Rating of insurance companies OSAGO 2016

The central bank claims that last year 2.7 million people applied to insurers for reimbursement for OSAGO policies. But asking for a payment does not mean getting money;last year, 3.4% of "osagovtsy" received refusals.

RBC experts compiled rating of insurance companies OSAGO 2016 based on the statistics of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for 2015, which includes regulated cases and refusals, as well as the average level of payments. As the representative of GlavStrakhControl asserts, this rating can be used as a guide in choosing an insurance company.

See also: Rating of insurance companies in the casco of 2016.


  • 10. Rosgosstrakh
  • 9. Ingosstrakh
  • 8. Transneft
  • 7. Uralsib
  • 6. "Power Generator"
  • 5. Alfa Insurance
  • 4. VSK
  • 3. MAX"
  • 2. Yugoria
  • 1. ZhASO

10. Rosgosstrakh

The largest Russian company in terms of the amount of insurance premium collected. Has a 3.5% failure rate for motor third party liability insurance and on average pays 53 595 rubles for motorists on insurance cases, while the average market price is 47.9 thousand rubles.

9. Ingosstrakh

This company, which is one of the ten largest insurers in Russia, has only 3.3% of failures in OSAGO policies. The average payment is 40,458 rubles, it does not "hold out" to the average market price of 7.5 thousand rubles.

8. Transneft

Was founded in 1996 and is a subsidiary of the oil producing Transneft. In 2013 this company was acquired by SOGAZ.Since 2011, invariably deserves the highest reliability rating "A ++" from the agency "Expert RA".The level of failures for OSAGO is 2.4%.On average, it pays 17 511 rubles, this is less than the average market price of 30.3 thousand rubles.

7. Uralsib

Included in one of the leading financial holdings in the Russian market. Has a high reliability rating "A +" and a low level of failures in compulsory motor TPL insurance - 1.9%.The average amount reimbursed for insurance - 50 954 rubles( three thousand rubles exceeds the average for the market).

6. "Energogarant"

Expert RA agency awarded "Energogarant" company with the highest reliability rating - "A ++" and the forecast for this rating is stable. The attractiveness of the company for car owners adds a low rate of refusals for OSAGO payments, it keeps at around 1.5%.The average amount of compensation - 45 582 rubles, only 2.4 thousand rubles less than the average market.

5. AlfaStrakhovanie

It is part of Alfa Group and is one of the systemically important Russian insurance companies. For OSAGO, the company has 1.4% of the refusal. The average payment is 41 796 rubles, which is less than the average market price of six thousand.

4. VSK

The All-Russian Insurance Company is one of the largest in the country and even twice received gratitude from the Russian president for the work done. In the rating of compulsory motor third party liability insurance company takes the fourth place( 1.4% of refusals).The average amount of insurance compensation is 42,180 rubles. Alas, the average market price is more by 5.5 thousand.

3. MAX

MAKS Insurance Group was founded in 1992.Then the workers of the Soviet peaceful atom of the Russian Federation needed medical insurance services. Since 2007, "MAKS" insures employees of the Federal Customs Service, and in 2003 the company was granted a license to carry out OSAGO.Although the level of failures in MAKS is one of the smallest - 0.8%, but the average payment is not happy - only 35,403 rubles, which is less than the average market price for as much as 12 thousand rubles.

2. "Yugoria"

The shareholder of the insurance company Yugoria is the government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District. However, Yugoria is not confined to the boundaries of the district: the company has an extensive network of branches( about 60) and more than two hundred agencies represented in various regions of Russia. Has several subsidiaries specializing in various types of insurance activities, including life insurance and medical insurance. According to the compulsory motor insurance, Yugoria has only 0.7% of the refusals, which is why it takes the second place in the rating. The average amount of payments is 44,051 rubles, which is more than three thousand fewer than the average market price.


Tops the rating of insurance companies of OSAGO in 2016 the former "Railway Joint Stock Insurance Company".In 2015, it received an "Exceptionally high level of reliability" rating from RAEX rating agency. And the truth is that the percentage of refusal to pay OSAGO for ZhASO is the smallest and is only 0.5%.The average payment for compulsory motor third party liability is 44,992 rubles, which is less than the average price of three thousand rubles for the market.

Company Contributions for OSAGO, bn. Rub. Average payment for OSAGO, rub. Number of refusals in payments,% Total score *
"Yugoria" 3,1 44 051 0,7 30,8
JASO 2,5 44 992 0,5 30,1
Renaissance Insurance Group 4 52 939 5,1 29.7
ASK 18.2 42 180 1.4 29.5
Rosgosstrakh 77 53 595 3.5 29.4
AlfaStrakhovanie 10.6 41 796 1.4 29.4
Uralsib» 6 50 954 1.9 29,1
« Zetta Insurance » 1.7 45 227 3.9 26,5
MAX 3,7 35 403 0,8 25,9
" Power Generator " 2,8 45 582 1, 5 25,2
SOGAZ 7.8 42 872 6.9 23,8
ERGO 0,6 39 965 7,6 23,6
"RESO-Garantiya" 27,6 43 796 4,8 23,5
Ingosstrakh 15,5 40 458 3, 3 22.5
"Consent" 5.7 48 111 5.7 22.5
VTB Insurance 0.5 40 172 4.8 21.8
Alliance all 0 65 766 9.1 21,4
Insurance group MSK 0,3 43 868 6.1 19,6
Transneft 0,4 17 511 2,4 16,6
"Capital Insurance" 0,2 21 740 5 14,8

* - consideringthe data of the casco.