How to remove wax from clothes at home?


  • What methods exist?
  • Natural fabrics
  • Synthetics
  • Fur products
  • Suede and leather
  • Jeans
  • Delicate fabrics

Despite the fact that today wax candles are rarely present in our lives( only during a romantic dinner or with a power outage), no one is immune from the appearance of stains fromthem on a dress or on trousers. Naturally, at this moment it is necessary to find an urgent answer to the question: how to remove wax from clothes? After all, ordinary washing does not help here. But there are effective ways, you just have to choose the one that you like, and you can start cleaning.

What methods exist?

Who once tried to remove the wax from the fabric or from the fur, they know how difficult this task is. Washing can not cope, and a knife is also not the best option. Fortunately, there are more effective ways:

  • iron;
  • exposure to cold;
  • chemicals;
  • homemade compounds.

You can, of course, include a thing in dry cleaning. They are exactly familiar with how to clean wax from clothes. But this will have to be spent, it is better to let the money for something else. In addition, there are many reviews of how the dry cleaners returned a hopelessly spoiled thing. So it's better to clean the wax yourself, especially since it's not so difficult. Everything you need is at your fingertips. You just need to choose the right method for the type of fabric, and you will get it right.

Natural fabrics

If you are faced with the question of how to remove stains from wax from clothes made from linen, wool or cotton, you will have to try a little. In this case, paraffin falls between the fibers, and it is impossible to clean it mechanically. But do not despair, bring your clothes in order even in this situation is quite possible. You will only need an iron and a napkin, but before you start, be sure to look at the label, what is the maximum temperature you can use on clothes that you need to clean.

The process of removing the traces of a candle is simple:

  • lay clothes on a flat surface with a stain up;
  • on the stain put a paper napkin or a piece of unnecessary cloth;
  • iron with iron for half a minute;
  • remove what you had on the clothes, and see if it was possible to wipe the stain completely;
  • if the paraffin is not completely cleansed, take a new napkin or a piece of tissue and repeat the entire procedure.

This method allows you to quickly get rid of the traces of candles from clothes without damaging the material itself. If the tissue remains fatty traces, it remains only to wash them in the usual way.

It also happens that the label indicates that it is strictly forbidden to use a hot iron. In this case, the solvent can help you out. Only carry out cleaning in a well-ventilated room.


Be sure to check the composition on a small piece of clothing, especially if you have it colored. Otherwise, there is a risk that then you have to throw out the outfit because of the shed paint.


Remove the stain from wax with synthetic fabric is somewhat simpler than with a natural material. Here the paraffin is on the surface, and you just need to soften it slightly. Heating with an iron is no longer possible, because these types of fabric often do not withstand high temperatures. Therefore, prepare a basin with hot water and a soft brush, or even better - a piece of cloth.

Just hold the clothes on which you have a wax spot, a few minutes in the water. And then just start carefully removing paraffin from the surface with a piece of cloth or a brush with a very soft bristle. Try not to rub hard, otherwise just damage the material. If you can not remove the wax completely, just repeat the manipulation with the basin and water again.

In order to remove the stain from the candle from a synthetic material, you can use turpentine. Just wipe the stain with a cotton disc. After the paraffin is completely cleaned off the surface, it will only be necessary to wash the clothes.

Fur products

This case is a bit like what it was with natural fabrics, since the wax is not on the surface. Here, it is most likely distributed among the villagers, and it is no longer possible to remove it as simply as from a synthetic fabric. The problem is somewhat complicated by the fact that it is impossible to heat the fur things with an iron. But how to wash the wax in this case? Low temperatures will help you.

  1. If in the street there are severe frosts, just hang out the clothes on the balcony for a while. Or put things in the freezer if dimensions permit. You can try rubbing soiled clothes with a piece of ice.
  2. Once the paraffin has solidified, begin to gently remove it from each villi. You can even just rub the hairs together. The frozen wax will crumble and it's good to go off the fur. If a little wax remains on fur clothing, rub it with your fingernails or something inconsistent. Especially do not be zealous to not accidentally pick up fur.

Suede and leather

If you have a question about how to wash wax from products made of these materials, then you will have to take several steps. And it will be necessary to do everything very carefully, so as not to damage the surface. First, gently remove paraffin with the blunt side of the knife or something similar. The remaining stain should be held for a short time over hot steam and gently wipe the remnants with a soft brush. Or you can attach a napkin and warm it a little with an iron, but not hot.

Similar manipulations, too, may not always work. Therefore, keep ammonia at home, now you need it. Dissolve half a spoonful of alcohol in a liter of water, soak a cotton disc or piece of cloth in this solution and start rubbing the stained object until the stain completely disappears.


There's nothing easier than removing wax from jeans. If you accidentally drop a candle on your favorite pants, do not erase the stain immediately, let it freeze. Then put the thing in the cold for about 10 minutes. Once the wax has solidified, rub the fabric, and the trace from the candle will come off by itself. The remaining grease stain can be washed with ordinary soapy water or send jeans to the machine.

Delicate fabrics

It remains only to consider how to remove wax from clothes made of silk, chiffon, organza or the like. Do not use hot iron, alcohol-based substances can spoil the material. To help you in this situation can usual dishwashing detergent. It is enough to moisten the wax with this liquid and leave it for a while for the stain to dry out. Then simply spread the clothes in warm soapy water. If the trace from the candle could not be removed completely, repeat the procedure again.

If you do not want to mess around with removing a stain, the only option is to take things to a dry cleaners where specialists can remove wax from clothes. But in this case, be prepared for serious expenditure on the services of such a company. Cleaning at home will help you avoid this. Time and effort for it takes very little, and the result is often no worse than that of professionals with their expensive means.