Lighting in the room: options with one and two chandeliers, design and size, photo

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The perception of the interior and how you will feel in this room depends on how competently the lighting is organized. A single chandelier in the center of the ceiling is an outdated idea. Consider alternative lighting methods that can be used both in apartments and in country houses.

lighting design

Before choosing luminaires, you need to decide on their functional purpose.

What you need to know


  • What you need to know
  • Disadvantages of chandelier lighting
  • Backlight options
    • Multilevel
    • Wall
    • Bottom light
    • Movable luminaires
  • Types of lamps
  • VIDEO: How to properly arrange lighting in an apartment.
  • 50 examples of proper lighting in the interior of rooms:

Before purchasing and installing luminaires, it is important to remember that lighting efficiency depends on two factors: the number of light sources and the power of the lamps themselves. The more luminaires, the more options for creating unusual and functional lighting. And if you want the room to create a suitable atmosphere for various activities (gatherings with friends, reading books, solitude with quiet calm music), then it is important to provide for alternate switching on and off lamps. With the help of light, it is easy to correct room imperfections, to carry out zoning of space.

lighting in the living room

It is worth remembering that one chandelier in the living room is not enough. Overhead lighting does not give much light, so there should be at least two sources.

There is a general gradation of light sources in rooms for different purposes: main, local, backlight. Basic lighting covers the entire room. Typically, the luminaires are located on the ceiling, emitting omnidirectional light, providing an overall level of illumination in the room.

lighting in the living room of a three-room apartment

Using different types of appliances, you can create several types of lighting in the living room.

Local light sources provide directional lighting, with an emphasis on a specific area of ​​the room. Finally, backlighting often serves as a decorative function, highlighting interior items, furniture, paintings, and the like.

lighting of rooms in the apartment

Individual objects (paintings, collections of objects) or specific areas can be effectively emphasized with spotlights.

Therefore, even at the planning stage, decide on the division into zones in a particular room, and then decide exactly how you will highlight and emphasize them.

lighting of rooms in the apartment

The light helps to visually enlarge a small living room with a low ceiling. One such way is to use floor lamps.

Disadvantages of chandelier lighting

A couple of decades ago, and the question did not arise how to organize the main lighting in the room: a chandelier was chosen and mounted in the center of the ceiling. In fairness, it should be noted that alternatives to such lighting were not even considered: as they got used to, they did it.

chandelier in the living room

The traditional lighting option in the living room was a chandelier.

Today it is obvious that a chandelier, as the main source of light, has a number of disadvantages:

  • The level of brightness from the chandelier is just enough to just be in the room. If you need to do handicrafts or read, then the light will obviously not be enough, your eyes will quickly get tired. Therefore, a local light source is required.
lighting of rooms in the apartment view

Locally highlighting a certain area of ​​the room with lamps, we not only achieve comfort by illuminating the desired piece of furniture, but also zone the space.

  • Uneven distribution of light in the room. In the center of the room, directly under the chandelier, the light is brighter, and in the corners, or closer to the wall, there is very little light.
lighting design in the apartment

Central lighting can be implemented as a single chandelier or in combination with ceiling lamps.

  • The chandelier can be hung if the ceilings are 2.5 m high. In lower rooms with a chandelier it will be uncomfortable.
chandelier in the living room kitchen

In the kitchen-living room, it is better to give preference to warm light.

  • Not every ceiling can be fitted with chandeliers. Modern options, such as a rack or cassette, can only withstand point or overhead lighting fixtures.
lighting design options

If the dining area is not adjacent to the wall, but is located in the center, the lamp is hung directly above the table.

  • Massive chandeliers will not allow zoning into functional areas using lighting.
lighting design zoning

The sofa is illuminated with either a floor lamp or a pendant lamp.

  • With a large chandelier, the effectiveness of decorative illumination is lost, it "pulls" attention to itself.
lighting design in the apartment photo

For a room with an area of ​​up to 40 square meters, you can do with a central lamp or even without a chandelier, using various combinations of spot lighting.

Backlight options

It is thanks to the light sources that you can tune yourself in the right way, and make the room carry a different functional load. For example, a room can look festive, cozy or festive, be pastoral, vintage or exotic.


Multilevel lighting is no longer something new, but a very popular option. Light sources are located at different heights, which opens up wide possibilities. There is no need for a central chandelier, the room is already sufficiently lit.

lighting rooms in the apartment photo ideas

Functional areas are determined by the correct arrangement of the luminaires.


Such sources provide comfortable light. Using wall lamps, it is convenient to read, do handicrafts. Since the range of lamps is large, it is possible to choose a model that suits your interior.

hallway lighting

Typically, wall lighting is used in a "duet" with other lamps, for example, spotlights, otherwise the room will be dim.

Bottom light

Downlight is not the most common option for standard apartments. Most often it is used in large apartments or country houses to illuminate long corridors or passages. Any lamps are not suitable for such lighting, since there are certain requirements: resistance to mechanical damage, tightness, water resistance.

lower lighting of rooms in an apartment

To save energy, LED or neon lighting elements are usually inserted into the bottom lighting sources.

Movable luminaires

If there is a need to change the direction of light, movable lamps are used. These are devices equipped with rotary mechanisms.

lighting of rooms in the apartment

They can be: track, movable ceiling, rotary.

Experts say that for maximum comfort, it is better to combine several different lamps.

lighting of rooms in a loft apartment

Spotlights or ribbons, revealing the texture of objects, are able to turn ordinary things into works of art.

Types of lamps

The following types of lamps are currently used:

  1. Incandescent lamps. Lamps are fragile and have a short lifespan. Important: if you consider yourself a lover of good old incandescent lamps, carefully choose lamps for them. As the lamps get very hot, the temperature on the surface of the lampshade also rises.
    incandescent lamps

    Budget option, emit pleasant light, do not flicker.

  2. Fluorescent lamps. Modern models allow you to choose the color you need and do not have the crackle that was present in the old versions.
    fluorescent lamps

    They last longer than the previous ones, have a high luminous efficiency.

  3. Halogen is ideal for spot lighting in a room. The only drawback is that the surface of the lamps is very hot, which means that you need to make sure that it does not come into contact with fire hazardous materials.
    halogen lamps in the interior

    They are distinguished by a narrow, strictly directed luminous flux, suitable for local lighting.

  4. LEDs (or LED lamps). The most economical option. Moreover, it is possible to choose a shade: from warm to cold, as well as independently determine the power of the light source.
    LED lighting of rooms in the apartment

    In terms of illumination intensity, the LED lamp can easily replace the usual incandescent lamp.

If you are tired of the usual lighting in your apartment, and if you really want to change something in the interior design, try changing the lighting system. Today it is quite an inexpensive pleasure, and the lamps themselves and the necessary materials are quite affordable. Do not hesitate, modern light sources not only cope with their main task - "to shine always, to shine everywhere" - but also become a spectacular decoration of the interior.

lighting of rooms in the apartment kitchen

When planning lighting in an apartment, you should not be afraid of experiments, you can bring to life even the most daring design ideas.

VIDEO: How to properly arrange lighting in an apartment.

50 examples of proper lighting in the interior of rooms: