolant;
reduce the speed of heating circuit;
simplify the installation work.
Before you buy plastic pipes for heating, Should define the optimal diameter and type of system. This will depend on the capacity of the system and the level of heat loss. If the bandwidth is sufficient, it will be possible to refuse an extensive system. When the device of the heating loop forced circulation selected plastic tubes with smaller transverse dimensions: 8.10 mm. For systems with natural circulation of the product required a large cross section.
In systems with forced circulation of heating circuit has a smaller cross-sectional dimensions
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Kinds of pipes for water supply
For the manufacture of long products using materials with different characteristics. We offer to meet with existing kinds of pipes for water supply and features to make it easier to pick up material for their water supply.
Various materials may be used for plumbing
Polyvinylchloride PVC pipes for water supply
Products made of PVC have sufficient strength and capable of withstanding low temperatures. PVC pipes for water have a number of advantages:
not afraid of external negative factors and chemicals;
allow water to form any configuration due to the availability of a large range of fittings;
long service life;
low thermal conductivity.
With the formation of tight connection can use PVC pipe for water, arranged on a floating ground.
PVC pipe
Polypropylene pipes for plumbing
products from polypropylene characterized by resistance to chemical substances. They quickly mounted. Installation work can be carried out by hand. Environmentally friendly. They have a great life.
high rigidity polypropylene tubes plumbing forced to use a lot of rotary fittings the installation system. The high temperature undergo significant deformation. To avoid negative consequences, provides temperature compensators.
Manufacturers offer products of three kinds:
PN 10 - for cold water systems and devices "Warm floor";
PN 20 - for hot water supply. Universal products allowing heating up to + 80 ° C;
PN 25 with a maximum operating temperature of + 95 ° C.
To improve strength characteristics and stabilization parameters PN 25 reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum foil. The reinforcing layer may be formed inside or outside.
PN 20 - Universal Material
Articles made from plastic consists of three layers: polyethylene PE-X, a thin aluminum layer and another layer of polyethylene PE-X. Plastic with a metal layer connected by special adhesive. Part of the polymer material gives them the flexibility and smoothness. Aluminum layer provides sufficient strength and reduces the amount of thermal expansion when heated. Metallpolimers able to withstand heating up to + 95 ° C. They are lightweight. Do not fear of corrosive media. Moving in a waterpipe water creates a minimum of noise.
The disadvantages Metallpolimers should include:
low resistance to UV light;
high probability of product bundles;
a limited range of sizes;
low resistance to shock loads.
Aqueduct for connecting the elements together using compression or press fittings, characterized by high cost.
Metallpolimers consists of three layers
Polyethylene HDPE low pressure
There are two kinds: for industrial and drinking water. Thanks to the good elasticity sold in coils, which can significantly reduce the amount of used plastic fittings. Saves characteristics when cooled to -50 ° C. It has a long service life.
Vladislav Mikhaltsov
Millwright for operation of water supply and sewerage systems "GK" Spetsstroy "
Ask a Question
"HDPE pipes are unsuitable for hot water system, because their operating temperature must not exceed + 45 ° C".
IPA only cold water
The crosslinked polyethylene (PEX)
Processing of polyethylene under high pressure can qualitatively change the structure of the material. The resulting spatial structure confers plastic pipe improved mechanical properties. Products XLPE have high strength characteristics and can withstand high temperatures (up to + 95 ° C). They can be used for hot and cold water supply device. When mounting plumbing fittings using crimping.
REX withstand high temperature
Which pipe is better suited for water supply
Plastic products are gradually replaced by other materials. Deciding which pipes for water supply is better to consider the functional features of the mounted system. For domestic hot water polypropylene products suit. In cross-linked polyethylene pipes from similar functions, however, his price for the same amount will be much higher. Plastic products are superior in performance, but the price for them will be even higher.
In addition to the material, you should consider its size. The transverse dimensions affect the capacity of the system. Purchased plastic products should not be more than 15 mm. At the risers size must be greater than 25 mm.
Vladislav Mikhaltsov
Millwright for operation of water supply and sewerage systems "GK" Spetsstroy "
Ask a Question
"If there are a large number of turns and bends should refuse to buy plastic pipes of small size. This will avoid problems with the pressure and flow. "
When installing water communications outside the home should immediately take care of building insulation. From the quality insulation work will depend on the performance of water supply. Thermal insulation materials are selected taking into account the location of the house and the depth of the water supply.
Which is better - is solved individually
Installation of plastic pipes for water supply with their own hands
Getting Started Installation of plastic pipes for water with your hands, you should carefully review the performance of the work order. Sequence of operations depends on the type of material used. Compound polypropylene tubes as follows:
Description of the action
Prepared material right size and special soldering Iron. Heat the equipment up to working temperature.
Heat the abutting part for 15 seconds. In the process of heating should not be turned.
Putting together fragments providing the desired spatial position.
Mounting PVC pipes can be several technologies:
by "cold weld"At which it is necessary to use a special chemical composition;
by using special fittingsIf it will interconnect fragments made from different materials;
push-fit manner. This method is relevant when sanitation device.
How warm the plastic water pipe in the ground
With insufficient insulation of the water supply system in the winter can freeze. If this happens, you must know how to warm the plastic water pipe in the ground, so as not to cause damage to it. This can be done as follows:
detach from the plastic tube crane;
Heated large volume of water;
inserted inside the conduit of smaller diameter hose. Its length shall be sufficient to reach the ice jams;
We serve heated water into the hose from the tank. The process may be accelerated by the use of injection pump;
promoting the hose inside the water pipe as the ice melts.
Instead hot pipes can use the heat generated during the passage of electricity conductor. However, this method requires a certain knowledge and careful compliance with safety regulations.
Frozen pipe can defrost
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Plastic pipes for water supply, size and approximate prices
Final price of water supply is largely dependent on the cost of the materials used. If you decide to buy plastic pipe for water supply, the price of popular items shown in the table below:
Size, mm
The average price (as of April 2018), rub. / MP.
PE100 SDR17
Polyethylene Rehau Rautitan Flex
Polypropylene FV Plast PN 20 F 20 mm
Polypropylene Banninger PP-RCT Watertec
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How to solder plastic pipes for water supply - Video
Viewing Photos and master class, not everyone can immediately undertake the installation. Still more questions and ambiguities. We offer video, "How to solder plastic pipes for water supply", which is sure to help you understand all the nuances.
If you are too used to the water supply plastic pipe, share in the comments, what kind and size preferred and how to carry out the installation.