Natural elements in the apartment, home or office - it's spectacular design solution, which will give a special piquancy to any room. Not necessarily to make a uniform style interior, the individual inserts and eclecticism allowed. For example, it is interesting looks from the wall "rough stone" in the room in a nautical theme or cuisine a la high-tech. But even for a classical living such element will be used. And, with regard to lofts, ethnic and Scandinavian interior, the tiles will be in them mainly material. Today, it is a trend. Sleek design and tough, but at the same time, elegant simplicity are in vogue, and with the improvement of manufacturing technology to simulate natural materials Facing by decorative tiles stone look realistic.
The popularity of this design supports the fashion trend of a healthy lifestyle, ecology.
- Benefits
- disadvantages
- gypsum
- ceramic
- Colors
- application
- How to choose?
- laying
- How to care?
- conclusion
Widespread use of artificial tiles to simulate a wall of boulders, due to its advantages. Advantages of the material:
- the plan tile installation requires no special skills and can be performed independently, subject to availability of basic knowledge in the repair and construction;
- this material weighs less cement tiles, so fixed even on plasterboard;
- in the line of products presented budgetary options (minimum value depends on the region, in Moscow, for example, according to the price lists of individual companies prices start from 450 rubles / sq..);
- material has high refractoriness and does not conduct an electric current can therefore be used in the repair or baby food;
- thermally conductive tile and has excellent sound insulating properties;
- natural elements decorate any interior;
- This material is environmentally friendly;
- There is plenty of tile modifications, it can recreate any kind of stone or brick.

But only on the positive aspects can not be guided in choosing a construction material. Better to be aware of all his faults, to minimize them in the application. You have to understand what will have to sacrifice, if you choose this particular tile, and not something else. The main disadvantage of the material:
- gypsum products quickly start to deform due to high water absorption tiles, this is possible avoid using different materials (in advance can use a special primer, e.g., Primer X94);
- Decorative tile breaks easily, does not possess high strength and resistance to abrasion, however during its installation should be accurate;
- the material has a bad quality frost;
- "Wild stone" due to the relief surface collects dust and require frequent cleaning, and thus mounting it better varnish (nelakovuyu surface treated with a solution of 50 ml. softener dissolved in 200 ml. water).

There are several classifications of natural stone tiles. One of them shares the species of this material on the applications. Types of decorative tiles, depending on the application site:
- exterior - used for wall cladding of buildings in the private and commercial sector. Among its features include the absence of a mechanical connection (not counting grouting) between adjacent elements, the need to seal the seams and only waterproof cloth;
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- floor - made of PVC or stoneware. Flooring tile is chemically neutral, is not erased, it does not spoil from extreme temperatures, and also has high strength. The most resistant flooring considered paving;

- wall - is used for interior decoration. It is easy to weigh, and therefore easy to install. Such tile has a large number of design variations (e.g., bathroom tile);

- ceiling - has the lowest weight of all kinds of decorative tiles. Its thickness should be no greater than 1 cm, to cover its entire ceiling of the room.

Tile is available in two versions: plaster and ceramics. Gypsum tile, as a rule, simulates natural stone or brick wall. It is durable, does away with the cosmetic repair premises for many years to come. Distinguish between colored and uncolored, smooth or embossed material varieties. It is used for decorating covered loggias and balconies, walls and ceilings in the rooms and corridors. Gypsum tiles used to decorate the home fireplaces, but fire safety is best to equip them with insulation panels. Natural gypsum composition maintains a favorable microclimate. Still, this material is not used in the finishing baths and saunas because of the high water absorption. For the same reason, after installation in any room tiles treated with hydrophobic agents.

No matter not to help cope "wild stone" of plaster with climatic factors, so it is not used in the external facing buildings.

Tiles made of ceramics has a high durability and strength. It is able to withstand the various mechanical load without damage its whole structure. Material used in the decoration of the facade, as not subject to the effects of climate the environment (although, of course, need to focus on when choosing a regional product and brand particular). But the main role played by ceramic tiles in the interior of a living room, dining room, kitchen, hallway and bathroom. If you want to see the room looked "richer", it is possible to make the insertion of the tiles, imitating marble or onyx. Moreover, in line with international standards, this material is virtually identical to natural analogues by its technical properties and appearance. A wide range of ceramic stone tiles allows you to choose the best option for the material absolutely any architectural solutions. And it does not absorb dirt and odors, and therefore easy to operate.

