- Types
- Fillers
- Choose a mattress
Many people know about the fact that we spend at least one third of our whole life on a night's sleep. This, of course, provided that a person takes a responsible attitude to his regime of life, correctly organized the time of work, active rest and sleep. Sleep will be strong, healthy, if you choose the right mattress. In the article, we will look at what kinds of orthopedic mattresses there are - what are the differences between fillers for them, what can be the bedding device.
to the table of contents ↑Types of
Many different types of mattresses are available in stores. It is important to determine what is needed.
Springless mattresses
Such orthopedic mattresses are distinguished by the presence of a block of elastic material. For its production can be used latex, coconut coir, foam rubber and other fillers of natural or synthetic origin. This category also includes water and air models.
Important! The stiffness of such mattresses can be any.
Spring mattresses with dependent springs
The shape of the springs "bonnel" resembles an ordinary barrel. They are interconnected in such a way that a single canvas is produced.
Important! These models have no hardness zones. They do not belong to the orthopedic, they are now considered obsolete.
Spring mattresses with independent springs
The design includes a large number of individual springs, each with a separate cover. Rigidity can be different. The best mattresses have several zones, the elasticity of which is different. This creates a better support for the spine. A very important indicator is the number of springs located on one square meter.
Important! The comfort of the mattress depends on the number of springs. With more of them, the product will be more comfortable.
The standard is 256 springs per meter, but this figure can reach up to 1000.
to the contents ↑Fillers
Orthopedic mattresses differ and filler. It is he who determines to a greater degree the degree of elasticity, rigidity of the product, as well as its ability to support those or other parts of the spine.
Hevea juice( rubber) is used for its production. Despite the softness of this material, in the manufacturing process it can turn into medium-hard. This material has excellent anatomical properties, it can be used by people over 100 kg.
Important! This hypoallergenic, breathable material does not absorb the smell and water. Also, it does not rot and does not mold. Latex will last up to 20 years.
Coconut Coir
This coconut is used to make this natural filler. Through the material the air passes freely, the odor and moisture are not absorbed. Its distinctive features are strength and reliability, long service life.
Important! To produce such mattresses, latex coir is used, which leads to prolongation of the service life and improvement of orthopedic qualities.
Polyurethane foam
Sufficiently soft and elastic filler of synthetic origin, which is widely used in the manufacture of orthopedic mattresses. Thanks to the bubble structure, the material is well ventilated.
Important! The cost of such products is quite acceptable, and the service life differs in duration.
Natural Form
This material is an improved version of polyurethane foam. According to the characteristics, it is very similar to latex."Natural Form" is a soft and elastic material, very well restores shape. The material is well ventilated.
For the production of this material, synthetic and natural fibers of high quality are used. The fibers are arranged vertically, so the filler becomes elastic.
Important! This non-toxic and hypoallergenic material has a long service life.
Memory Form
If you think which mattress to choose, choose a product with this filler. He has a memory effect, excellent anatomical and orthopedic properties. Despite the fact that the material feels soft to the touch, it evenly supports the body. This does not create resistance, which leads to better circulation and better relaxation.
Important! Distinctive features of "Memori Form" - hypoallergenicity and air permeability. It does not contain bed moth and ticks, dust does not accumulate.
This innovative material is based on a gel. It consists of very soft, but elastic pads. The uniqueness of such a filler is the temperature, which is always a couple of degrees lower than the human temperature. Thanks to this, the muscles relax, the well-being and blood circulation improve.
Important! The material does not cause allergies.
One third of this artificial filler is natural latex, so their properties are so similar. Ergolatex is a durable and elastic material with excellent restorability. The bubble structure allows the material to pass air well. It has excellent ergonomic and supporting properties.
to the contents ↑Choose a mattress
In the store it's easy to get confused as to which mattress is better. In this choice, one should trust not only personal preferences, but also take into account weight, health and age.
Important! A hard mattress is suitable for a full person, for a thin one it is soft. A person with an average complexion fit any orthopedic mattresses of medium rigidity.
Age is important:
- Doctors recommend that people in old age refuse to use hard mattresses, as this can cause blood circulation problems and problems with the spine.
- And how to choose a mattress for a child? For schoolchildren and teenagers, it is worthwhile to dwell on rigid, springless mattresses. And for the baby the main thing is hygroscopicity. Specialists recommend choosing not a thick mattress, the filler in which is coconut fiber.
- Double mattress is best to choose medium-hard, with independent springs. If one of the sleepers has a habit of tossing and turning in a dream - this will not affect the second half of the mattress in any way.
Important! Despite the longevity and environmental friendliness of natural fillers, it is better for allergy sufferers not to risk and choose synthetic materials.
Before choosing an orthopedic mattress, you should determine its size. First of all, it should not hang from the bottom of the bed. In addition, the length should be greater than the height of a person at least 20 cm.
With our advice, you will not lose your head in the huge choice of orthopedic mattresses and you will be able to choose one that will make your sleep calm and serene.