The kitchen is often necessary to cook. Because of this, the walls, the floor and even the ceiling may become contaminated. And if dirty the floor is not so bad, and the ceiling is almost impossible, the wall very easily. Kitchen contamination is difficult to wash: a lot of fat, there is a divorce and stains around. Therefore master finishers figured out how to get rid of it, or at least minimized. Have come up with an apron for the kitchen made of plastic. A little earlier, people apron is sealed with ordinary tiles. Then came the ceramic tile with its grandiose designs. And at the moment the materials joined the ranks of plastic, glass and polymeric materials. This article will talk specifically about plastic kitchen aprons.

Plastic aprons are rapidly gaining popularity. The reason for that - an attractive price-quality ratio
First Look: Types
- First Look: Types
- polyvinylchloride
- Acrylic
- Design Tips
- Videos about polymer skinali Kitchen
- Photos of plastic aprons
With the advent of the 21st century, building and finishing products enriched with rows of plastic products. This new material has made breakthrough. This is no accident. Because the cost of plastic products much cheaper than metal, wood and its derivatives. Strength characteristics, operational performance, service life and the visual quality of plastic products in no way inferior to natural materials.

Apron made of plastic with photo printing is several times cheaper than similar products made of tempered glass

Plastic apron, you can install it yourself without any additional costs
Plastic materials are very good. The only drawback - low environmental friendliness of its individual species. But unlike natural still there. Plastic toxic, especially when heated to high temperatures. A fire at such surfaces person inhale enough once concentrated pairs sturdiness, and death occurs.
But enough about the bad. We're gathered here to choose a plastic apron for the kitchen. Let's move on to the classification.

Kitchen apron made from several types of plastics, which differ both in price and in their properties
And here is the classification:
- Polyvinyl chloride.
- ABS.
- Acrylic.
Here are three kinds of plastic aprons for the kitchen space. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Special conditions of care, maintenance, cleaning and maintenance products led to their different popular. The cost per square meter is also important. Let's get acquainted with each type separately.

Drawing on a plastic apron often mimics natural finishing materials, or tile
This wonderful material for a long time and to faithfully serve the whole of humanity. PVC - as it is called for short. From it produce all that is possible. This braiding for strength and current-carrying cables, toys, accessories and decorative items for cars, apartments and houses.

PVC plastic - the budget material has its advantages and disadvantages

Installation of PVC panels does not require pre-treatment
As an apron for kitchen furniture, PVC is used relatively recently. There are two types of its execution:
- whole sheets;
- wall paneling.
Molded - a separate small-format plates or reechki, who are recruited on the wall, connecting on the tongue and groove type. Such products are not popular. They are difficult to install (a lot of time out), they have a lot of butt joints, which successfully stuffed fat, dirt and filth, wash that, at times, will never be.

Before purchasing the PVC apron should require a certificate of quality - not always, this material is safe for health
Whole pieces of plates are used much more often. And there is an additional and distinct advantage: the size of each sheet can be selected individually, at their own request. Such an approach provides the manufacturer of thousands of customers. This is no accident. Here are the advantages of isolated users who use the kitchen apron made of PVC:
- Very fast setup. Even you can install on their own, without having to hand skills and tools.
- Available price from the manufacturer.
- A large assortment of colors, shapes and textures.
- You can wash detergents.
But, unfortunately, PVC - the worst of all kinds is for arranging the screen for the kitchen made of plastic. He has significant drawbacks, which nullify all the advantages.

Polyvinyl chloride - a cheap material, so he has not sufficient enough
- The surface begins to lose scale and fade in the first month of operation.
- Grease stains are absorbed if they did not immediately wash.
- The high degree of toxicity, especially when heated.
- Wash abrasive cleaners is not available, since the surface of the spoils.
PVC can be a method of offset printing to produce any design, pattern, and even to order your photo. It captivates young and apartment owners for the acquisition of these things material. The price is more than reasonable: from 100 rubles per 1 square meter. But the quality of leads.

