🖥 Angular TV table: varieties, popular models, the selection criteria

TV always has a central place in every home. Beside him going the whole family to hear the news, watch a movie or concert. However, few people know that the television should be at a certain height and distance, so as not to harm the eyesight. To install the previously used conventional telereceiver Table, wall or special racks, while furniture manufacturers do not offer consumers special cabinets, shelves and cabinets. In today's review we will look at HouseChief edition features such as a piece of furniture Household TV corner. Photos and descriptions of supports for TV receivers can help you with the purchase of a suitable model.

You can put the TV on a stool or table, but modern corner TV Stand better
You can put the TV on a stool or table, but modern corner TV Stand better

Read article

  • 1 Variety of designs angular supports under TV
    • 1.1 Standard corner cabinet
    • 1.2 Corner chest of drawers under the TV
    • 1.3 Corner table under the TV
    • 1.4 Suspension design for TV
    • 1.5 Other types of angular supports under TV
  • 2 Style solution for angular pedestals: photos of models in interior
    • 2.1 Corner TV stand in the modern style: a high-tech or minimalism
    • 2.2 Classic style, baroque and country
    • 2.3 Installation recommendations corner cabinets in the living room
  • 3 Leading manufacturers and their popular models of corner TV stand: catalog with photos
  • 4 Which corner TV stand buy: Expert Advice on choice
  • 5 Cost corner cabinets under the TV: photos and prices of popular models
  • 6 Criteria for selecting the low corner of the cabinet under the TV
    • 6.1 Design, dimensions and materials of construction of the body
    • 6.2 Façades and accessories
    • 6.3 Additional equipment

Variety of designs angular supports under TV

Angle Stand for TV and other consumer electronics products differ from each other in design, size and functionality. They can be made in the form of tables, desk, shelves, chest of drawers, console or rack. Consider the options of furniture for TV and its features.

Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Photo corner TV - curbstone

Standard corner cabinet

For a small room is perfectly suitable standard corner TV stand. Even a familiar design can be:

  • with lateral flanges and an open compartment in the center;
  • open lateral niches and central shelves closed type;
  • completely closed;
  • completely open with the center glass shelf;
  • with completely closed side niches and a central compartment without facade.

Corner benches under the TV looks more attractive without facades. It is lighter than the closed version. However, the disadvantage of such a design is that on the open shelves of dusty faster.

Photo Standard corner cabinets under the TV
Photo Standard corner cabinets under the TV

Corner chest of drawers under the TV

Angular design for TV, made in the form of a chest, popular with the older generation. Such a cabinet has two functions simultaneously: Stand under the TV and receiver storage system Clothes, clothes and other things. Corner chest of drawers under the TV is made in virtually all styles and directions: from classic to hi-tech. For installation, as seen from the design type names used Least actuated in apartment - angle.

Corner chest of drawers under the TV
Corner chest of drawers under the TV

Corner table under the TV

Corner tables for TV and other electronic devices have a fairly simple form. This is mainly the construction of open type without unnecessary decoration. Tables under the TV are more suitable for in the style of minimalism interior. natural tree can be used to manufacture chipboard, Metal, glass, or a combination of these materials.

Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Table-shelf under the TV

Suspension design for TV

Suspended or console design for TVs are mounted directly on one of the walls of the living room, which has its advantages - namely, space saving. Such models are quite reliable support for consumer electronics: TV, DVD player, satellite receiver, etc. design dimensions depend on the intended filling technique. For the manufacture of mounted shelves They used a variety of materials: wood array, chipboard, glass and metal. Tumba can be closed or open compartments for storage of various items and placing the accompanying equipment. Such designs are more suitable for modern interiors.

Corner shelf under the TV on the wall
Corner shelf under the TV on the wall

Other types of angular supports under TV

There are several kinds of supports under the television, different functionality: hanging with bracket, Racks and lifts. Consider these kinds of supports under TV.

