Beauty requires sacrifice, and considerable. These victims bring almost all women: peeling, anti-cellulite massage and the most painful procedure - hair removal. What can you do - the natural vegetation on a gentle female body has not been considered attractive for several hundred years already. Even in the harems of the sultans, every hair that grew up in the wrong place, the beauties were removed with the help of twisted threads. Today for this purpose more convenient devices are used - epilators.
- The best manufacturers of epilators
- The principle of operation and the device of epilators
- The types of epilators
- The parameters of the choice of the epilator
- Which epilator to choose
- How much is the epilator
The best epilator manufacturers - which firm to choose
As with any other technique, the quality andthe efficiency of the machine for epilation largely depends on the manufacturer.
The list of companies producing such devices is small, and there are even fewer decent names among them:
- Philips;
- Braun;
- Rowenta;
- Panasonic;
- BaByliss.
Other brands have not yet invented anything new to compete in the beauty market, or have gone on the way to reduce the cost and functionality of epilators. So we recommend that you limit the search to the listed five brands and certainly do not recommend experimenting with down-devices.
Detailed description of worthy models you will find in our ranking of the best epilators for women. But first let's determine which design is right for you and whether you should spend extra functions.
Principle of operation and device of epilators
Epilation from depilation differs in that the hairs are not simply removed from the surface of the skin, but pulled from the bulbs with roots. Accordingly, the device must be able to tightly grasp them and pull them out entirely, like tweezers. It hurts, but the appearance of new hair is delayed for weeks.
Any electromechanical epilator has a rotating drum with numerous movable sponges or tweezers. They are located very close to each other, which allows you to tightly grasp each hair, when turning the shaft metal parts are closed. After making a half turn and pulling the spine out of the bulb, the clamps again open about a millimeter, so that on the next round you catch the next rod.
This happens very quickly - the drum makes about 300 full revolutions per minute, having managed to clear a lot of skin from unwanted vegetation during this time. In motion, it is driven by a built-in motor housing. Also on any depilator there is an on / off button, and on many models - also regulators of speed and capture density.
Types of epilators
The most common option, where the drum staggeredly placed short tweezers. Each of them captures a small number of adjacent hairs, so the number of working elements is important here. Normally, they should be 20 or 40. In the first case, you get less painful tweezers, in the second - you can quickly finish this hellish procedure.
- Fewer hairs break;
- Have on the drum additional massage elements;
- Works well in small areas of the skin.
- The procedure takes a long time;
- High cost.
Pincer epilators are worth choosing if you plan to treat small areas of the skin, for example, a bikini or armpit zone.
Aging, but still not lost its popularity. Here, the same principle of capturing hairs with converging / divergent elements is realized, only now these are not small tweezers, but curly metal or ceramic discs rotating on a common shaft. They can simultaneously capture several rods, so they are great for epilation of hands and feet.
- Do not irritate the skin;
- More pure epilation;
- Faster coping with work;
- Reliability and Affordable Price.
- From them the most painful sensations.
By design, these devices are not much different from those already described above disk or tweezers epilators. But in the kit there is an additional nozzle, which turns the "instrument of torture" into an ordinary electric shaver. It should be used by those who have epilation of sensitive areas for any tweaks causes severe pain and irritation.
- Versatility;
- Painless when using a shaving head;
- The procedure takes much less time;
- Skin is not injured at all, which saves you from irritation.
- The razor blade only cuts the hairs, and they quickly grow back;
- Higher price.
In addition to these models, there are also photo-epilators, as well as laser devices. However, their effect on skin and hair bulbs is too aggressive and unsafe. Such procedures are best performed in the salon, after consultation with a doctor and following a variety of requirements both before and after epilation.
Parameters for selecting the epilator
The number and material of the tweezers / discs
The characteristics of the working elements determine how effectively the epilator will remove the hairs in one pass and, accordingly, how long the procedure will take.
1. The best option is the multi-screw instrument, which has 40 paired grippers on the working drum.
2. Good efficiency and in the disk models - they are pulling 21-32 hairs in one turn of the drum.
3. Tweezers with 20 pairs of grippers are considered the least effective.
The figures are really not that small, because depending on the speed of rotation, the drum has time to make at least 600-700 tweaks per minute.
As for the material of manufacture, the tweezers of the epilator can be made of metal or ceramics.
1. The price of a metal machine will be lower, but steel grippers will become more likely to break off hairs, and in due course they will skip some areas.
