When choosing colors for the bathroom, many are turning their attention to the blue and its shades. This is due to the fact that the bathroom blue represents the water element. These interiors look stylish and elegant, and bright blue color is not for nothing called the royal.

Bathroom in blue shades.
advantages of the blue
- advantages of the blue
- eyes blue color psychologist
- The blue color in the design of small bathrooms
- Color blue companion
- The style of the bathroom in blue
- Materials for decoration blue bathroom. Walls
- Solutions for the decoration of the ceiling
- Choosing material for the floor in the bathroom
- Plumbing in blue bathroom
- Bathroom furniture in blue colors
- Proper lighting in the blue bathroom
- Accessories blue bathroom
- conclusion
- Bathroom with blue tiles
- 50 photo ideas bathroom design in blue
blue palette is very rich, it is necessary to consider all shades, from blue to turquoise, from cornflower to indigo. However, to make out the bathroom in the same blue color is not recommended. A bathroom will look more advantageous if its issue by combining two or three colors. The advantage of blue - good compatibility with almost all other colors of the rainbow. Yellow, white, brown, gray, green, pink - all these colors easily fit in an additional color in the blue bathroom.

The blue color is combined with white and brown.
Bathroom design in blue tones can be used for the decoration of different colors. Lamps, mirrors, shelves can be in bronze, silver, gold or white, in the company of the blue, they will look harmoniously.
Important! It is not recommended to get involved in dark blue, it may have a negative impact on the emotional state of a person, besides it visually reduces the space toilet.

For small spaces need to give preference to lighter shades of blue.
eyes blue color psychologist
On assurances psychologists blue shades because of its coldness, it has a calming effect. In the daily bustle of big cities at night is useful to take a bath in this room. The blue color also helps to combat insomnia.
Some sources say about the ability of the blue lower blood pressure and control heart palpitations. Of course, it is not necessary to believe in such a strong influence of color on human health, but also deny it the ability to provide a relaxing action impossible.

Blue color calms according to psychologists.
Important! The blue color is especially recommended extroverts, people with mobile psyche.
The blue color in the design of small bathrooms
Typically, in a standard apartment bathrooms are not very large in size. And in homes built in the last century, for example, in the so-called Khrushchev and even less. Always like to help color and decorative techniques to make these bathrooms a little wider, lift the ceiling above.

For small bathrooms blue color can be easily complemented with white.
For small rooms suitable lighter shades of blue, closer to blue. They visually expand the boundaries and add light.
If the tiles on the walls will be glossy and not matte, it also will play in favor of increasing the space. Do not choose a tile with a pattern, it is better to opt for plain materials.

The glossy surface of the optic contribute to the increase of space.
Tile Size matters. Ideal for small bathrooms mosaic. But the large size tiles are not recommended.
The use of mirrors in the finish - is another way to push the boundaries of small spaces. For example, mirror tiles may be present as an accent on one wall.
Important! Instead of curtains for the bathroom is better to use glass partition, it is also visually increase the space.

Bathroom in a marine style.
Color blue companion
Blue is very well combined with virtually all existing colors. Here is a list of the best ones:
- white;
- wood color;
- or lemon yellow;
- Gray;
- gold color;
- silver;
- green;
- pink.

Blue is combined with all colors.
Perhaps the most winning duo considered blue in combination with white or blue and white. Bathroom in a marine style is complete without this union. A bathroom in a Mediterranean style, designed in cornflower blue and white, reminiscent of lovely houses with blue shutters, will return you to the carefree days of vacation, conducted on one of the islands Greece.
Another popular combination - the color of wood. In this case, fit all its many shades of indigo and light blue, turquoise and sapphire, cornflower blue and denim. tree warm color perfectly soften the cool blue color, will make the interior a noble and more comfortable.
The most positive color companion blue - yellow. A few years ago it was the combination of mega-popular, combined with bright shades of these colors. Now trends have changed to a more quiet tones. Designers recommend combining different shades of blue with a lemon color.

Sino-yellow bathroom.
Gray is gaining popularity in interior design, including in the design of bathrooms. The most appropriate pair this color will look in the loft-style and high-tech.
The color of gold or silver is often used in the interiors, executed in classical style. These colors will look perfect on a solid blue background. Here the important thing is not to sink to kitsch, do not overdo it with gold and silver accents.
Often you can find a combination of blue with green. Both colors are found in nature, and therefore in the interior, they will look harmoniously. This is a joyous mix of cheerfulness like children, and adults for the ability to change the psycho-emotional state for the better, because both colors are quite good relaxants.

Bathroom in Sino-green tones.
Brave enough duet is blue with pink. Particularly advantageous will look blue bath with the addition of a light pink. The interior, designed in the style of Provence, this combination will be indispensable. In addition, such an interior like combines the Yin and Yang.
Important! It is not necessary to combine the blue with black or red. Such combinations may oppress and crush the human psyche, and even cause aggression.
The style of the bathroom in blue
Regardless of which style is chosen for the decoration of the bathroom, the blue color will fit into any of them. Marine style or country, hi-tech or Provence, shades of ultramarine everywhere would look appropriate.

The blue color in the bathroom in a modern style.
Most winning styles for blue color in the bathroom - and the Mediterranean sea style. Blue and white palette, turquoise with sand - this combination is well suited this style.
Provence also allows the use of blue hues. But lighter colors, turquoise shades here would look more appropriate. As a rule, in the interior in the style of Provence has a lot of detail in the palette are mixed several colors. To the blue tint is worth adding, for example, beige and pink.