With swivel bracket

These models represent a metal plate (base), which is attached directly to the wall, the pivot bracket and pad placement for the TV, remote and others. The supports provided for the possibility of tilt and swivel base for the equipment that increases comfort viewing in any position.

Shelf bracket
Shelf bracket

Stand for TV

Stands for TV is the perfect solution living Room in a contemporary style. They are designed to be installed virtually any size TV. Supporting structure is a support with several shelves. Most often used for the production of resistant metal and glass, but there are models made of wood.

Stand-TV Stand
Stand-TV Stand

Design with elevator mechanism

In the living room in a minimalist style, high-tech or loftWhere there is usually a large number of diverse electronics will look great TV stand with an elevator mechanism. It can be integrated into a cabinet or a free-standing. Elevator, built-in furniture, has:

  • lifting mechanism mounted in the lower part;
  • facades or shelves masking lifting device;
  • remote control;
  • the possibility of moving the TV up and down in different directions, as well as to change the angle and height.
Cupboard with elevator mechanism
Cupboard with elevator mechanism

Style solution for angular pedestals: photos of models in interior

Manufacturers of furniture and accessories for household appliances offer a wide range of angular TV stand made in virtually any style decisions. Their design can be very different - from classics to high-tech and techno. Therefore, when choosing a design We need to consider and what style made the interior of the living room.

Corner TV stand in the modern style: a high-tech or minimalism

High tech It is one of the most popular contemporary styles. Everything for interior use furniture with strict geometric or unusual curved shape. Basically, it is the design of metal chrome pipes and durable tempered glass, which gives them a lightness and airiness. Decorative bollards element and the shelves in the high-tech style is high-quality accessories.

Stand in the style of hi-tech
Stand in the style of hi-tech

Household TV tables in a minimalist style, as does the interior, deprived of a large number of decorative elements and many elements of the traditional angular designs. They are more like shelves or racking and have rather original form. Correct geometry in such pedestals are rare.

TV stand in a minimalist style
TV stand in a minimalist style

Classic style, baroque and country

Tables for TV in a classic style are somewhat hard. They are massive and have similarities with the chests of one or more boxes. classic tables made of natural wood, chipboard or MDF. The facades are decorated with carvings, milling or overlays. The disadvantage of such designs is the presence of hollow rear wall, which leads to overheating of the additional equipment.

Tumba in classic style
Tumba in classic style

Constructions style neobarokko constitute a harmonious combination of frills and elements present. For the manufacture of furniture are used modern materials and equipment. All this allows the design does not fall out of the luxurious interior.


Furniture interiors in country style It involves the use of natural wood and a minimal amount of decoration. The forms are simple, without frills. Country as Provence or "Scandinavian" also called rustic style. Despite the apparent simplicity, the furniture is in harmony with modern technology.

TV stand in the style of the country
TV stand in the style of the country

Installation recommendations corner cabinets in the living room

Not only buy a TV stand, you still know how to install it correctly in the room. By competent placement depends on the comfort of viewing and healthy vision. Therefore, when you install the stand you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. You must place the cabinet so that the TV could be seen in full and without any - any hindrance.
  2. The height of the structure must be such that the distance from the floor to the TV is not less than 700 mm.
  3. Do not place near the cabinet heating radiator and other heating devices.
  4. Worktop structure must be of such a width that remained behind telereceiver technological gap.
  5. Install cabinet is necessary in the immediate vicinity of sockets.

Another important feature to be taken into consideration when installing the cabinets - the distance from the viewer to the TV screen. In order not to bother you calculations Ballroom table that contains the optimum distance depending on the diagonal telereceiver.

Screen size, inchThe optimal distance, mm
171 500
252 000
322 500
372 700
403 000
504 000
554 500
Tumba should match the size of the room
Tumba should match the size of the room

Leading manufacturers and their popular models of corner TV stand: catalog with photos

Now a lot of furniture manufacturers, brackets and racks for TV, video and audio. This Russian and foreign companies, their products are of design, functionality and value. Among this diversity is difficult to make a choice in favor of one or another producer. We have compiled a list of leading manufacturers of designs for consumer electronics.


The main direction of the company Allegri - development and production of racks and system mounts for television, video and audio. In addition to the mass production of supports for TV, Allegri still engaged in individual projects under the order. The company produces designs of any complexity, which allows to meet the needs of every consumer. Company products are of modern design, reliability and functionality.

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Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations


SONOROUS company is one of the largest manufacturers of furniture for television, video and audio. brand products are known in more than 50 countries around the world and is very popular thanks to its modern design and high quality products. Racks and cabinets for TV companies from SONOROUS suit a wide variety of customers, even the most demanding.

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Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations


Antall production company since 2003 is one of the leading Russian manufacturers of accessories for TV, video and audio. The assortment of the company stand out TV Stand. Designs differ in that they are stylish, high-quality, functional and affordable. In the manufacture of high-quality materials and accessories from the leading Russian and European manufacturers.

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Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations


people often have to choose between beautiful design and product functionality. BDI company relieves the customer from such a choice by offering products which combine excellent design, high functionality, practicality and reasonable price. All models pedestals and stands for televisions thought out to the smallest detail that sets them apart from those of your competitors.

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Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations


MARCH furniture company known to Russian consumers since 2000 and specializes in the production of racks and brackets for placement of TV, video and audio. The production is equipped with modern equipment, which allows to manufacture products from almost any material. At all stages of the manufacture is conducted strict compliance control of technology and quality. Due to the fact that the company works without intermediaries, it can offer the consumer a modern, high quality and inexpensive racks for televisions.

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Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations

Which corner TV stand buy: Expert Advice on choice

When buying a corner stone for the TV you need to make the right choice, so you do not give up on its acquisition. Experts recommend to consider the style and size of the room, the size and amount of equipment, and, of course, guided by their preferences and needs.

So, when choosing cabinets need to be taken into account:

  • the color of the furniture and the stylistic design of the living room;
  • Classically interior structure may be installed in any material, but preferably the structure of natural wood;
  • eco-style, Country, Provence involves the use of pedestals, shelves and racks made of natural materials: wood, rotang of metal;
  • in the living room in modern styles appropriate design of metal and glass.
Corner TV stand with drawers
Corner TV stand with drawers

Equally important is the functionality of the pedestals for TV, room size and design size. For large living rooms should be chosen massive stone classic form with decorated surface. In small rooms is better to buy a compact, miniature design. Living Rooms country houses provide greater freedom of choice.

Buying cabinet for the TV, pay attention to the material of construction of the structure. The most popular and affordable products from MDF and chipboard. They can fit in almost any interior. However, if you can not choose the design, the living room with the design style, give preference to products made of metal and glass. Stands for modern living must fit your TV and other equipment, or exceed them.

Corner TV stand 55 inches
Corner TV stand 55 inches

It is also necessary to take into account the functionality of the design:

  • tables on wheels are more resistant;
  • it is desirable to consider such a construction where it is possible to rotate or change the inclination angle and height of the TV;
  • the presence of closed or open compartments for additional equipment;
  • security.

Cost corner cabinets under the TV: photos and prices of popular models

Having considered the leading manufacturer of pedestals and racks for TV, and now take a look at the best models of these brands and their average cost. Immediately it should say that the price may differ depending on the vendor and the region.

