The modern design of the apartment of 50 square meters. m. - it's convenience and comfort for each family member. Such housing is large enough for arranging two or three separate rooms, the transformation into the studio.

When you create a design apartment should focus on comfort, practicality and convenience
Key features in creating the interior of the apartment 50 sq. m.
Key features in creating the interior of the apartment 50 sq. m.
- In the bedroom
- In the studio
- Modern types of styles for decoration apartment of 50 square meters. m.
- Decoration design different rooms
Examples zoning plan apartments 50 sq. m. for a different number of people
- For one person
- For a family with a child
- For three or more people
- For couples
- Tips designers for the selection of furniture, lighting
- conclusion
- Video: Overview of the apartment of 50 square meters. m. in the Art Deco style
- Photo of the interior of apartments in an area of 50 squares
These facilities are mainly in prefabricated high-rise buildings. Usually this "kopeck piece" or "odnushki" with spacious rooms, large kitchens, balconies and loggias. Less commonly, in a given area it is located close three rooms. On the plan of the apartment sometimes there are additional useful space - a niche, pantry, closets and others.

When you create a design must take into account the particular layout of the apartment and to consider the location of windows, ledges and niches built
In the bedroom
Here the two little rooms are made in a single style or different. Usually one of them becomes the living room, the second - a bedroom. The division into zones depends on the requirements imposed on the premises (a place to sleep, crafts, recreation, changing clothes, etc..), The total number of residents. The most convenient separate rooms, but if one of them communicating, is allowed to replan, suggesting entry transfer.

In dvushke important to properly distribute the area based on the number of family members
In the studio
Spacious "odnushku" zoned podiums and differences ceiling heights, piece of furniture and color of the walls, sliding screens and textile curtains. Easier-bedroom converted into a full studio apartment, because of the obstacles to the minimum will have to be removed.

Transparent glass partition separates the sleeper, while not obscuring the room
Modern types of styles for decoration apartment of 50 square meters. m.
The unique design of the apartment of 50 square meters.. M on all photo looks different, because the interior styles, there are so many - more than 70. Who are the most popular: minimalism and Provence, classics and Scandinavian, Art Deco and loft, high-tech and Japanese.
- Minimalism. This space looks uninhabited and is ideal for a single person who is rarely at home. There are no extra, decorative objects, all personal items hidden in closed sections, built-in wardrobes. Materials used modern furniture - Modular.
For the minimalist ideal soft colors, furniture can stand out from the wall
- Art Deco. This style involves luxury expensive finish abundance glossy surfaces. There are a lot of geometric patterns, "African" souvenirs, there are mirror-sun, draperies mimic the skins of exotic animals. Pictures of avant-garde artists perfectly complement the interior.
Luxury bedroom interior, traditionally made in dark colors
- Scandinavian. This flat filled with light, preferably street. Here large windows, white walls, wooden floors, curtains made from natural fabrics and quality furniture. Tree is allowed to finish almost all the apartments are fully - optimally suited hardwoods light colors. From the decor best option - picture marine painters, photos on relevant topics.
Scandinavian interior usually is made in white or light gray
- Provence. "Country" style - a wooden cupboards, lockers "antique" prints with lavender and sunflowers, wood or stone floors, "worn" by time. The windows are light, thin, mostly short curtains on the table - tablecloth with embroidery on the walls - a panel of dried flowers. On one of the walls of the living room is permissible to stick wallpapers with scenery of the French countryside.
The interior in the style of Provence is often chosen romantic nature, especially young girls
- Loft. Style means an open space with a high ceiling, a complete lack of curtains on the windows. Furniture sold old or qualitatively simulates the old days, all available Communication (wires, pipes, radiators) are not hidden, but "exhibited at the show." Ceilings decorate wooden false beams, walls - gray stucco, photo wallpapers "red brick".
Brutal loft interior - a suitable option for the bedroom of a young man
- Classic. Timeless classics popular so far. This natural wood and luxurious fabrics, intricate floral pattern on the wallpaper and heavy chandelier in the center of the ceiling. The distinguishing feature of style - symmetrical placement of furniture, such as placement of decor. Interior complement paintings and mirrors in carved frames, psevdokamin decorated plaster, plastic moldings.
The classic interior features a solid, rich and functional design
Decoration design different rooms
When you create a project of an apartment it is important to take account of its configuration - the presence of architectural projections, niches, the location of windows, doors, balconies, and others. Usually in a single style made out all the rooms, but some elements of other styles - acceptable.

The harmonious combination of colors creates a comfortable atmosphere and plays an important role in the design apartments
Dya achieve "integrity" in the design, all interior doors are finished with almost identical.
- Living room. Hall - the largest room, especially when it is combined with the kitchen. This place offers a meeting, family get-togethers at the TV, and others. Central here is the sofa - the more tenants in the apartment, the larger it is selected. Luxurious fabrics, large fluffy carpet (if provided for selected stylistics) will give a comfort room.
For the decoration of the living room in a modern style with backlit shelves used
- Hallway. This space is usually dyed in light colors, in common with other premises. Furnishings make two or three shades darker or lighter than the general background. When the hall is small, it decorate mirrors, bright LED backlight.
A small hallway must be made out in a bright color palette
- Bedroom - a place of rest for the day, a night's sleep. Here are inadmissible bright "flashy" colors, extra furniture. The maximum that is placed - a bed, wardrobe, bedside table and chest of drawers, a dressing table. If space allows, there is also permissible to arrange a mini-office, usually a detachable screen.
To bedroom did not look cluttered, it is not necessary to install it in a bulky furniture
- Children. Design of children depends on the age, sex, number of children. For two or three beds useful in several tiers, equipped storage sites toys and things at the bottom. For stays of teenagers, if the ceiling height allows, fit loft bed, which is placed on top of the sleeper, the bottom - working. Hetero children over ten years equip separate room for dressing.
Lightweight translucent curtains would be better to transmit light, making the children's room visually larger
- The kitchen is conventionally divided into two zones - working and dining. In the last place the table where the whole family can eat at the same time, but if this is not possible, the product will suit smaller. In the work zone for convenience it is desirable to observe the rule of "working triangle" (refrigerator-sink-table).
Kitchen furniture with gloss will give the interior originality and visually expand the space
- Washroom make out in the same style as the rest of the room. There is usually a shelf for detergents, cleaning items. Installation possible tiny corner washstand, psevdobide.
In a small closet priority is given to bright shades
- Bathroom. Except the tub is hung sink, place the washing machine. Places store items of body care, shampoo, towels and other things are organized in closed cabinets, the sections under the bath.
To become a more spacious bathroom, the bath can be replaced by shower
- Balconies and loggias, regardless of where they are located, are often added to the rooms, adding to them two to four of the "square" living space. Balcony first necessary to warm, and window and door unit removed - complete demolition of this part of the wall is not always allowed.
Comfortable balcony - a great place for recreation areas or working room
Examples zoning plan apartments 50 sq. m. for a different number of people
If the flat 50 is available sq. m. area, free place in her whole family would be easy. Re-planning of a particular room depends on how many people will be staying here.

The easiest way to allocate space in the housing with an open-plan
For one person
Single tenant to the liking will have a spacious studio. But it is not possible to transform any home into it, because of the presence of the interior walls, to take down that is totally unacceptable. Here it is easy to equip not only a bed and a zone of reception, but also a study, a dressing room, a sports area.

Combining the kitchen with living area offers opportunities for extraordinary design apartments
For a family with a child
A family with one or two small children fit one-bedroom apartment where parents are less live in a large room - children. The infant is placed a minimum of furniture, leaving a maximum of space for outdoor games. In the adult bed room separated by a partition, shelves.

To design one-bedroom apartment can pick up a variety of solutions
For three or more people
When the apartment is supposed to stay three to five people, it makes sense to share her room partitions, furniture items, so that each tenant has its own separate little area. The question is easily solved beds bunk beds.

In the common room sleeping area can be separated by curtains
For couples
When the house is designed for couples, one of the rooms is becoming a bedroom for two people, the second - is used as a hall. In the sleeping area are equipped with separate areas for storing personal belongings of each spouse and the total double bed. The living room is usually a sofa with a TV. Sometimes the room is combined with kitchen.

The apartment is a studio layout for young couples
Tips designers for the selection of furniture, lighting
.. If a place to live - it is fifty square meters, in the selection of light, furniture experts advise:
- Purchase only the necessary furniture - as a place for free movement will be more. This is especially important when a lot of people living in the apartment, including - mobile children.
- For each logical zone apartments fitted a separate light source.
- During repairs, as additional storage, in niches, corners and developing are built-in wardrobes.
- Most brightly illuminated working kitchen area, office, children's room. To a lesser extent - hallway, bedroom, toilet.

Zoning of the room can be done with light and a two-level ceiling
Room design for 50 meters square - a huge variety of decoration options, stylistic solutions for any budget. Clearance made his own or with the participation of the invited experts.