The main disadvantage of small apartments is the lack of space for decoration. Construction of a small room - a real problem. It is important to take into account the many nuances. Precious meters should be used wisely. Select wallpaper, decor, arrange pieces of furniture so that in the living room a cosiness atmosphere.

Making small room - not such a difficult task as it might seem at first glance.
Repair in a small room: advantages and challenges
- Repair in a small room: advantages and challenges
- Zoning regulations and planning options
- Color solutions for small rooms
- Options for furniture placement
- proper lighting
- Options for decorating a small room
- VIDEO: 20 ideas for decorating a small apartment.
- 50 options for the interior design of a small room:
With the right approach to the choice of building and finishing materials, a clear understanding of the functionality of an object in the decoration of the output will not only change the appearance of the premises. Interior will play in a new way: every thing will be to perform a role. Due to space would be a good plan and spacious. View beautiful photos of the original design and maintenance of the room can be on our website.
The greatest difficulties with the repair in a small room appear in the buildings of post-war and post-Soviet era. Particularly pronounced in the Khrushchev disadvantages: low ceilings, small window openings are not always proportional to the size, uneven walls. Beat such imperfections is extremely difficult. But this is only at first glance.

A variety of interesting ideas and original design solutions can be easily realized, if you follow certain guidelines.
Despite all its shortcomings, tiny rooms have their own merits. Small apartment - the key to saving time and money investments in trouble. Repair in a small room to do much faster than in the cottage or on the area of 100 sq.m. Compact furniture, good color wall, ceiling and floor covering, a minimum of accessories - three rules that will create a miniature of the apartment freely and conveniently home.

It is important to visually expand the space and make it more spacious, air, avoid clutter and use the available space to the maximum benefit.
Zoning regulations and planning options
The division of space into zones to help make the space functional and comfortable to stay. Add visual area in several ways:
- Using the walls of plasterboard.
- The separation into two rooms furnished, usually with the help of a rack or cabinet.
- A great option - screen. It can be removed if necessary.
- Using floral compositions.
- Delimit carpet, different shades and textures in the design of the walls.
- Accents through lighting.

Whatever the purpose of the room - a bedroom, nursery or office - in either case, it is necessary to isolate several functional areas.
Ways to create a multi-functional interior lot. What type of zoning is suitable in a particular case, it is difficult to say. It is important to analyze the way of life of residents, their needs and desires. One like a living room-bedroom, others prefer the option room-dining room. The children's room is necessary to select the working, sleeping and play areas for greater functionality.

"Duffel" area - where you will put all the right things, sitting area, working for the reception of guests - all this can easily be placed in a small room.
Color solutions for small rooms
Petite room visually can be extended at the expense of properly chosen color palette. Preference is given to bright shades. They are able to visually zoom out the walls and ceiling of the incoming.

Vertical stripes on the wallpaper visually increase the height, creating the illusion of an optical illusion.
It is not forbidden to opt for a warm palette: red, peach, brown, purple, cream and other colors. The main thing is not too smart with saturation. You can not use bright colors. Otherwise, the opposite effect can be achieved. Intense shades will make your stay in the house uncomfortable, will have the feeling of constant pressure and tension. The same principle works with warm and pastel colors.

Visually separate one area from another function, you can use a different color or texture finishing materials.
Do not experiment with a combination of lines of different colors. It is better to focus on one or two. Monochrome effect - ideal for malogabaritok.

Mural on the wall - a great option for the living room decor.
Options for furniture placement
From large furniture sets will have to be abandoned. Bulky cabinets, huge beds, sofas with massive arms, broad dining tables priori be eaten without limited space. Furnishing living space is better to use as few items as possible. Should pay attention to, first of all, functionality, compactness and convenience in use. Preference is to give a mirrored wardrobe with sliding, rather than hinged doors.

It is desirable that the cabinet has been as high as possible, with lots of shelves and a clothes rod.
Place under tables, beds, sofas in, a kitchen corner, the walls should also be involved. Thus, wall shelves - a great alternative to outdoor nightstand. Modern modular furniture, transformers, bunk beds, folding dining group - the best option for modest spaces. Ergonomics is in the first place. It looks great corner model. Positioning headset preferably along the walls.

Properly designed storage systems will not clutter up the room efficiently accommodate everything you need.
Furniture must integrate harmoniously into the interior, match the color and style with the look of the room.

Proper furniture - another option highlight areas in a small room.
proper lighting
Well-chosen lighting can make the space lighter and more comfortable. The lighting is directly dependent on the perception of the surroundings. Light sources should be placed correctly in order not to overload the interior. The optimal solution - to place several spotlights as sharing space elements.

For a small room the most appropriate modern styles such as minimalism, hi-tech, modern.
In the recreation area look great wall sconces, floor lamps with subdued light. The more light in malogabaritki better. But do not completely focus on the ceiling, otherwise the effect will create "one big chandeliers." It is desirable to use multiple lighting points.

In a small room bulky curtains to the floor are out of place, it is better to use the so-called Roman shades or blinds.
Hidden at the bottom of hanging kitchen cabinets LED ribbon adds brightness, make the room more airy. With a choice of central chandelier is not the case. Better if it will be placed under the ceiling. Classic models on it hang - the wrong option. They will add unnecessary volume and will look bulky.

High-tech style, as well as minimalism, implies a minimum of decoration, geometric shapes, clearly adjusted proportions.
Options for decorating a small room
Give the appearance of the room a finished appearance will help a variety of accessories and decorative items. Not a bad option - mirror. Their ability to reflect light is indispensable for the visual expansion space. Another way to increase space - correct registration window. It is not recommended to use the curtains to the floor, wide curtains, dark curtains. They will create the effect of isolation and gloom. Accessories successfully fill the interior in the event that will be consistent with the overall style of the room.
is the best solution:
- Small paintings.
- Blinds.
- Carpet oval or round shape in the center.

The color scheme of the small room, regardless of the style decision, should be light, pastel.
From major elements and bright parts should be abandoned, as well as from figurines, vases, frames. They not only decorate the atmosphere, on the contrary, create a feeling of clutter. Remember, the smaller the objects in the room, the more it seems.

You can add a couple of bright accents to "revive" the interior is not flashy, but restrained, calm tones.
How to make repairs in the room is small in size, so as not to overload it, but on the contrary, visually expand the boundaries? The issue should follow the "golden rule" - the use of a minimum number of parts with maximum efficiency. Armed with this trick can be the tiniest room turned into a cozy nest. Get rid of the stereotype that a small room can be cozy. Repair of the room in the photo shown below.

The use of bright, rich colors make the room visually less and pastel, bright, contrast, add room lightness.