Hallway - it's the first room, which is visible to members of the apartment people, a kind of "face" of any home. In this room it is necessary to observe cleanliness and order, which is impossible without comfortable furniture, well-supplied lighting. Proper design of the lobby of the apartment is done personally or with the participation of the invited experts.

Making the hall must be hospitable, because it is here that the first impression of the apartment owners
Major trends in the design of modern hall
- Major trends in the design of modern hall
- Features of the hall with stairs
- General principles of planning and design of the hall
- Interior design of a small hallway
The design of the hall depending on the form
- Long
- Wide
- Long and wide
- Narrow
- The choice of design options for elements of the hall
- Colors hall
- Lighting
- Options for increasing the hallway
- What furniture is necessary in the lobby
- Adding the working corner
- conclusion
- Video on how you arrange the narrow hallway
- Gallery: 50 design options of the hall in the apartment
Corridor - it is always communicating room, a kind of "distributor", where exit doors of rooms, kitchens, bathrooms. In a real two-bedroom apartment, the hall walls are up to seven doorways, on three of its four sides. To this space looked harmoniously, all the doors and floors, skirting boards draw up the same way.

Whatever modern ideas do not lie in the interior of the hall, do not forget about the main purpose hall - here take off their shoes and outer clothing, store things
Features of the hall with stairs
Entrance hall with staircase is found in many private homes, two-level apartments. In various embodiments, the design, staircase structure becomes primary or secondary element. Under the broad, high ladder fitted wardrobe, hanger set, a couch or a dressing table, a higher rung are also easy to build storage space. Sometimes the structure divides the room in half, while its zoning.

Decorating the hall with a staircase can be performed in a variety of styles, using a variety of materials
Finish the ladder is suitable for the rest of the room - a wooden house put the product of natural wood, stone - marble.
General principles of planning and design of the hall
When planning the hall is important to consider that the design of the premises must be possible in the style of the entire apartment or private house. Differences here appear in the finish - to follow uses materials that are easy to clean, long wear. The functionality of a hallway assumes availability for storing outdoor clothing, footwear, small area for changing clothes after the street, bringing the exterior in order before you leave home.

Thinking decoration of the hall, it should be noted that its interior must coincide with the appearance of the other rooms in the apartment
Interior design of a small hallway
Hall size in urban apartment sometimes is only 2.5-4.5 sq. m., but the owners still want to keep an interior style, which made the whole apartment. Create a design in the Baroque style, Empire, Shabby chic, loft, there can not be, but to use some of their elements - is permissible. Most often cramped rooms are made in a minimalist style, classic, art deco, Provence, Japanese.
- In the classical style. Classical hall is made in bright colors, finishing materials are used only natural - wood, stone, little glass, forged parts. Entrance and interior doors - paneled mirror decorated carved wooden frame. On the walls allowed a small amount of stucco.
When choosing a classic decoration small hallway is necessary to pay attention to the bright colors
- Art Deco. There are many beautiful fine lines - the sofa legs, dresser, turning hanger, intricate mirror frame, ornaments on the wallpaper. Preferred colors - black and white tones with individual elements, but can also be bright accents.
Hallway in the art deco style is different severity of lines and rich decor
- Minimalism. Minimalistic interior gives the impression that the room was completely empty. The decor is not here, for the storage section closed, as if immured in the walls. From the visible furniture - mirror without a frame, a simple square ottoman. finishing color - white, gray, yellow, black, pastel colors are unacceptable.
The interior in the style of minimalism will be the perfect choice for a small entrance area
- High tech. Door mirrors feature built-in cabinets, "full length", decorated with sandblasted pattern. On the floor - shiny tiles in the living room or the kitchen has sliding glass doors. All tone predominantly cold - blue, silver, steel.
High-tech, with its simplicity and asceticism allows contain forward in perfect order
The design of the hall depending on the form
The panel houses, in contrast to the "Khrushchev" corridors of relatively large - to repair them need to spend a lot of time, money. It is important to take into account the geometry of the room as much as possible - the easiest way to draw a square space for design elongated need to use some of the techniques of adjustment of its shape.

The shape and area of the room depends on the choice of colors of the interior of the hall
Excessively long vestibule is divided into two logical areas - located directly near the entrance door and the one that is closer to the inputs of a bedroom, a living room. Zoning is done by height differences of the ceiling, floor, various lights, decoration material.

Zoning hallway flooring front door lay ceramic tile, and then - laminate or linoleum, depending on the financial capacity
To adjust the shape of an elongated corridor, less its walls painted in dark colors, large - in the light.
A wide space is zoned furniture - a small wardrobe, a through rack, floor hangers, a dressing table, a narrow vertical mirror. It's easy to create a small sitting area with a coffee table, chairs, chairs. The color scheme will suit the most daring.