Plastic sheets can have different colors, prints, and even three-dimensional parts
It is a kind of plastic. This name was given to the first letters of the substances contained in the composition. This acrylonitrile (or acrylic), butadiene and styrene. In performance superior to PVC for durability. Is non-toxic. For design professionals - ABS good support. Colors, design options he has more than that of PVC. Figures richer, brighter. Resistant to temperature, chemical and light abrasives.

ABS-plastic is quite resistant to shock and bending

Fireproof material is considered, since the withstand short temperature increase up to 100 degrees, 80 degrees and keeps a long time

On ABS-plastic can be applied to a metallic finish, with whom he will look like a mirror
But there are drawbacks. It is rather a burn from the sun. Lose color saturation in the first six months of use. To install the ABS is necessary to achieve a smooth wall surface. The price for 1 square meter starts at 700 rubles. It is not cheap, but the quality leaves much to be desired.

It is also worth considering that the ABS plastic is afraid of acetone or other strong solvents
If you want to buy kitchen apron of plastic as close to the glass, choose acrylic. The substance used in the office. It is also called glass stationery. The dense structure provides good performance. Dirt, grease and dirt are not absorbed into the surface, leaving it clean and fresh for a long time. Thermal stability at a height here.

Acrylic apron in many respects is not inferior to the glass

Acrylic - the material is light, and therefore it is much easier to fix than glassware
Acryl most resistant material to abrasion, chemical composition, and even bases. It practically does not tarnish. But there is a drawback - it is its cost. It starts with a mark of 3,000 rubles per 1 square meter.
By the way! Masters are advised to acquire the finishing acrylic aprons in the kitchen. They are reliable and durable. Natural glass is very expensive. The cost is about 25-35 thousand rubles for the completion of the apron space. Using the same acrylic almost 3 times lower costs is obtained with virtually no loss of quality.
Printing on acrylic as possible. Under the order can make fotoprint, landscapes, and any pictures.

Finished acrylic kitchen apron looks attractive and is virtually identical to glass
Acrylic panels are available as a variety of formats, as well as ABS. They may be in the form of individual tiles. Then installation in parts (not the best option, because the joints are formed). Better to buy whole sheets of large format. They are made of up to 3 meters, which makes it possible to overlap space completely without joints along its length.
Design Tips
For style kitchen finishes, metallic decks plastic products are applicable anywhere else. Due to the original designs, prints, landscapes, photos on their surface, aprons used for any style.

When choosing the color and pattern skirt, oriented to the selected style kitchen design
Loft, minimalism, Scandinavian, English, Japanese, Hi-Tech, Provence - choose any direction of art design. Metallic decks plastic product to complement and supplement each.

Small patterns on the apron to hide minor contamination

Large patterns and large patterns are suitable for large kitchens
Consider the example design in the English style. Traditional kitchen set made of wood a dark color. Darkened walnut fit.

To kitchen with dark furniture did not look too gloomy for the apron and the wall is necessary to choose lighter shades
Council. To save money, you can do chipboard or MDF. Using special trim panels, as well as modern designer furniture makers tricks, you will not be able to distinguish the set of real wood.
The walls are made of gray-beige. This background will allow metallic decks plastic product stand out from the crowd. Buy himself an apron to order. It is better to choose a photo of modern city at night. Landscape selected based and length. When the impressive dimensions of the photograph is conveniently located New York bridge, bridge, or any other large and modern metropolis. If the length of a small, up to 1.5 meters, choose a photo of skyscrapers with bright glowing lights in the windows.

Appropriate printing can be easily matched to the interior of any style
Beautifully will look metallic decks article in the French classical style of Provence. Book acrylic or ABS product. Fotoprint not pick a catchy, easy going. White, milk motives, supplemented by a turn of the old French streets with characteristic only of their five-story buildings, pavement cafes and avenues lined with tea tables.

Each style has its own peculiarity, in Provence - it is warm and cozy, creating an atmosphere of a house in the rural outback
If you love nature, freshness and nature, be sure to hang pictures of waterfalls, wild birds, rare flowering plants. Photos blue lagoons will take you from the gray of everyday life in the midst of the bustling life of wild places.

This printing is suitable for the kitchen in the Mediterranean style

A good option for a modern kitchen