How to make the screen with your hands: Step by step instructions, photos ideas

Until a few centuries ago, a screen is a classic attribute of any interior, claiming the pretension and the presence of taste.

screen in the interior

Today, with the help screens can be adjusted by the space in the house.

Over time, fashion "pushed" screen, turning it into an antiques of interest only to historians of fashion. Now, when the interior back the concept of zoning space, screen again become necessary.

screen for the room

Screen - it is not just a decorative element, but quite functional detail.

With it you can hide not intended for prying eyes, complicate or make more comfortable space, and even turn it into an art object, add theatricality and decoration and so on. D.

screen Art Nouveau

In the living room screen can be the main decoration of the room.


  • 1 types of screens
  • 2 Tools and materials required for the manufacture of screens
  • 3 Phased frame manufacturing instructions for the screen
  • 4 decorating screen
  • 5 VIDEO: Screen - stylish way to the space zoning.
  • 6 The screen in the interior - 50 photo-ideas:

types of screens

Contemporary screen is divided into different types depending on the structure, the materials used and the destination.

glossy screen in the room

Original glossy screen are the element of the decor.

And if the purpose of the screen may be the most diverse and depends only on the imagination of its owner, the most popular types of design are as follows.

  1. Wing.

Until recently it was the only possible form of the screen. Hard sash frame with cloth stretched over it (paper inserted into the glass and frame t. Q.), Connected between a sash-like "accordion".

Swing screen in the room

The screen on the entire length of the room along the wall serves as a decorative element.

Fixing performed in furniture or piano hinges, in some cases, strong soft material (leather, heavy cloth, artificial leather). Initially, the framework was prepared from wood, but later it was replaced by a lighter aluminum.

plastic screen

Currently, the primary material for a plastic leaf screens.

  1. Single-screen.

This is the main type of office screens. Used when razgorodit large space into smaller, individual "the cabinets."

single-screen screen

Unusual single screen a screen in the corner for the rest.

  1. Composite.

More recently, the species has become especially popular with those who like radical changes in its interior. Such a screen is going to like the puzzle of several elements. The material is typically a plastic, but also possible embodiment of the textile.

component screen

The number of elements, the material for which they are and in what order to go, you can choose your own.

  1. Flexible.

This type of screens - the latest invention of designers. The design does not consist of separate slats, and forms a single wall of flexible material.

flexible screen

Screen easily rolled up, if necessary, can take fancy shapes and used in different situations.

It can be bent under almost any angle, creating not only a small area in space, but even mazes. the screen is folded and cleaned if necessary.

flexible screen

The novelty in the world of barriers - a flexible screen.

If before you there was a question about how to make the screen with your hands, it is necessary to proceed from the design features. For example, it is not to make yourself flexible screen possible, ie. To. The whole point here in the material. This screen can be subjected to design changes or self-assemble.

screen in the bedroom

Produce classic flapper screen with your hands is quite real.

At the same time such a screen will have undoubted advantages:

  • MContainer material is chosen based on their own preferences, as well as configuration, height, width, and so on. d .;
  • WIrma is perfect "fit" in the interior and in size, and design, and color, and style;
  • Cene to such individual design significantly below any other analogues;
  • PWhen desired, for making possible to involve further, for example, craftsmen in wood, artists or professional decorators.
modern screen

Since the screens are made of different materials, it is important not to be mistaken with its choice for a particular room.

screen with cats

The screen for the room can be not only functionally useful and decorative beneficial.

Tools and materials required for the manufacture of screens

Making the screen with their hands It is not a complicated process. Making it the first time, in the future, having the right tools and experience, can improve their own technology to develop a unique design solutions. But for the first screen will require a minimum set of tools and materials. Namely:

  1. Screwdrivers and drill;
  2. Construction staplers;
  3. Furniture loops;
  4. Hacksaw;
  5. screws;
  6. Paint, varnish;
  7. Bars of wood to length;
  8. The fabric for the inner filling flaps (if used will glass - additionally need beadings);
  9. Suitable decor.
how to make the screen with their hands

If all you need in stock, we can start manufacturing.