The wide entrance area is ideal for the decoration in a classic style
Long and wide
Modern square hall interior design - a photo of the apartment look different. Sometimes there put two identical corner cabinet, creating a symmetrical design. In other embodiments, about one of the walls put a sofa bed, arranging a guest bed for one or two people. Then organize two or more semantic area is not difficult.

A spacious entrance hall allows you to experiment with style and color selection palette of interior
In this room it is best to almost completely abandon the furniture, leaving only a wall hanger, narrow obuvnitsu and ottoman. Long loose wall decorate a huge mirror, visually make the corridor widened. It is also permissible to paint the entire room in a silvery-white, lustrous yellow, peach - anguish will be less noticeable.

White visually expand the narrow corridor and make it lighter
The choice of design options for elements of the hall
All materials are selected for maximum durability lobby. On the streets here gets a lot of dirt, dust, for cleaning, including wet, will often have the need to take into account at the stage of planning.
- The walls are often painted or drawn with paint decorative plaster, plastic panels, paneling. Individual interior style suggest gray concrete walls on either hand painting on wet plaster.
For the walls is necessary to choose materials resistant to wear and easy to clean
- Wallpaper used thick, washable, in bright, cramped rooms, plain or with a small figure. The larger spaces glue material abundant bright ornaments and colorful Mural.
If the hallway low ceiling, can be wallpapered walls with vertical stripes that visually pripodnimut ceiling
- The ceiling is the easiest way to whiten, carefully pre-aligned. If the issue of his glossy stretch film, it is easy to create the effect of a very high building. Multilevel ceilings are often made in a spacious hall, for small as this design is not suitable.
ceiling clearance depends on the room size - the smaller it is, the easier it should be a ceiling
- On the floor lay a special tile - it is not slippery, tough. The close quarters made laying diagonally, in a large room acceptable two-color pattern "checkerboard". Floor board is allowed, but should be covered with a special compound that prevents degradation by moisture. Natural stone and laminate used a little less frequently.
Wear-resistant ceramic tiles - the perfect solution for flooring in the hallway
Colors hall
Color palette hallway begging, depending on its size. The darker, more closely this room, the more light, warm tones of its paint. Rainbow multicolor decoration for a solid amount of space. In the hall, which area is less than three to five "squares", it is permissible to use no more than two colors, pastel preferably by diluting a contrast, if necessary.

When choosing color schemes follow a simple rule - the smaller the room, the lighter should be the walls and ceiling

Dark tones and shades are permissible only in a sufficiently spacious premises
Corridor, in most cases, completely devoid of windows, because the presence of artificial light sources - the paramount question. In a confined space is mounted a pair of flat ceiling lights and the mirror is illuminated LED located along the perimeter. The more spacious rooms are mounted volume of chandeliers, sconces and even lamps. If there is built-in wardrobe, it is illuminated separately.

In order not to look in the dark keys or door handle, entrance room should be literally flooded with light

For general illumination may be used built-ceiling lamp, an entry zone frequently isolated central hanger and hung next to the mirror sconce
Options for increasing the hallway
The dimensions of the hall is rarely increase for real, by moving walls. Most often it is only the visual expansion, which is achieved through the use of bright colors, huge mirrors. One of the walls decorate 3D-Desktop, false light windows, shiny bright paint. If some of the doorways are replaced by wide arches, the place also becomes larger due to the addition to the rooms.

A narrow space can be expanded using a mirror on one of the long sides
What furniture is necessary in the lobby
In the small hall will be located unless a compact built-in wardrobe, a small stool or ottoman, narrow console that serves as a dressing table, wall mirror.

Hanging lockers visually facilitate the interior of a small hallway and simplify cleaning
In a large room put:
- large closet;
- floor mirror;
- sofa;
- several ottoman;
- floor hangers;
- thumbs-obuvnitsy;
- corner cabinets.

Variants of arrangement of furniture in the hallway is necessary to think in advance
Adding the working corner
If the Hall area is 12 or more square. m., it is easy to make a cozy office. From the front door is separated by a thin plastic or glass wall, a screen, in the presence of stairs - hide under it. Mini-office conveniently it settles in pentagonal built-in cabinet, executed under the order.

An office in the lobby under the stairs on the second floor of the house
Beautifully furnish the lobby is not difficult, knowing basic principles of convenient arrangement of furniture, color combinations. Making an entrance hall - a matter of culture at home owners, apartment. If properly equip the space of the hall with his hands could not be, get help from a qualified interior designers.