Color solutions tiles varied and completely mimic elements of nature. And the double staining technique relief foundations leads to the fact that there are no two identical tiles. Color streaks and bumps will always vary. The choice of color depends on the style and personal preferences of the designer, but still using this material should be based on the natural palette. To classify decorative tiles by color depending on the type of stone that is imitated. There are the following types:
- imitation marble involves the use of white, black and beige with small patches of gray tint;
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- malachite tile must be dark green with some stains;

- Onyx will be presented in pink, amber and green color;

- sandstone suitable for decorative gray and beige shades;

- artificial slate has a brown, gray-green hue streaked with light;

- stones involves the use of a mixture of natural colors (brown, white, tan, etc.).

There are many options for using decorative tiles under brick. They can be divided into standard and non-standard. The standard methods include:
- decorating separate kitchen angle (e.g., next to a gas cooker);
- facing inner and outer walls;
- the creation of a special "Christmas" comfort due to edging the fireplace;
- decoration bathrooms;
- the use of openings for windows and doors;
- edging mirrors, etc.

As a non-standard (relatively) methods use artificial stone referred to:
- Coating headset working surface in the kitchen, which smoothly passes into the apron (thus under the bottom edge of apron tiles does not accumulate dirt);
- decor of old furniture;
- of bat tiles (brittle material when installing something always broken), you can make a small panel on the wall;
- decoration of garden benches, flower beds and pots;
- of white wall tiles, you can make custom canvas for adults and children (it is necessary to draw on it using special paints for glass or ceramic);
- decorating the stairs in the cottage;
- extra tiles can be used as a stand for hot or cold dishes.

How to choose?
Artificial stone for ornamental exterior and interior selected on the basis of the parameter price, durability, reliability, ease of use and appearance. You should also pay attention to the product manufacturer. If the company has long established itself in the market and has a large range of products, it is quite decorative tiles can be purchased. By law, tiles are not subject to mandatory certification, but the presence of such a document says that the company is attentive to its customer and tests the product (if a large holding company buys goods from a small company-manufacturer, it always requires the technical documentation checks). Upon cancellation of a consultant to provide quality certificates should think about the advisability of purchase.

When choosing a fake stone is necessary to pay attention to its hardiness indices. What they are, the longer the material (it concerns not only the facade, but the interior lining). Proper tile has a textured surface, not distinguishable from the conventional natural stone. When buying tiles need to look at its surface. If it is porous, then it constitutes a violation of manufacturing technology (eg, injection molding the mixture has been moved). Such stone will be short-lived, formed in the pores starts to fall moisture which would lead to the destruction of the material. You should also pay attention to the thickness of the product. Depending on the destination tile, it varies from 1 to 5 centimeters. Ideally stone thickness should be uniform across its length and width. In the case of irregularities such decorative tiles will be difficult to put on the wall or on the floor, require additional finishing work to restore the marriage (at least visually).
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The whole process of laying artificial stone is divided into the following stages:
- First dismantled old coating. If you plan on decorating an entire wall or ceiling, the coating is removed completely. Otherwise, only a portion is removed.
- Then line the walls, because it is necessary to put a stone on a smooth surface. Cracks shpaklyuyut and big swings and slopes with skins.
- After sanding primer comes the stage. Prior to this, the surface should be cleaned from dust and other dirt. Only after this portion is treated with primer (preferably acrylic).
- Tile has jagged edges, so it is necessary to collect as a puzzle on the floor using a meter. Identical fragments have come into contact with large and smaller in size.
- Then be cooked glue (it should be thick and uniform, lump-free) and start the installation itself, paying special attention to the corner joints.
- After laying the tiles should wait from 3 to 10 days depending on the type of adhesive and the features of the room. Only after this period, the tile adhesive dries completely, and the construction itself will be strong.

How to care?
Caring for a decorative tile is timely wiping dust. To avoid problems with excess water, treated with hydrophobic lining sprays. Due to this coating, further tiles can be easily washed. But it is better for her not to use conventional treatment and a special microfiber cloth from the. Also suitable atomizer for spraying colors. Effective the vacuum cleaning (better cleaning). For some surfaces shows static broom, but it is needed only for dry cleaning. To cleanse the kitchen apron suitable conventional porous sponge. As the detergent is better to choose a special agent for the treatment of artificial stone. Sometimes use fabric softener, but abused in this way is not necessary, since the surface of the tiles can be damaged. Decorative stone purification rate depends on the humidity of the room, and finding a flat (home, office) objects that collect dust.
Tile - the perfect solution for interior premises of any purpose. Just for the development of each design uses a specific type of material. Artificial stone helps to focus attention on the important details in the interior and dilutes the monotony of finishing. Due to the ease of installation, you can even put your own hands, without resorting to the help of experts tile that reduces the cost of repairs. If necessary, people will choose the tiles any price and quality. A strength deficiencies that are inherent in the artificial stone, almost no manifest themselves at the correct installation and subsequent operation. A key advantage of the artificial tile is that it is installed after the completion of major repairs and is in harmony with any building materials.