- Soles for iron - classic and modern
- Palladium glissee soleplate Bosch
- iron Iron - advices for the buyer
- Palladium glide plate: overview of
models The iron is an indispensable assistant to every mistress. By today, its appearance has changed significantly compared to analogues 20 years ago, and technical data have been improved. But the iron function remained the same - effective ironing. But even the most modern iron with a huge number of additional options does not make any sense if its sole slips badly over the material. The sole of the iron is its most important part, and current producers offer an innovative option - palladium glissee. How profitable will purchase of home appliances with such coverage and whether it justifies itself - we'll figure it out in this article.
to the contents ↑Soles for iron - classic and modern
Let's see what kind of soles there are. This will help to understand whether palladium glissee is really such a unique option.
So, the alternative can be:
- Steel - the sole is durable and wear-resistant, it gets warm and evenly warm, and also keeps the temperature. There are pure steel, nickel and chrome varieties. Often there are models with combined soles, alloys of steel with aluminum or steel with titanium are used. As a rule, in time such material can rust, and because of scratches the sliding effect decreases, which is of fundamental importance for an iron.
- Metal-ceramic - the outsole has a good slip, high wear resistance, it warms evenly, but it is very fragile.
- Aluminum - the outsole quickly heats up and cools. However, it is easily deformed and scratched. Leaves shiny marks on the fabric. Usually it is an inexpensive budget option.
- Polymers - more often Teflon, are characterized by low weight, non-stick properties and ease of sliding. Often used in road irons. But the surface is very susceptible to scratches, so with inaccurate handling, the iron can become unusable.
Combined materials - understand the names of
Modern soles have their names, we will consider the main:
- Cera glissee - made of aluminum, covered with special strong enamel. Excellent glides on the fabric. Resistant to scratches. Evenly warms up and distributes the steam over the surface.
- Palladium glissee is a combination of steel with a special ceramic coating. Increased slip. The presence of steam channels.
- Granit glissee - stainless steel, coated with super-hard enamel with special additives. Resistant to scratches and chips. Perfect glide. Perfectly cleansed.
- Inox glissee is a stainless steel base, treated with high pressure. Has increased hardness. Resistant to scratches. Flawless gliding.
- Inox is a combination of high-conductivity aluminum with strong stainless steel. Easy sliding. Scratch resistant. Stainless and easy to clean.
Palladium glissee soleplate Bosch
iron Now, realizing with what options in principle we are dealing, we will understand in more detail: the soles of palladium glissee - what is it?
New technologies are replacing old samples. The company Bosch has developed special soles of palladium glissee for irons, which differ from their predecessors with greater efficiency and durability.
Important! In this sole, steel and ceramics were successfully combined, combining the advantages of both coatings, which greatly improved the ironing process.
The new coating perfectly copes with the smoothing of any fabrics and textures. To simplify ironing, as well as cleaning the iron surface, the sole is additionally equipped with steam holes and channels guiding the steam to the nozzle and perimeter of the
sole Advantages:
- High wear resistance.
- Uniform heating.
- Increased "slippery".
- Does not leave any traces and scorches on the fabric when working at maximum temperature.
- Is delicate to synthetics.
- Easy to clean with a plain cloth.
Features of the outsole:
- The sole of the palladium glissee is covered with ceramics, it has a narrow part, which facilitates ironing around buttons and especially difficult places.
- Equipped with steam channels, which effectively direct the steam.
- The flaps are covered with a special edge protecting the sole against accidental damage.
- Smooth heat transfer protects the fabric from burning.
Important! Very interesting is the fact that the sole of the iron palladium glissee is ironed worse at low temperatures.
to the table of contents ↑Iron - advice to the buyer
Every day new models and variations of electrical appliances appear, including irons. If you are thinking about purchasing a new device, it's not surprising that you may have difficulty in choosing. Even experts sometimes find it difficult to cover the whole variety of these products. We will try to help you in choosing your faithful assistant.
When buying an iron, pay attention to the following parameters:
- Power - it should be no less than 1.6 kW, it will be an optimal indicator for quality ironing.
- Sole - above we have already talked about the existing types of soles, each determines for himself what criteria are more important to him;
- Slip - this parameter follows from the previous one. Slip depends on the material of the sole. The best glide is palladium glissee, ceramics, the following - Teflon and steel, aluminum lags behind.
- Steaming is the optimum amount of water poured into the iron 350 ml. The number of holes in the sole is not less than 50, better than 100, then the steaming will be effective.
- The iron cord should not be too short, it must also be movable at the place of connection with the iron. It is desirable that the cord was with a fabric braid - this will protect it from melting.
It is desirable to have such functions as:
- vertical steam supply;
- anti-drip system;
- self-cleaning from scale.
Important! Try to buy irons of famous manufacturers. In their lines there are models of different price category. Such companies cherish their name, so the quality of their irons will be much higher than that of unknown manufacturers, especially from distant China.
to the contents ↑Palladium glide: a review of the
models What manufacturers offer irons with a sole palladium-glissee? This sole, for example, is used in irons:
- BOSCH sensixx B5 automatic TDA 6665 with steam humidification, anti-drip system and self-cleaning, the device has a power of 2400 Watts.
- BOSCH sensixx B5 secure TDA 6620 - the power of these models is 2400 W, the steam impact is 100 g / min. Built-in automatic shutdown system.
- BOSCH TDA 4630 - power 2300 W, automatic shut-off, anti-scale and drop protection system, vertical steaming.
It is also used in irons and steam stations:
- Sensixx B35L Pro energy TDS 3530 - power 2400 W.Ready for ironing after 2 minutes, topping up water during ironing, descaling system, automatic switch-off, cord storage device.
- Sensixx B7 TDA 7680 - anti-scale system, function "spray" and "drop-stop", self-cleaning, reacts to touch, long, flexible cord.
Also in Ultragliss models from Tefal. For example, the model series FV93xx. In this iron:
- Automatic ironing mode is laid, depending on the type of fabric that you have chosen.
- Built-in automatic shutdown system if the device for a while is not moving.
We hope that helped to make you the right choice and henceforth ironing will turn for you into a pleasant and favorite occupation!