The process of making, in turn, is divided into the frame for the production of leaflets, decoration and bonding flaps.

Phased frame manufacturing instructions for the screen

The main element in the design of the screen is a frame of the sash. Therefore, the most popular screen frame for self manufacturing. The frame of the wood is a conventional frame. Make it in several stages.

materials for screen

If the flap is planned solid - material is selected as the lighter can.

Screen with your hands (step by step instructions)

  1. Sizing.
    size calculation

    Make a layout timber (4x4) with the calculation of the six hundred and eighty bars of six bars and fifty centimeters.

  2. Cut the bars of wood, according to the size of the work.
    cut parts

    Further, for the manufacture of bar screens sawn markup.

  3. Pre-processing of wood for the frame: grinding, impregnation of a suitable composition, priming, painting.
    grinding parts

    Treat the wooden blanks sandpaper or a grinding machine, until smooth.

    We make a screen for the house

    It is necessary to make the preliminary work on the closure of all irregularities and cracks.

  4. Linking bars in several ways. For example, using the thorns (in appearance a method similar to the clothes, "lightning"). To do this, on the edge of both the bars do a drill depth grooves.
    spikes connection

    This compound is the most durable.

    Making sure that the indentations are exactly the same, their coat with glue and connect with suitable sized spines.

  5. Connecting rods can also be screwed. Creating a frame with fixing bars can leave room for legs.
    We do screen their own hands

    The fastening in this way all three leaflets.

  6. Coating suitable for interior paint color (stain).
    screen painting

    After completion of surface preparation for future screens for home, paint the wood you like paint.

  7. Coating lacquer in two layers.
  8. Make some more similar valves.
    Compound screens flaps

    Putting the individual sash by hinges.

To complicate the task frame can be woven from a rod made of openwork metal (forging), decorate the corners of the frame wrought iron, apply craquelure technique on wood.

decorating screen

By way of decorating design divided into voiced and transparent. Accordingly, the material selected to fill the frame. If the final product is planned to transparent or translucent - choose glass. It can be embossed, matte, mosaic, painted and so on. D.

screen in the interior of the glass

For a window made of wooden bars recesses shtapikami further it is fixed.

Another material suitable for translucent screen is sizoflor. But to work hard with him, it is quite fragile. Sometimes when creating multifaceted decor transparent areas of the screen combined with the non-transparent. For the latter, use the cardboard.

screen in the room interior

Cardboard combined with floral mesh, paper, foil.

The most used material - cloth. Here, space design imagination just limitless: calico, elegant silk, embroidery, organza, tapestry, painting on fabric, and so on.

screen fabric in the room

Restrictions in the decoration practically does not exist.

Types of fastening fabric on the subrack is also quite a lot:

  • FROM using a staple gun;
  • Hatyanut on rack straps;
  • FROM using decorative stitches;
  • "Planted" on the adhesive rubber base;
  • FROM by dedicated pins.
screen with loops

Over time, the manufacture of the screen with your hands every master there secrets, methods of mounting and decoration.

VIDEO: Screen - stylish way to the space zoning.

The screen in the interior - 50 photo-ideas:

screen in the bathroom
4 flaps screen
screen black and white
screen for the living room
screen for the room
screen for the living room
screen red
unusual screen
screen original
screen for the bedroom
screen for the bathroom
a screen on wheels
screen room white
screen in a large room
black screen in the room
screen in black room
screen in the room decor pattern
screen in the room design
screen in the room Flexible
a screen in a room made of wood
screen in the room red
screen in an unusual room
carved screen in the room
a screen in a room with shelves
screen in the room with a cloth
screen in the room by the window
screen in the room along the wall
screen in the room along the wall
screen in the room along the wall
screen in the room knitted material
screen in the mirror room
screen mirror
screen in the interior
screen in the interior
screen in the interior
screen in the interior
screen in the living room interior
screen decoration photos
screen with photos
screen mirror
screen in the interior photo
screen in the interior of blue
screen in the living room interior
screen in the interior of the doors
screen in the interior of natural materials
screen in the interior Pink
screen in the interior with floral decoration
a screen with a pattern in the interior
screen in the interior with their own hands
screen in the interior bright