The design of a long corridor: the decorate, interesting ideas and solutions, photos

Many lay both modern and houses built in the last century, suggest the presence of a long corridor. The design of a long corridor becomes a puzzle to many. In this article, we will focus on how you can properly perform the repair in this corridor and will offer ideas and photos of the interiors of a long corridor.

long corridor

Make a long corridor practical and stylish is possible.

The choice of color solutions for the long room


  • The choice of color solutions for the long room
  • Lighting
    • The design of a long hallway - the right lighting
  • zoning
  • Making the ceiling
  • Decoration of walls and floors
    • The choice of flooring for a narrow hallway
    • How to decorate a wall in a long hallway
    • Wallpapers and wall stickers
  • How to create a comfortable interior
  • Correct placement of furniture in a long hallway as to furnish a long hallway in the apartment
  • How to decorate a long, narrow corridor
  • different styles
  • conclusion
  • VIDEO: Ideas narrow corridor design of the apartment.
  • 50 stylish options for the long corridor design:

To make a space in the narrow and long corridor are ideal light and warm shades. The main task, which solves the color palette in the interior of the space - it is a visual extension. In the long narrow room just need to get rid of the crushing effect which gives walls, located close to each other.

design a narrow long corridor

Every detail, located in a narrow corridor, should work on its visual magnification, as well as to perform a specific function.

Also, the assistance may come bright accents, the main thing that they were also warm and bright. As a rule, the ceiling becomes the bright surface, and decoration of the walls done in pastel colors.

long corridor options

It is important that the floor and the ceiling did not match the tone in tone, and at least a little different from each other.

What exactly should be avoided, because it's dark colors and large patterns. It is particularly unfortunate that decision looks, if applied for registration of the ceiling. This palette is as if "crushes", makes the room darker and less visually.


When it comes to the narrow and long corridor, it is important to use multiple light sources and in any case not to allow the presence of only one lighting unit on the entire hallway.

Design for a narrow long corridor

One way to correct the flaws in the layout - it is well-planned lighting.

The design of a long hallway - the right lighting

To make the process of collecting before leaving comfortable, and the visual perception of the room more pleasant, can be used spotlights. For a long corridor is the ideal solution. If you install multiple LED lamps, which can be integrated in the false ceiling for the entire length of the room, the lighting will be uniform and will provide sufficient brightness.

long hallway hallway

The light distribution is necessary to think carefully before starting repairs.

Also, a few lights can be placed along one wall, it will look very stylish and beautiful. Lighting, picked up in the style of the interior, become more and decorative element.

the right of the corridor lighting

It is recommended to use small spotlights.

Set the backlight can be for other decorative elements. For example, a picture or mirror can be illuminated LED tape, and the LED lamps can be incorporated into furniture.

design of a narrow and long corridor

Wall sconces can illuminate the mirror in the entrance area, pictures or shelves shelving with decorative items.

Additional Information: In this room it is imperative that there was not a dark corner, otherwise not be able to achieve the effect of increasing the visual space.


To a long hallway looked perfectly and was easy to use, you need to consider functional areas. In the hallway, there are two: the front part of the passage itself. To separate the parts from each other by using different finishing and decoration.

long hallway ideas

Help visually enlarge the space decorative elements separating the corridor area.

In the entrance area are installed cabinets and pedestals for shoes, a wardrobe or a hanger on the wall. In this part of the room must be the mirror.

long corridor design

Anything so does not increase the visual space of the room as a properly fitted mirror.

Additional information: Mirror, you can take the free surface of one of the walls or choose a cabinet with mirrored door. Also to distinguish between areas of the inlet can be designed floor tiles.

At the entrance of the room, you can lay carpet or linoleum.

long corridor design ideas

Hue flooring chosen according to the color of the furniture and walls.

Making the ceiling

The best option would whitewash and painting the ceiling surface. Firstly, in a room the color of the ceiling should be lighter than the color of the walls or floor. Second, you can use various attachments or plasterboard construction, but there are some nuances. On the one hand, we can not engage in the ceiling lining, on the other hand, such methods take the height of the room.

long hallway interior options

If the height makes it possible, the choice could fall on the suspension structures, behind which you can hide well wiring, uneven ceiling level.

Decoration of walls and floors

Correctly matched finish for floors and walls - it's a big part of a successful design. We tell you about what options are advised to adhere to the experts.

The choice of flooring for a narrow hallway

In the entrance of the hall can be tiled. This coating more durable and resistant to various chemicals. The rest of you can use laminate or linoleum.

design of a narrow and long corridor

At the entrance lay floor tiles of dark color, and the rest of the cover, for example, laminate, parquet or tiles of a different color.

How to decorate a wall in a long hallway

An excellent option for the walls in the hallway are the wallpaper. The color palette is sure to be bright. Precautions should be with drawings and prints. They just do not have to be large or too dark. In both cases, such embodiments will overload the space, reducing it visually.

long corridor interior

If the walls and ceiling are made in soft pastel colors, the floors, doors, furniture can come in contrast with them.

Wallpapers and wall stickers

Mural on the wall of the corridor can become a highlight of the design and make it unique. Choosing photowall design must conform to all the same rules: wallpapers should not create a sense of piling up, the major elements in the figure should not be, as the bright eye-catching colors. The same can be said about the stickers on the wall.

long corridor design

Modern fabric quality and variety of colors and textures are not inferior to more expensive materials.

How to create a comfortable interior

We list a few basic rules that will help to make a finding in this space and enjoy the most comfortable pieces of furniture.

  1. Correct alignment. More details about this point it will be discussed later. It is important to bear in mind that the location of each object must be thought out.
  2. furniture functionality. In a confined space object should be as useful as possible. For example, a beautiful cabinet should be even and an additional compartment for storage.
  3. Correctly chosen lighting. In the dark corners would be uncomfortable to look for the right things, to gather and so on.
long corridor design

Furnish the hall must not only practical, but also stylish.

Correct placement of furniture in a long hallway as to furnish a long hallway in the apartment

Corridor space to look stylish and have been functional, it is important to correctly pick all pieces of furniture. They must be both compact and spacious. Thus, they will not overload the room, but also allow to store all the necessary things.

long corridor design

To close the corridor are well suited modular design, which is also to modernize it.

What furniture should be in the hall:

  1. Cupboard or shelves for storing shoes.
  2. Wardrobe and wall hangers.
  3. Mirror.
  4. Chest of drawers.
  5. Additional stool or ottoman.
design of a narrow and long corridor

Small width of the corridor can be beat with the help of pictures or family pictures, turning the room into a cozy gallery.

Additional Information: Of course, if the size of the hall allows, the list of necessary furniture can be increased. When choosing a cabinet, it is better to give preference to models with door-coupe. This saves valuable space, as well as any other folding or retractable design in furniture.

To moving down the long narrow corridor was not difficult, it is better to install furniture on the one hand, and the other left free. If you use cross-arrangement of furniture, there is a risk not to obtain an aesthetic appearance.

Design for a narrow corridor options

If enough shelves, place them on a variety of accessories, awards, books, art, decorative candles, potted plants on your taste.

How to decorate a long, narrow corridor

Decor elements are not only able to create a beautiful picture, but also visually expand the space. For example, with this role perfectly cope bright carpet, especially if you choose a product with horizontal stripes. The same rules should be followed, if it was decided to use a wooden floor - boards need to be laid perpendicular to, rather than along the walls. If you select two different carpet, you can visually divide the hall into two parts.

Design a long narrow corridor

Instead of the traditional long-track carpet is better to use several small, they create the impression of non-linearity of an elongated corridor.

Will be a great decoration paintings and framed photos, bookshelves, mirrors, live plants, and so on. All this will add comfort to the interior.

narrow corridor design

Any kind of image, the panorama attractive opening, able to increase the space visually.

different styles

Well-chosen style will help to neutralize the disadvantages of inconvenient layout. It is important to bear in mind that for long and narrow hallway will suit not every style.

  1. Minimalism. The most simple and the most preferred design solution. Preference is given to light tones and the light as close as possible to natural. At least in emphasis, as a rule, only one detail stands out.
    corridor hall interior design

    At least the most basic functional furniture, the combination of light and dark shades, the lighting close to natural. Appropriate gloss furniture.

  2. Classical. Suitable her laconic variation. The most important thing - is to use natural materials such as wood (light) and marble.
    long corridor hallway photo

    It creates the effect of aristocracy, moderation. Among the materials used - wood, an imitation marble.

  3. Provence. French direction will make the space a romantic and soft due to the predominance of pastel colors and floral motifs.
    long hallway ideas

    Welcome imitation abrasions, ruffles and graceful forms.

  4. Country. They used the most simple materials, warm colors. All this creates a rustic atmosphere of rest and comfort.
    interior corridor

    The room should look like a house in a small village.

  5. East style. The implementation of such areas would not cheap, but it is perfect for narrow spaces.
    Design for a narrow long corridor

    Curly design detail adds to the interior of lightness.


Long hallway can become quite comfortable, functional and beautiful. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of experts, and then the design will delight your convenience and comfort.

VIDEO: Ideas narrow corridor design of the apartment.

50 stylish options for the long corridor design: