Skin of the face, like an orange peel - what to do?

  • Causes of the appearance of the orange peel
  • What can be done for prevention?
  • Services of beauty salons
  • Popular methods of combating orange peel
  • Useful advices

Every woman wants to look good at any age. If there are different rashes on the face, this can be a big problem, despite the fact that there are many different cosmetic products that can return a decent look to the skin. One of the biggest problems is stretching the pores on the face, resulting in skin resembling the skin of an orange. Why is this happening? Pores are at everyone, through them the sebum leaves outside. But when the sebaceous glands are too active, the sebum gradually stretches the pores, and the face looks like an orange peel. If at an early age the skin is elastic and can withstand stretching of the pores, then with age, it loses to a large extent this ability. And if it happened, the skin of the face, like an orange peel - what to do?

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Causes of the appearance of the orange peel

This problem not only spoils the appearance itself, but also leads to the appearance of rashes, irritations and tubercles on the skin. There are a lot of reasons for this kind of trouble.

Important! Facial skin is an open area of ​​the body that is exposed to all external factors, from the environmental state of the environment to the cosmetics you use.

Extension of pores and appearance of tuberosity and various rashes on the face can contribute:

  • Sharp climate change.
  • High humidity in places where you live or often are.
  • Incorrectly selected cosmetics or skin care products.
  • The tonal cream and powder clog the pores, so this problem can appear with the constant use of these funds.
  • Incorrect power.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Factors related to weather conditions - rain, wind, direct sunlight.
  • Harmful habits - alcohol and smoking.
  • Frequent stress, sleep disorders and fatigue.
  • Strong production of sebum by the sebaceous gland, for example, during adolescence.
  • Hereditary or genetic factors.
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What can be done for prevention?

If you do not have such problems yet and you do not want to think about what to do in the future, if the skin is like an orange peel, then you need to think about preventive measures. The skin of the face needs the right care.

To prevent the formation of unevenness on the skin, observe the following recommendations:

  • Always use special cosmetic products, which include medicinal herbs.
  • Do regular masks, especially if you have bumpy skin. Alternate moisturizing, nourishing, tightening face masks.
  • You have to moisturize your skin.
  • Use a scrub at least once every two weeks to rid the skin of keratinized particles.

Remember that any problem is easier to prevent than cure. But if, after all, the orange peel has managed to reach you, then the treatment must begin immediately. Many salons carry out cosmetology procedures, helping to get rid of this lack. Narrow pores can be reduced at home with the help of traditional medicine.

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Cosmetic salon services

If you decide to use the services of beauty salons, experienced cosmetologists will prepare you skin improvement program, help you choose cosmetics suitable for your skin type, adjust your diet and offer the following procedures:

  • peeling;
  • darsonvalization;
  • microdermabrasion;
  • laser resurfacing.

All these procedures are aimed at cleaning and eliminating the shortcomings of thick, porous skin.

Important! To preserve the result, you can not go back to the old way of life or old makeup, otherwise - the pores will start to expand again, and all your problems will come back to you again.

Buy cosmetics from well-established firms. To achieve maximum results, one should also turn to the help of traditional medicine.

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Folk methods for combating orange peel

If you have a facial skin, like an orange peel, and you do not know what to do, then ask for help with folk medicine prescriptions. Many cosmeticians believe that folk remedies are much more effective than salon treatments.

The following recipes will help to overcome the shortcomings of the person:

  • Lime flowers are coping with this problem perfectly. For this, pour one tablespoon of dried flowers with 100 ml of hot water. Put the mixture on a small fire, cook until it thickens. After the mixture has cooled, put it on your face and leave it for 20 minutes.

Important! Remove this mask better dry cotton swab, and then wash with cool water.

  • An excellent remedy for expanding the pores - a mask of fresh fruits and berries. Especially good masks from orange and strawberries.

Important! Whipped egg whites can be added to the orange mask for a better effect.

  • Vegetables also benefit: Scrub one potato tuber on a grater, mix with egg and apply on face for half an hour, then rinse. Kashitsa from tomatoes also helps to narrow pores. You can cut tomatoes or cucumbers into rings, leave on your face for a while.
  • Soak the black bread in hot water and apply this gruel in a warm form to the skin for 15 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.
  • Lemon zest, mixed with olive oil, also narrows the skin. But such a mask does not suit everyone.

Important! If you are addicted to allergies, then you should use another recipe.

  • It will bring great benefit to scrub from the coffee grounds or from oat flakes.
  • Whisk the protein, mix it with grated carrots. Add flour, stir until a uniform mass is formed. Apply on face for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. In the end, wipe the face with ice cubes and spread the skin with a moisturizing cream.

Important! To remove all irregularities, pimples and tubercles, you need to regularly do cosmetic procedures, use advice and recipes of traditional medicine and lead a healthy lifestyle. You need to take care of the skin regularly, otherwise - the effect will be short-lived.

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Useful advices for

Any external beauty is the result of a healthy body, so you need to lead a correct lifestyle, then most of the skin problems will not concern you:

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle if possible, avoid stress and fatigue. Go in for sports and eat right.
  • Choose care products correctly, do not get carried away by cosmetic means. Do not forget to wash off your face for the night.
  • Scrub twice in 10 days. It is not necessary to buy expensive products, you can use the same coffee grounds or oat flakes.
  • It is best to wash yourself with a special gel. It should include oils and extracts of medicinal herbs.
  • Lotion with hawthorn, lemon, calendula, rosemary is suitable for such skin. You can make a decoction of herbs themselves and rinse them face. Very good removes excess fat from the face and narrows the pores of decoction of field horsetail and chamomile.
  • Apply twice a week a mask to improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Skin, like an orange peel, is not a verdict if you know what to do in such a situation. And you are now armed to the fullest, to begin an effective struggle for the smoothness and beauty of your face.