2. Ceramics are more expensive, but they always work qualitatively, completely removing the roots from the bulb.
Adjustments for the
Many devices have multiple speeds( usually 2-3).The fastest rotation allows you to cope with long and stiff hair. Feelings in this case are more painful, but the procedure can be finished before - the main thing is patience.
At a lower speed, it's easier to work with thin hair and short bristles - tweezers "miss" less and grasp each rod well, pulling it out of the bulb, and not just breaking off in the middle.
Some models of epilators also provide for the adjustment of the grip, that is the tightness of the clamping of tweezers or discs. There can be 2 steps: the first is designed to work with thin and weak hairs, the second - for the rods of medium and large thickness.
Power supply
The epilator can work both from the network and from the built-in battery or provide both of these features. Here, when choosing, one should be guided by one's own way of life.
1. Those who spend a lot of time away from home, it is better to look for an autonomous model, not forgetting to specify the time of its operation on one battery charge. The average indicator for battery machines is 30-40 minutes, the maximum reaches 2 hours.
2. If you are caring only in your own bathroom and you have an available outlet at your disposal, you can buy a regular wired model that works only from the network.
3. Epilators with mixed type of power do not limit their owners in anything.
The only thing you need to pay attention to when choosing this technique is whether the device can be simultaneously charged and used for its intended purpose.
Presence of moisture protection
Epilator is an electrical appliance and it is unsafe to work with it in high humidity conditions. But today manufacturers are releasing more models that have a waterproof enclosure. And although it's still not worth using them under the shower streams, such epilators have a sufficiently high protection against splashes and accidental water ingress.
Thanks to hermetic execution of the case you can perform the procedure, previously steaming the skin in a hot bath and thereby reducing discomfort. And the epilator itself after use can be rinsed under the tap without removing the head.
Methods of anesthesia
This parameter should be paid attention to those who have very thin and delicate skin. If you do not tolerate pain, you will have to look for a special epilator, with which the procedure will become less unpleasant.
It will not be possible to completely get rid of painful feelings, but manufacturers offer several ways to solve the problem partially:
1. Vibration mode - creates an easy massage effect, "distracting" the nerve receptors under the skin.
2. Cooling unit is an additional nozzle, which must be held in the freezer before use. During the procedure, it tightly presses against the skin, dulling pain.
3. Cold Blowing - gives a similar effect, and also requires a preliminary freezing of the container.
4. Precision nozzle is a more complex device that stretches the treated area of ββthe skin while working, and at the same time "holds" a part of the tweezers, reducing the number of tweaks.
Also included in the epilator gel gel glove - it is used, as well as a cooling container, that is, they are frozen and used during epilation to reduce pain.
The richer the set of accessories for the epilator, so it is more functional and convenient to use. It is necessary to have a charger, a protective cover, a transport bag( so that the device can be taken with you on a trip).
Other small details will not interfere, although their presence is not considered necessary: ββ
1. Cleaning brush;
2. Nozzle for removing hair from face;
3. Shaving head;
4. Width stopper;
5. Trimmer for cutting too long hair;
6. Spot nozzle.
Great, if you get an apparatus with complete rollers for peeling. Using them after the procedure, you get rid of the problem of ingrown hair and make the skin completely smooth.
Which epilator to choose
1. If your hair is not too thick "in the wrong places", and the pain threshold is high enough, take the most common disk epilator without unnecessary twists. The efficiency of the device increases if it has special brushes that lift hairs for easy gripping with tweezers.
2. Poorly tolerate pain or have thin, sensitive skin? Choose a depilator with concave working head, vibration effect, cold blowing mode or any other functions that allow to reduce pain during the procedure.
3. If unwanted vegetation has to be actively combated on all parts of the body, it is better to purchase a hybrid device. In this case, you will be able to perform a standard epilation procedure on less sensitive areas of the body. And where the skin is too tender, use a shaving attachment. Of course, she will not have a lasting effect, but she will not have to suffer especially for the sake of beauty.
4. Those who are often on the road and forced to take care of themselves almost in the field, you need a battery-powered epilator with good autonomy( not less than an hour on one battery charge).
5. It's not superfluous to have a backlight function that allows you to detect all the hairs on the skin even in bad external lighting.
How much is the epilator
1. A good disk epilator can be bought at a price of 600 rubles. The most heaped-up models in this category( backlit, waterproof housing and the ability to work with foam) cost around 12 thousand.
2. A simple tweezers will cost at least 1300-1500 rubles. The ceiling for such epilators will be at the level of 6-7 thousand.
3. The same tweezers and disc models, but with a shaving attachment and an abundance of additional heads are from 1 to 14 thousand rubles.