Fridge in the kitchen: built-in and stand-alone, how to install, photo

Any apartment is hard to imagine without a kitchen, and any kitchen can not be imagined without a refrigerator. However, getting the bulk items, should be defined in advance to where it will be installed and what sizes are suitable for the selected location. How to make sure that the refrigerator in the kitchen headset looked organically? Or to choose the option of a built-in kitchen with refrigerator? Each of the methods of placement will be considered in this article.

Fridge white

Refrigerator - a functional part of the kitchen interior.

The basic rules of the location in the modern kitchen


  • The basic rules of the location in the modern kitchen
    • The rule of the triangle
  • setting rules based on pre-selected layout
    • What if the refrigerator two (ideas for layout)
    • Refrigerator detached
    • In the niche
    • Installation in the corner
    • Refrigerator near the door
    • Built-in furniture or headsets
    • Built and disguised as headsets
    • Refrigerator under workspace
    • under the table
    • Colored refrigerators in kitchen interior with photos
    • Red, black, gold, silver and other
    • How does the color of the refrigerator on location
  • Alternative locations for the installation of the refrigerator, if it does not fit in the kitchen
    • Refrigerator, installed in the corridor
    • Can I bring a bulky unit to the balcony
  • Where to install the refrigerator just not worth it
  • conclusion
  • VIDEO: How to place a refrigerator in the kitchen.
  • 50 embodiment the location of the refrigerator in the kitchen:

Most often, households and house guests gather in the kitchen, and the most commonly used household appliances is of course a fridge. That is why it is important that the location was convenient for all. The unit should not cause any inconvenience for its location, and have to be provided for the continuous opening and closing of the door.

refrigerator in the kitchen interior

When the right approach, it can become a real decoration of the room, surprising guests and allows obtaining aesthetic pleasure.

To make the right choice, identify with the technology's location, you need to consider several options:

  • the size and shape of the room;
  • location washing zones, processing and storage of products - it is important that these parts of the working space arranged at a small distance from each other;
  • ceiling height;
  • the location of windows and their size;
  • air temperature in the room;
  • the location of the outlets.
refrigerator with a green suite

Any hardware store sells devices of different shapes and colors.

The rule of the triangle

The rule of the triangle is to properly position the three main functions of working space - cooking, cleaning and storage. Each of these zones has its center - respectively, stove, sink and refrigerator. This will be the apex of the triangle.

working triangle in the kitchen

Bright interior of the refrigerator is able to emphasize the style of the room.

The basic rule is placed from each other to the point at the optimum distance: not too far from each other, but not too close. It is important that the movement from one element to another was difficult and time consuming, but at the same time, the workspace would not be reduced.

Most convenient for this embodiment is considered when the total distance between two points is no more than 6 meters. Ideally - 90 cm from point to point.

large burgundy refrigerator

Blend well into the interior of the device will give you and guests.

setting rules based on pre-selected layout

Planning is one of the key parameters that need to be analyzed before choosing how to install the refrigerator in the kitchen. The layout may be provided under the refrigerator niche or the placement technique will depend on the structure of the kitchen units. Anyway, if the plan is thought out by yourself, it is best to pre-determine where it will be located every piece of household equipment.

built-in refrigerator

If the plan is ready, you can select one of the following options for the placement of the refrigerator.

What if the refrigerator two (ideas for layout)

Where to put a fridge in the kitchen, if it is not one? The options are many. Consider the most common ones. If the kitchen is large, then hold both units can be directly into the kitchen area. If you can not boast of large size, it is possible to consider the option of transferring one of them into another room.

two refrigerators in the kitchen

A nice addition - a small element of the decor in the color of the main unit.

Refrigerator detached

Ways of where and how you can install the refrigerator - a few. Consider the options when the unit is separate and independent from the rest of the ensemble of household appliances.

freestanding fridge

A good solution would be a fridge in the color of the headset.

In the niche

Install the refrigerator in a niche allows you to create the illusion of integrity, so equipment will not be conspicuous and disrupt the appearance of the interior appearance. As a rule, the unit is installed in a niche of drywall, which is fastened to the metal profiles.

refrigerator in a niche

This is a very practical option, since the refrigerator is tucked away from sunlight, dust and other contaminants.

Installation in the corner

This arrangement will suit perfectly, if the kitchen is not is large. Most often in such a case, the refrigerator is placed near the entrance, but at the same time is close to the sink. If you choose wisely the model, pre-make careful measurements, the equipment will fall in line with the set and will not be released.

refrigerator in the corner

This not only saves space, but also not to disturb the integrity of the design.

Refrigerator near the door

This arrangement is convenient because it does not require great physical strength to make out with shopping bags. At the same time a certain partition is formed, which at the same time performs the function of zoning. In this case it is possible to prepare a niche of drywall or waive the doors, creating a wide open passage.

refrigerator near the door

This technique is visually make the room more spacious and lightweight.

Built-in furniture or headsets

Built-in appliances is growing in popularity. It has many advantages. Firstly, it is an aesthetic appearance that does not violate the design ideas, and becomes its complement.

built-in refrigerator

On the other hand, these models will cost significantly more.

Built and disguised as headsets

Such a variant has a number of advantages. Firstly, you can not puzzle over the selection of design engineering as equipment hidden behind the façade will not be visible, and therefore will not affect the design concept. Secondly, for the same reason, this embodiment is more economical. Another important point - the protection against external influences: overheating of the units located within walking distance, exposure to sunlight, moisture, dirt, dust and so on.

refrigerator for headsets

The refined design of the model is, the more expensive it will cost.