Manufacturer and modelbrief characteristicsThe average cost, rubles. (As of March-April 2019)
Allegri Techno-3-65 Corner
Allegri Techno-3-65 Corner
  • Stand for TV with a diagonal of 52-65 inches
  • Material: metal mesh
  • Options: wheels, shelf under the video deck
  • Mount, fixed without rotation
8 400
Allegri Techno 3 with shelves 3
Allegri Techno 3 with shelves 3
  • Stand for TV
  • Material: metal, glass
  • Shelf for a video deck, wheel brakes, cable channel
  • Turning to +/- 20 °, stepless height adjustment
14 000
Sonorous PL 2000 B SLV
Sonorous PL 2000 B SLV
  • Dimensions, mm
  • (W × B × T) - 1400 × 1210 × 440
  • Strained glass
  • MAX - load (kg): 60
  • Load. upper shelf (kg): 50
  • Load. lower shelf (kg): 25
  • Diagonal TV (inches): 42-75
  • Cable channel bracket rotation hidden wheels
24 700
SONOROUS Sonorous PL 2145 B HBLK
SONOROUS Sonorous PL 2145 B HBLK
  • Floor pedestal-stand for TVs up to 50 "
  • Material: metal, glass
  • MAX - load (kg): 50
28 600
Antall ALMEON-05 (with suspension)
Antall ALMEON-05 (with suspension)
  • Stand for TV with a diagonal of 37-52 '
  • Material: metal, glass
  • Dimensions, mm (W × T × V)
  • 1 000×470×1 200
  • 3 shelves, built-in cable channel
21 700
Antall MEGA-1500
Antall MEGA-1500
  • TV Stand with diagonal 37-52 "
  • Material: veneer oak and beech wood, glass
  • Dimensions, mm (W × T × V)
  • 1 100×440×550
  • 3 shelves, built-in cable channel
27 900
BDI Tanami 4-piece Satin White
BDI Tanami 4-piece Satin White
  • TV Stand
  • Material: Wood (frame), MDF (shelves)
113 810
BDI Avion Chocolate Walnut
BDI Avion Chocolate Walnut
  • TV Stand
  • Material: Wood
  • Dimensions, mm (× W × D)
  • 570×1 650×560
  • The cable channel,
  • 7 shelves
121 745
Mart Plaza
Mart Plaza
  • Stand for TV and audio-video equipment
  • Material: metal, glass
  • Cable duct, the wheels
  • TV diagonal 32-47 "
  • Overall, mm (× W × D)
  • 1 260×864×525
7 990
MARCH Crystal
MARCH Crystal
  • Stand for TV and audio-video equipment
  • Material: metal, glass
  • Cable channel swivel base
  • TV diagonal 32-47 "
  • Overall, mm (× W × D)
  • 1 395×1 209×608
14 990

Criteria for selecting the low corner of the cabinet under the TV

The most common model for TV cabinets - Low corner cabinet. However, how to choose the right design that will last more than one year and did not disappoint its owner. Please find a selection criteria that need to be supported with the purchase of a TV stand.

Photo corner cabinets under the TV
Photo corner cabinets under the TV

Design, dimensions and materials of construction of the body

For smaller living rooms perfect solution is to install a low corner cabinets. It may have shelves, compartments for additional hardware, and boxes. Tumba is usually open or closed. Manufacturers offer a wide range of such structures.

Corner cabinet height should be at least 500 mm, and a depth of 450 mm. Construction width can be any, but to enhance the sustainability of stone, experts recommend choosing a model in which this parameter is greater than 1000 mm. design dimensions must correspond to the size of the room.

As for the material of construction of the cabinet, there is the matter of your preferences and financial capabilities. Wooden models have a high cost, aesthetics and fit for classic and country styles. The most accessible and popular cabinets of MDF and chipboard. Also prevalent models in metal and glass. This combination of materials allows you to create a pretty original design.

Semicircular TV table
Semicircular TV table

Façades and accessories

Corner cabinet can be open or closed. Elevations for closed structures are typically made of the same material as the housing. For the manufacture of doors using MDF, chipboard, wood or glass. Also facades cabinets can be hinged, folding, sliding, or sliding. In the manufacture of angled design for TV manufacturers can use drawer systems, clips, holders and wheels. When you purchase is necessary to visually check the quality of fittings, to avoid defects.

Modern corner stone under the television: photos of models and variations
Cabinet under the TV with facades and open shelves

Additional equipment

Some models are equipped with additional options that may affect the value of the product. Such additions may include sections, recesses and associated equipment racks. Also, the design of the narrow compartments for newspapers and magazines can be provided. Stone for the TV added to the functionality of the built cable channels, Which is especially useful if you have multiple devices.