TV - it's evil, especially the channels that specialize in selling all kinds of stuff. Leading programs sometimes so vividly presented information about the various products that you think, like I used to live without this magic vegetable slicers or trainer for rowing. Kupivshis on a gimmick, you are wasting money, get their coveted purchase and use it a couple of times. Then she happily gathering dust in the attic, irritating you with their views and uselessness. HouseChief gathered for you the premium top ten gadgets that, in the opinion of readers is not recommended to plant in your home.

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- 1 elektroshashlychnitsy
- 2 Juicer
- 3 mechanical grater
- 4 freezer
- 5 Deep fryer
- 6 electric Rice Cooker
- 7 Toaster
- 8 Coffee Machine
- 9 Electric driers for vegetables
- 10 multivarka
Seeing advertisements of this device, you have any idea how you will fry kebab almost every day. No messing around with barbecue, firewood, smoke. it is generally wonderful in urban areas, are not, or? And now a question to the lucky owners of this device: when you used it last time? Probably for a long time, because, firstly, the meat in the machine is ready for a long time, and secondly, he pulls insane amount kilowatts and, thirdly, the result is far from the present kebab, smoky and crispy crust.

Particularly active buyers of this device are young moms. In their minds fresh vegetable and fruit juices, just a vital thing for a kid. This has its own truth. But the practice gives slightly different results. Not every child, and an adult will drink fresh juice. necessarily need to be thinned, and even a little, to sweeten such juices for baby food. You will notice that one glass of juice, you will need at least a pound of vegetables or fruit. So that similar food costs rise sharply. And, in addition, after cooking cup drink of this useful, you need to disassemble the entire juicer and wash tank and filters. Most buyers of this gadget are they not more than six months, and then wonderful machine simply adorns some shelf.

mechanical grater
A pair of light movements - and a full bowl of grated carrots on your desk. How wonderful! Indeed, the device is very effective and greatly facilitates your work in the preparation of sauerkraut and homemade preserves. That's all pluses end. If you cook the soup for a family of four, you just also it is necessary that rub polmorkovki. And it needs to build, install, and then another, disassemble and wash this device. With the result that he humbly waiting for its publication in the summer and fall, when you need to grind a lot of vegetables.

Try of course, but it is better do it in friends - the lucky owners of the household appliance. Even if they tried very hard, you are unlikely to tuck it behind both cheeks. Well, perhaps, out of politeness. To make a really delicious ice cream, required very not cheap ingredients and a lot of time. The fact that the entire mixture should be long and carefully whisk. It is unlikely that you will want to do it often. By the way, a good result can be obtained if just put in freezer a cup of yogurt. So freezer - another contender for dust collection.

Deep fryer
Firstly, it's just bad. Such oily fried food affects the health of all human organs. In addition, it is very quickly reflected kilograms of excess weight. And secondly, the deep fryer requires a lot of oil, and this is now not the most expensive product. It is much more economical to fry potatoes for panAnd useful - bake it in oven.

electric Rice Cooker
What impresses in this gadget: it can be programmed to brew "scrambled" or "in the bag". The egg boiler is usually put seven or eight eggs. Are you sure you eat so much? Notice how rotates counter electricity during her work. And just for the sake of three minutes, not to stand at the stove, watching the ladle with eggs, you are willing to spend one and a half - two thousand on this device?

On the taste, of course, do not argue, but dry toast - it's not exactly a healthy breakfast or for an adult or child. If it really wants something like this, it is better to spend time on the soft toast with real milk or fragrant fritters. But nothing of the hot toasted bread stories - even write a book. And yet - for a toaster needs a special bread. You will buy it regularly?

Coffee Machine
If you are a connoisseur of coffee, then you know that the best coffee - one that is welded manually. No soulless machine can not prepare it as a man. And the time it takes just a couple of minutes. Coffee machines are expensive, and the result of, say, leaves much to be desired. It takes a lot of space, requires expensive consumables. Frankly speaking, this is not the most necessary items in your house.

Electric driers for vegetables
Most often about Electric driers think mushroom pickers. But look closely at the device: how many mushrooms you put into it? A drying stages do not work. The fact is that as long as these are dried a few pieces, and the rest in your cart has already spoiled. Do you want to cut an apple or a couple of dry plums? So they might as well podvyalyatsya under normal ambient conditions, and faster - at a minimum in the fire oven. For lovers of dried fruits and vegetables have a little advice: buy heater "Good warm" on it and fruits, and vegetables, and mushrooms can be dried and used as an additional winter heating source. A Electric driers better present to neighbors who are so enthusiastic about it.

At its core, this unit is hermetically sealed cooker. Usually this utensil occupies the place of honor on kitchen table. The first time you certainly will cook porridge in it. But if you have a family of three or four people, you will soon say multivarka themselves "pot, do not boil." Soups in her turn, quite frankly, so-so, as not all products provide a good taste in a sealed container. And there will come quickly, when you remember that you have a gadget only during cleaning.

There is a great temptation to continue this list, because, in fact, we are constantly cluttered with completely unnecessary things. They rob us of living space and money that could be spent on something really useful.
And do you have at home something like that? What advice do you never buy? Write in the comments!