Refrigerator under workspace

Such an embodiment is suitable its availability. Products in the truest sense of the word all will be on hand. The disadvantage of this solution is that it does not turn to place a full-fledged large fridge under the work area.

refrigerator at work area

It will either have to get a very compact model, or separately in another location to install the freezer.

under the table

Nuances are the same as in the previous case, except that access to the products will not be so "apprentice". However, for a very small space such a method may allow placement to accommodate everything you need.

fridge under the sink

Designers recommend to put the white refrigeration unit in the kitchen with light classic interior design.

Colored refrigerators in kitchen interior with photos

The most common color solution in the case of refrigerators - white and beige. However, for those who prefer something a bit more vivid, manufacturers have also produced some unusual colors.

refrigerator blue

The range of modern shops can be found all shades - from delicate and light up a bright acidic.

Complexity will be only in the fact that such a bright element of organically combined with other home furnishings. Complete bright technique can be small decorative elements in the same color.

refrigerator blue

Bright refrigerator will definitely be a highlight of design and will not remain without attention of the guests of the family.

Red, black, gold, silver and other

A very large number of brands can offer refrigerators in bright colors. You can even find the entire collection, allowing for bright refrigerator there is a technique combined with them without difficulty. However, to combine two items of household appliances is not necessarily in the same color.

refrigerator red

Bright kitchen design with red accentual refrigerator.

How does the color of the refrigerator on location

The colors used in the interior design, determine the mood of the room and therefore the mood of the people who are present in it. If you want to see the kitchen was filled with the atmosphere of ease and tranquility, it is better to choose a refrigerator in turquoise, mint, pastel or pale pink shade. If the space should be charged with energy and vivacity for the whole day, it is safe to select the model of rich colors, such as bright red or dark green.

red refrigerator loft

In general, experts recommend to start from personal preference, as first color should be enjoyable.

Alternative locations for the installation of the refrigerator, if it does not fit in the kitchen

Often have to resort to alternative solutions in the case where the kitchen quite a few places, and to give up any items do not want a suite of furniture or appliances. In this situation, you can consider the option of placing the cooler outside the kitchen wall. The great advantage of this solution is to save space, but on the other hand, use refrigerator is not so convenient, because each time have to go to your room and go to the product to another a place.

refrigerator purple

The refrigerator should be located in an accessible and convenient location.

Refrigerator, installed in the corridor

In a small apartment it happens that even a small fridge in the kitchen is not a place. Most often, the closest space is a corridor. It was there that often set the refrigerator, in the case of lack of space in the kitchen. If the refrigerator is originally stood in the kitchen, and it was necessary to bring it into the hallway, then you first need to remove the door, so that it does not interfere in the process of transfer.

fridge in the corridor

In most small apartment kitchen, so as not to clutter up a lot of space device is to choose smaller sizes.

In some houses the kitchen size simply does not establish even a small-sized refrigerator in it. In this case it carry to the nearest room - most often in the corridor. If there is a communicating door, you can install it in the next room between the living room and kitchen.

fridge in the loft

It is only important to remember that the refrigerator should not stand close to the wall, it is important to leave some free space, so as not to disrupt the air.

Additional Information: This location rather a necessary measure, when not leave any options, and will work in a pinch. This is due to the fact that quite inconvenient to walk in the corridor for food.

Can I bring a bulky unit to the balcony

Removal of the refrigerator on the balcony is not possible in every case. The fact that the refrigerator is not very well tolerated by both heat and cold in space, it has a direct impact on its performance characteristics. Bring to a balcony unit only the residents of the south are often, because of cold weather there is virtually no catch. But also to be afraid of overheating.

refrigerator on the balcony

If it's worth the heat above 30 degrees, then the refrigerator is located on the balcony, quickly breaks down.

However, there are special models of the climatic class - they are not afraid of the cold. The same can be said about the refrigerators are equipped with no frost system. But in the case of these models, it is important that the balcony was insulated and protected from moisture by a ventilation system. From sunlight technique also needs to hide.

Where to install the refrigerator just not worth it

Despite the wide variety of options as to where to place the refrigerator in the apartment, there are still a number of locations, which do not exactly fit.

refrigerator in the kitchen interior

If you have already decided on the external view of the kitchen and you have left a harmonious "fit" the refrigerator, it is important to pay attention to the facades.

  1. Similarly, the refrigerator can not be installed near the cooker or heating radiators. Thermal effects have a negative impact on the work of art.
  2. Do not locate the refrigerator near the window, as direct sunlight can heat the body.
  3. Too wet room - not a place for such technology. We are talking about more than 80% humidity.


Before heading to the store in search of a suitable model, you need to think carefully all the nuances of the art of accommodation. As mentioned earlier, it is important to take care of compliance with the rules of the triangle, as this is necessary for convenience while cooking, as you need take into account those items, which are located side by side, sunlight, moisture, space for ventilation and even colors household model technology.

refrigerator yellow

It is important to choose a refrigerator was a nice, convenient, comfortable to use.

It depends on the correct placement, so choosing a place for the refrigerator, be sure to take into account all the nuances and recommendations from this article, and then use a refrigerator will convenient.

VIDEO: How to place a refrigerator in the kitchen.

50 embodiment the location of the refrigerator in the kitchen: