During repair or reorganization of the space raises many questions, among them - at what height to hang a mirror in the bathroom over the sink. Plane with reflective effect can be used in different ways in the interior, it is important not to forget about the practicality of application.

Installing interior items must be carried out correctly in the bathroom, so that their use was safe and convenient.
How to choose the height of the mirror in the bathroom
- How to choose the height of the mirror in the bathroom
- Select by human growth
- Popular and trendy options mirror over the sink
- Selecting the shape of the mirror over the sink in the bathroom
height standards mirror over the sink in the bathroom
- The height of the sink
- The height from the floor and ceiling
- Types of fasteners mirror over the sink in the bathroom
- Proper installation vannogo mirrored cabinet above the sink
- VIDEO: How to hang a mirror in the bathroom.
- 50 Mirrors Design options for bathroom:
Mirrors make our lives easier and more convenient, especially if properly thought out installation in the bathroom or hallway. Someone who likes to correct hair and fine details of clothes casually, others for hours to brush up before you leave, some for a long time tend to enjoy themselves in their free time.

Dimensions cloth should also be selected optimally in accordance with the preferences, and the growth of all family members.
Of course, most of the time people spend in the morning in front of a mirror and wash basin. For bathrooms you can choose any convenient format:
- glass shelf above the sink with a reflective strip;
- cabinet with mirrored door near the sink;
- inlay in the interior door;
- mirror tiles on the wall (polymeric analogs often have incomplete reflection effect);
- separate insert into the liner;
- continuous wall - for visual doubling space;
- a pedestal with a large mirror;
- of the stained-glass windows and mosaics of bat tiles.

To mirror is not only convenient, but also in harmony with the whole bathroom need to consider where and how his story.
Important! The general rule for a separate hanging mirror - the top point should be a few centimeters above the eye level of the highest member of the family.
If this furniture, the height of the reflecting inserts allows for standard height, which is not always convenient for children and adolescents.

The lower part of the blade must be placed at a minimum height of 1.2 m above the floor.
Select by human growth
The optimum height of the mirror small size is chosen so that it is convenient to use without tools or special item. For example, a family with small children to take into account that they will look into it, even if the mirror is high. Children substituted stools, or other device that is unsafe - this fact also has to be taken into account.

Parameter height from the floor can be changed by placing non-standard shells, which are installed at a height above the norm (0.7 m).
Very high guys have a little lean, if not satisfied with the height of the mirror above the sink in the bathroom. Of course, this happens at a party, but at home it is not normal. In the room for hygienic procedures one should not feel discomfort during washing in the morning.

The upper portion of the web should correspond to the height of the tall person in a family with the addition of 20 mm but not exceed the level of the top of the doorway.
If it is an apartment or a house on one host, the level of mirror surfaces is determined by its individual needs. But in this case, no one should bend down or catch up, wanting to put himself in order.

When placing a mirror above the sink need to consider the size of the room and pick up the correct its proportions.
Inconvenience due to the search of his reflections can not be justified by design or lack of free space for mirror inserts. If you can not adjust the height of the mirror in the bathroom, it is possible to duplicate the insertion of interior doors or separate cutting in the other place.

Most large mirror over the sink for the installation do not exceed the size of 1x2 m.
Popular and trendy options mirror over the sink
Mirror - is not only a utilitarian attribute of any bathroom, but also a design element. They can be a major visual accent in the bathroom or organically complement the overall concept of decoration. Each style has its own conventions that should look like the mirror over the sink in the bathroom.

The thickness of the web is determined depending on the thickness of the tiles, but should not exceed 10 mm.
Many variations provide a framework they can produce their own hands, if the bathroom in a maritime style. Brought from the sea shells, small stars and corals, flat pebbles and polished broken glass, colored stones and other seafood - superb decor.

The mirror above the sink in the bathroom should be uniform and complete composition, excellent harmony with the interior premises.
Originally looks in the mirror glass frame of decorative material:
- colored or frosted glass;
- sandblast pattern;
- stained glass.

The bathroom is usually recommended to use moisture-proof mirrors that have a high service life even in the presence of water vapor.
When choosing mirrors and their registration can rely entirely on your taste - who, if not their masters, accessory daily use.

When installed in the bathroom mirror, it is better to hang a given distance from the floor of the interval between the door and sink, as well as the growth of all family members.
Selecting the shape of the mirror over the sink in the bathroom
If you choose the shape of the mirror, to improve the design of the room, take into account many factors:
- Wall mirror visually doubles the room, it is important and what it reflects. On the contrary there should be no mirrors inside and doorways, otherwise formed a "corridor", which followers of certain doctrines considered entering another world.
- Oval or ellipse emphasizes the benefit plumbing streamlined shape, the best solution for the sanitary room.
- The round shape, particularly in the wide frame, reminiscent of a porthole or window of the bathyscaphe. This visual reception is good to use when decorating themed baths. Average round mirror without frame will fit well into any interior.
- Arbitrary shape - for fans of abstraction, not everyone likes something like a large amoeba on the wall. But if the whole design concept revolves around the theme of denial of right angles and constructivism, it is a fun way to beat the original interior.
- Basic Standard - a rectangle, but it can hang vertically or horizontally. It all depends on the space occupied. Square mirrors are used less frequently.

The height of the placement of fabric is determined individually in each case, based on the characteristics of the interior and space design.
The shell is often mounted directly on a wall mirror, without regard to sex ratio surface, and on the average increase in using it. The main difficulty - cutting round holes for water and sewer pipes. The easiest way to draw on the other wall or close the cupboard under the sink.

The mirror itself has always been one of the central parts of the interior.
If you purchased whole mirror sheet, its size can be accurately fit a niche occupied - from the washbasin to the brim. In this case, you need not just a glass with amalgam, and secure, especially for the bath.

With the right approach, it can be used to visually enlarge the space of the room or premises beat design giving it a unique flavor.
height standards mirror over the sink in the bathroom
Each design approach has its own standardization that professionals can not ignore. With self-regeneration of the apartment or house can be a little bit away from the general recommendations, if it is due to the peculiarities of physiology and specificity bathrooms.

With the current range, the market can pick up everything at once, you need to do in the course of making small adjustments if necessary.
It is also important to understand how reflections format is necessary (possible) at a given point of apartment:
- full height;
- to the waist;
- Only the face and shoulders.

In addition to a wide range of manufactured goods, there are many specialized salons, where you will design and manufacture custom-made mirror.
Two mirrored surfaces of different materials will have its color in different lighting conditions - gray, green or purple undertone. In this case, the ratio of the height from the floor or of the shell does not correct the situation. Therefore it is recommended to purchase two identical mirror if they are to be hung next to - on a common table top into two or three shells.

Any workshop for cutting glass will cut you a good mirror for your size, which will be lower price than the market.
Important! The reflecting surface must be of high quality, free of defects and distortions in color, if it is used for its intended purpose. In some cases, acquire a polymeric mirror or black glossy tiles - purely for cladding. In this case, the reflection quality is of secondary importance.
The height of the sink
When the room is nicely decorated, rarely pay attention to what height the mirror above the sink in the bathroom. Most often looking at her own reflection. When you have to catch up or stoop - it causes discomfort, it does not perform a functional purpose.

This model is preferred by people who love order and rigor, because all excesses are hidden in the closet.
Most often, a sink already "firmly" fixed in accordance with GOST and SNIP standards. This level is due to the method of connection to the water pipes and sewage systems.
Attention! Conveniently wash when the shell on the table level - 70-90 cm from the floor, respectively, the lower edge of the reflection plane is mounted slightly higher.
Wall wash basin after each use is spattered, so often a few centimeters laid tiles (other tiles) on the shell level. Mirror small size fixed above 2-3 layers of tiles. Usually 25-30 cm is sufficient to spray not tarnished mirror surface when washing.

These options are designed for any design style, their beauty is the simplicity of installation and the cost of sufficiently democratic.
After repair often corrected shell level often vary a sanitary container itself and, respectively, raised or lowered and the distance to the reflecting plane.
The height from the floor and ceiling
When the reflecting surface is mounted upright, here we appreciate every nuance and adaptation to the overall interior design:
- proportion of all surfaces;
- complexion affecting people (and children);
- glass shape with amalgam;
- mounting method.
Bulky cloth in a massive frame is unlikely to decorate the bathroom. Much more interesting looks mirror partition of several identical panels, fixed parallel. Too thin glass is inconvenient to mount - they are fragile.

Thick tempered mirror - a guarantee of strength, but it's a big load on the wall.
Useful advice! Optimally - the mirror surface and the level of the doorway at the same height. If there is an original illumination, it should not be flush with the edge of the reflecting surface, so that the lamp does not "hit" in the eye. But it looks good mirror, as if illuminated by edge with tape around the perimeter of the diode from the back side, regardless of size.
When installing the whole mirror of large format oriented to the physiological characteristics of the hosts. Typically, about 10 cm above the plinth 10 cm, and further above the highest yield of human growth reflected without distortion, if the plane is not tilted.

Many people now prefer to install in your bathroom huge reflecting plane almost an entire wall.
To reflect the waist better fix the lower edge of the glass with amalgam at floor level within 90 cm. And it will be enough to see himself on the shoulders - about 120 cm from the floor.
Types of fasteners mirror over the sink in the bathroom
Attention! When installing reflective surfaces necessarily need a preliminary layout - Define the horizon and vertically. To do this, use a universal building level and plumb.
If the room has a jagged wall hanging is still needed on the points marked level, and a mirror, you can choose an oval or curved. It will hide the disproportionate ratio of walls and horizontal lines.

When purchasing or installing mirrors is important to ensure that the product does not distort the image, it has been desired shape and optimum size and fit the overall style of the bathroom.
mirror mount methods.
- Removable or hinged version, it is very easy to use as a temporary toilet equipment when repairs have not been completed or if a shape of the mirror is not yet decided. Many hinged mirror sold as a finished product, have hinges for hanging, attached to the frame or directly to the back surface. For the installation of only two strong screws in the dowels.
- Self-made or accessory shelf for the bathroom can be attached to the special fittings. Wall brackets with holders can be found in any hardware store.
- Edging the mirror can be mounted on the glue directly to the smooth wall. In this case the adhesive is applied to the grid, and on the edge of the silicone sealant is needed, which will save from the decomposition of the amalgam in a moist environment.

The mirror in the bathroom can be a separate hanging objects, and combined with cabinet, shelf.
Proper installation vannogo mirrored cabinet above the sink
Hinged cabinet furniture with glass shelves and doors are most popular. With the help of these items easier to hide wall defects, and find a place for all kinds of small accessories. In this case, not so principled format hinged model, is much more important space where is this accessory.
Recall that mirrored cabinet doors can be opened in different ways:
- the left;
- the right;
- hinged flap on the center;
- sliding one surface, the other fixed (right or left);
- both halves of the door fronts are displaced to the right and to the left.

When you select the catalog or in the supermarket it is important to see how and where it will operate this thing.
Agree, it is inconvenient to open the cabinet, mounted back to back, for example, in the left corner, if the door will be opened in the same direction. Most often, the furniture factory produced right and left model. The opposite option should ask the consultant sales area or contact managers, specifying the range.