Than to seal the kettle electric?

  • How does the electric kettle work?
  • If a breakdown occurred
  • Reasons for the leakage of the kettle
  • Can leakage be eliminated?
  • Is it possible to repair a leaking kettle?

It's hard to imagine life without an electric kettle. It is in almost every house, because it is so convenient, attractive in design, in a few minutes will boil the right amount of water. Moreover, to all this, the device is safer than its plate counterpart. But what if you suddenly find a puddle on the table in the morning, than to seal an electric kettle? Whether it is possible to do this and how, or it will be necessary to go to the store for a new device - we'll figure it out in this article.

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How does the electric kettle work?

Expensive or cheap model - all electric kettles are arranged and operate on the same principle:

  • For their manufacture use stainless steel or heat-resistant plastic.
  • Almost all models have the function of automatic shutdown.
  • In the electric kettle, water is heated in a special flask.
  • A heating element is used for heating. Now more often use disk heating elements.
  • When water boils, steam and bimetallic element come into contact. Next - changing the shape of the plate, after which the switch is turned off.

Important! Some models are equipped with a special protection, triggered in the event that the water is completely boiled. In this case, the device switches off automatically.

To save energy and save longer heat, modern models use the same principle as the thermos. The water in the flask is not only heated, but also maintained at a certain temperature level.

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If a breakdown occurred

Sometimes even the most reliable teapots break down. It's one thing - if there is a crack and you need to know urgently what to put an electric plastic kettle on. And quite another - if it suddenly does not turn on or does not warm water at all. The algorithm for detecting failure:

  1. Check the supply voltage. The cord is checked with a stand, for which a multimeter is used. If the stand is burnt out, it needs to be disassembled and soldered. If the contact group melts, repair becomes impossible.
  2. The following is the verification of the ring contacts. In this case, the power button must be in the on state.

Important! For any method of diagnosis and repair, the kettle must be disconnected from the power supply.

  1. The signal is most likely to be absent. To detect a particular failure, the lower part is loosened. If the problem is a thermal sensor or a spiral, they need to be replaced.
  2. The auto power-off button is often broken, which is most often located on the handle. The breakdown is usually due to the oxidation of the contacts. To solve the problem, it is enough to clean them with sandpaper.

Important! To repair the on / off button, the cover is removed. Then - the bolts that are on the handle from above and below. In this case, you need to be careful, since plastic parts can easily be broken.

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Reasons for

Teapot According to statistics, every third owner faces a leaking kettle. But this can easily be explained by the fact that this device is constantly working, because the details are weakened. So you just need to know what to do in this situation:

  • When water appears under the kettle, you should immediately find out what the problem is. We study the scheme of the structure and, if a broken part is found, we turn to specialists.
  • Water indicator may also be damaged. After his examination, the question may arise: how to glue the glass on a teapot?
  • The weakening of the heating elements also leads to the appearance of water. In this case, tighten the nuts and screws that secure the heating element.
  • If water continues to appear, the cause may be damage to the gasket. This option - a rarity, but if this happens - the gasket can be replaced with a new one.
  • The worst thing that can happen is the bottom damage. Most often the kettle will have to be replaced.
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Can leakage be eliminated?

  • If leaks have appeared in the already used instrument, you can wait a couple of weeks. It is possible, due to the formation of scale, the microcracks simply drag out.
  • If the device is still under warranty, you do not need to wait, you can immediately carry it to the service center.
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Is it possible to repair a leaking kettle?

Many specialized forums often raise the topic: "The better to glue the plastic cracks in the electric kettle."There are not so many options.

If a crack appears in the body or in the place where it joins the glass, you can expand it. After that, it is filled with glue. Dichloroethane and food plastic in the form of shavings are mixed to prepare the adhesive composition.

Important! You can only use food plastic, because when a material of another kind is heated, a poisonous substance is released. For the same reason, you can not use epoxy glue and its varieties. Of course, the breakdown of an electric kettle is a nuisance thing, but still, it is not the most expensive household appliance. Buying a new one should not hit hard on the family budget. Specialists recommend that in order to extend the life of the device, regularly dispose of scale and use soft filtered water.