Bathroom in the style of Provence.
high-tech style is obtained if the cobalt combine with Gray. In these interiors can add chrome metal accessories, elements of correct forms of glass. A cold blue lights add space mystery.
The interior in the style of the country involves friendship blue shades and wood color. Wood, decorative stone, plaster, aged subjects make the interior of a country truly warm and cozy. Accessories made with his own hands, complement the image.

Bathroom in country style in blue tones.
Materials for decoration blue bathroom. Walls
The choice of materials for finishing the bathroom walls in blue is the same as for the other colors. It all depends not on the chosen colors of the walls, floor and ceiling, and the preferences of the bathroom and the master of the style of interior. The following types of wall decoration in the bathroom:
- ceramic tile;
- mosaic;
- plastic panels;
- decorative plaster;
- waterproof paint staining;
- natural or decorative stone;
- natural wood.

The most practical material for walls in the bathroom is tiles.
Most often for the walls takes a ceramic tile or mosaic. This choice is due to the practicality and ease of care for such walls.
In the style of Provence and the country will look well walls are decorated with the help of plaster. Also in these interiors is appropriate finish of natural wood or stone.
Economy option is to use plastic panels for the bathroom walls. However, this material does not look very presentable.
Recently gaining popularity decorative artificial stone. It is much less expensive than natural, and its installation is quite simple. This material is appropriate in a country style, loft, Provence.
Painting of walls painted wrongly considered economical view wall design in the bathroom. After all the walls before applying the paint should be perfectly straight, and the paint application process on the walls laborious and lengthy. Durability of such finishes a big question.

When painting the walls in the bathroom need to give preference to paint has high moisture resistance.
Solutions for the decoration of the ceiling
For the ceiling in the bathrooms are increasingly choosing tension PVC fabric. Of course, their sustainability is debatable, but the durability of the ceiling proved.
Those who want to preserve the ceiling height, choose water-based paints, since it is inexpensive and fast.
It can also be used for the ceiling sheets of water-resistant drywall. From the material obtained interesting multi-level ceilings.

Suspended ceiling in the interior of the bathroom.
Another type of finishing the ceiling in the bathroom are the PVC panels, it is one of the most economical ways to finish, and its installation does not take much time.
Choosing material for the floor in the bathroom
Floor, mostly selected ceramic tile or granite. These materials are most appropriate in the bathrooms. The choice of colors, textures, sizes and porcelain tile is huge.
Less commonly used in bathrooms linoleum. This is a complex material, you must correctly put it, leaving no opportunity for water penetration under the linoleum. In practice, the water often comes under the material, there is a mold fungus. As a result, linoleum have to clean up, replaced by something more appropriate in the bathroom.

Bathroom floor of ceramic tiles.
Not so long ago there were floors, they are loved by consumers because of their singularity. After all, you can make the floor in the form of grass or the underwater world. The cost of such a high floor, and foundation preparation process under the self-leveling floor takes a long time.
Another material - wood. There are special water-resistant types such finishes, such as decking. Wood coated with special solutions for greater durability. Certainly, it is an environmentally friendly material, warm, but the cost of such floor is very high.
Plumbing in blue bathroom
Traditionally, in the bathroom plumbing installed in white. It's a classic, it is appropriate in any style, combined with all colors of the rainbow. Modern manufacturers produce sanitary ware, and other colors, including dark blue. Plumbing is made of thick blue tempered glass. Use similar sanitary ware should be very careful. And the price for it is much higher. Find quite difficult in conventional sanitary plumbing stores decent color. Designers are advised in the interiors of apartments standard white fixtures confine, keep it simple and not burden the like accents the overall look.

The blue bathroom have to choose furniture and fixtures in a light pastel thrones.
Bathroom furniture in blue colors
Selection of bathroom furniture depends on the style of the interior, its color palette. Classic white furniture is ideal to the blue interior. You can also purchase furniture, in which white combined with blue or blue. Sometimes you can use the one-color and blue furniture. It will be appropriate in cases where the interior is diluted with other shades, not overloaded with a blue or blue.

The cold blue bathroom furniture advantageous looks warm colors.
Ideal would look blue bathroom with wood furniture, natural colors. Against the background of cool blue advantageous sparkle warm color of wood. The interior of the sea and Mediterranean-style, country style you can decorate this furniture.
Proper lighting in the blue bathroom
As a rule, there are no windows, there is not a natural light enters the bathroom. Therefore, it is important to consider the lighting. Exceptions are private houses, where you can design a bathroom with a window. But there should be paid attention to the issue of artificial lighting.

Blue bathroom with mosaic on the wall.
It is necessary to solve the cold will be light or warm, how much and in what places will be arranged spotlights. Accepted design several light sources separately illuminating a mirror zone where the bath and niches, which stores various cosmetics. Popular light source such niches is a LED strip.

The blue bathroom can add a decor of various shades.
Accessories blue bathroom
Selection of accessories and decoration of the bathroom - an interesting stage of repair. Many accessories in a nautical style, country style, you can make your own hands. For example, from an old paddle can make a hanger for towels, paint it in blue or white, attaching a few hooks to it. You can decorate a mirror shells brought from travel. These accessories will be a highlight of the interior.

Blue bathroom with corner bath.
Despite the fact that the blue color in the interior of the bathroom has long been popular, every time it gives new opportunities for design. Interesting color combinations, exclusive accessories, emphasizing the selected style, new materials make it possible to reveal all the nuances of blue.