Comfortable chair - an important part of comfortable rest after a hard days at work, and in the country. Good furniture in the store is not cheap, and the option of manufacturing their own models, deters many instructions and lack of fear that will not work.

Manufacture of furniture with his own hands, will allow to save the family budget thoroughly.
Furthermore the process of designing and creating a chair in itself is fascinating and interesting, first of all, their creativity and novelty of the job. However, for qualitative performance needs minimal experience with plywood and wood products.

Experience can be purchased by executing step by step instructions.
- 1 The advantages of self-study
- 2 What types of design structures seats
- 3 Tips for selecting and preparing the plywood sheet
- 4 The necessary tools and materials
- 5 Step by step instruction execution model on three legs
- 6 Creating a rocking chair made of plywood
- 7 What to look for
- 8 afterword
- 9 VIDEO: Chair made of plywood and insulation by hand.
- 10 Creative furniture from plywood - 50 photo-ideas:
The advantages of self-study
The most important advantage of plywood chair created their hands, is its price, which is much lower than the store. In addition, personally made the chair does not give way to the factory, and sometimes even better - the original and reliable.

In the world of furniture design known names of designers who have made a name for itself in the manufacture of furniture from plywood.
Similar designs are made primarily for country cottages as holiday items. The average cost of one product does not exceed 6 thousand. rub. Producing chair of plywoodYou can not only create a quality piece of furniture, to save money, but also get great pleasure from work.

The main task of designer furniture - enthrall customers for its informal forms.
What types of design structures seats
Design solutions can be hundreds, even thousands, but they all boil down to the different variations of the 2 most popular models:
Rocking chair made of plywood with their own hands is a great option for a holiday in the country, in a country house or simply in the nature.
ABOUTriginalnoe chair with legs in an "stool."
Do not be afraid to experiment, as a result you get a comfortable, beautiful and original items to decorate a garden or summer cottage.
Having the necessary projects and minimal experience with plywood sheets, both options are easy to manufacture. However, a rocking chair can make suffer when cutting template, plus the stage veneering will be difficult and time consuming. Below are two detailed instructions for the production of rocking chairs made of plywood and the original model on three legs.
Tips for selecting and preparing the plywood sheet
- Construction of plywood sheets must be environmentally friendly, safe and have a pleasant texture.
- When purchasing pay attention to thickness, as the method of processing depends on it in the future.
- If the material has a fibrous structure at cross section or may be processing chips, cracks and fractures.
- If the material is not thicker than 1.5 mm, then treated with manual fret, and for sheets of 6 mm is used an electric.
- If the job requires a cross section along the fiber is used for making sharp knife cuts on sawing lines.

Previously, before the production of sheets is best treated with a special non-toxic protective agents.
The necessary tools and materials
First you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools, namely:
- Veneer sheets 15-20 mm;
- Electric drill and a jigsaw;
- Sandpaper;
- Subtle pinks with wide-brimmed hats and screws;
- Metal rims;
- Foam 8 mm thick upholstery material;
- Paint (glossy) and mordant black;
- Carpenter's glue;
- Masking tape;
- Tape measure, scissors and a pencil.

Tools for the job.
Step by step instruction execution model on three legs
- Engineering project.
Production of chairs made of plywood is better to start with a thorough review and calculation of the drawing, which you can sketch your own or find on the Internet.

Overall dimensions of the chair.
For example, circular seats for drawing taken from a spherical form plywood. Model differs original design and ease of execution. Better to take a sheet of birch. For high-quality cutting, it is necessary to prepare the template.

The drawing of the front legs of the chair.
- Making a template.
The drawing is redrawn on the graph paper, is then applied and the contour encircled.

Drawing parts with dimensions of chairs.
- Cutting elements.
After redrawing drawing quality need accurate movements to saw elements thus economize material.

If you cut the plywood rarely - practice on a scrap piece, so you not only get used to the jig saw, but also to identify with the cutting speed.
- Cutting elements.
After sawing must be carefully cut all the elements of a jigsaw, without damaging their structure.

During the cutting movement of the jigsaw should be smooth to the max - without accelerations and installations. Each jerk or stop definitely leave a mark, then it will have to work hard at polishing cut site.
- Veneering.
Spila places must be treated with sandpaper to remove unnecessary roughness and prevent chipping and delamination during assembly.

Use different numbers of grinding skins, depending on the defect size.
- Treatment.
First, special agents with antiseptic effect. Then comes the processing of joiner's glue. This item is needed to prevent the spilling of parts during assembly.

Pre-clean the surface of dust and dirt. Check the moisture content of plywood, it must be completely dry.
- The assembly of the product.
the holes should be drilled for screws and mounting locations according to the drawing pattern. Screws shall not be less or more products, is unacceptable bulging of some parts.

To save time in the girding "ugly" heads, use screws with decorative heads.
- Putty.
After assembly step should zashpatlevat protruding screws. Frame varnish and let dry.

The number of layers of varnish must be at least two.
- Paint and upholstery.
To give a brown shade veneer sheet should be treated with stain. Once you can do upholstery and armrests.

For example, in the form of a soft pillow.
Creating a rocking chair made of plywood
- Engineering drawing.
In this case, as in the previous stages of creation begins with the drawing. It can draw the most, if there knowledge in the design of products, or ready to take on the Internet, most importantly, that it had all the necessary calculations.

Example of a drawing of the future product.
- Template creation and transfer.
As in the previous case, with the finished drawing using the "graph paper" drawn details of the future rocking chair made of plywood, in this case, the side parts (runners).

Drawings of a chair made of plywood are processed on a special graph paper.
- Cutting products.
Cut jigsaw according to a previously circled part contours and edges of handle varnish, then overwrite sandpaper. Treat the portion of the article with special antiseptic.

Sides future garden furniture are cut using a jigsaw.
- Final stages.
Finished side rails fasten together by three cross bars pre-cut in the same manner.

Connect the frame to the base using evrovintov.
The side rails on the outer side reinforcing iron rims that the size must be appropriate to the overall product size. Headbands are fixed with screws using a drill. The hole diameter is equal to the size of the screw.

Sticking the cap can be covered with plugs that are sold in the building or furniture stores.
At the final stage of the cut slats and boards for the back rocking chairs out of plywood. Stick them ordinary screws.

To avoid distortions mark on the side faces of the segments, which will correspond to the intervals of bars.
Cap screws zashpatlevat and seat varnish and paint.

Holes for screws thoroughly coat the filler.

Cover the finished product antiseptic solution and water resistant varnish.
To increase the comfort of the product for it to manufacture the foam sheathing and sidushku leatherette or any other dense tissue. If the seat to be used outside the home, then at their cutting parts to be treated with antiseptic. So it will last longer.
What to look for
In order to improve comfort, rocking chair, you can upholster the soft faux leather or velor. First upholstered back rest, then small studs fabric nailed to the frame of the product. Behind sheathed on the edges of the cross pieces, the front - the top and bottom strips. This is done to increase the strength of the product.

As a simpler option, you can make a soft back and seat of the chair.
If you do not want to deal with complicated sewing upholstery or pillows, you can do it even easier - make a removable cover. Inside is foam (10 mm), and the top any nice furniture fabric.

In this case, the cover can be worn when it is necessary.
On the outer side of the backrest can be applied to mosaic, or some beautiful picture. the main thing — comply with the overall interior design, do not overdo it with bright colors and patterns. The analogue of this construction will be a sofa.

The width is greater, but the mechanism of production of the same.
In this article the only two types of chairs made of plywood, which are the most simple to manufacture beginners. to make their own hands for the first time, you need to make every effort, endurance and patience. having trained a little bit, you can begin to heavier models.

Chair made of plywood with their own hands - a stylish original decision, which is not inferior to the quality of expensive shops counterparts!
VIDEO: Chair made of plywood and insulation by hand.
Creative furniture from plywood - 50 photo-ideas: